
From Mortal to Shinobi

A guy who lives for wonders and beauty of unexplored gets another chance in another world. The copyrights of Naruto are not mine, but I invite you to dive in and enjoy my vision of the interesting progression of the characters in this fanfiction.

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Catching a glimpse of a possible reason for the failure, in the form of chakra, and making some notes for himself in his mind, he decided to confirm the speculation that had arisen. To do so, this time Yuske poured twice as much chakra into the 'cloud' that served as the foundation for the technique, and gradually began to create a new pillar of water, which was done without much effort, as the pillar was slightly over six meters long this time.

This experience gave him a clear understanding that his originally allocated amount of chakra was enough to create a column of water a little over three meters long, and the reason for the previous collapses was the lack of chakra that occurred when he wanted to make the technique even longer. Hence the confirmed speculation that there were restrictions, and only increased chakra inflow allowed for more elongated versions of this peculiar jutsu to be created.

The width of the technique depended solely on Yuske's own imagination. It also influenced how long the water pillar would be. A three meter long thin pillar of water took the same amount of chakra as a meter long pillar of water, but three times as wide.

With this new knowledge, Yuske began to work on the amount of chakra being released, making internal notes for himself and getting used to the whole process on an instinctive level so that he could later proceed from this "mass" of chakra.

He had to slightly adjust the sheer amount of chakra allocated, so his total reserves would last a little more than one minute, but it didn't take too much effort with the control that had been trained over nearly four years of waiting for the chakra to increase.

Having figured out a number of things, and after using up almost all of his chakra, he decided to stop and wait for the parents to return, while reflecting on what he had accomplished today.

In the end, Yuske had a very interesting picture at hand: with his current chakra reserves, which was slightly more than genin's, it was possible to maintain a Water Tentacle, as he decided to call the invented technique for simplicity, a little over three meters long for one minute.

Though after thinking about the name a few times, he came to the conclusion that he would need to change it. Tentacle sounded too weird, and it didn't bring up the best memories for Yuske, considering how perverts had once corrupted the word in question. Especially since the current version of the technique was not the final one, as there were still two more tasks that needed to be worked on for the technique to be considered complete.

By now, having the image of what he wanted in his mind, he was sure that he would find a more appropriate name when he had already implemented the creation of his first technique.

In order to avoid the risk of being rendered incapacitated during the battle, and in addition with a severe headache, or even dying, he rounded down the time of possible use of the technique, as there was still about 10% of chakra left when using the technique for a minute.

The width of the 'tentacle' itself was considerably thinner than the original pillar and was no thicker than an infant's arm, but that was already more than necessary. Making the 'tentacle' thinner was neither worthwhile nor possible without extra concentration and chakra expenditure.

Throughout this whole process, Yuske didn't forget another detail that was weighing heavily on his mind. Ridiculously absurd, for the weight referred to is the very mass of water that is lifted by such expenditures of chakra. For the first time he became interested in this detail at the moment when a thin, but still a pillar of water separated from the pond, which at a quick glance was a little longer than six meters.

Yuske guessed that this pillar contained about fifteen liters of water, considering how much the pond itself had shrunk, namely by the eighth part.

Negligence on his part caused water to spill beyond the pond, but there was no problem in correcting this issue. During the construction of the pond, a small trench from the main channel was led to it, and accordingly it was sufficient to open the partition at the edge of the property and the water again filled the missing portion, eliminating the visibility of the previous misstep.


* The primary task for the day has been completed, all that remains is sufficient training to speed up the creation of the 'tentacle'. They should be back any minute now, it's a pity I didn't manage to meditate till the end, and I haven't really poured much into black substance today. – Yuske decided that moving on to the next point of the tasks of developing his own ninjutsu was worth doing in his room after the dinner.