
Front desk letters

A compelling and ravishing love story collection of LGBTQ+ short stories that invites you to explore the diverse and profound experiences. Although there are few of them smoking hot but some are soft-Love stories. "Mature Content And NO Rape", Totally fictional Short-Stories Series These stories are not only windows into unique journeys but also reflections of universal desires for love, acceptance, and belonging. Together, we hope to contribute to a world where every individual, irrespective of their gender identity or sexual orientation, can live authentically, love wholeheartedly, and find the acceptance they deserve.

Whisperre · LGBT+
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15 Chs

Cupid's Arrow Strikes

As Eros and Apollo navigated the delicate dance of their blossoming romance amidst the matchmaking agency's backdrop, their connection deepened with each passing day. Their secret rendezvous and stolen moments added a layer of excitement to their burgeoning love story.

One sunny afternoon, as Eros strolled through the agency's garden courtyard, he couldn't help but think about the Greek myths that seemed to weave their way into his life. The sound of birds singing in the background brought a sense of serenity to the moment.

Apollo joined him, his presence as comforting as the warmth of the sun. "Thinking about our own modern myth, Eros?"

Eros turned to him with a playful smile, his eyes sparkling. "Always, Apollo. I can't help but see the parallels in our story."

Apollo chuckled softly. "It's like we're our own modern-day Achilles and Patroclus."

Eros nodded, his gaze fixed on Apollo's. "Indeed, two souls destined to find each other in this vast world."

Their fingers brushed lightly, sending a surge of electricity through their bodies. Eros leaned in, capturing Apollo's lips in a sweet, lingering kiss. It was moments like these that made the challenges of their unconventional office romance worthwhile.

As their love continued to blossom, Eros and Apollo shared their personal stories, their experiences, and their dreams. Late one evening, while cuddled on Eros' luxurious sofa, they delved into their pasts.

Apollo recounted his childhood, growing up in a small town where he felt like an outsider. "I always felt different, like I didn't quite fit in," he confessed, his voice soft. "But working here, with you, Eros, it feels like I've finally found where I belong."

Eros smiled, his fingers tracing circles on Apollo's shoulder. "I understand that feeling all too well, Apollo. My family has a history that's complicated, to say the least."

Apollo turned to look at Eros, curiosity in his eyes. "Complicated how?"

Eros sighed, his gaze distant. "Well, let's just say that my family's dynamics aren't exactly ordinary. They remind me of the story of Zeus and Ganymede."

Apollo frowned, not quite grasping the reference. "Zeus and Ganymede?"

Eros nodded, his expression serious. "Yes, Ganymede was a beautiful mortal boy who caught the eye of Zeus, the king of the gods. Their relationship was... complicated, to say the least."

Apollo's eyes widened in understanding. "You mean your family doesn't approve of your sexuality?"

Eros nodded, his voice tinged with sadness. "Exactly. My family's expectations and traditions have always clashed with who I am."

Apollo squeezed Eros' hand in a reassuring gesture. "You don't have to face that alone, Eros. We'll navigate this together."

Their conversation was interrupted by the gentle chime of Eros' phone, signaling a new message. He picked it up and read the notification with a grin.

"What's that, Eros?" Apollo asked.

Eros handed his phone to Apollo, revealing a message from their friend Lena. "It's an invitation to a LGBTQ+ charity event next weekend."

Apollo's eyes lit up with excitement. "That sounds like a wonderful idea. Let's go, Eros."

Eros smiled, his heart swelling with love for the man beside him. "It's a date, Apollo. Just you and me."

As they snuggled closer, Eros and Apollo felt a sense of completeness, as if their love was ordained by the gods themselves. Little did they know that their love story was about to face its first real test, one that would challenge their commitment and force them to confront their own insecurities.

In the days leading up to the LGBTQ+ charity event, Eros and Apollo were consumed by the anticipation of their first public appearance as a couple. As they brainstormed outfits and rehearsed their charming banter, their love story continued to flourish in the private moments they cherished.

On a serene Saturday afternoon, they found themselves at a quaint park nestled amidst the city's towering skyscrapers. The sun cast a warm, golden hue on the world, and the scent of blooming flowers filled the air. Eros and Apollo sat on a checkered picnic blanket, a basket of delectable sandwiches and fruits between them.

Apollo gazed at Eros with affection, his heart brimming with love. "Eros, you make even a simple picnic feel like a romantic adventure."

Eros chuckled, his eyes fixed on the man he adored. "Well, Apollo, love has a way of making even the ordinary extraordinary."

As they shared bites of sandwiches and sipped sparkling lemonade, they reveled in the simplicity of their connection. Their laughter rang through the park, drawing envious glances from passersby who couldn't help but be captivated by their radiance.

The day wore on, and Eros and Apollo decided to explore the park. They wandered hand in hand, their fingers intertwined like an unbreakable bond. They stumbled upon a small lake, its surface adorned with lily pads and surrounded by lush greenery.

Apollo pointed towards a rowboat tethered to the shore. "How about a romantic row on the lake, Eros?"

Eros smiled, his eyes lighting up with excitement. "That sounds perfect, Apollo."

They settled into the boat, Eros taking the oars, and Apollo perched at the bow. As they glided across the tranquil water, Eros couldn't help but feel as if they were characters in their own love story, reminiscent of the myth of Hero and Leander.

Apollo's voice broke the silence, his tone reflective. "Eros, do you ever think about our story? About how it's like a modern-day myth?"

Eros nodded, his heart brimming with emotion. "All the time, Apollo. I can't help but see the parallels. Our love feels timeless, just like those ancient tales."

Their eyes met, and without a word, they leaned in, their lips meeting in a tender kiss. The lake bore witness to their love, reflecting the image of two souls intertwined, just as the waters of the River Styx connected the realms of the living and the dead.

As they rowed back to shore, hand in hand, Eros and Apollo knew that their love story was something special, something destined to stand the test of time.

The day of the LGBTQ+ charity event finally arrived, and Eros and Apollo were a vision of elegance and unity. Eros donned a tailored suit in varying shades of blue, while Apollo wore a sleek, black tuxedo. They arrived hand in hand, their heads held high, as if they were walking down the red carpet of their own love story.

The event was a testament to the LGBTQ+ community's resilience and unity, filled with laughter, music, and heartfelt speeches. Eros and Apollo danced together under the stars, their love story radiating like a beacon of hope amidst the night's darkness.

As the evening drew to a close, they stood together, gazing at the starry sky above. Apollo's voice was a whisper in the night. "Eros, I believe our love is as timeless as the constellations above us."

Eros smiled, his heart overflowing with love. "And just as enduring, Apollo".