
Issue #1

While Jack was flying away from the scene of his crime other things were happening around the world.

Adults making love, villains and heroes battling, children going to school. All that should be happening in the world was happening. But something else was lurking under the shadows.

In an abandoned lab hidden underneath a KFC in Japan, there was a single pod. Within the pod was a red liquid that had a body submerged within it.

Several sirens and alarms began to blare within the lab before a charming yet malevolent voice could be heard over the speakers.

"It seems that I am either dead or have just forgotten about this facility. If the former, enact protocol: Ultimatum.

If it is the latter, still enact the protocol because it means I am taking something too seriously and need some fun in my life. Either way: wakey, wakey, Joseph. You have some chaos to cause."

Several ports opened at the bottom of the pod which let out the red liquid. Once all the liquid had disappeared, it revealed a grey-haired young man.

Joseph was lying in the bottom of the pod for a few minutes before his eyes opened up and a menacing light flashed through them.

Joseph was a clone of Magneto that Mr. Sinister had created. But he was much different than other clones that Mr. Sinister had created in the past.

The other clones Sinister created could all be considered lesser or barely equal copies of the originals. They were made to confuse opponents and throw them off of Mr. Sinister's trail.

But Joseph was much different.

He was a clone created of Magneto that was designed to be superior to the original. Joseph had all the same powers as the original but to even higher degrees and also had a much stronger body due to Sinister's genetic modifications.

This came at the cost of Joseph's body being very unstable. Outside of the pod, he could only last for 24 hours before his body would collapse on itself.

While Magneto was known for his ability over magnetism, he could actually manipulate the entire electromagnetic spectrum. It just that using his powers for things other than magnetism was especially draining for the man.

This was not the case with Joseph. Joseph was able to use the entire spectrum as well as he could magnetism which put him several levels above Magneto when going all out.

It was not even false to say that Joseph was the most powerful mutant on the planet at the moment.

And Mr. Sinister had managed to not only create this perfect being but also control his mind into doing whatever he had programmed into it before. And Joseph had one specific purpose when he was designed.

Cause as much chaos and death as he could before killing himself in a way that left many believing that Magneto was the one who had done it all.

Joseph stood up from the ground as blue energy surrounded his body. The energy exploded outwards and destroyed the pod to the point that not even dust remained.

Joseph walked to the only cabinet in the room before opening it. Inside was a Magneto costume, a palm-sized disc-shaped computer, and a helmet that resembled Magneto's but without the anti-telepathy function.

After donning the clothes, Joseph began collecting energy once again before he unleashed a massive blase above him, destroying the KFC and all those that were currently inside.

After killing them and making sure that no evidence of the lab was left, Joseph took to the sky while hundreds of thousands of people watched 'Magneto' fly away after killing an entire restaurant full of people.

'If I need to pretend to be Magneto, I need to take care of the original first.'

Joseph's first stop was Genosha.

Joseph flew past all the defenses and guards easily because they all believed that he was truly Magneto who had just returned from a mission.

Joseph soon entered the palace of Magneto before flying through the building until he was outside Magneto's room. Joseph cracked open the door to see Magneto sleeping peacefully in bed.

Using his master over magnetism, Joseph used his powers to distort the helmet around Magneto's head and crush it before reforming the helmet's original shape and taking it off of him.

Joseph donned the now bloody helmet while Magneto was lying in his bed. It was unknown if the original had lived or died but either way, he would not be able to get in the way of Joseph now.

Joseph made his way through the castle once more and sat in the throne. The daily meeting meeting all of Magneto's inner circle would soon occur so this would be the best time to take them down with one fell swoop.

An hour later, the members of the inner circle trickled in one after another over a period of 5 minutes. Many saw that Magneto was present but when they saw him looking down and giving off a dark, sinister aura, none fo them approached him.

It was only when all of the members took their seat, did Joseph speak.

"Good. You are all here. Now fall for me," Joseph beckoned

The members of the Brotherhood instantly went on guard when they heard the voice. It was obvious that the person who spoke was far too young but his words also made them worry.

"Where is my father!" Quicksilver yelled before rushing over to Joseph at a superhuman speed

Quicksilver was able to land a single punch on Joseph before he found his hand attached to the latter's helmet.

Blue and red energy began surrounding Joseph before he unleashed it in a giant pulse. Most of the the Brotherhood mutants were taken down with this attack. The power behind it was something most of them had never felt before.

But the attack also broke the castle apart. The mighty castle that stood as a symbol of Magneto's rise to power was crumbling down on those that helped make it that way.

When the dust settled, everyone who was inside of the castle had been buried. And just like Magneto, their fates were unknown.

The only person who was perfectly fine was Joseph who was floating in the air. In one of his hands was the bloody, dismembered arm of Quicksilver.

"Disable to Brotherhood? Check. Cause mass destruction? In progress," Jospeh said to himself before taking to the skies once more

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