
From Jinchuriki to Speedster

My name is Nathaniel Allen. When I was a child, I saw my mother and brother killed by something impossible. My father went to prison for her murder. To the world, I'm an ordinary forensic scientist, but secretly I use my super speed to fight crime and find others like me. And one day, I'll find who killed my mother and brother. I am the Flash. Naruto/Nathan Allen Harem. -Author credits: NidaimeKyuubi94. -Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership of the terms, characters, powers and material in general in addition to my own. All rights reserved to their respective owners.

SarmelAC · TV
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54 Chs

Captain Cold (+18)

1 Week Later

After stopping the Mist, things had settled down on the meta-human front, now it was all about stopping petty crimes, and trying to stay out of Iris' and Joe's drama, seeing as Joe figured out Iris was dating Eddie before she could confess to him.

Naruto had also gained a new hobby in the form of walking his new friend Linda to work at CC Picture News every morning. Linda was a fun girl to be around and Naruto actually enjoyed his time with her, he hasn't made a move yet though

Over the week Naruto had taken to wearing weighted Titin clothing underneath his everyday clothes. He also received good news in the form of his book being published, so far it was doing pretty good, and the money was awesome.

With today being his day off, Naruto had decided to relax, and was currently at S.T.A.R Labs after Wells insisted they work on his multitasking ability in form of him he playing Ping Pong with Cisco, Operation with Caitlin, and Chess with Wells at the same time

"This isn't even remotely anatomically correct." Caitlin complained before Naruto sped over

"That's not the point, Dr. Snow." Naruto said before speeding over back to the ping pong table

"Then what is the point?" Caitlin asked

"To have fun." Naruto replied

"And to continue your ongoing training by testing the speed of your mind by pushing your ability to multitask." Wells said before Naruto sped over and took his rook, and was back at the the ping pong table and smacked the ball causing it to fly by Cisco getting another point.

Naruto went back to Wells and took his queen, before he announced "Check Mate." causing Cisco and Caitlin to look over in shock while Wells looked at the board in shock himself as Naruto smirked, before an alarm went off

"Armed robbery at 4th and Collins." Cisco said

"For the record, I also crushed it in operation and ping pong. But in all fairness I have mastered the art of multitasking since I was 15." Naruto said walking backwards before in a flash he was gone

Caitlin tried to get another piece when the board sounded off, causing her to flinch "It's not as easy as it looks."

4th and Collins

Naruto sped onto the scene to see a Blackhawk Squad Protection Group truck being robbed by a 6 man crew, running up to the first who was about to get into the driver side of the truck, Naruto grabbed him by his chin and slammed him into the ground, before he rushed the second thief and a punch to the gut sent him flying into the side of the truck,

As he rushed the third member Naruto noticed a man look out the back of the truck, while he took out the third who had his gun on an security guard, before he ran into the truck and pushed the man out, before he made to go home, but the sound of a gunshot going off, caused him to turn around to see a guard who was running fall, before in a blur he punched the man in the side of his mask sending him flying through the windshield of the truck, while Naruto scooped up the guard and was running with him to the nearest hospital, taking note that one of them also lost his mask

Hour Later

CC Police Department were on the scene and were canvassing the area, as Joe was in the back of the Blackhawk truck looking around Eddie walked over "Tow truck was stolen. Driver of the armored car is in a stable condition at , and no one's exactly sure how he got there."

"Did you check the security cameras?" Joe asked in a clipped tone not looking at Eddie

"Camera's storage drive was stolen. Guys are pros." Eddie said before he backed up as Joe got up and out if the truck

"Everything's still here, including what I think they were after, the Kahndaq dynasty diamond. It was on its way to Central City museum for exhibition." Joe said as he and Eddie began to walk

"Right, Iris is trying to talk me into going." Eddie said as Joe frowned "I'm not much of a museum guy, but when she really wants to do something" Eddie took noticed that Joe had stopped walking and was glaring at him "I'm just going to walk away now."

Captain Singh walked over to Joe, and asked "Where the hell is Nate?"

"Today's his day off." Joe replied causing Singh to sigh before he pulled out his phone

S.T.A.R. Labs

Naruto was talking with Caitlin about setting up another time they could hang out together when his phone rung "Singh, what's up?" Naruto asked

"I need you at 4th and Collins."

"Come on its my day off." Naruto said

"Fine, I'll pay you double, and you'll keep the day." Singh offered


"How fast can you get here?" Singh asked

"Well I'm in the area, give me a minute." Naruto said before he hung up and looked to Caitlin "I got to go."

"Have fun." Caitlin grinned as Naruto smiled and sped off



Naruto walked beside Joe who handed him a binder full of mugshots "So look through these mug shots of Central City's most wanted, and see if you can find our guy."

Naruto sped through the book, and landed on the picture of the man "That's him."

"Damn." Joe said amazed as he took the book and groaned "Leonard Snart."

