
From Mortal to Shinobi

A guy who lives for wonders and beauty of unexplored gets another chance in another world. The copyrights of Naruto are not mine, but I invite you to dive in and enjoy my vision of the interesting progression of the characters in this fanfiction.

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Sometimes Yuske wondered if he should learn to hate this woman. Somehow Yoshida Hana had managed to bind him to herself, and now it was unbearable for him to see her overly tired state. At times like this, he couldn't help himself and took on some of her chores, helping with the housework, thus wasting his precious time on useless things.

His selfish nature and the knowledge of the future, which required obtaining of a prevailing power over his enemies, prevented him from slacking off too much from his training, but he still devoted an hour or two a day to family matters. This was especially true at times of special activity of the baby, that liked to wake up at night, which for obvious reason overlapped with his mother's sleeping time.

It was at times like these that Yuske did his part in contributing to the overall care of this creature that, by its mere presence, required constant attention. On the other hand, it didn't cause any major changes in his schedule. In order to harness the full potential of his chakra, he had to wake up at least once a night to pump chakra into the black substance.

Yuske found the nature of the chakra's behavior quite interesting. It was increasing more and more each day, but still recovered in about four hours. Other ninja likely wouldn't even notice the slight change in the amount of chakra, but Yusuke, with the increasing amount of black substance each day could clearly track the difference.

As of today, if Yuske's gut feelings aren't deceiving him, he has about as much chakra as the average genin should have. Of course, we're not talking about geninis like Naruto or even Sasuke, and he rather had as much as individuals like Sakura or Shikamaru who aren't noted for the amount of chakra they have, but it was a decent value for his age of six.

The statement about the amount of the genin's chakra was rather based on intuition, given that only the chakra sensors could determine its volume.

Yuske had spent quite a bit of time watching anime, and from how quickly the shinobi got tired after using a few ninjutsu, he had an idea of their overall reserves. Defining the current stock as equal to genin's was necessary to him for keeping track of his own progress.

Regeneration in a four-hour time frame is quite reasonable though, because if you think of individuals like Kisame or Hashirama, and if their chakra at peak potential is regenerating at the same rate as it did in their genin years, then every depletion will require at least a week's long wait to replenish it.

Apparently, this phenomenon is closely related to the body's natural adaptation to growth and brings a kind of balance to the course of things in nature.

Then again, Yuske had an assumption - as to why he had such a large pool of chakra, compared to mere civilians. His adult soul was making its presence known again, adjusting his childish body to fit, and he supposed that this starting bonus would soon be gone. The youth was also sure that this was the reason why he looked one or two years older.

Yuske wasn't saddened by the knowledge that he would soon lose such a fast rate of chakra increase, and was pleased that at least he had some advantage.

The reminder of how fate favored certain individuals, handing out monstrous amounts of chakra to them from birth, was especially enviable.

There were also changes in the part of black substance as such. As he matured, and thus his chakra capacity increased, there was an exponential growth in black substance. After the first 'milestone', about a year from the start of training, he could accumulate much more black matter every day.

He originally estimated that he was going to accumulate about 110-120 kilograms (240-265 lb) of black substance in four years, with his manic addiction to spending huge amounts of time on meditation.

Some days he was so busy with training and chores that he could only pump chakra into the black substance 10 times. But more often than not, he would stay up late and at times produce the black substance 18 times a day, which in more precise terms equaled 108 grams (0.240 lb) in his first year of training. On average, he would pump his full supply of chakra into the black substance about 14 times per day.

The first time he thought of the amount of substance to be produced, he forgot to take into account that the capacity of the chakra was getting larger and larger each day, which meant that the amount of black substance he was receiving was also increasing.

At first it was possible to produce 84 grams (0.185 lb) of black substance per day, and the amount of chakra for the first two years grew by leaps and bounds. Further on, the pace slowed down, as the training gave less and less fruit, and apparently the soul stopped accelerating the rate of growth of the body.

As of today, if spending about six hours a day on training and chores, he could pump about 250 grams (0.551 lb) of black substance, meanwhile he had accumulated 318 kilograms (701 lb) of the matter itself over the years, 12 (26.4 lb) of which he spent on minor experiments.

Yuske also assumed that he would likely have more demanding experiences with ninjutsu training in the future, which meant that spending too much time on meditation would be something he couldn't do, and from that he wanted to set aside some stock already.

It's worth mentioning that if he pumps a day's worth chakra into black substance without meditation, to his age of six, he can only store 108 grams (0.238 lb).

Yuske still did not conduct any particular experiments, constantly postponing this moment, but it was impossible to delay any longer, and it was necessary to understand the best way of realization of black matter itself.

The youth knew that figuring out everything he could about the black substance was a top priority to him before engaging in any combat scenario.