
From Past To Present, I Still Love You

“Did you offer to let me live at your house for my safety or because you had other intentions?” Minhyun stared at her with a playful smile on his face. “If I were to be honest, I would say both.” “It’s like... Wait... What?! I was joking! What other intentions are you talking about?!?” Yoona widened her eyes in the midst of her sentence. Did she just hear what he said? He fixed his tie. “Its a secret.” “Mini!” —- When he was a child, Minhyun had nobody to lean on. His days were filled with darkness. That is, until he met Yoona. After they became friends, he smiled for the first time in a long time. Every night, he felt excitement in his chest for the next day to come. She brought the foreign feeling of happiness in his heart and was able to heal his loneliness. However, the cold reality of this world separated the two children. One becoming darker than he once was, and the other struggled to make end's meet. After fifteen years, the childhood friends meet again as adults. Yoona becomes a university student, while Minhyun overtakes his father as the CEO of MH conglomerate, one of the biggest companies in the world. With newfound enemies and cold betrayals, would the two be able to find love? But most importantly of all, will they be able to help each other heal the demons of their pasts? [Happy ending and not too melodramatic like most stories] TAGS: #Female Protagonist #Comedy #Handsome Male Lead #Modern Day #Pretty Female Lead #Revenge # CEO ---- If you like my novel, don't forget to support! https://ko-fi.com/authorsho Discord link: https://discord.gg/YzVvebP

AuthorSho · Urban
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199 Chs

Let the Games Begin

"Yoona is ready."

Minhyun quickly put away his laptop and stood up from his seat. Excitement riled up in his chest upon hearing those words. He was curious to how Desire could've styled Yoona. To him, the young girl was perfect the way she was; however, with Desire's touch, she would become a different type of pretty.

For once, he was seeing Yoona in a luxurious manner. Most of the time, she was wearing casual clothing so it would be a grand change.

There was a large princess staircase which ran from the top floors all the way to where he was.

When he looked up, he saw a glimpse of her.

Despite the dark look on his face, there was a lump stuck in his throat. He just saw a fraction of his face, yet why did he feel so weird inside? There was something mesmerizing about that second.

Finally, Yoona carefully took steps down the stairs with the workers help. They held her hands to help her balance while walking two steps in front.

Minhyun couldn't control the awe in his face. For once, he was completely taken aback by a female's beauty. The ice exterior that he built throughout the years disappeared, replaced with a simple man looking at someone he loved.

She was absolutely beautiful.

He swallowed the spit accumulating in his mouth. Oh god. Why was he reacting in such a way? This wasn't how he was supposed to act. He was supposed to be put together, yet one look made him into a mess.

His eyes didn't leave her figure.

When Yoona reached near the floor, Desire quickly yelled out. "Patricia spray the perfume. Yoona, spin around under the mist!"

As the assistant positioned the mist to fall directly onto Yoona once her foot hit the floor, Yoona happily spun around. The bottom of her dress slightly lifted up and widened from the action. A laugh escaped her lips. This was so fun.

Minhyun couldn't help but chuckle after seeing the scene. Cute.

Once Yoona stood in front of Minhyun, he gently took her hand and kissed the back of her palm. "You look stunning."

Finally, he had regained his composure.

A blush formed on her cheeks. "Thank you. Desire really does have god's touch. I look so pretty."

"You always look pretty."

She playfully hit his shoulder. "You know what I mean! Stop fooling around."

"Fine. I'll stop," he mumbled. Then he sent her a charming smile. "I like you better in your sweats."


The teasing banter between the two made everyone stop in their tracks. Their hearts beat quickly just by watching the two beautiful people interacting. No romantic movie could match up to the scene in front of them.

Something about the two was just mesmerizing.

When Yoona saw Desire at the corner, she grabbed Minhyun's hand and dragged him to walk with her over to the lady.

She sent Desire a grand smile, blinding everyone who could see. The girl was absolutely gorgeous. The most beautiful person anyone had seen in their lives.

"Thank you so much! I-I cannot even express how much I love the look," she gushed.

Desire pushed her glasses up her nose. "You don't need to thank me. I was paid to make you beautiful."

Despite the scary aura coming from Minhyun due to her negative comment, Desire did not falter. Instead, she kept her straight face and pretended that she didn't see him.

"I mean yes you were paid," Yoona said. "But from what I could tell, you put a lot of thought and love into making me like this. No matter how much money was given, in the end, I could see the sincerity. For that, I am really grateful."

Desire let out a cough, covering her mouth with her fist. This girl… She was really something wasn't she?

Of course she was. After all, she was Minhyun's date to the gala.

"It is nothing. I'm an artist you know," the designer said while avoiding eye-contact. She let out a sigh. "You two have fun at the gala then."

Yoona nodded happily. "Okay."

Minhyun whispered into her ear, his hot breath fanning against her skin. "That is our cue to leave. Let's go."

He grabbed her hand, locking their fingers together.

He sent a nod to Desire. "We're leaving."


Desire watched the two exit the room and the response of all the people watching. Those two were really something to grab the attention of others so easily.

She let out a small laugh. Knowing the participants of tonight's gala, Yoona's appearance was going to make things interesting. Very interesting.


"Are you ready to exit the car?" He asked.

Yoona looked out the window. A large white mansion was in their view and a few reporters and workers were outside, waiting for people to arrive. Although she couldn't see the participants yet, the sound of music and chatter had penetrated through the glass. The show had already started and they were late.

She let out a shaky breath before sending him a determined look. "Yes. I am one hundred percent ready."

The driver walked around the front of the car to open the door for them.

After Minhyun took a step outside, he brought out his hand to help her exit.

A smirk played on his lips, eyes glowing with amusement. "Then. Let the games begin."

Surprised? Hehe

Ah finally... I can see you inpatient readers hehe. In all honesty this all was supposed to be one chapter including the previous one but i didn’t like how I wrote this part when it was time to upload so I decided to split it :p

AuthorShocreators' thoughts