"Leonard? That's almost as bad as Bartholomew." Naruto smirked

"Snart ain't sexy, either." Joe retorted causing Naruto to shrug "Snart's father was a cop, a bad cop. Took his anger out on his kids until he went to prison."

"Snart's dad's in prison too? We should start a club." Naruto said

"He shows up, like, every six months. He cases a job for weeks before he makes his move. Then, he does the job, and gets away." Joe said

"That was before the Streak was around." Naruto replied

"Did you just refer to yourself in the third person?" Joe whispered

"No, I referred to The Streak, which I'm pretty sure I can top." Naruto said as Joe looked interested "I've been thinking of a new name. What do you think about Go-"

"Coffee break." Iris said interrupting Naruto and Joe who frowned at his daughter as she walked over with the coffee "Thought I would bring Central City's finest java over to Central City's finest."

"Thanks." Naruto said taking one, while Joe shook his head

"I'm off caffeine." Joe said before he walked away, while Iris sighed

"My dad's been mad at me every since I told him about me and Eddie." Iris said following Naruto up to his lab

"No, you mean he's mad at you because you didn't tell him in time." Naruto replied

"Uh, first, that sounds like you're taking his side, and second, do you know how he does this whole, I'm not talking to you, but I have a whole bag "full of judgmental looks I'm gonna try out on you later?" Iris asked

"Yeah, I've been on the receiving end of those a few times." Naruto said walking up the stairs

"Speaking of communications, or lack thereof, after all of these journalism classes, I got an idea." Iris said as Naruto looked at her "I started a blog."

"What's it about? Your brownie obsession?" Naruto asked

"No, something important. Something that Central City needs to know about," Iris said before she jumped in front of Naruto "The Streak."

Naruto raised an eyebrow

"He's out there, Nate. Rumor has it, he stopped an armed car robbery earlier. I was hoping that I could take a look at the file, and..."

"Ain't, happening. Besides I'm not at liberty to discuss an ongoing police investigation with you." Naruto said walking toward his lab, while Iris followed

"Since when, Mr. Blabbermouth?"

"Since you made a blog." Naruto said looking back to her before he turned to face her "Blogging about this is only gonna bring the crazies to your front door."

"My blog is anonymous." Iris retorted

"All right, well, anonymous or not, it's not safe. You never know what kind of weirdos are out there trolling on the internet." Naruto said walking into his lab,

"I can vouch for that." a familiar voice said in his lab, causing Naruto to look up and see his former girlfriend Felicity Smock "The internet is full of weirdos and nerd rage Lots and lots of nerd rage." she said staring at Naruto who smiled at her

Iris looked between Felicity and Naruto as they stared at each other smiling "Hi. Felicity Smoak." Felicity said snapping out of her daze and looking at Iris

"Iris West." Iris said shaking her hand

"Felicity is," Naruto began to explain that Felicity was an old girlfriend from MIT but Iris interrupted him

"The girl that you met in Starling City, the computerer, right? You two worked on one of Nate's unexplainable cases."

Felicity looked to Naruto who shrugged before she turned to Iris "Which, long story short, was definitely explainable." she said backing up and looking up st the glass ceiling "So the lightning came through here?" she asked pointing to the ceiling

Naruto nodded with a sigh, before Joe walked in, "Nate before you go I..Felicity?" Joe asked seeing the blonde who smiled

"Hi, Mr. West."

"What I tell you about calling me that, come here." Joe said hugging a smiling Felicity as Iris looked confused before he pulled back "What are you doing in Central City?"

"I came to see Nate, but if he's busy I can,:

"No, he's free to go." Joe said waving Naruto and Felicity away, not taking any chances Naruto grabbed Felicity's hand and dragged her off

"See ya, Joe, Iris." Naruto said leaving

"You know her?" Iris asked

"Yeah, that's his old girlfriend from MIT. He wanted to marry that girl." Joe said with a smile before he walked off, while Iris stood in the lab surprised

Moments Later


Naruto and Felicity were walking through the park, "So that's the famous Iris, she seems very nice. And really pretty. Like, super pretty. Congratulations." Felicity said

"Iris is just a friend who actually has a boyfriend." Naruto said causing Felicity to nod

"Oh, that's...Interesting, I guess." Felicity said awkwardly

"What are you really doing here? I mean, it's good to see you, but do you and Oliver need something, or..."

"No, no, I came because I wanted to see you." Felicity said as Naruto smiled "I heard you were out of the coma. Didn't call, didn't write, didn't race over."

Naruto paused as Felicity gave him a significant look "Oliver told you?" he asked

"Honestly, I heard you two talking on that rooftop in Starling City that night." Felicity said as Naruto nodded before Felicity leaned closer "I want to see it."

"Well you've already seen it Felicity, I mean if.." Naruto began before a blushing Felicity hit him in his chest causing him to laugh

"I meant your speed!" Felicity said

"Well you left yourself open for that one, but OK let's see." Naruto said looking around before he noticed at building, and before Felicity knew it Naruto was holding her bridle style on a building that overlooked the park "Tada!"

