

Shaun and Horus returned to the Alamo Restaurant that night, Horus had some cameras with him. The plan was simple, check out the restaurant, the exit only meant for "Staff", click pictures of any illegal activity and head back. Simple right. The reality, not so simple. "We are gonna break in through the back door, you take the pictures, we'll take something for evidence and then head back, understand? ", said Shaun as they reached the Alamo restaurant. It was 1:00 am, not a soul to be seen anywhere. They headed around to the back and towards the door. Shaun picked the lock while Horus was on lookout. It took like 10 seconds to pick the lock, "You never cease to amaze me ", said Horus is they entered the restaurant. Just when they were heading towards the kitchen they heard some voices, Italian. They stopped and took cover. "Sbrigati! Non abbiamo tutta la notte !! ",

-Hurry up! We ain't got all night!!-, Shaun recognized the voice, it was the waiter they met earlier that day. Shaun and Horus leaned a little to see what was going on and~ shit!

The talk about drugs being sold was way off the mark. What was happening was nastier than that. 3 men were loading a truck, and upon closer look, they were loading it with girls. "Holy Fucking Christ! They are sex traffickers!! ", gasped Horus, while Shaun was already altering their plan. Now the person who knew they were sent here was Sam, so killing them was out of question and they had guns. They needed to be knocked out if they had to save the girls, if the truck leaves then there was no other way to stop it. Shaun was thinking all possible ways to take them down, but he was out of ideas and the time was pressing. "Dove diavolo è Francis !?" -Where the hell is Francis!? -

From the tone of the voice, Shaun realized that this Francis character was a low level among the rest. He had a plan, "Horus, you think you can take 2 of them? I'll take the other two, we are gonna kill them all, clean everything up and then let the girls out. What do you think? ", Horus smiled and said, "You just took the words right out of my mouth, but I'm surprised that you are actually thinking of saving someone", Shaun showed him the finger and smiled. Horus was excited, he had not seen Shaun in action. Footsteps seemed to approach from the other side, might be Francis thought Shaun. It's time to act, signaling Horus, who nodded Shaun closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He opened his eyes, they were red, he was in the zone. Hours almost lost his shit, he had never seen anything like this. Just as Francis got closer, Shaun took out his hunting knife, the carbon-titanium alloy long blade. Francis entered the kitchen and before the guys noticed Shaun sprung from his place, grabbed Francis while covering his mouth to keep his from making a sound. With a quick slash Shaun cut his head clean off. Now, out of the 3 guys, 2 of them had guns, they seemed like a Beretta and Glock 17. Shaun nodded at Horus and then threw Francis's head at one of the gunmen. This caught them off guard. One of them dropped the gun, Shaun seeing the opportunity closed in towards him with quick steps and thrust the knife into his gut, slashing it open. The other gunman pointed his gun at Shaun, but just as he was about to shoot, Horus threw a knife at him, which struck his hand and he dropped the gun. Shaun spun around and stuck his knife into his head killing him instantly. While this was happening, the waiter had collapsed from fear. He was on his knees, trembling. Shaun told Horus to open the shutter of the truck while he kept a look out for company, the waiter recognized Shaun and Horus. "I know you people, you are making a big mistake, once I'm out of here I'm gonna tell my boss and he'll hunt you down! ", Shaun tilted his head sideways and looked confused, "Who told you that you are getting out of here? ", just then Horus opened the shutter to reveal at least 20 girls locked up. They were scared when they saw Shaun and Horus, Shaun approached them and spoke, "Relax, we are not from the group of men who abducted you, we are here to help", one of the girls stepped forward and asked, she had an Italian accent, "Are you guys cops? ", to which Shaun and Horus chuckled, "You really think cops would find you in time to save you?", replied Horus. The girl looked confused, "If you are not cops, who are you?", to which Shaun picked up the waiter who was still on his knees, "Do you know him? ", the girls nodded, "He's the one who lured us to come to meet telling he had a job for us", Shaun nodded and smiled, "Well you asked who we are, well, we are serial killers", saying this Shaun stuck his knife into the waiter's head killing him instantly, he then looked at the girls, his eyes red which scared the girls. Horus then gestured them to exit the truck, "Don't worry, we are here to save you not kill you". Once all the girls were out of the truck, Shaun took some pictures of them and the dead bodies, he and Horus then dump the bodies in the truck, cleaned the place for blood and asked the girls to follow them. They took the girls to the police station and surprisingly Mason was still there, "Don't talk about us killing your captors, just say we helped you escape, got it?", the girls nodded and entered the station. Shaun waved at Mason, who quickly approached him, "My god Jake, what the hell are you doing here!? ", Shaun and Horus explained how they had gotten a project from Sam and when they went to investigate they came across the sex traffickers, then they helped the girls escape. The girls gave the statements and none of them told anything about Shaun and Horus killing anyone. Now they had a story, but there was still a problem with the bodies, while Shaun was wondering what to do with them, Horus had an idea. "Hello, we haven't met, I'm Charles, I'm Jake's brother", Mason shook his hand and told how Jake was a great friend of his and how he and Shaun met. Horus then told Mason that he wanted to catch the guys who held the girls captive. Mason agreed, Shaun and Horus were asked to show him the restaurant but as they reached the restaurant the truck was gone. Someone had taken it, Shaun and Horus gave the description of the truck and Mason promised that he will find it. Shaun and Horus looked at each other, who took the truck?

Next day Shaun and Horus went to the Daily Planet office to meet Sam Mcall, "Excuse us", said Shaun as he entered her office. "Well isn't it the kids who want to be investigative journalists! What's wrong? You can't do the project? ", Shaun threw the photos and the report of the situation on the table, Sam read this and stood u, "Oh my god!! They were smuggling girls!?! ", Shaun and Horus told her their version of the story, leaving out the killing. She was awestruck, for mere "kids" to accomplish this, and they also managed to save the girls, was amazing. She immediately asked them when they can start working. Shaun and Horus nodded at each other and replied, "We can start anytime you want", and so Shaun and Horus got hired. Once they exited the building Horus said, "We are gonna fuck this city badly, aren't we!? ". Shaun smiled.

Hope you enjoy the story. It's gonna get way more interesting.

Shaun_Frostcreators' thoughts