
From Mortal to Shinobi

A guy who lives for wonders and beauty of unexplored gets another chance in another world. The copyrights of Naruto are not mine, but I invite you to dive in and enjoy my vision of the interesting progression of the characters in this fanfiction.

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45 Chs


Growing up forced a different challenge, namely defining one's own appearance. In terms of attire, Yuske had been displaying laziness of universal magnitude since his past life.

He used to leave it all to Yoshida Hana, being too young, but now had to handle it himself, as she could often acquire things that were not practical for combat.

Sometimes he even wondered to what extent mankind had made life difficult for itself with all this social nonsense and the pursuit of fashion. If it weren't for the code of propriety, he would have confined himself to covering his crotch with a leaf or a towel and forgotten himself once again in his training, occasionally pondering plans for the future.

Accordingly, the whole issue came down to the practicality of the wearable. In his younger days, Yuske had to make do with shorts, especially if you often get wet training with water.

Now he has started to shift more often to wearing pants made of soft fabrics that will not restrict body movements, and at the same time will be pleasant to the touch. Wearing a simple t-shirt was enough, a boon to Konoha's frequent gentle weather, and only in winter does the need to change for some warm clothing arise.

Where the issues really came into play was the traditional ninja sandals worn by most shinobi. Yuske thought it was extra unpractical to leave his toes exposed, so he wore lighter variations but fully closed, with the choice more often falling on comfort and elasticity.

The color palette was also simple. Stealth and discreetness is the key to success for ninjas, so everything acquired was either in gray tones or dark colors, namely blue or black.

Some would even say, "Why not take standard open-toed ninja sandals and cover them with a black substance when necessary?". Yuske considered this approach to be too wasteful, but if such a need arose, there was nothing to prevent this trick under clothes or inside shoes. Imagine an enemy who expects to be kicked, but ends up being hit with a blow with both hardness and weight greater than that of a metal bat.

Anyone who finds himself in a situation like Yuske's will wish that the events of that world would follow a familiar course and not go beyond expectations, bringing surprises that could cost him his life.

He was constantly trying to witness the conversations of citizens, and especially shinobi, about the events taking place, and only calmed down the moment he heard about what had happened at Kannabi Bridge.

Everything was going more or less the way he knew it, except for a little turmoil between the Hokage and one of his advisors, but the commotion had died down rather quickly and no details had been revealed, and the likes of Yuske had no way of knowing about them.

That day, Yuske was quite alarmed when he saw the ninjas rushing towards the Hokage's residence and was ready to evacuate, thinking about the possibility of changing the date of the Nine-Tails' attack, which he was wrong about. Not to say he was upset about it, as it was one of those times when you're glad you made a wrong assumption.

One could only wonder if it was a change in the chronology of events or if they simply forgot to mention this incident in the anime. The shinobi of the village were sure that the Hokage was angry about something and tried not to stand out too much to avoid being caught in the crossfire.

The Third Shinobi World War, due to the chosen combat grounds, didn't really affect the everyday routine of the villagers. Yes, there was none of the hectic, noisy hustle and bustle of everyday life inherent in Konoha, and there was a tension in the air from the lack of knowledge of the circumstances on the battlefield, but there was no particular panic present either.

Each dead ninja was only a cause of grief for his family and loved ones, and it was the increasing number of such victims that reminded of the senseless killings going on somewhere out there. What is so disgusting about human nature is that until grief touches you, you can't feel the depth of anguish that torments the family and friends of the deceased.

With each passing day living in this world, while witnessing similar events, Yuske was reminded why he trusted no one and preferred to stay quietly in the shadows. True, he was going to enjoy his adventure, but that was only his own personal affair and there should be no witnesses: neither in the field of solving the mysteries of chakra, nor in the matter of demonstrating his powers.

The more they think of him as an ordinary part of the masses, with no power to influence the course of events of this world, the easier it will be for him to achieve the desired results in terms of power.

It was Zetsu who Yuske considered his most annoying opponent since coming to this world. Not because Akatsuki would find out about him or Madara would be interested in his person, not at all. Zetsu is just the kind of thorn in the side who, once interested in a certain character will constantly follow him, and will do everything in his power, but find a way to get him into trouble.

So, for the time being, no one should be interested in or mention Yoshida Yuske's name, even in a bad light, lest this strange creature even consider trying to start following him. Even as the most desperate and unsuccessful person, Obito was noticed, which meant not only his special talent, but the emotional aspects of himself could not be revealed.

Yusuke couldn't trust anyone. Disclosure of information even to one's own family heralded danger, not to mention significant figures, especially the head of the village. As honorable as Hiruzen may wish to appear in the eyes of the village, Yuske knew his nature well enough, and the fact that no shinobi who trusted him had ended up in a good way spoke a lot about the need to be on guard against him.