

Shaun had felt unease ever since the theater incident, it seemed too much of a coincidence that the boss wasn't these at the hideout but clearly had just left. It bugged him that he was being played by someone and there was also a possibility that he was found out, as in his identity to be the one who is going against them. Shaun had been doing extensive research as of lately before the theater raid, and he had almost figured out how the hierarchy of the Italian family worked. It was well organized group of individuals who had set up a steady market including sex trafficking, drugs, guns and many other. Now it wouldn't be out of expectations that such an organization would have mercenaries and attack forces to defend themselves. So he was certain that if his identity has been revealed it wouldn't take much time before they come for him.

Shaun had an impressive sense of his surrounding, maybe because of his instincts or the ability of his condition, 'Blood rush', this is what Shaun liked to call it. Ever since he woke up, he had a constant feeling that there was someone watching him and he couldn't shake it off. While he was presenting Mary with her dress, Shaun noticed a glint of light coming from the roof of the opposite building, and he knew that it was trouble. As Mary hummed her way to the dressing room to try the dress, Shaun looked in that direction and grinned, then he quickly went out of sight.

Now after he had learnt about his condition long back, he hadn't been using this ability but rather did most of the killing through strategy and planning, and not solely to satisfy his blood thirst. Now it was time to start using his unique ability. Shaun took a detour and entered the sniper's building from the back door and started climbing up the fire escape stairs. His eyes turned red, and his strength started growing every second, and he soar through the stairs at an incredible speed. He reached the top within 2 mins which was 15 floors. Once he was at the top, he took out his knife.

This is a professional assassin, he's well trained and won't be easy to deal with, thought Shaun. He closed his eyes and steadied his breathing, and listened, calmly. He could feel it, his surroundings, more profound than ever, every thing that was around him may it be birds or wind everything was 'seen'. Shaun could feel where the sniper was, he was trying to locate where Shaun went, pointing his sniper in all possible places he could think of. Shaun slowly opened the terrace door, and walked out into the open. He saw the sniper lying on the ground and peering through his rifle scope. Shaun held his knife by the blade, put his hand back and with as much force as possible threw it at the sniper and the next thing he knew was a lifeless body with a knife through his skull was lying and no sound could be heard. Shaun decided that he has to take down the whole organization if he is to be safe including people close to him. For now he has to take care of the body and his equipment was too good to be just thrown out. He noticed that the sniper had a duffel bag filled with supplies like water and some protein bars, "He was planning to wait for a long time and watch my movements", thought Shaun as he started emptying the bag, now he turned towards the corpse and pulled out the blade stuff in the skull. He checked the corpse for an earpiece or radio just in case the other party was waiting for a report, but found nothing. He then proceeded to skilled cut up the body into pieces and as he did this he didn't even blink and did it rather naturally, as if taking the meet from his prey after a hunt. He cut up the limbs, arms, head in order and the torso was made into 3 different pieces, then he fit all the body parts in the duffel back and then carried it downstairs, along with the equipment which apparently the sniper had brought in a guitar case. He dumped the bag in a dumpster and set it on fire, he then circled around the block to check if he was followed and then returned back home, to find Mary wearing the dress. "Oh Shaun thank you so much it fits perfectly! Oh! Did you bring a guitar? Are you planning to play at the wedding??", _SHIT_ , thought Shaun, he forgot about Mary and carelessly carried the rifle in. Shaun smiled nervously and said, "I'm practicing but I don't know if I'll play or not, I'm not good at it yet". Mary smiled warmly and said, "It doesn't matter if you are good or not, its the gesture that matters. Thank you." Shaun headed up to his room.

Shaun had started to look for a new place to live ever since Mary and James got engaged, but he didn't have much luck. Horus had suggested to share a place but Shaun wanted to have his own private place, and so he was now looking around for a reliable realtor to get him a place. "I gotta get over with these trivial stuff as quickly as possible and then focus on the important stuff. I can't keep dragging my way since I don't have much time", thinking this Shaun entered a building named Garcia Landings and real estate. As soon as Shaun entered he was greeted by the receptionist, "Good morning sir, I'm Julie Ortega, how may I help you?", Shaun smiled politely and said,"I'm looking for a well furnished apartment for one with an attached workspace, if there something like that in the market?", Julie's face lit up, "Yes sir! This way please, I shall introduce you to an agent". Shaun followed her trying to look around and read people who are working there. Shaun believed in leverage more than anything, and the best way to make someone submit to you is to have leverage on them. It could be anything, social insecurities, relationship problems, overwork, as long as to target the right pressure point you can always play people like instruments. He was led to a small cubicle where a young man was trying to arrange his files. Julie asked Shaun to wait a min and headed towards the young man, they whispered for a second or two and the young man looked towards Shaun and then nodded at Julie. She then asked Shaun to go ahead and said she'll get some refreshments. " Hello I am Simon Carter, I'm a junior broker in this company, may I know your name?", Shaun was now in a dilemma for should he give his real name or go with an alias. He decided to give his real name as he has given at his job. "Hi, I'm Shaun Frost, I believe you were told what I am looking for?", Simon smiled and gestured Shaun to take a seat, "Tell me what kind of workspace are you looking for?", Shaun gave a half smile with a raised eyebrow, "How about somewhere quiet and dark?"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Also I know it's been a while, sorry for the delay. Enjoy the chapter!

Shaun_Frostcreators' thoughts