

One seeks escape and freedom , another seeks acceptance. Both seek love. When They met their worlds collided, sparks ignited and a bond that left them shaken to the core was created.

Arwegonnia · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 7




He heard a voice that sounded far away yet near. His brain was still foggy.

His pale body laid on the snow wall making him seem almost invisible, like a being that should belong in the cold of snow. He calmly gazed around the ice filled cave his thoughts not known to even himself.



The voice was getting louder, he removed his shoes and laid his pale feet on the ground ignoring the burning cold. It wouldn't hurt him. It made his mind clearer.

No matter how powerful he was teleportation had always managed to knock him out.

The youth frowned a little angry. Even after the duchess' warning and extreme preparation, the king still found a stupid way to set balance in the hunt, apparently he wanted the nobles to be on par with the commoners.

He ordered everybody into a transportation circle saying that everyone will be taken to a different part of the kingdom and will meet at the place marked on the map after three days and made a rule that whoever arrives with you at the place the circle takes you is your partner and if you arrive alone well… you are out of luck.




What was that sound? It sounded human.

A bit annoying but it was definitely human.

It sounded like a person crying for help.

He couldn't ignore it. The person was probably the one who put him in the cave, it seems that the person had gotten into trouble.

Once he sobered up, he got up and walked out of the cave each step leaving a crack on the ice and he rushed forward towards the area where the cry came from. He slowed down and hid behind some rocks. His blue eyes moved around and caught the site of three men fighting off four gigantic fire ants. They were wounded and surrounded. One of them was particularly wounded but managed to stand, the blood leaked from his stomach slipping through the fingers that were holding the wound, his energy was depleting so fast it was practically visible, he stood in front of the others acting like a shield, which Cerrise thought was noble but stupid.

He should help the snow was like a hope to him he felt powerful there.

On the ground the three people were starting to loose hope for survival when all of a sudden, a large number of ice crystals rained down imbedding the ants to the ground.

The three looked up and spotted the pale white haired youth standing above the ground, beside some rocks.

"He's the one we left at the cave," one of them whispered.

"Hello," the extremely injured one spoke, "it looks like you woke up, thank you for saving us," he was struggling to stand.

Cerrise got of the rock and jumped towards them.

"He seems healthy, maybe going to that village for herbs was not needed," one of them spoke.

"They will help us heal Rode now and we will heal ourselves in future," his companion told him.

Cerrise walked passed the two and headed to the one they called Rode. He placed his hand on him and started to slowly guide the water in his blood causing the wound in his stomach to heal faster. The man visibly relaxed.

"Are you a mage," Rode asked Cerrise as he inspected his healing wound. Mages were the most commonly known healers in the kingdom.

"No, it's a healing method from my village," Cerrise lied with a blank look on his face.

"Oh at least we don't have to worry about wounds," the boy next to Rode said.

"Alright, let's introduce ourselves, we will be working together for the next two days, I'm Asnir," The same boy says.

"İ'm Elor," the brown haired one said.

"I'm Rode," the said and when they finished they turn to him.

"I'm Cerrise, nice to meet you,"

"You are very powerful Cerrise, you took out all those ants in one blow," Elor said in awe.

"The area just suits my element well,"

"You don't have to be modest,"

"You've walked around the area, what did you see?"

" Snow all round several and caves,"

"The map we found after arriving shows that the monsters we are supposed to hunt are in a village north from here," Asnir said and they all turned to look at the piece of paper in his hand.

It was a basic mage's map; it changes to match the user's location. They were all given the map. When trying to reach for his small waist bag he noticed that he didn't have it.

"Don't look, we all lost our belongings, we actually found this map when coming back from looking for herbs."

So their things were probably all around the area.