Felicity looked around amazed before Naruto set her down and she looked over the ledge down at the park where they had been "Unbelievable." she said in awe before she looked to him "What else can you do?"

Naruto smirked "I'll show you." he said holding out his hand

Moments Later

Naruto's Apartment

Lemon Alert

Seconds later Naruto and Felicity both crashed through the door of his bedroom with Naruto being forced backwards as the lovey I.T. girl made out with him, while coming out of her heels. Both their eyes gazing into one another as their tongues battled for dominance of one another's mouths. Naruto fell back onto the bed and Felicity climbed up over top of him and locked lips with him once more while their hands roamed one another's bodies and tore at their cloths to get them off. Felicity smiled into the kiss when she felt his erection poking her through his pants.

Not even a minute went by before they were both completely naked before one another. Naruto smiled as his eyes traced every inch of her flat and well toned stomach, her large D-cup breasts and her lovely hips and legs which looked like they went on for days. Felicity licked her lips when she looked at his well toned and muscular pecks, his strong flexing biceps and his long and meaty cock which had to be 12 inches at the least. Her pussy was dripping from the excitement of feeling him inside of her once again. Felicity climbed up over top of him once more and sat down on his lap. First they made out again while he sat up then she brought his head down a little to her breasts. "Please suck on my tits Nate." she begged. Naruto first took her left tit into his mouth and started suckling it.

Felicity whimpered when she felt his tongue and lips over her hardening bud. Naruto brought one of his hands up to play with and squeeze her free breast while he continued sucking on the tit in his mouth as well as gently gnawing on it with his teeth. Felicity was whimpering and moaning from the pleasure of the speedster suckling her breasts. Naruto then switched to her other tit to do the same while he brought his other hand up to massage the first one. By now she was in heaven from the skill behind his lips and she thought it felt amazing how he'd worked his hands over her firm breasts squeezing and massaging them.

Felicity then got up off for a moment and leaned down bending over in front of the blonde. Naruto smiled as she was now inches from his cock which was now at full strength and as hard a steel. She took it in her hands and started stroking it in her gentle but firm grip and she smiled when she saw his eyes roll back and he let out a deep groan from the pleasure she brought to him. She stroked it a few more times before giving the head of his cock a quick lick which sent a shiver of pleasure up the man's spine. She lick it a few more times before engulfing it into her mouth outright till his pubes were tickling her nose. Naruto was moaning in bliss as the blonde deep throat him and to add to the pleasure she brought one of her hands up to play with his balls.

Soon Felicity went from slow and steady to quickly bringing her head up and down on his dick. Felicity moaned from the taste and scent of his manhood and Naruto almost lost it right then and there from the vibrations of her voice over his cock. Naruto brought one of his hands down as he lay back to the back of her head as if to guide her as she started bobbing her head up and down his cock. Felicity would stir things up further by switching between sucking him off to stroking his now wet cock in her hands. She grinned when she saw him squirming from her actions. The power she felt at being able to still get such a reaction from him, just from the touch of her hand was almost intoxicating. She felt Naruto twitch in her hand seconds later.

Felicity brought Naruto's cock into her mouth again and worked the shaft in her hands fast and furiously all the while Naruto was beginning to reach his end. "Felicity!" he said gritting his teeth. "I'm gonna cum!" he warned. Naruto slammed his eyes shut and blew his load into her mouth. Felicity moaned from the taste and soon had to work hard in swallowing as quickly as she could so as not to choke. It was hard to get all of it since there was so much of the stuff but she managed to gulp down every last drop so as not to waist it. After she finished drinking his semen she sat back up licking her lips. "Nate you still taste delicious." she purred looking down at him. "May I have a taste Felicity?" he asked grinning.

Naruto got up and locked lips with the beautiful blonde once again and rolled her over onto her back. After making out with her again for a couple of minutes he parted lips with her and then started kissing her lovely neck. Felicity whimpered from the attention he gave her as she got more and more excited as he started kissing a trail down her body. First from her neck to her sternum then down to her breasts again like he did before. Naruto switched between both her tits suckling and massaging them in his hands and he smirked as he heard her moaning loudly from the waved of pleasure that coursed through her. Naruto would then kiss and gently lick his way down her stomach to her navel then he'd go even lower till he was face to face with her dripping womanhood.

Naruto was entranced by the sweet scent of her arousal and then gave her pussy a quick lick. Felicity jerked and cried out in bliss from feeling his warm slimy tongue on her privates. Naruto started by licking up and down her folds and loving the taste of her sweet juices. Then he started kissing and licking her clit which sent shock waves up her spine. Felicity arched her back and screamed as Naruto continued pleasing her with his motions. Naruto then took it a step further and used his fingers to spread her open and get a quick look at the moist caverns before diving his tongue inside her, which he began to vibrate, causing Felicity to screame his name at the top of her lungs while Naruto swiveled his vibrating tongue and licked around inside of her. Lastly he brought one vibrating hand up to play with her clitoris once more.

