

Silvermist used to believe that guardians exists; however, as time pass by, she's slowly forgetting everything until she met one of them after she broke the Frost Guardian's staff, following the wicked fallen guardian's orders, Periwinkle. Evidently, she had been tricked and found herself entangled with the twelve Guardians, and order to save the humanity against the Sandman and his apprentice with their plan to perish humanity, Sil was left with no other choice but to be Frost's human staff.

ExoShaneey · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Frost Guardian

"Hey! What's wrong?"

Levi must have seen how my lips tightened and how these sheen tears started dimming my eyes that he had to cup my cheeks with his big, soft hands, to force me to look at him.

"Uhm, nothing. I think something just uhm..." I started blinking, acting as if something went into my eyes.

"Oh, let me see," he carefully positioned my face, so he could clearly see what I was talking about and kissed my forehead when he obviously saw none.

"You'll be fine," he whispered, looking straight into my eyes.

As much as I wanted to stare at his innocent face, something's telling me to look away. I know this is what I want: for my family to be happy and have him beside me once again, but this isn't just it.

It feels good and bad at the same time and guilt is starting to assail me.

Something's just wrong--so wrong that I could feel my gut twitching adding the thought that he chose Gail over me in his own will.

Will I be really happy with this?

My attention has been caught by a woman who sat gracefully in one of the front seats-it's Gail! Who invited her?!

I bit my lip and immediately shifted my attention elsewhere before I could even make a scene.

"Don't look at her like that," Levi snapped, hands falling beside his legs.

"Why do you care so much for her?" I asked and it seems like he was taken aback.

His eyes wobbled for a few seconds before he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Let's not talk about this. I don't wanna let anything ruin your day," a thin smile curved on his lips before he turned against his heel and walked towards his parents' direction.

A soft, exasperated snort escaped my lips. All of the sudden, a realization hit my like a boulder.

I somehow expected this would happen, but I didn't care less at all as I was blinded by the thought of waiting for fate to make my life better.

Even if my life changed, I'm pretty sure their lives will still remain on how it should be. Eventually, he will still choose her over me.

I followed him with my stare and hissed when I saw Gail doing the same thing.

This just made me feel more and more worthless that even fate, time, or what the hell this is, can't make him choose me.

The program started and the moment I finished my welcoming speech, I immediately sneaked out to breathe.

I carefully lift my gown so I won't trip and fall, and carefully walked towards the entrance leading to the wishing well; that's what my father calls it.

It is located behind our house where I usually spend my spare time reading books.

The air isn't that freezing anymore. I guess I did it after all. So, I think whatever happens, as long as the humankind is safe, I'd still regret nothing even if it costs my peace.

"Ahh... it's been a while," I muttered when I saw the fusty, old well.

It almost looks like it's been abandoned and algae started growing through a large scale from the ground up to its surface. I leaned closer to see what's inside.

It's about to dry out.

I took a penny inside my purse and held it between my thumb and index finger.

"L-Let me be happy," I whispered and was about to toss the penny in when a chilly wind blew against my cheek, freezing me at one point.

"That's odd," I breathed through my hands to have them warmed and my lips parted when I saw a Cherry blossom blooming on a branch above me.

"But it's winter--"

"So, you were the one who broke my staff?"

I almost choked when someone talked behind me to where I saw a guy leaning near the entrance.

The place is dim, giving me a hard time picturing his face, but that question came too sudden yet clear that I could tell who this person is.

Despite having a little light hitting his direction, his blue hair is still vibrant––oh god, no!

"Do you even know what happens because of what you did?" He said between deep breaths and slowly walked towards me.

His face became clearer and clearer until he stopped in front of me. My throat suddenly dried––this man right here, my friend, is the person don't wanna meet until the last seconds of my life!

I swilled when he shot me a glare.

It's Frost!


He squealed when I suddenly fell down on the ground. I don't exactly know what happened. It's just like my energy were all drained out.

* * *


I rushed beside her when the lady suddenly collapsed.

"Hey? Are you okay?" I asked, knelt beside her and panicked.

Is she dead?!

I was just trying to act cool and now this is what I get? I should sue brother Blaze for this!

I kept fidgeting beside her, whether or not I should perform a CPR, when she suddenly closed her eyes and then opened it and closed it back again.

I grimaced when I realized what she was doing.

"Gosh! Why isn't he disappearing?" She mooed, opening one eye after another.

"Ahh... am I supposed to disappear?" I asked and she moaned in displease. She's even kicking those poor ferns nearby before sitting down.

"You know, East will going to be sad when he sees you killing his babies."

She grimaced and immediately covered her face with her hands.

"A-Are you here to kill me? Am I gonna die?"

My brows raised and chuckled.

"Kill you? Why would I do that?" I asked back and gently pulled her hand to check the mark on her wrist.

