
From The Diary Of Saqlain

"When I tried to cry, it came out like a funny noise. And I thought that it would go back to the place where it came from. And due to the comical voice of mine, the Hydra becomes angry. As a result, it turned around one of the seven heads towards me. As it was bringing its head closer and closer to my head it also opened its jaw wider and wider. Looking at it made me more terrified, so I closed both of my eyes shut. After a while, I felt a cold breeze around my nose and ears and it was also all around my head. And I was also feeling a sharp object that was trying to cut my neck." If you want to know what is happening then you have to read the novel from the start.

mAh_Abdullah · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Mystery of the Noise

That scary noise of my nightmare was still playing in my ear. At first, I thought that the sound was my hallucination because of that terrifying dream. But, after a few minutes, I noticed that the sound was real, though. And, it was exactly coming out of my washroom.

Again, I started to feel scared and thought that what the hell is happening with me. I was trying to calm my mind by saying that it isn't true. Nonetheless, I acted like a brave child. I risked myself and started going to the way of my washroom, to see what's there inside it. And, while I got up from my bed, I saw a cricket bat, and I took it up with me. Then, I approached the door of my washroom with my shaking feared body and mind, to see if there was anything inside it.

Henceforth, I tried to open the door. But I was so afraid that instead of pushing, I was pulling the door. It put me to think that there must be someone inside my washroom and him, she, or whatever it is that's restricting my entry.

After a few failed attempts I realized that I was doing it in the wrong way. Then I opened the door by pushing it with my left hand and keeping the bat at the right hand also ready to hit no matter what is inside there. After opening the door I started to look through the whole washroom.

But, Alas!... there was nothing in my washroom except an empty packet of soap lying on the floor, which I left in the washroom by mistake.

Finally, I discover the mystery behind that horrifying Noise of a Hydra. And, the secret behind that noise was that there were three cockroaches stacked inside that soap packet. These cockroaches were trying to escape themselves from that packet. That's why it was creating a strange noise, which was unfamiliar to me so I thought it was something dangerous.

In the end, I will tell you whoever is reading my Diary that you have to be careful and do not leave any trash in your washroom. You never know what will scare the shit out of you.