
From Slave to Master

Billy is sold by his supposed parents to a very wealthy lady, Morgan Adams due to debts they owe. Morgan turned out to be a sassy and bossy master, who treated him like a slave until he could no longer take the abuse from her. He vows to find retribution. Billy wins a lottery that turns him into a billionaire overnight. He could only seek revenge for the humiliation she put him through, and he repays his parent's debt. His owner could not accept his freedom. This leads to the path of payback and conspiracies between him and his former master that led Billy into a trap of forced marriage when his lover, Chloe was kidnapped and he was blackmailed into being the husband of his previous master. He found his way out when he finally had an ace up his sleeve, but his lover was heartbroken.

Jane_lynn · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter one

Billy tried to keep his mouth shut as he washed the dishes, he loved singing while working but his dominant mistress hated it with passion. Not that he had a bad voice, he had a very nice voice but his mistress hated that he had such a nice voice and had always punished him if she caught him singing.


Billy hummed instead, grinning as he set the dishes to dry as he tossed back his hair from his forehead. Billy had been a victim of debt, his family owed Morgan Gordon, the ruthless mafia lady, who had demanded they pay or meet fire.


Billy had wanted to help and boldly asked what he could do. His mistress eyed him with interest and asked him to come along. His parents had been quick to give him up and Billy, a hardworking man had thought he was going to be a nice bouncer, a bodyguard to the mafia queen, instead she had made him the lowest of the low, like a slave, like a dog.


Billy stacked the dishes on the rack, he was only clad in his boxers as instructed by his mistress. When he was done washing the dishes, he scrubbed the tiled floors and headed for her quarters. He knocked politely on the door.


"Take off your fucking clothes" came her powerful voice from inside and Billy tugged down his boxers.


"Crawl in" She added and Billy pushed open the door and crawled in feeling quite embarrassed.

"Stop!" she said and Billy froze.


She circled him like a wolf about to corner its prey. She moved behind him and gave his butt a painful squeeze. Billy bit his lips trying not to cry out in pain as her nails dug into his flesh. After what felt like an eternity she let go and sat before him.


In her tight black gown, she looked like a goddess. Billy had to try his best not to get hard, of course, he would get a punishment for that


"Get up." she said and Billy rose. "Stroke yourself." she said and he stared at her.


"You said?" He asked and she grinned wickedly and grabbed hold of his manhood and gave a hard squeeze. Billy bit his tongue again not to bellow in pain and pleasure.


"Entertain me, Billy. Show your mistress how good you are. Now do it," she said and Billy nodded and started stroking his manhood. His mistress Morgan licked her lips in lust as he did that, she walked closer and slammed her hips into him from behind.

"Good boy" she purred and held his chin, he was taller than her but she still found ways to intimidate him. "Go on, don't stop until I tell you to and don't you dare stain my carpet with your cum"


Billy closed his eyes as he stroked himself. How was he going to hold back doing this in front of a voluptuous lady who every guy in the community dreamed of sleeping with?


Morgan circled him again, grabbed his manhood herself, and stroked. Billy's breath hitched higher, the feeling of a woman's hand on his hardness was surreal, he felt pressure building from his loins and before he could stop himself, he poured his semen all over the carpet. Morgan scowled and slapped him hard.


"I asked you not to cum on my carpet, now lick it up" she ordered and Billy stared at her surprised? Lick his own cum, could he do that.


Summoning courage he bent down and ran his tongue over the warm liquid on the carpet and nearly retched, did his seed taste that bad?


Morgan chuckled at his face and shoveled his face deeper into the carpet, when she was satisfied with the clean carpet she released his head. She took off her clothes while Billy watched in wonder at her figure.


"Get on your knees" she ordered and Billy knelt, she came up behind him. Billy felt her mound on his backside, then she smacked her hips against it repeatedly until he felt her liquid coated on his buttocks.

"There," she said, "Get out and don't clean that" she pointed at his cum-stained butt.







The next morning was a very rough one for Billy, Morgan was in a bad mood and she didn't let Billy have a moment's rest. She had him wash her car and do the dishes.


"All done Ma'am." Billy said after the vigorous car washing. Morgan glared at him hard,

"Stroke your cock" she said and Billy did as she asked, looking at the ceiling as he stroked his cock.


Morgan stood and shoved her mouth again, roughly biting his tongue in the process, then she pulled away grinning as he held his bloody mouth. She shoved him back onto a sofa, straddled him, and took him inside her. Billy tried his best not to cry out in pleasure, she would punish him for that, and she choked him while she moved groaning and moaning as he filled her.

Billy could feel himself losing air and gently tapped her arms, she scowled and slapped him hard.


"If I don't get an orgasm then you should die" She strangled him once more and Billy silently muttered a prayer, luckily she moaned loudly and she trembled slightly then pulled away, adjusting her clothes. She glanced at Billy and scowled.


"Get out!" she said and Billy walked out, she always made sure only she got satisfied, and that Billy didn't release his seed inside her.


Billy hurriedly cleaned himself up and ran to check if anything was out of place, he cleaned up her study and dusted the shelves, he was still hard and not satisfied, and the thrill of being inside a powerful lady like Morgan was heady.


Billy raised a plate to inspect it when it fell from his hand and shattered. Billy stared at the broken pieces in horror; this was Morgan's favorite plate.

He is going to be a goner.