
From Mortal to Shinobi

A guy who lives for wonders and beauty of unexplored gets another chance in another world. The copyrights of Naruto are not mine, but I invite you to dive in and enjoy my vision of the interesting progression of the characters in this fanfiction.

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It didn't take long for the chakra paper to catch on. Apparently, the plan succeeded and the particles of chakra did get on it, thus making the sheet wet, marking the path of the water element user.

- Wow, a talent just like me, I really should have continued on the shinobi path. The future was indeed bright for me. – His father's surprise was appropriate, there was a reason why children were only taught chakra techniques when they reached the age of four or five. Not every child could manipulate chakra at such a young age, but Yuske himself clearly understood that there was no talk about genius in this matter. He rather knew how the chakra paper worked, and it was very easy for him to feel the chakra within himself by being a transmigrator.

Gems like Shisui or Itachi, on the other hand, stand out from the crowd too much, showing a one-in-a-million talent, so those aren't even brought up when it comes to geniuses, more like monstrous talents.

Yuske was a little sad about his talent and realized that he had the soul of an adult with knowledge of this world, and such tricks were only a starting line advantage.

He will be required to make a tremendous effort to catch up to characters such as Sarutobi Hiruzen or other shinobi of mid-Kage level in terms of combat strength. Becoming a top tier fighter of Madara or Hashirama's caliber was only a dream and a goal too out of reach for his kind.

* It's a pity, I really wanted to crumple dirt and bury my opponents in the ground, as earth element is the style of a true slayer. Whatever, now I have to refocus on all sorts of techniques with water. I should try to recall all the features of the water and how they can be used here. Earth is really the simplest of the elements, because you don't even have to think about the large spectrum of phenomena from physics and how they can be used to turn your element into a weapon of mass murder. Luck really isn't something I can count on. So many shinobi with two or three elements, and I, as a transmigrator, end up with only one, plus physics isn't my strongest feature. Though I probably shouldn't make such a loud fuss. What would happen if I ended up with lightning, or God forbid with fire - as the only element in my arsenal. The only place I can go with such a fate is Hell, so that I can roast wicked shinobi there. Though if I'm here in this fantasy world, then maybe Hell doesn't exist at all and the fire element wouldn't be useful there either.

Yuske still managed to find a ray of hope in the current circumstances, and was not too saddened by the twist of fate that had decided to bestow upon him just one single element.

At times, focusing on a single goal is a much better approach to achieve the desired results. If he had both earth and water at the same time, it would be a shame to neglect one of the elements - no one canceled the greed of human nature, so this outcome was even better.

Of course, the outcome of having to devote all his time to the earth was more desirable, but the rainbow of emotions would still make things difficult.

Perhaps, someone else will have time and desire to pay attention to both elements at once, but those people are not far minded, and if there is nothing wrong with the desire to take on both elements at once, then the person will definitely not have enough time for everything.

Even Oonoki hadn't really figured out earth release in his entire life, and Yuske had more plans for this element than that.

Water is as rich in its variability of use as the element of earth, and if there is a sufficient chakra and abundant imagination, you can occupy yourself for days on end with all sorts of ways of application.

Even flying for users of these two elements is not such an impossible task. It is only a matter of chakra and proficiency: if the former is sufficient for such extravagant and wasteful use, then proper training is the only aspect that needs attention.

Then again not knowing the future, with the threats it heralds, makes shinobi overconfident about tomorrow and allows for a carefree pastime. Most ninja, having achieved minor successes, namely having learned a couple of techniques, consider it enough, not realizing how insignificant their powers are against the whole picture.

Take Asuma, who spent so much time chasing a skirt, or whatever that mummy Kurenai has, instead of living up to the name of his clan and reaching the heights of his grandfather Sarutobi Sasuke. Yuske was sure that this 'smoker' had some pretty good genetic material, with quite a bit of talent, but he wasted it all and one day faced the monsters of Akatsuki.