Felicity was loosing her mind at the feeling of Naruto eating her out. With her left hand she reached back to grip the sheets so hard she nearly ripped them while with the other hand she reached down and grabbed the top of his head as is she was trying to force him further inside of her. Felicity was sweating as she felt her core heating up to a boiling point and her pleasure was reaching new heights. "Nate!" she cried out loudly. "I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum! I'M CUMMING!" she screamed to the heavens. Naruto felt her vaginal fluids explode from her drenching his face. Felicity was panting hard from her powerful orgasm while Naruto went to work cleaning up after her. Felicity looked back up smiling as she saw Naruto sit back up licking the last of her sweet nectar off his face and fingers.

"You are still my favorite dish Felicity." he said as Felicity was done catching her breath and was ready for the best part.

"Take me Nate." she said sitting up supported by her elbows. Naruto leaned over her and locked lips with Felicity once again with their tongues dueling it out within one another's mouths. Naruto got into position and lined himself up but started just gently thrusting but not entering her yet. Naruto wanted to hear her beg for him. "Nate please stop teasing me." she said huffing with her lips inches from his. "I need you now. I need to feel you inside me." she pleaded. Naruto lined himself up with her dripping entrance once more before he pushed his cock into her tight and moist caverns.

Felicity was in absolute bliss from feeling him enter her body and from how he stretched her open with his huge cock. Felicity wrapped her arms around his neck to hold him close to her and Naruto wasted no time in moving his hips and thrusting his manhood in and out of her. Felicity was crying out in absolute bliss from the man on top fucking her mercilessly. As Naruto picked up the pace she wrapped her legs around his waist to hold him in place and much to her delight he was even able to reach deeper inside of her with the head of his cock pressing up against her womb. The bed was creaking and Naruto and Felicity were both moaning, groaning and breathing hard as sweat was pouring down their bodies. Naruto felt her innards begin to tighten which encouraged him to double his efforts,

Felicity felt her climax fast approaching and to her delight she felt Naruto twitch inside of her like he did so once before which signaled that like her he was nearing the end and would soon bring them both to their glorious finish. Finally Felicity screamed Naruto's name to the top of her lungs as her vaginal muscled tightened around his length and her juices shot out drenching both their crotches. Naruto was gritting his teeth from how tight she was now to the point fucking her was hurting to finally the pressure within him reached the breaking point and with a loud groan he unleashed a massive amount of hot cum into her body. Felicity was breathing hard and panting like a dog as she felt his warm bodily fluids inside of her and it was absolutely wonderful for her.

Naruto gently got back up on his knees pulling himself out of her as to not hurt her then she let him roll her over onto her stomach. Naruto took a moment to gaze and be amazed by her lovely skin on her back and her beautiful heart shaped ass. Naruto leaned in gently laying over top of her and brought her face around to lock lips with him again. Naruto's ocean blue eyes gazed lovingly into her beautiful sky blue ones and Felicity was getting excited when she felt her lover's cock reach full strength again in between her legs. Naruto positioned himself once more and then thrust his cock onto the blonde once again getting her to cry out in bliss from being filled to the brim. Naruto then started thrusting again into her with his crotch slapping her ass loudly.

As Naruto thrust into her hot and wet pussy Felicity was whimpering again from him as he kissed her neck and shoulders while he thrust into her with great power. Naruto would increase using his super speed to vibrate his cock, which caused Felicity to moan loudly from the action and looked back at him so he could lock lips with her once more. Naruto then decided to switch things up and pulled out for just a second. Felicity wondered a little disappointed as to why he'd stop only for him to get her back up onto her hands and knees before he reentered her again. Naruto then also reached down and grabbed the blonde by her wrists and held onto her tightly while he thrust his cock into her pussy hard and faster at super speed.

The bed was rocking and slamming against the wall while Naruto continued fucking her harder and faster with the sound of his crotch slapping against her sweet ass and sweat pouring down their naked bodies. Naruto was crying loudly from the pleasure she received and only wanted more of it and yelled out begging Naruto to keep going.

Felicity smiled when she felt him twitch inside her again knowing he was gonna cum again and thankfully she felt her own orgasm fast approaching as loved fucking her from behind. Each time he thrust and smacked his crotch against her flesh he'd see ripples in her ass which was almost hypnotizing. Finally Naruto was at his end and groaned loudly as he climaxed. "Felicity!" he shouted as he shot his load into her. That finally did it for the blonde and she cried out climaxing as well with her innards trying to milk him for all his cum which paid off as more and more hot semen was shot up into her body. Both partners remained joined at the hip when Naruto let go of her wrists letting her fall forward and rest panting hard with their mixed cum oozing down her legs.

