
From Office Boy To Alpha Male

As Ortega walked out of the room, he heard an unfamiliar ding sound in his head. Confused, he turned around and then a mechanical female voice said, "Congratulations, Host! You have accomplished a great feat by being the first male ever to be accepted as a member of staff in this company. As a result, the universe has decided to reward you with the Alpha Male System." "I'm the only guy in this entire company... Damn! Guess I better not screw this up." For a hot-blooded fella who yearned to lose his V-card, this was freaking paradise! Well, until... {New Quest: Your reputation isn't bad for your status as an Omega; however, it is unbecoming of a host of the Alpha Male System. Your challenge: Seduce the big four!} {Rewards: Power, Influence, ???} {Punishment: Tarnished reputation, poverty, and permanent system shutdown.} "What the hell did I just get myself into?" Ortega couldn't believe his eyes. The stakes only rose higher the more he accomplished. "I have to seduce four powerful women?!" ________ Meet Ortega, an average young man with a hidden, manipulative side. When he gets a powerful system that helps him chase fame, he becomes determined to dominate. Fired up and ready, Ortega is on a mission to become the ultimate Alpha Male. The world better watch out—he won't stop until he's on top! ________ #ManipulativeMC #TwistedRomance #PowerfulHaremMembers #LittleSmut #OfficeDrama

Cloutchaser · Urban
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26 Chs

You've Got The Wrong Ass

Selene's eyes widened in surprise before she let out a laugh. "Oh, you! Trying to be slick, huh?"

Ortega shrugged playfully. "Just trying to make sure I can reach you later."

She took his phone and began to input her digits, when she finished, she handed it back to him with a mischievous smile.

"Call me whenever..." Selene's tone became sultry as she spoke, her hand rested on Ortega's shoulder and gently massaged it. With her eyes studying his face, she was able to make out his features despite the dim lights illuminating the corridor.

"... You like." She completed and withdrew. Turning around and walking down the barely lit hallway, presenting him with a splendid view.

Ortega couldn't take his eyes off her swaying hips as she sashayed towards the elevator. And he could only gulp as he balled his hand into a fist and shoved it in his pocket, deftly hiding his growing erection.

"Just a touch on my shoulder..." He thought with a dazed expression, his lips slightly parted as his imagination soared. He watched the elevator doors as they slid shut, and he could see her, looking back at him with such fire in her eyes, the same way he looked at her.

"... And I'm already this hard."

And then, the elevator closed. It was like a switch that immediately jolted him back to reality. Ortega found himself standing alone in the hallways, accompanied by nothing but pin-drop silence and well...

His raging boner!

He looked down at his pants and took deep breaths, trying to calm the little monster down. However, It was frustratingly difficult.

He couldn't take his mind off Selene and the fact that her tantalizing scent still lingered in the air didn't help matters.

Remembering he still held his phone, he turned it on and looked at the screen, then smirked. There it was, the first female number in his contacts—if you subtracted his mom's and his sister's.

The screen's light illuminated his face, and the lazy smirk he wore morphed into an idiotic grin as he began to walk towards the elevator.

The memory was fresh and delicious.

Even his shoulder still felt warm.

As he entered the elevator, however, he became enlightened of one frightening truth.

"She's dangerous." He concluded, sobering up after having glanced at the time. It was 9:32pm and he closed his eyes as he rode the elevator down to the ground floor.

The tiredness returned and he felt the exhaustion weigh down on his body once more. He could do nothing, could feel nothing, could think nothing.


Ortega felt like the walking dead as he stepped out of the elevator. Unsurprisingly, the whole floor was as scanty as a desert Oasis. Even the receptionist was gone. And Ortega could only make out one other person who was about clocking out.

His heartbeat spiked, "Selene's still here?" He thought, before stealthily approaching her from behind.

His vision became blurry but he could still make out her features. "That... blonde hair," he gulped, "it's got to be her."

And so he inched closer, step by step, as silent as a cat, his heart beating faster, his soldier rising to salute her ass.

"So... Thiccc..." He bit his lip and was now close. His eyes locked on her backside like a sniper's scope.

His fingers twitched and he wiggled them...

Then he leaned forward, wanting to surprise her with a baritone whisper...

He could now hear her muttering something. She sounded frustrated as she repeatedly swiped her card against the time and attendance terminal.

"Damned clock! Why won't you register my damn card?!"

And then he froze... "This isn't Selene," he could tell from the voice alone, how could he forget?

"Oh no, I better turn away before she sees me like some cree—"

However, it was already too late. Immediately he stood a foot behind her, the lady had already known she wasn't alone. And so, relieved that she had someone to help her, she sighed with gratitude and swiftly swiveled to face him.

"Dear, I'm in a bit of a pick—"

Ortega was standing way too close, already in the motion of angling his jaw to her nape, that there was almost no room for the lady to maneuver.

As she turned, her hand accidentally tapped his crotch. Simultaneously, her bountiful bosoms pressed against him and Ortega momentarily closed his eyes, feeling like they were the softest pillows.

They stayed in that position for a few heartbeats and Ortega was thankful the lady was short. If not, her forehead would have clashed against his jaw.

Fortunately, however, his chest now cushioned her head. The only thing left for him to do was to wrap his arms around her, and that would complete the hugging couple pose.

"I'm so screwed." He grimaced.

The lady wore a horrified expression as she pushed him away, her card dropped to the ground:

"What the hell?" She looked at him with eyes as round as saucers, then frowned. "Wait a sec, you're Ortega, right?"

An awkward silence followed as Ortega staggered backwards, "Uh, Hi—H-how are ya?"

"What the hell were you thinking standing so close behind me?!" She interrogated, her voice raised in anger.

Oopsy! Very awkward situation you've got yourself into, Ortega. Now, if you were him, what would you do? Oh, before I forget, this book has applied for a contract! Which means you can now support it with powerstones!...

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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