
From Mortal to Shinobi

A guy who lives for wonders and beauty of unexplored gets another chance in another world. The copyrights of Naruto are not mine, but I invite you to dive in and enjoy my vision of the interesting progression of the characters in this fanfiction.

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* It's time for the most exciting part, for a long time these aberrations in the form of control training have held back my journey into the magical nature of chakra. I wish I had a clue where to start though. Think Yuske, think. - With these thoughts in mind, Yuske looked around for the presence of any observers, and took a seat near the little pond in the backyard.

Giving it a little thought and deciding that action was better than long deliberation he immersed part of his arm up to the wrist into the body of water.

The amount of his chakra was so minuscule for a long time that it was absolutely insufficient for the simplest of training, let alone going into the study of ninjutsu.

In addition, honing one's skill at control allowed one to consume the chakra available for use more sparingly. Even now there wasn't much of it, but he couldn't wait any longer.

The events with Kyubi were coming up, and he needed to be confident in his abilities, so he had to start practicing ninjutsu. Sure thing, what he was going to do could not be called ninjutsu, for he had some assumptions that required a slightly different approach, but he could not say anything specific due to the lack of any experience in ninja techniques.

Because of the birth of Yoshida Ayane, only the father of the family now spends all his time at work. Only on busy days, or if too many goods from suppliers arrive at the same time, Yoshida Hana has to go to help him, and even that when his sister has just fallen asleep.

Her untimely awakening made Yuske responsible for looking after her, but she slept quite soundly after feeding. The main thing was to not make a lot of noise, which was much easier than waking her up and babysitting her until mother returned.


After a few moments of fiddling with infusing chakra into the water.

* No effect, all the chakra does is just pushes water, but that's not the kind of result I'm expecting. Looks like I have to mess with the seals after all. – Yuske had already read quite a few books that outlined the basics of ninjutsu, and had some idea of the ways in which they were created.

Seals, how much our young acquaintance disliked their presence and essence. They were the very exact things he was so reluctant to deal with, trying first a different approach with infusing chakra into the water and attempting to see what effect it would have and if he could potentially learn ninjutsu from it.

Unfortunately, he was unable to do so, and was left to follow the commonly used path. Still, he had a strong belief that they could be bypassed by fulfilling a number of conditions, but he had no idea about the necessary steps.

The thing is, Yuske had always considered seals to be a kind of crutch, and only an incapable shinobi would constantly resort to using them. Everything that in some way reminded him of his past life and the fate of a disabled person was cardinally rejected by him.

A proof that it is possible to do without the use of seals as a mandatory attribute, was the presence of skillful shinobi who only needed to fold a single seal, or perform one simple action that they associated with the technique, and the ninjutsu worked just fine.

Such skillful uses include Naruto's use of a single seal while applying his techniques, clap of hands or slamming the surface of the ground by shinobi such as Hashirama, and many more similar examples.

Some of them, such as Ice elemental user Haku, could complete a seal with one hand, which wasn't even a seal technically, considering that only half of it was done.

Anko went to such lengths as to use other person's hand to complete her technique. All this points to one thing - seals are purely personal and it all depends on shinobi's ability to manipulate their chakra.

This in turn makes it clear that seals are crutches that most became too accustomed to, making it difficult for ninjas to advance further if they rely on them for too long and don't get rid of them as early as possible.

In theory, it is more correct to view seals as an equation, some variables of which affect the power of the technique, while others are responsible for the structure itself, i.e. forming the physical form of ninjutsu.

Back in his past life, Yuske was curious about how they functioned, and based on what he had seen in the anime and his own logical judgment, he drew a few conclusions.

To put it bluntly, one group of seals acts as a constructor, creating the form of the technique, others are responsible for how much chakra the technique will take from its user, and therefore how strong it will be, and there are also seals that are responsible for the elemental inclination. The order in which the seals are used is equally important, but Yuske was just embarking on the path of chakra exploration, and he had yet to figure it all out.

Let's take Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique as an example, a simple C rank ninjutsu in which it is quite easy to trace the role of some seals. Alas, due to being a water element user, it was foolish for Yuske to start learning this technique, while he didn't know the hand seals for his element's techniques other than the most basic ones.

The Great Fireball is an all too famous technique, so every fan will sooner or later familiarize himself with the order and the seals themselves, which were: Snake-Ram-Monkey-Boar-Horse-Tiger. As you can see from the sequence, the end result should be a ninjutsu that releases fire, courtesy of the Tiger Seal.

Two people with the same affinity and talents, using this technique, will get a fireball of the same magnitude. Of course, such a phenomenon is rare in itself, for the rate of chakra consumption will be different for each person, as people are too varied, and it is almost impossible to find those who have the same chakra control.

On the other hand, if someone has a perverted to the point of ingenious understanding of the element and his own chakra, the resulting technique will be head and shoulders above what others can only dream of.

Uchiha Madara is the benchmark of such an example of the twisted understanding and affinity of fire elemental techniques. He did not fit into any frame of ordinary, so for someone like him, even simple techniques of his own element will take much less chakra, but at the same time, the output will be a technique of the highest degree. Average fire elemental users, on the other hand, essentially realize techniques of roughly similar quality.