
From Mortal to Shinobi

A guy who lives for wonders and beauty of unexplored gets another chance in another world. The copyrights of Naruto are not mine, but I invite you to dive in and enjoy my vision of the interesting progression of the characters in this fanfiction.

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At first Yoshida Sodha did not want to tell the truth about his lack of knowledge about chakra, he wanted to look cool in the eyes of his son, but then remembering that the profession of shinobi is quite risky occupation, he decided not to hide the truth from his son and tell everything as it is. What if his desire to still appear knowledgeable about everything would lead to his son having a poor understanding of things, which could cause him harm in the future.

- What's my affi.....afity, that strange word you said.

- Affinity. I don't know, it takes chakra paper to find out, but it's too early for you to talk about it. When you grow up and have more chakra, and if you still want to become a shinobi, we can check it out.

- Why can't we do it now?

- I'm telling you, you're too young and won't know what to do with paper, cause you need to channel chakra into it. So, it's better to wait until you're older.

- Please, I want to know what my affinity is.

- Don't worry, my little baby, Daddy will bring you a piece of paper tomorrow. But if it doesn't work out you won't be sad or cry, you'll just save it for the future, okay? - After saying that, Yoshida Hana looked at her husband with a 'got anything to say' look, to which he shook his head negatively, accepting his wife's suggestion and not aggravating his 'bright future'.

- YAY. And I'm not crying. – The youth mumbled the second part of his sentence faintly under his breath, only then noticing that he was as happy as a child. Strangely enough, only his shout was real, being filled with unconcealed joy, for all evening he had had to pretend to be an ignorant child to get what he wanted. Yuske realized that it wasn't the best acting performance on his part, and at some point his pretense might have been exposed, but there wasn't much to choose from.

In truth, the reason for his joy was hidden not only in the possibility to get chakra paper and start training, but also from the fact that his idea had succeeded and all this conversation was not for naught. 

His parents assumed that it was his undisguised interest in the shinobi profession again, because the rest of the time he had little enthusiasm and only ninja-related things could make him act like a real impatient kid.

* Overall, it was pretty easy. With my luck, I was expecting some sudden turn during the conversation or that I wouldn't be taken seriously, but apparently my silent behavior makes dialogues desirable, which is not the case with kids who buzz around all day and you want to find a way to shut them up.

The morning of the next day, Yuske had to wait until everyone woke up to go outside and begin his immersion into the world of training.

It was a risky thing to start early. He needed to wait until father left for work and mother started doing chores around the house before making him something to eat and going to help in the shop.

Usually, children do not wake up so early, unless it is necessary, and the persistent and systematic dedication of a two-year-old child to training is not the most commonplace sight, and will arouse a lot of suspicion.

Not knowing how much he could strain his body made it necessary to find out the minimum and maximum of what was allowed.

- Yuske-kun, I'm off to help daddy, don't go anywhere and play at home or behind the house. – After saying those words, Yoshida Hana went to the store to help her husband, but never stopping to think about what her son was going to do. His interest in the shinobi path is becoming more and more apparent, especially considering the conversation and the promise he was given yesterday. The rest of the time the kid seems to be wrapped up in his own thoughts.

She was thinking that she must not forget to set aside the chakra paper for him right away. This little rascal of hers was so grown up, and for some reason she didn't want to lose his trust.

Someone else who didn't know him would have thought that it was a minute whim and he'd already forgotten about yesterday's conversation. A normal child would have been impatient and reminded time after time to make sure she did not forget to bring the paper tonight, but definitely not Yusuke-kun, she knew he just trusted that she wouldn't let him down.

She'd bring the thing over at noon when she returned to make lunch, but her inexperience with chakra matters made it impossible to be of any use to him, and without her husband one could screw up. Sometimes she felt like Yuske was all she had in her life, and maybe it really was that way.

* Finally gone, and it's like I have complete freedom of action. Although children are allowed to walk around the village at a very early age, but if I want to go out - they will certainly notice. Even I can see the exit of our family's store from here. When I'm a little older, I'll have to ask for more freedom of movement. Obviously, I won't get lost and there's no one here who dares to assault a child, which is a perk of being in a ninja village.

If it weren't for the democratic principles of this world, especially in villages like Konoha or Kumo, some could mistake these places for a regimented facility.

Yuske decided to start with a light jog, and for the primitive work of his arms he decided to practice throwing pebbles to see how much strain his body could withstand without going beyond the limits. He didn't have high expectations, though. Training while waiting to grow up should be scheduled in moderation. There would be plenty of free time with this kind of training, and he wanted to try and keep himself busy, but until he figured out the nature of his chakra it was hard to plan anything specific. At times it took him so long to plan a single action that it was definitely not something to be bored with.

Yuske placed pebbles all over the backyard and began running from one to the other at the fastest pace he could, setting up a sort of obstacle course for himself.

This will not only allow him to acquire endurance, but agility and motor skills will be involved at the proper level, because what his young body needs and will need most is absolute control, flexibility and mobility.

Yuske didn't know much about the benefits of various types of exercise, but he acted on his own logical conclusions.

He had heard many times in his past life that to give the body a muscular look, all exercises should be done as slowly as possible, doing a lot of reps, but with few movements themselves, without exhausting himself to the limit. He needed quite the opposite: to temper his body and still maintain a lean and fit appearance, without crudely bulging and restrictive muscles.

As an example, to better understand your body's limitations, it is best to emphasize power running, that is, running at the maximum available pace. In this case, a person better understands his own capabilities and does not put the body under stresses that are habit-forming and not best reflected on the growing body.

To put it even more simply, it is preferred for an adult to get the body accustomed to the strain, which is achieved by long and not too fast training, but Yuske is only two years old, and at least for the next eight years he has to stay away from anything that can interfere with proper growth.