
Siblings Meet

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

"I know that Yiling is rather impulsive at times. In fact, I'm willing to call her stubborn as well. However, she still knows what's right from wrong. Furthermore, she definitely has no desire to harm another person. How can you guys condemn her like that? Even if Yunnao said it... Even if Yunnao is less likely to lie in such a situation…"

Jian Yunmo couldn't stop himself from defending Jian Yiling.

"You're right," Jian Yuncheng admitted. He knew that they had made a mistake. "In fact, the person who has the most fault in this matter is me. Please don't be angry with our mother and father. Especially our mother. After Yunnao got injured, her life has become a mess."

"There's no use in blaming anyone," Jian Yunmo replied in a low voice that was filled with grief. "You guys should have told me earlier."

Jian Yuncheng was silent for a moment.