Naruto then gently helped her back up and she smiled when he let her sit on his lap with his arms around her. "Are you up for another round?" he asked with a smirk

Felicity smiled before she kissed him passionately "I haven't been with anyone in 2 years, what so you think." she said grabbing him by his member which was at full strength once again, as she then lifted herself up then lined him up with her womanhood before sinking back down and impaling herself on his shaft a third time. Felicity moaned from joining him and feeling him inside her again and then they started working their hips together. Naruto would thrust forward while holding Felicity close to him with his arms on her mid and lower back while Felicity wrapped her arms around her lover's neck.

Naruto and Felicity locked lips yet again while they continued thrusting their hips into one another and with her breasts pressing up against his bare chest as, their tongues battled it out for dominance.

The bed was soon rocking and slamming against the wall of Naruto's room,

End Lemon

Few Hours Later

Felicity groaned awake to see the smiling face of Naruto "Hey." she said

"Hey." Naruto replied

"What happened?" Felicity asked

"You fainted." Naruto said causing Felicity to blush "I guess, vibrating, super speed, and low levels of electricity was to much for you."

Felicity with a blush smiled when Naruto leaned over to kiss her lovingly before he pulled back "I am sorry, I made you worry about me."

"It's ok, it's not like you chose to be struck by lightning." Felicity said before she looked up over Naruto's shoulder to see it was dark

"How long have we been here?" Felicity asked

"6 hours." Naruto said

"Wow." Felicity said

"Can I tell you something? Something I've never told anyone, and you'd have to keep to yourself, not even Oliver and Dig could know." Naruto said seriously

"Sure." Felicity nodded, before Naruto moved so he was laying on his back, and she was laying on his chest, as he began to run his fingers through her hair he began

"There once was a place called the Elemental Nations..."

Next Morning

Naruto and Felicity were in his kitchen with Felicity sitting on the counter with Naruto coming up from eating her out, before he kissed her passionately.

After he told Felicity about his life, and true home, Naruto had been relieved when she accepted all of it, and told him nothing would change about how she felt about him, before they returned to having sex, with even more passion then before, he didn't feel as weighed down as before which he considered a good thing

Pulling away with a smile Naruto asked "So anything you want to do today?"

"You still have to show me more of your set up." Felicity reminded

"That means going to S.T.A.R. Labs." Naruto sighed

"Why you say it like that? You don't like them?"

"Cisco, and Caitlin are fine, it's Harrison that I'm not sure about." Naruto said

"You trusted him with your secret." Felicity reminded

"They knew about me, before I knew about me, so it wasn't like I could help people and do the whole secret identity thing, when people I don't even know, probably knows more bout my new abilities than I do." Naruto said before Felicity wrapped her arms around his neck

"Relax, you've always been paranoid, remember your last apartment you thought there were cameras hidden everywhere to watch you. So you moved out."

"It was a gut feeling." Naruto shrugged

"You can't accuse someone of something without any evidence, Dr. Wells has done nothing but help you, give him a chance." Felicity said

Naruto nodded before he grabbed Felicity by her ass and stood up straight while she gasped and wrapped her legs around his waist "After our shower, we'll go to S.T.A.R Labs."

"Well you'll have to run me, to my hotel so I can change." Felicity said as Naruto walked to the shower and began to kiss her neck lovingly

2 Hours Later

S.T.A.R. Labs

After their shower, Naruto had taken Felicity to her suite where she got changed before he took her to S.T.A.R. Labs and showed her around, currently they were walking toward the Cortex

"And this is where we monitors the police bands for criminal activity. We can track anything that's happening in the city. We even have our own satellite."

"I know. I've hacked into it from time to time." Felicity replied causing Naruto to chuckle

"Rude." Cisco said as he and Caitlin walked over

"It is, of course, so wonderful to see you again, Felicity. I'm just wondering how much of our operation she needs to know about." Caitlin said

"I'm really good at keeping secrets." Felicity replied with a wink

"Yeah, Felicity works with The Arrow." Naruto threw in

"Sweet!" Cisco said excited, while Caitlin looked surprised

"And you apparently are not." Felicity said looking to Naruto who was about to speak but an excited Cisco walked over closer

"Now it's all making sense. You know who The Arrow is." Cisco said before he looked to Naruto eagerly "Wait, do you know who The Arrow is?"

Naruto shook his head negatively as he noticed Felicity staring at him, before she turned to Cisco and he nodded affirmatively

"Let's just say that my team has a similar set up, but with more pointy objects." Felicity said

"Welcome, Ms. Smoak." Harrison said in the corridor

" ? The Dr. Wells?" Felicity said in awe,

"Please, call me Harrison, Felicity." Wells said rolling into the cortex

"Oh, you know who I am?" Felicity asked

"Ranked second in the national informative technology competition at age 19, graduated M.I.T. with masters degree in cyber security and computer sciences. I know who you are. I keep an eye out for promising talent in scientific fields. It's what brought me Cisco, Caitlin, and I foresaw great things from you." Wells said

Felicity with a smile turned to Naruto only to find him gone "Where'd he go?" Felicity asked only for Naruto to speed into the cortex wearing his S.T.A.R. Labs sweatshirt, and jogging pants

"Ok, let's see if I can top my top speed." Naruto said

Moments Later

Felicity, Wells, Caitlin, and Cisco watched as Naruto reached 890 mph, on his treadmill "How fast can he run?" Felicity asked

"He's been getting faster at an extraordinary rate, his last recorded top speed was 750 mph." Dr. Wells said

"So is he really okay?" Felicity asked watching Naruto

"His heart rate is within normal range, for him." Caitlin said

"No, I mean, the lightning bolt changed him." Felicity said finally looking away to the scientist "Do any of you really know how much?"

