
The Plan

After getting the letter, Shaun and Layla headed towards the lake behind the school. It was half past 7 and the sky was lit with orange light. On the way to the school, Shaun kept murmuring to himself and making mental notes. Layla, on the other hand, was getting more and more anxious. She was afraid that Shaun might snap anytime and decide to kill her.

They reached the lake, Shaun looked around, expecting someone to be there. A voice from the shadows called out, "Thank you for coming, though I didn't expect you to bring a date", a figure appeared out of the shadows. "Hey, I'm Alex Turner, nice to meet u tiger", "So you are the 'hunter' huh? ", said Shaun, he was calm and collected. "I didn't mean to sound cheeky with the poem and stuff, just wanted to give you an incentive to come meet me", Alex looked at Shaun, as if trying to see if he had any weapons on him. "Well it worked out for you because here I am, what do u want? ", Shaun was doing the same thing as Alex, trying to see if he had any weapons. Layla just looked at Alex and then at Shaun, she was too scared to say anything. "I'll get right to the point", said Alex, "I don't want to kill you or anything, actually I was hoping we could join forces". Shaun's expressions eased up a little, he took deep breaths before he asked, "Excuse me? Join forces?", to which Alex answered, "Yes, I will be the brain and you can be the brawn, you see I have got some bullies of my own whom I want to kill". Shaun couldn't believe what he heard, he started laughing. "Fine with me, when do you want to do it? ", Alex was delighted, he didn't expect things to go this smoothly, but again he's just a killer, thought Alex.

Shaun approached Alex, extending his arm, for a handshake. Alex, being delighted, didn't hesitate to shake on their deal. Just as he approached Shaun and held his hand for the shake, Shaun quickly twisted his arm, and hit the elbow joint with his palm.


Alex's arm broke, but before he could scream, Shaun poked his throat with two fingers, which ruptured his larynx (voicebox). This rendered him unable to make any sound, then, with a swift move, Shaun twisted his neck. Alex died before his body hit the ground. "WHO THE FUCK YOU THINK I AM? BULLY KILLER!? DON'T FUCK WITH ME BITCH! ", shouted Shaun at the top of his voice at the dead body. He tried to calm himself down, and started taking his jacket off. He gestured Layla to come near, who had been paralyzed by the sudden events and was sobbing softly. She came near, "Go get his jacket off his body, and make him wear mine", Layla didn't wait another second, she knew that if she asks him the reason behind this, he would definitely kill her.

After Layla did as she was told, Shaun took Alex's jacket, dropped it on the ground and faced towards Layla. "Now, you remember our deal right, that you gotta do something for me and I let you live? ", "Yes", said Layla, nothing more, just a yes. "Well here's what I need you to do, first punch me in the face as hard as you can", Layla was really confused. "What!? ", "Just do as I say, punch me in the face, make sure you break a tooth or two", Layla didn't understand what was going on, but she formed a fist and punched Shaun. After punching a few times, Shaun broke a molar, "Perfect, now I need you to find two things, gasoline and a baseball bat, search in school", Layla took off, still confused as to what he was planning. She found a generator at the back of the school, beside which there was some diesel in a can, hoping it would do, she further fetched a baseball bat and returned to Shaun. He took the baseball bat and started smashing the corpse's head. "What the fuck are u doing!!? ", screamed Layla, trying her best not to throw up. Shaun continued whatever he was doing, then stopped, bent down and took all of Alex's teeth. He then took out his tooth which he broke, and then pressed it against the corpse's gums. He pressed hard and stuck it in. He then asked for the diesel and poured it all over Alex's body. As he lit the match, he turned towards Layla and threw the match on the body. The body caught fire instantly and started burning brightly. "Now here's your last order. Go to the police after 10min and tell them that you saw something that looks like a corpse, burning near the lake when you came here for a walk. You have to quote exactly as I said and under no circumstances are you to say anything more.", Layla nodded her head then with a very soft, low voice asked, "Why are you doing this? How will it help you?", Shaun looked at her one more time, then picking up Alex's jacket and wearing it, he said, " I'm going to leave this place. After your report to the police they will find the body and examine it. They will find that the corpse has my jacket then to ID the body, they will check the dental, since the corpse will be completely burnt. They will assume it's me and tell my parents, while I will be half way out of this town". Layla felt happy, since Shaun was going to leave, so to confirm she asked, "So if I do this, we are done right? ". "Yeah", replied Shaun and started walking away. Layla couldn't help let out a loud sigh of relief .

After going a few steps away, Shaun looked back and warned, "You tell anything more to the police, I WILL FIND YOU AND I WILL KILL YOU". He then walked away murmuring, "I guess the hunter was swallowed huh".

Hope you enjoy this chapter. Please comment if you have any suggestions.

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