
From Succubus to Seraph: The Hidden Realms

"From Succubus to Seraph: The Hidden Realms" is a captivating webnovel that explores the journey of a determined succubus named Lilith, who seeks redemption and aspires to become an angel in heaven. With a rich backdrop of the realms of darkness and celestial secrets, this story delves into the complexities of good, evil, and the nature of divinity. Spanning a hundred chapters, this tale is a roller-coaster of twists, moral dilemmas, and unexpected revelations.

northernlight · Fantasy
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Chapter 6: The Secrets of Escape

Lilith's determination to break free from the infernal chains that bound her to Hell led her on a quest to discover a way to reach the realm known as Earth. It was a realm untainted by the eternal struggle of good and evil, a place where she hoped to find redemption and freedom from the darkness that had imprisoned her for so long.

As she delved into the arcane libraries of the city, searching for forbidden knowledge, Lilith stumbled upon a passage that spoke of a mystical portal, a gateway that could bridge the divide between the realms. This portal, however, lay hidden in the deepest caverns of the underworld, guarded by ancient, formidable beings known as the Wardens of the Void. To gain access to this portal and escape to Earth, Lilith needed to summon and negotiate with these Wardens, beings that demanded tributes of immense value.

While Lilith was lost in her research, the looming threat of Prometheus hadn't faded. Word had spread about their confrontation, and he had now marshaled the city's dark forces to confront her. Though Prometheus himself was a lesser demon, his newfound influence and the size of his army made him a formidable opponent. It was said that with his numbers, he could even challenge an intermediate demon. But Lilith's power transcended her level, a testament to her determination and her resolve to break free from Hell's grip.

As the city's army advanced, led by Prometheus and fueled by a toxic mix of ambition and fear, Lilith stood her ground. The clash was fierce, and the infernal skies rumbled with the echoes of their battle. The dark forces swarmed her, but Lilith's strength seemed endless. She unleashed torrents of miasma, a power that surpassed even the mightiest demons among them. The tides of battle shifted, and despite their overwhelming numbers, the city's forces found themselves unable to subdue her.

Prometheus, witnessing the tides of fate turn against him, realized that even with his amassed army, he was no match for Lilith. As he stared into the abyss of defeat, he recognized the only hope he had left: the secret he held about Earth, a secret that Lilith desperately wanted. He fell to his knees, surrendering to her might, and begged for mercy.

Desperation etched into his voice, Prometheus revealed the knowledge he possessed. He whispered of the Ferryman of Death, an enigmatic being who transported the souls of the deceased from Earth to Hell. This ferryman held the key to the passage between realms, a knowledge that could help Lilith bridge the gap to Earth. In exchange for this secret, Prometheus pleaded for his life, knowing that Lilith's curiosity about Earth made her vulnerable to his offer.

Lilith's heart pounded as she weighed the options before her. She had the power to end Prometheus, to banish him to the depths of Hell, but she also hungered for the truth about Earth. The allure of escape, of unraveling the mysteries of that realm, was a potent temptation.

"You have one chance, Prometheus," Lilith declared, her voice unwavering. "Give me this secret, and your life shall be spared. But remember, you have no place in my new path. You will disappear into the shadows, and you will not cross my path again."

Prometheus, relief mingling with fear, nodded fervently, divulging the details of the Ferryman of Death, how to summon him, and the conditions under which he agreed to aid souls seeking passage to Earth.

Lilith now found two ways to Earth, but how trustworthy is a demon? Did Prometheus tell the truth or was he lying?