"We know a fair amount." Cisco said

"If everything about him is sped up, is he going to age faster? What would happen if he ran too fast? I mean, would he just be running, and then, poof, he's dust in a red costume? What about of he has children one day will they have super speed as well?" Felicity fired off, while Caitlin gained a look at the last question

"Everything we do here at S.T.A.R. Labs is to protect Nathan Allen. Trust us, Felicity, he is in very good hands here." Harrison said as Felicity nodded before she turned to Naruto who was still running

"Felicity how exactly did you meet Nate?" Caitlin asked

"Oh, um, In my freshman year at MIT, I had a stalker problem, and Nate caught the guy and beat him up, making sure he left me alone." Felicity shrugged watching Naruto with a smile "We became friends, then we started dating till graduation."

"Oh." Caitlin said turning to Naruto who was still running

Central City Museum

Eddie, and Joe were in the car outside if the museum, waiting for Snart to show up, when Eddie tired of the awkward silence spoke up "Eh, I don't get it. Why would Snart come here?" he asked

"Snart's been deterred before, but once he goes after something, he doesn't stop until he gets it, ever." Joe said simply still looking out the window

"Joe, I want you to know that I'm really serious about Iris. She's an amazing woman, and I can really see myself-"

"I ever tell you about that wild night I had my last day of college?" Joe asked interrupting Eddie who was trying to make his case

"I don't think so." Eddie said

"No? Not even after we kicked back a few beers after work?" Joe asked

"We've never done that." Eddie said

"Oh, right. That's the things I do with my friends, and since we've never done those things we ain't friends." Joe replied looking over to Eddie sternly "So there's actually no reason I need to know about your dating life."

"I just don't want my personal relationship with your daughter to affect our working relationship." Eddie said

"It ain't about you, Eddie. It's about her. So as long as we don't talk about you and her, we will be cool." Joe said looking away

"Maybe we should just listen to the radio." Eddie said turning on the radio

'When a man loves a woman!" Quickly Eddie turned the station 'Let's get it on~' "Quiet is good." he said turning the radio off

CC Jitters

Iris had just finished serving a customer, when she saw Naruto and Felicity walk in smiling "Hey, you two."

"Hey." Felicity said as Naruto nodded

"Has Nate been showing you some of the sights in Central City?" Iris asked

Felicity smiled and looked to Naruto "Yes, I have seen some pretty amazing things." she said

"Really?" Iris asked before she turned and lead them to a table, "Well, if you've got some time, maybe we can show you some of Central City's night life."

"Oh, no. I get plenty of night life in Starling City."

"Oh, this is something that I don't think that you're gonna want to miss." Iris said placing her tray down and turning to the blondes with a flier "Trivia night at Jitters. Eddie's not really excited about it, I admit. But it could be our night, guys."

Naruto raised an eyebrow as he took the flier and read it "Our night to win $75 worth of cappuccinos." he said

"Uh, yum." Felicity said taking the flier before she turned to Naruto and said "You know what, I'm gonna go call work, check in, make sure everything's okay. I'll be back in a second."

Naruto nodded before he followed after Iris as Felicity walked away "Why are you doing this?" he asked

"Doing what?" Iris asked

"The trivia night with you and Eddie, forcing this whole double date thing."

"Because that girl is great, and she happens to come from your very rare species of adorable nerds." Iris said walking behind a counter while Naruto looked offended at being called a nerd

"Seriously Iris, are you doing this because you feel I should be with someone because you are?" Naruto asked

"No, I just want you to be happy, that's all." Iris said

"I am happy, Iris. You being, with someone is fine with me as long as YOU are happy." Naruto said leaning closer "I'm not going to put my life on pause for you, and I don't want you to do the same for me."

Iris nodded before she asked "Why didn't you tell me more about her?"

"There's nothing to tell." Naruto shrugged

"My dad, said you wanted to marry her." Iris said "That sounds like a lot to me."

"Alright, I thought it was weird talking to my ex-girlfriend about my current girlfriend. Besides, it would be like me wanting to know intimate details about you and Eddie, which I really don't want to know."

"Oh, so why'd you guys breakup?" Iris asked

"After graduation, she was offered a job at Queen Consolidated, we were going to settle down in Starling, but she knew how much it meant to me to get my dad out of jail. She didn't want me to regret not being able to do that, so we called things off." Naruto said softly, before he shook his head,

"But she obviously still loves you, just bring her tonight. We'll have fun." Iris said

"Yeah, fun." Naruto said


Jitters was packed for trivia night when the host came out with his microphone "Party people, who's ready to get their trivia on?" he asked causing everyone to cheer "Okay, everybody, welcome. We've got some new challengers. Please, welcome e=mc Hammer."

