
From Weak Lord to King of The World

Transported to the medieval era, I became a noble named "Field." My cheap father is like a candle in the wind, not long for this world, and my beautiful stepmother is a beast among beasts. At the start, the protagonist is sent to a corrupted land filled with poverty and monsters. Fine, you want to play this way? I won't be the good guy anymore! I'll develop and plunder simultaneously!

VawterMOSE · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 18: Exquisite Wine

At first sight of the ravaged wine cellar, Field felt a wave of despair.

Fortunately, the heavens did not abandon him entirely. After searching a few spots, he found an unopened wine barrel.

"Thump, thump."

Gently knocking on the barrel, it produced a low, muffled sound. Field's heart skipped a beat, and joy spread across his face. However, worried he was celebrating too soon, he feigned calmness. "Open this barrel. Let's hope it's filled with fine wine and not tentacles."

The gray fog could only corrupt plants and animals, not inanimate objects, provided the wine was properly sealed.

With some effort, the guard pried open the barrel. A satisfying "pop" was followed by the rich aroma of wine filling the air.

In a place reeking of decay and monsters, the top-tier wine's fragrance was like finding a shrimp in a toilet.

"This is it! The Black Pearl wine, which has been out of production in the Empire for ten years." Field couldn't contain his excitement, pumping his fist in the air. "Call my steward, Kaa, to inventory the drinkable barrels."

Asheena noticed Field's joy and cautiously advised, "My lord, even fine wine should be consumed in moderation."

Many lords had fallen to drunkenness, spending their days in taverns and brothels.

"Don't worry, Asheena. I don't plan to drink these."

Field preferred iced tea or cola over wine.

"These rare and ten-year-old wines are liquid gold. As soon as we transport them to the Imperial City, or even to any nearby town, we'll have a fortune in gold coins."

The exact value depended on the quantity of wine, but Field was certain that nobles would fight over these famous wines.

"Oh." Asheena placed her slender fingers on her lips, deep in thought. "If Black Pearl wine is so valuable, we could start making it ourselves since we now control Starry Night Vineyard."

"You're right, but only once we ensure our safety."

Field left Kaa to manage the wine cellar and finally took a moment to survey his domain.

Centered around the vineyard, about the size of a small school's sports field, this area was now under Field's control. As long as the gray fog didn't cover it, it was functional territory. Currently, the land was filled with corrupted plants and creatures that needed clearing before any development could begin.

"Now, the real challenge starts."

Field walked the perimeter of his territory. Thanks to his subjects' efforts, there were fewer corrupted creatures in the fields, giving the place a semblance of normalcy.

The residents pushed together the malformed corrupted creatures. These monsters had no combat ability but their mere presence was pollution. The broken wood from the vineyard was perfect for burning these abominations.

The creatures' screams resembled mating cats, mixed with sizzling sounds as large gray clouds of smoke rose from their burning bodies.

"Thank goodness, the Valkyrie be praised, these devil's minions are finally gone."

A maid clasped her chest, exaggerating her relief.

The working female slaves looked on enviously.

Able to enter the castle, eat the master's leftovers, and enjoy luxurious breaks, enough to make any slave jealous.

"Jazz, I need you to do something."

Having toured his land, Field planned to meet his servants before issuing new orders.

"Yes, my lord." 

Maid Jazz's smile vanished, startled. Despite Field's previously weak and foolish demeanor, he was still a noble.

Field had been too busy to notice the severe class divide in this world until now.

He recalled a story about his father. An enemy noble planned to ambush their family's caravan, but a peasant discovered the ambush and informed the count. The count turned the tables, defeating the enemy. One would expect the peasant to be rewarded, but upon returning victorious, the count had the peasant executed for soiling his carpet with his dirty peasant shoes.

To nobles, peasants were filth, and slaves were beneath that.

Field wasn't a saint. He wouldn't overthrow the system or fully integrate into it, becoming a thoroughbred feudal lord.

"Making sure my people live well is enough," Field thought. "Of course, they must be obedient."

"Jazz, gather all who serve me. I have something to say."

"Yes, my lord." Jazz quickly ran off, lifting her apron.

The steward arrived first, having the highest status among the servants. Naturally, Jazz informed him first.

"My lord, the wine barrels are not yet fully inventoried. It will take at least two more days." Steward Kaa arrived out of breath, looking frail and malnourished.

Despite his high salary, the highest in the estate at five silver coins and fifty copper coins a month, he looked as if he was struggling to survive. His duties included purchasing and accounting, allowing him to easily increase his income with a bit of cunning.

In the Empire, one copper coin could buy a black bread, a rough loaf made with rye, often containing wood chips and bark. Unlike modern bread, black bread was hard as a rock and could break teeth. The proper way to eat it was to soak it in hot soup and sprinkle it with coarse salt.

It was neither fragrant nor sweet, only bitter and salty. Despite its poor quality, many couldn't afford even two loaves a day, often ending up as slaves.

Maids, manservants, and cooks earned fifteen copper coins daily, totaling four silver coins and fifty copper coins a month.

Before long, Field's servants gathered: two maids, a manservant, and a cook.

In modern society, having two or three servants was impressive, but in the medieval era, Field was a poor noble. His sister, who had sent soldiers to kill him, had twenty manservants for chopping vegetables, butchering meat, grooming horses, and even manicuring nails.

Field scanned each servant with a divine eye. They all lowered their heads, avoiding eye contact with the lord, a sign of respect and fear.