
From Soldier to Officer: A Game Addict's Journey

Author: Song Of Special Troops
Magical Realism
Ongoing · 1.2M Views
  • 440 Chs
  • 3.2
    18 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is From Soldier to Officer: A Game Addict's Journey

Read ‘From Soldier to Officer: A Game Addict's Journey’ Online for Free, written by the author Song Of Special Troops, This book is a Magical Realism Novel, covering TRANSMIGRATION Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Reborn in 2009, except that it seemed quite unusual.In this life, Wang Ye had a rich family but he was addicted to gamin...


Reborn in 2009, except that it seemed quite unusual. In this life, Wang Ye had a rich family but he was addicted to gaming. He even spent an entire night playing games when he had to take the college entrance examination the next day. Not knowing what to do, his father decided to send Wang Ye to the army as a soldier to cure his addiction.   Two years later... When he had a video call with his son, he was ready to ask when he would be discharged from the army and come back to inherit the family business.   Wang Ye, dressed in an officer's uniform, directly shocked his father with his answer.   "Dad, I'm ready to work in the army all the way to become a general. About the family business, how about you and mom give birth to another son to inherit it?"   ...  

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Kermitthehog132 · Fantasy
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4 Chs
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It’s pretty interesting. While the other reviews are correct in that the story is very slow paced, literally a detailing of what is happening each day, I find the slowness and buildup to be very meaningful. Since this is most likely just realism with a cheat, him manifesting magical improvements would just seem ridiculous and out if place. Especially in the military, where hard work and discipline to achieve recognition is what’s needed rather than directly the results. I really like the character interactions, it’s pretty dynamic and relatable. For the most part, the nationalism isn’t really that bad, as it’s mostly been about uplifting themselves higher. Even if it’s about China, patriotism is still inspiring when the content is uplifting, motivational and not downgrading and belittling of other countries. While you could consider the mention of a great grandfather having been captured by the japanese back then to be a pointed thing, Japan back then was seriously not the good guys. Imperial Japan did some messed up things, which traumatized other countries. Obviously, things have improved, but the oldies that experienced some of it still hold resentment. Anyways, the big black mark against this is the strange translation. Everything’s still comprehensible, just that phrases and terms are not the ones that ate meant to be used in the specific context. Especially ‘Duplication Duvet,’ I don’t really know myself on what it actually means even till now. While this novel is already chosen, I hope everyone takes the chance to read through the chapters and appreciate it with the lense that it’s a slow burn rather than the junk food style ’numbers go brrrr’ power trip novel. Though, I’ll probably make another review and remove this one if the progression of the story turned for the worse and became generic power trip without meaningful effort done by the MC.


He is easily addicted this time it’s because of his system, poor dad go ahead and have another child.


story is full of natiolism and very little of anything else, and the system is useless. so it's a no vote for me


How the f the f did this have 30k power stones??? Like what just what anyone please explain this to me hahahahaha eh what is happening seriously mouuuuu


looks interesting enough and different from the others in the voting pool, hope this continues


Unfortunately, the translation needs some revisions.


one of the worst of the last batch and of course it was chosen


Not bad but too slow paced. Like 10 chapters just to finally enlist in the army. 3~4 chapters of welcoming and then 6 chapters of the first night/day bullying rite initiated by drill instructors. Not to mention, the recruits talk back too much like they don't even know what it is to join the army. Sure its for plot purposes but... Anw, no it doesn't really have that nationalism in it so sure break a leg with it. Just not my cup of tea, books slow paced like this.


Really enjoyable read, shame it’s been abandoned for months. I hate just being left hanging like this, at least keep us informed about it being on hiatus or dropped. Sick of checking all the time.


Novel is aweful nothing but psychological torture about the military using criminal actions every 30 seconds and calling it training by chapter 50 all of the main characters have such psychological damage that the only realistic outcome for any of them would be suicide and all of the supervisors would be stabbed and or shot by the recruits. No realistic training could ever work this way story is nothing but a waste of time.


Love this book, I’m just disappointed that there’s been zero updates in months and no news about it being dropped or hiatus so we’ve been left hanging instead.


Pplz don't stop, I want the new chaters? Its already 3months plz I can't wait anymore, or the novel is droped?? When will but post 🥺...........,..,.,.,,.,..,.,,..,,.,.,..,.,.,.,.,.,,..,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.


Hmm, interesting to see who holds more power in the nation, merchant or soldier? 🤣


i loved this very much in almost every aspect.most of all i like are the details and the slow pace unlike most i love this aspect in novels .only regret is if the system would have been mentioned more and a little stronger .fellow readers any similar recommendations please tell me


I didn’ really like it got bored after 20 chapters might be better later on.


Who voted for this garbage? 🥱🥱🥱🥱😖😖😖😖🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Is it serious that someone voted for this garbage that was created with the sole purpose of pleasing the censors? .........................................................................


don't know what to say😅[img=Why] jchdhckfjgkdkgfkc8gififucovig8


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