

One seeks escape and freedom , another seeks acceptance. Both seek love. When They met their worlds collided, sparks ignited and a bond that left them shaken to the core was created.

Arwegonnia · Fantasy
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16 Chs

chapter 15

As Cerrise slowly regained consciousness, he found himself greeted by the familiar sight of his room in the castle. The events of the previous night felt like a distant dream, but the urgency of the present snapped him back to reality.

"Good morning Riau, Ananke, Ruda," Cerrise greeted them, his voice still groggy from sleep.

"Good morning, my lord," Riau replied, while Ananke nodded and Ruda snorted.

"You join the academy today my lord," Riau said, a hint of excitement in her voice, atleast it sounded like excitment. "You'll be joining the academy and beginning your training in magic."

Cerrise nodded, a mix of anticipation and apprehension swirling within him he had never been to school, all the things he knew were from Eliphas. Joining the academy had always been a dream for him, but recent events had cast a shadow of uncertainty over his future. He never expected to be a scape goat fo consort.

As Ananke helped him dress, Cerrise's thoughts drifted back to the encounter in the forest with the man and the cryptic warning from Merhik. There was something sinister brewing in the kingdom, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being drawn into a web of intrigue far beyond his control.

But for now, he pushed aside his concerns and focused on the task at hand. He needed to survive both the academy and the royal castle.

 Cerrise allowed himself to be guided through the morning routine by his attendants. They dressed him in the traditional academy robes. An tied his hair according to the traditional aristocratic way.

As he made his way to the academy, Cerrise couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Every shadow seemed to hold a hidden threat, every passing stranger a potential enemy. He was on edge and he didn't know why. It felt like he was watching everything around him from a diffrent point and not through his eyes, it was quite and he felt like he was surounded by danger.

Upon arriving at the academy, the feeling disappered and sound returned to his ears. Students bustled about, eager to begin their studies, while instructors moved among. It was a world unto itself, vibrant and alive, Ancient and extremely beautiful.

Imre academy of talents, arts and magic. One of the most prestigious schools in the empire, all the people ranging from nobles to commoners apply to go there every year and most of them fail to get accepted.

Standing outside, the large academy building he could see all the talented people from all over the empire who the academy had chosen to attend the school that year waiting to be tested in order for a rank to be given to them. 

He spotted Reva near the enterance, she was surrounded by seven other people, he went over and manged to hear her instructions. 

"The first thing you need to know about the academy entrance is their ranking tests they'll first test your physical ability then your magic compatibility. The highest scorers get to go to the elite class and the lowest are taken to what they call the no mans land, while the rest are placed into classes ranging from A-F depending on their performance. Each class has a different dormitory section different from the others." Reva spoke and he turned to look at the people beside him who had distanced them selves the moment he had appeared. He could somehow understood why they called him uncultured and uneducated cause from just the way they speak to the way the walk you can sense nobility, they were so graceful it was nauseating.

"The academy attaches importance on discipline cause while they may not expel you because of your station you will be punished accordingly, the queen has urged that all of you to try your very best not to do anything that requires you to be punished, and avoid embarrassing the throne,"

After that she spoke some more word basically repeating herself but he knew she didn't want them to bring shame to the palace. After she finished speaking they were led to a line of people where they had to wait for our turn. He was placed last, probably intentionally.

"Hi!" a loud excited voice shouted.

Cerrise glanced beside him and noticed a short, brown-haired boy with oversized glasses, eagerly awaiting a response. With a half-hearted smile, he greeted the newcomer.


"I'm Elivi, I'm new here," the boy introduced himself, prompting an inward sigh from Cerrise. Clearly, he was new; otherwise, he wouldn't be standing in line.

"I'm Cerrise," Cerrise replied, noting the boy's slightly dim demeanor but finding him endearing nonetheless. As he responded, he couldn't help but notice the intensity which Elivi was looking at him, as if hanging on his every word.

"What is it?" Cerrise inquired, sensing something behind Elivi's curious gaze.

"You told me your name, everyone else just ignored me," Elivi replied, his frustration evident.

'You're a stranger talking to them. You should be worried I talked to you.' Cerrise thought.

He chuckled softly. "Oh, really? I wonder why?"

"Me too. Obviously, I was just trying to make new friends," Elivi shrugged.

"That's sweet of you," Cerrise remarked.

"You think so? So, will you be my friend?" Elivi asked eagerly.

Before Cerrise could respond, a booming voice interrupted them from behind. Glancing back, Cerrise noticed that the others ahead of him had finished, leaving him as the sole remaining person in line. He stepped forward toward the instructor, awaiting further instructions.

"Weapon of choice?" the instructor asked.

"Bow," Cerrise replied without hesitation.

"Choose one that suits you. This will be your weapon throughout your time at the academy," the instructor instructed, gesturing toward a selection of bows laid out before him.

As Cerrise surveyed the options, one bow caught his eye. Despite its outwardly unremarkable appearance, Cerrise sensed a latent power within it, a power that resonated with his own. Ignoring the snickers from nearby, he reached out and touched the bow, feeling its energy course through him.

"Are you sure you want that one? Remember, it's the last time you'll choose your weapon during your years here," the instructor cautioned, puzzled by Cerrise's choice.

"Yes, I'm sure," Cerrise affirmed, confident at his decision.

"Take aim at those targets," the instructor directed, indicating a set of animal-like objects.

Cerrise lifted the bow, feeling a sense of connection and balance he had never experienced before. With steady hands, he aimed and released the arrow, watching as it struck near the bullseye. Turning back to the instructor, he was met with a bewildered expression, leaving him to wonder why his success seemed to surprise the seasoned trainer.

Had he expected him to fail?