
From Succubus to Seraph: The Hidden Realms

"From Succubus to Seraph: The Hidden Realms" is a captivating webnovel that explores the journey of a determined succubus named Lilith, who seeks redemption and aspires to become an angel in heaven. With a rich backdrop of the realms of darkness and celestial secrets, this story delves into the complexities of good, evil, and the nature of divinity. Spanning a hundred chapters, this tale is a roller-coaster of twists, moral dilemmas, and unexpected revelations.

northernlight · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 2 Hell’s city

As Lilith continues her exploration of the nightmarish hellscape, her path leads her to a sprawling city—a place that radiates sinister energy, a stark contrast to the burning wilderness she traversed before. Approaching the city gates, her heart-shaped tail swaying gracefully behind her, she's met with the daunting sight of the guardians of hell, the Cerberus. Their three sets of eyes fixate upon her, a mix of curiosity and caution glinting in their gazes.

But as she steps closer to the city gates, a cacophony of low, crude whistling pierces the air, originating from a group of infernal creatures lurking nearby. Their forms are grotesque, their intentions vile, and they regard her with unsettling lust. Lilith, bearing a beauty that transcends the boundaries of both mortal and demonic realms, knows all too well the effect she has on these beings.

An ember of anger smolders within her. Despite her essence being rooted in seduction and temptation, she loathes being objectified, reduced to a mere object of desire for these lesser creatures. The audacity of their lewd gestures, their disrespectful eyes roaming over her form, is a reminder of the struggle she faces on her path toward redemption.

The situation escalates as a particularly brazen demon, driven by his dark desires and an air of entitlement, steps forward with arrogance. His words, dripping with arrogance and insolence, carry an offer that would disgust even the most sinister of beings. "How much for the night, beautiful?" he leers, smirking in a way that makes Lilith's blood boil.

For a moment, Lilith's expression remains serene, concealing the anger and outrage churning within her. She raises an eyebrow, and with a deceptive smile, she retorts, "How much for what, my dear?" Her voice is soft, sweet, a melodious charm that hides the tempest of emotions beneath the surface.

But the demon's response reveals his true nature, a vile and demeaning insult flung at her with cruelty. The words strike like venom, a verbal lash that threatens to unravel the fragile balance she seeks. In that instant, she feels an undeniable surge of power coursing through her, a mixture of her innate abilities and the anger that this encounter has ignited.

Before the demon can even comprehend the gravity of his mistake, Lilith moves with astonishing speed and grace. A flash of darkness, her wings spreading with an ethereal elegance, and she stands before him, a formidable figure of wrath and retribution. Her hand, glowing with otherworldly energy, extends, and with a single touch, the demon's life is extinguished, his vile existence snuffed out.

As his body crumples to the ground, Lilith's icy blue eyes remain unflinching, a storm of emotions raging within. This act, a swift retribution for his unforgivable words, serves as a stark reminder that beneath her alluring exterior lies a being with power and a determination to redefine her existence.

With a final glance at the lifeless form of the demon, Lilith continues her journey into the city, a determined stride that speaks of her resilience and the complexities of her path. For in this world beyond the moral plane, where darkness and temptation reign, she will face many trials, confront her own nature, and ultimately seek redemption that transcends the expectations of both heaven and hell.