Naruto was sitting across from Eddie, and Iris nodding to the crowd as they cheered, before he sighed "I can't believe I let you talk me in to this." he said to Iris

"Stop being a downer, where is Felicity?" Iris asked looking around

"I'm not sure." Naruto said sipping his soda, as Eddie, and Iris looked over his shoulder in awe "I told her it started at.." Naruto had turned around to see Felicity dressed in a black form fitting backless dress

"Feel free to buy yourself that dress." Eddie whispered to Iris as Felicity walked over

"I totally overdressed for trivia night." Felicity said

"No, you look amazing." Naruto said smiling as

"Yeah, you do." Iris nodded as Felicity blushed and looked to the tablet at her team name

"E=mc hammer. You remebered?" Felicity asked looking to Naruto who smirked as it was the name they used in class when they would team up

"Photographic memory remember." Naruto smirked as he pulled her chair out for her to sit


Naruto and Felicity began to mop the floor with the other teams, as they worked together to score points, while unknown to everyone Naruto had taken to caressing Felicity's lovely legs, her thighs, and giving feather touches to her wet womanhood, "Three is Pasteur." Naruto said as he rotated his finger that was inside of Felicity

"Mm-mm." Felicity said shaking her head as she tried to keep her blush from showing "Three is Erdel, and four is Pasteur."

"Right." Naruto nodded

"Five?" Iris asked

"Descartes/Descartes." the blondes said at the same time

"Are they even speaking English?" Eddie asked although he was a little surprised Naruto was so smart, seeing as when one looks at Naruto they figure he was the cool kid in school who barely paid attention and hollered at all the chicks he could

"And the points go to E=mc Hammer." the host said as the spectators cheered while Naruto and Felicity high-fived

"I knew you two would make a good team." Iris said as Felicity smiled at Naruto

"So, Felicity, what do you do?" Eddie asked

"I work in computer sciences at Queen Consolidated."

"Really?" Eddie asked amazed as she nodded

"Do you have a boyfriend in Starling City?" Iris asked causing Naruto and Felicity to look at her

"No, no, there is no one." Felicity said shaking her head

"I'll get us some more drinks." Eddie said standing up

"And I had too many of those first ones, so I will be right back." Felicity said getting up and walking off, as Naruto watched her go, before he looked to Iris who was smiling at him

"What?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow

"She is so still into you? Look at that dress." Iris said as Naruto chuckled "And when I asked her the boyfriend question, she froze."

"Yeah, you were particularly sly with that one." Naruto replied

"Felicity is smart, nice, and pretty. And most importantly, she is the first girl that I have seen you with that really understands and appreciates you for the amazing person that you are."

Naruto smirked and grabbed her hand "I saw all that in you as well."

Iris blushed before Naruto released her hand "She's perfect for you, so what are you waiting for?" Iris asked

"I so wish I could tell you about my speed." Naruto thought

Moments Later

Eddie sat at the table with the tablet in front of him with a sad look on his face as he got an answer wrong "I'm sorry. I thought I knew it, and I got excited, and I I just hit it." Eddie said looking at Iris, Naruto and Felicity

"No, I mean, maybe they'll get it wrong too." Iris said as Naruto began to laugh

"Oh, yeah.I am sure that the team named Pride and Padawans doesn't know the name to Han Solo's ship." Naruto said jabbing a thumb over to the family of four dressed as Star Wars characters

"Oh, honey, you are so cute when you're confused." Iris said kissing Eddie, before his phone beeped

"Someone spotted Snart." he said in surprise before he got up "I gotta go."

When Iris, and Eddie got up Naruto and Felicity walked off "I'll cover for you."

"All right, what are you gonna say?" Naruto asked

"I usually tell people Oliver's at a night club with a girl, or nursing a hangover."

"None of which will work for me." Naruto said turning to face her as they stood outside

"Your publisher called and you needed to come in right away." Felicity said

"Thanks." Naruto said before he sped off

"Stay safe... And I'm talking to air now, which is odd." Felicity said to herself before Naruto came back and captured her in a kiss causing her to moan in surprise and pleasure

"I needed that." Naruto said before he sped off


Leonard Snart walked down the street, as Joe chased him down quickly heading toward the theatre he was however forced to stop when Joe caught him "Snart!"

