
From Weak Lord to King of The World

Transported to the medieval era, I became a noble named "Field." My cheap father is like a candle in the wind, not long for this world, and my beautiful stepmother is a beast among beasts. At the start, the protagonist is sent to a corrupted land filled with poverty and monsters. Fine, you want to play this way? I won't be the good guy anymore! I'll develop and plunder simultaneously!

VawterMOSE · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 15: Amidst the Mist (Part 3)

Field showed a friendly smile and said, "So, you're here to escort us, right? Just like the chivalric code praises the Valkyrie."

Connor was overjoyed, thinking Field hadn't seen through his plan. He immediately played along, "Ah, yes, exactly."

"That's great. Come down and have a cup of ale with us. We're about to set off, and you'll have plenty of opportunities to display your chivalry on this journey." Field gestured for Asheena to step back and casually invited the knights to drink.

The knights hesitated, feeling guilty yet hopeful. Fighting The Chosen would likely result in their demise, and escaping was impossible since Asheena had taken their mist lamp when she subdued Connor. Without it, venturing into the deathly fog meant certain death.

"Looks like the baron didn't notice our plan."

"Yeah, Field's always been stupid."

Seeing Field's sincere expression, they remembered his past kindness and weakness, filling them with hope. After being coaxed off their horses, they nervously drank the ale, gradually relaxing.

"My lord, I think we should report back now," Connor suggested, looking for an excuse to leave.

Field almost laughed at their foolishness, but maintained his composure. "Your horses are now requisitioned to carry supplies. You can get them back once we reach Nightfall Domain," he replied dismissively, pointing ahead. "You said you'd help us clear the way, remember? Off you go."

Connor felt a chill of impending doom. "I changed my mind. I'm sorry, but I must return immediately. The count must be waiting anxiously."

Field's smile turned cold. "Do I need to repeat myself, Captain Connor? Scout ahead or die now."

Cold. Connor felt a bone-deep chill. What happened to the rumored gentleness? All those stories about Field being as meek as a lamb were lies. Damn those liars!

Under the threat of the guards' spears, the eighteen remaining knights formed a small phalanx and led the way.

Field's mini-map showed a large group of zombies approaching quickly. Taking a deep breath, he ordered, "Move out!"

Nightfall Domain lay in the southeastern part of the Northern Province. With the help of the mini-map, Field bypassed most of the monsters, taking three days to reach the grand manor. The seemingly endless waves of zombies left Connor's hands trembling, his blade dull, and his expression hollow, like a puppet. The relentless fighting had broken him. Only he remained of the scouting party, his body torn by zombie claws and partly corrupted, close to death.

"Give him a quick end," Field ordered.

As Field spoke, Asheena released her bowstring, an arrow ending Connor's suffering. Slaves quickly scavenged his belongings.

"We've arrived at Starry Night Manor! Finally," Field sighed in relief, seeing the manor's entrance.

The group cheered in unison, thankful for Asheena and the mini-map. Without the mini-map marking enemy positions, Field knew they wouldn't have made it. The relentless zombie tides would have overwhelmed them.

"This place hasn't seen life in a long time," Asheena remarked, tearing through the thorn-covered gate. The rusty gate creaked and collapsed, prompting Asheena to jump back like a cat. "Uh, looks like the gate needs fixing."

The grand iron gate, elegant stonework, statues, and vast gardens, despite being corrupted and eerie, hinted at its former splendor.

Two slave guards moved the fallen gate. Field noticed decayed bodies of humans, zombies, and other creatures among the corrupted plants.

Starry Night Manor spanned 30 hectares, about 40 football fields. It included a swimming pool, gardens, cottages, woodlands, granaries, wine cellars, stables, villas, and the main building in the central area.

Sophia Starry, the female baron who once owned the manor, held significant power, unlike nominal titles. Her wealth and family heritage were substantial. This was just a baron's estate; the empress of the Griffon Empire reportedly owned a 500-hectare estate. Stories of a heroine waking up on a bed the size of a football field might be true for the empress.

With a vast area came many monsters. Ten years of corruption meant granaries and stables were worthless. Likewise, ornamental gardens held no value.

"Should we clear the main building directly or occupy a villa?" Asheena asked eagerly. The manor had three small villas besides the main building, meant for relatives or guests. The slaves were even more excited, chatting and showing visible enthusiasm. Working in a noble's villa, even as a cleaner, was a lifetime boast for them.

Field stared at the distant main building. Shadows flickered through the broken windows. He felt something watching him, a weight pressing on his chest, making it hard to breathe.

"The main building might harbor great danger. Best not provoke it for now," Field decided, looking at his mini-map. It showed numerous skull markers and a large red dot in the basement of the main building. "The skulls represent corrupted monsters. The red dot must be some powerful creature."

Field sighed. "So, the strategic plan is sound, but the risks are immense."

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