
From Mortal to Shinobi

A guy who lives for wonders and beauty of unexplored gets another chance in another world. The copyrights of Naruto are not mine, but I invite you to dive in and enjoy my vision of the interesting progression of the characters in this fanfiction.

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Water, like earth, has many variations in usage and a lot of similarities on a basic level. In addition, when there are natural water resources in close proximity - water becomes the style with the least chakra expenditure.

Things weren't too rosy with the wind either, but overall the picture wasn't so dire. The simplest way to fight using the wind jutsus is to make the weapon hard with black substance and enhance it with wind element chakra, as Asuma did. But the latter had no black substance, which means there is a possibility of surpassing him in the application of this technique.

The third place in the list of desirable elements was taken by wind because of its simpler and more versatile application than the lightning element jutsu, which Yuske had some unpleasant thoughts about.

He'll probably never understand what kind of wind was going through the man's head who had the idea to make armor out of lightning. If someone has a body so strong that no lightning can harm him, then hell is the address of the fool who got the idea that such a person should be given even more armor, and an even greater fool is the one who would go up against such a monster.

And then why didn't they give wind or fire armor to some other shinobi in the anime? Lightning has absolutely no solidity and only some metals, due to the magnetic field of electricity, will be deflected, but everything else will pass through it easily.

Unlike lightning, flame is easier to control and armor made of it not only has the option of giving shape, because lightning is unruly and very quickly flows to places of positive or negative charge, but also fire with its protective trait can simply melt an object that will try to harm the wearer of the 'armor'.

Wind, on the other hand, will prevent anything from getting close while speeding up the user. And it won't be from someone's delusional fantasy like the idea that an electrified person moves fast, but rather a reasonable physical phenomenon, because the wind will be able to push its user, accelerating him to inhuman degrees.


* If by some mischief of fate, I end up with fire as the only element in my arsenal, it will be necessary to consider another way out of the situation, because you can't go far with it. Of course, it is possible to become a taijutsu user at the expense of the black substance, but that is foolish enough for a world like this, and there is no romance of an adventurer in it. Imagine being in a world of magic, because chakra is nothing but the magic of these lands, and you decide to forget about this exact wonder, like the last moron relying on taijutsu.

Yuske thought that another phenomenon is worthy of attention, where characters like the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen are key figures. This world does not place as a limitation the inability to use another element if someone is born with an affinity for one, quite the opposite. In other words, a person born with affinity to fire can still learn how to use any other element.

* I've never given much thought to which element Third is inclined to, but no one will convince me that he is the luckiest of all and was born with an affinity for five basic elements. - The mastery of five elements of the Third Hokage clearly indicates that it is very much possible for someone born with the element of fire, or any other, to touch such a 'dainty pie' as earth ninjutsu.

Yuske, obviously, wanted to avoid such a thing and hoped to be simply related to the desired element. He doesn't have much faith that he was born with the chakra volume of monsters like Kisame or particularly gifted Uzumaki. Accordingly, those who wish to use their preferred element without worrying much about chakra expenses will have to look for a way to get their hands on one of the biju or at least find some artificial carrier of a large amount of chakra.

Obviously, no one wants to mess around with that much adventure, so all he has to do is pray that his affinity is to one of these versatile elements, which would make the chakra costs acceptable.

Naturally, this is only one side of the coin, the time spent on gaining sufficient proficiency is of utmost importance. If there is no affinity to the element, it will take much more time resources to achieve the desired results than it would take to learn the techniques of one's own element.

It is also unfair to put certain elements in the upper ranks in terms of effectiveness and power, which fans have hyped into delusional theories and thoughts.

Yuske always felt that there were some strange bees in Kishimoto's bonnet that direct him in logic only they understand, for the elements of lightning or wind couldn't be any less special than wood style. Most likely Hashirama's brilliance was due to Asura and his reincarnation, for with such a quantity and quality of chakra, even with fire, one can incinerate half the world.

Wood is no sturdier than stone, no faster than wind and lightning, and has no temperature threats, and a trait about biju suppression is simply out of thin air.

Yuske believed that if he were given Senju's bloodline and Asura's spiritual essence, he could make such wonders of the world out of stone that Hashirama would weep for a week after he was resurrected.

* I think I've gotten too deep into theory and should instead decide on what to do next. – After thinking about it for a bit, he decided to try to strike up a conversation about the elements with his parents tonight.

It was a good thing that in this world a two-year-old could already have such discussions, and tomorrow morning would mark the beginning of his path of obsessive training. 

He was going to make up for a lot in this life that he had been unjustly deprived of in the previous one. Or maybe this situation with reincarnation is a kind of fate's compensation for his sufferings.