
bad impression of him

bhavya's mind became blank after coming back to her senses she understood that seung was kissing her she started pushing him with her hand but seung caught her hand very firmly .The woman in front of them gritted her teeth and walked away,then seung parted his lips from bhavya's then he was slapped very hard on his cheek she told ''Being rich doesn't mean that you take advantage of anyone anywhere you are a scoundrel in my eyes" she started running away from him as soon as possible and hid in her room many thoughts were running in her mind 'why did he do it ' on the other side seung did not feel angry but he wanted to kiss her more he did not know why he felt that and ignored this feeling .Bhavya go up morning and wished her father he asked ''are you fine your eyes are swollen''

she replied ''I am fine it's just that my friend is being transferred to another school so we all cried a bit" she was feeling guilty that she lied but she did not want him to get worried. The one she hated now the most were 2 the murders and seung who took advantage of her by kissing her.