A smile crept on my lips. "Do you have any idea how long I've waited for you? Sadly, Periwinkle found you first before I did."

I gasped when she suddenly pulled her hand back in an awfully, disrespectful manner which took me aback.

What the heck did I do wrong?

"Get away from me!" She snorted and stepped back. Her facial expressions changed drastically from zero to prison real mother hecking quick.

"What did I do?" I had to ask which only made her more furious.

"Don't play coy with me, you devil!"

My eyes grew in circles when she pointed me. "I just did what I have to do to stop you from––"

"From destroying humankind?" I cut her off.

"W-Well, yes!"

"And that's the reason why you broke my staff?"


"And you think my sister's telling the truth?"

"Well, yes! She––" this time, she cut herself off and her eyes wandered down the ground. "S-She's your sister?"

"Hmm," I nodded.

"So, she really is a guardian?!" Her tone went high and loud, I had to step back to save my hearing.

"Well, yes. Obviously, she's our youngest who went missing for hundreds of years and then suddenly came back to ruin the Earth's balance."

My brows raised when her facial expression went blank all of the sudden. She looked down and back at me and batted her eyes.

"I'm sorry what?" Her lips parted, waiting for me to answer.

I smiled. "Periwinkle's the Sandman's apprentice and was bound to destroy the world and she made you a tool to go against the guardians––in extension, me."

"Ahh––" she slowly scratched her jaw with her index finger. "Ah?"

My lips parted and blinked before folding my mouth into a thin line.

She's not getting any of these which I understand. Everything happened in a matter of a few hours.

I cleared my throat. "Let me make everything clear. The world is composed of good and evil, with that being said, us––the guardians, are the ones who balances the world's balance and peace––"

"I understand what you're trying to say, I've heard this story from someone," she raised a finger to cut me off. "I just want to make this clear... I-I made a grave mistake, didn't I?"

I nodded and she sighed in disappointment.

"I see, so that's what my gut is telling me," her voice went softer and softer. "I suppose this is all just an illusion, yes?"

"Incorrect," I sighed. "This is now the reality that you'll be facing just what Periwinkle promised, but I must tell you this."

My eyes fixed on hers. "Altering fate and time comes great consequences."

"S-So, what's gonna happen now? How am I supposed to bring your staff back?"

"You can't," my lips folded into a thin line.

"What am I gonna do then? If the world will fall out hand, my conscience will definitely kill me once and for all," she scrubbed a hand on her face, looking all guilty.

"I know you the day you were born since I already had the hunch that you were going to be my apprentice," I covered the mark on her wrist with my palm and it glowed into different shades of blue. "I believe you'll know what to do. That's what you are for."

She gasped when she saw the mark turning into a blue snow flake.

"What did you do?" She asked.

"Claiming you as mine."

She immediately looked at me with widened eyes. "What?! Claiming me as yours?"

I squinted my eyes. "As my apprentice," I cleared.

I stood up and stretched my arm towards her. She stared at my hand for a few seconds before placing hers on top of it.

I carefully helped her up.

"Let me take care of this thing real quick."

She gasped when I pulled the necklace she was wearing and tossed it against the well.

"What did you do?!" She gaped and leaned towards it. "Periwinkle gave it to me!"

"That's exactly the reason why I threw it."

She looked back with creasing forehead. "Why? She helped me with my life, you know."

"And you helped her ruin the world, you know!" I sarcastically responded, imitating her voice and chuckled by her sudden expression.

"Why are you laughing?!"

"Why? Am I supposed to cry?"

"Okay, what do you want? Just tell me right away!" She snarled. "Do you want to punish me for breaking your staff? Well, go on! I won't stop you."

I leaned my back on the well and crossed my arms to tease her even more.

"Now, I see why he left you. You're way too impulsive."

I saw a glint of pain in her eyes when I mentioned something from her past.

"You knew?" Her voice softened.

"I'm sorry," I whispered and she sought, "At least you're happy now. Periwinkle can't take this back. You can live this kind of life."

She flashed me a simple smile.

"Can I?" Her eyes suddenly wandered down the ground. "Have you seen the look of his eyes? Even if we're together again, she's still the one he loves. Now tell me," she looked at me.

"How am I supposed to live a life like this? I should consider this as my punishment for breaking your staff."

I looked up when I saw leaves sprouting on each branch of the Cherry blossom tree we are under.

"W-What's happening?" She winced when she noticed the sudden change of seasons.

"It has started," I whispered.

"What do you mean?"

"The seasons went unbalanced the moment you broke my staff, Sil."

Her eyes wobbled.

"And it's your job as my apprentice, and the mistaken one, to bring the season back on their right place."

My brows met when those leaves which just sprouted slowly wilted and fell down the ground. I didn't expect that it will turn out to be this crucial.

What have you done, sister?

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