

One seeks escape and freedom , another seeks acceptance. Both seek love. When They met their worlds collided, sparks ignited and a bond that left them shaken to the core was created.

Arwegonnia · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 12

The elemental used wind to bring him off the ground and proceeded to watch the land collapse.

Rodes who was about to be swallowed by the shadow like beast felt a strong earth quake which disoriented the beast infront of him, he took the oportunity to jumpe back trying hard to avoid falling off.

He looked at the beast and black whisps flew from his fingers and slowly the places where the whisps of the black smoke touched on the beasts body weakened at a speed visible to the naked eye, Cerrise saw it happening it was soul devouring magic of the Ehrersson clan, one of the none elemental magic, he knew it because, his uncle's wife was from the clan.

As interesting as it was to watch Rodes was not experienced and the beast was learning, if the fight dragged on he would loose.

He avoided an attack from the huge bird and closed his fist tightly and the stone in his hand broke.

Around Cerrise, the snow began to melt at an alarming pace, and water surged beneath his feet, rising like small, graceful vines. They coiled around the enormous bird, pinning it down with a heart-wrenching screech.

The others away from rode engaged in combat with the huge birds that were coming in swarms, they felt the cold lessen and their feet became wet, the birds jumped avoiding the water.

The ground quaked beneath them, and the mist that had cloaked their surroundings began to dissipate and they saw the snow that was on the peak turn to water and began to flow down. Panic seized them as they realized they were trapped. If they ran, the relentless water would inevitably catch up, and their fate would be sealed in a watery grave.

As despair washed over them, the wind user soared above them, his eyes gleaming with a cruel satisfaction. "You were ready to refuse my assistance," he taunted, "now behold your predicament. Beg me, perhaps then I'll help you."

Cerrise, however, remained calm amid the chaos. "Hey," he called out, "when did the king say the competition could end?"

"Why are you asking this now, while we're drowning?" Asnir grumbled from his painful position on the ground, nursing a twisted foot.

"The competition ends when the time ends, when the mission is complete, or when the hunt concludes," Rode answered.

Cerrise's gaze hardened. "So, this counts as the hunt, right? The bird is still alive."

As if in response, they noticed the colossal bird behind the wind elemental, held at the edge by serpentine ice formations.

"Yes, it certainly seems so. What should we do, yell, call for help?" Asnir asked, a note of desperation in his voice.

Before they could make a decision, a sensation overcame them. In an instant, they were teleported back to the palace city square, where they reunited with the other participants. Their numbers had dwindled, as expected; some were likely dead, while others had not yet returned.

Notably absent was the colossal bird.

The injured members of their group were quickly taken to receive medical attention. Asnir, with his twisted foot, was among them. It had been a wretched few days, and he longed for a warm bath and some much-needed rest.

As these thoughts filled Asnir's mind, a lavish carriage pulled up beside him. The door swung open, revealing a handsomely dressed duke. They instinctively moved to bow, but he raised his hand, forestalling their obeisance.

"Cerrise," the duke called, beckoning him forward.

Cerrise approached and was promptly ushered into the carriage. He glanced back and exchanged nods with Elor and Rode, who watched as he was led away.

Seated inside the carriage, Cerrise felt something soft rubbing against his feet. Looking down, he discovered the two fire foxes he had rescued just days before. In this short time, they appeared significantly healthier. He lifted them onto his lap, their warm presence comforting him and looked at the man who was staring at him.

"Is there a problem?" Cerrise asked.

He chuckled.

"Only you would destroy Eternal frost to finish the hunt faster,"

"Well, its done, now I can rest,"

"Never forget why you are here," the duke reminded him. "The true consort will be entering the academy soon, and all eight of you must prepare meticulously. Avoid any mistakes, and ensure perfect synchronization. We can't afford another problem."


The carriage continued its journey, and it wasn't long before Cerrise noticed they were not heading towards the Duke's castle in Carpathia. His curiosity gnawed at him, but he decided to hold his questions for the time being.

Eventually, the carriage came to a stop in front of a grand palace. The air around it was filled with magic, very strong magic. Cerrise disembarked after the duke, aided by a servant. He positioned himself at the duke's side, casting a curious glance in his direction, silently questioning the change in destination. However, the duke remained focused, his gaze fixed ahead, and he began walking.

"Even though you hail from the periphery, you bear noble blood. I assume you're acquainted with the proper etiquette for greeting royalty," the duke said.

As they strolled toward the palace, the servants in their presence promptly bowed, acknowledging their arrival.

"Yes, Your Highness," Cerrise replied.

"Kneel before the royal family," a voice commanded.

Everyone's attention shifted towards the palace doors, where a group of regal figures with resplendent golden hair and opulent attire exuding authority approached. A wave of reverence rippled through the crowd, and as Cerrise prepared to bow, the duke discreetly squeezed his hand, signaling him to stop.

Cerrise knelt before the princes and princesses, then proceeded to greet the king and queen. They remained silent, their actions speaking louder than words, as they gently touched his head in a gesture of blessing. An announcer, appointed by the king, bellowed for all to hear.

"Please welcome Cerrise Islwyn, eighth consort of the Crown Prince of Quirin."

Their procession continued until they reached the entrance of the castle, where an elderly woman stood. Clad in attire similar to the palace servants but exuding an air of higher authority, her demeanor revealed her seniority within the palace.

He looked infront of him, at the group of royals, a simingly conspicuous but powerful man, the crown prince.


Cerrise had entered a world of royalty where every gesture and interaction adhered to centuries-old traditions and protocols.

for some reasons his mother's words came to mind.

'Remember my rose, never trust without reason.'