Looking over her shoulder Snart saw a squad car in route so he pulled out his new weapon and a ray of white flame hit the street by the squad car, and the Street began to freeze over, causing the cruiser to flip over, luckily Joe managed to get out of the way

Quickly getting to his feet Joe ran into the theatre and began to look for Snart only for Snart to appear behind him and shoot his cold gun at him,

Naruto arrived seeing the weird beam heading for Joe and pushed him out of the way and grunted when the beam hit him in his ribs causing him to fall,

"Are you ok?" Joe asked as Naruto pulled himself to a seated position behind a pillar

"I'm breathing, but whatever he hit me with burns like shit." Naruto said looking down to his ribs, before he glanced before the pillar to Snart about to shoot so he quickly sped off

Leonard seeing his target looked around at the innocent people "Time for a test run." he said while Naruto who was watching him saw him aim at a family causing his eyes to widened before he sped toward them and grabbed them before the beam could hit any of them, getting them to safety Naruto rushed around saving people as Snart used them for target practice, while noticing whatever he was hit with was slowing him down, leaning on another pillar Naruto's eyes widened when Snart shot at a man walking up from the back

Quickly as he could Naruto rushed side by side with the beam but before he could do anything the beam hit the man causing him to freeze over and die,

Naruto took a knee beside the corpse as Smart got away before with a sigh he rushed to S.T.A.R Labs

S.T.A.R. Labs

Naruto was sitting shirtless in the medical room, while Caitlin examined the large black spot on his ribs as everyone watched "It's still numb." he told Caitlin

"It's presenting itself like third degree frostbite." Caitlin said as she walked to a monitor "If your cells weren't regenerating at the rate they are, your blood vessels would have frozen solid and the nerve damage would have been permanent. You're lucky to be alive."

Naruto stood up and took a deep breath as he focused everyone watched as lightning buzzed around his body before the large. lack spot faded away

"Cool." Felicity said as Naruto smiled at her while Caitlin checked him again as he spoke

"Snart wasn't another meta-human. He has some kind of gun. It froze things, slowed me down. Enough that I wasn't in time to save someone." Naruto said as Caitlin gave him the ok, to get a shirt

"According to his record, Snart didn't even bother to finish high school, so how did he build a handheld high tech snow machine?" Felicity asked as Naruto put in a shirt

"S.T.A.R. Labs built the cold gun." Wells said causing Naruto and Felicity to look as to look at him before they looked to Cisco who stepped forward

"Dr. Wells and Caitlin had nothing to do with this. I built the gun." Cisco confessed

"You did? Why?"

"Because speed and cold are opposites. Temperature is measured by how quickly the atoms of something are oscillating."

"The faster they are, the hotter it is, and when then are cold, they're slower on the atomic level. When there's no movement at all, it's called Absolute zero." Naruto finished the science lesson for him

"Yeah. I designed a compact cryo engine to achieve absolute zero. I built it to stop you." Cisco said as Naruto watched him "I didn't know who you were then, Nate. I mean, what if you turned out to be some psycho, like Mardon or Nimbus?"

"I get why you built the gun, Cisco." Naruto said with a shrug "Trust me I don't care why you built it, what I care about is that you were careless with it, now your high tech ice maker, is in the hands of a crook, who used it to kill an innocent man."

"I know and I have to live with that." Cisco said

"So find him." Naruto said walking off


Naruto was punching a heavy bag, when Felicity walked in "Na-ooh!" Felicity jumped when Naruto punched the heavy bag off its hook into a wall, and exploded,

With a sigh Naruto turned to see Felicity "Hey, what are you doing here?"

"Looking for you." Felicity said as she sat in a chair and motioned for him to do the same, with a sigh, he walked over and sat across from her "Are you ok?"

"Yeah," Naruto nodded only for Felicity to look at the destroyed heavy bag "I'm ok, Felicity I've been used to death, since I was 12...the first time."

"Maybe Cisco making the cold gun to take you out hurts more than you want to admit."

"I get why he did it, if I was a psycho with super speed I could ruin the city. I would've done the same thing if I were in his position. I just want to cave Snart's face in, and this is helping a little so I don't kill him when I see him again." Naruto said

"That sounds healthy." Felicity said causing Naruto to chuckle and take a deep breath to relax, before he grabbed a leg of her chair and pulled her closer to him

"Well then Mr. Smoak, how should I distract myself?" Naruto asked causing Felicity to smile before she leaned forward



Team Flash were in the cortex, searching for Snart when Cisco walked in "I figured out a way to track Captain Cold."

"You gotta stop naming these guys." Catlin said as everyone looked at him

"How?" Naruto asked

"The cold gun is powered by an engine control unit, a microcomputer that regulates air-to-fuel ratios so the sub-cooled fluid in the chambers don't overflow and-"


"Right. This E.C.U. was receiving updates wirelessly from my tablet. If I boost the signal using Central City's network and send a false update, we'll get a ping back, and then-"

"We can locate Snart." Wells finished for Cisco

"How long will it take?" Naruto asked

"First I have to hack into the City's network, so I don't know, 30 minutes, maybe?" Cisco said at a computer as Felicity walked to her laptop

"I can do it in less than one." Felicity announced sitting down "When it comes to hacking, I'm the fastest woman alive." Felicity popped her knuckles and shook her hands with a grimace "Ow! That was not as badass as I pictured." she said as Naruto smiled while watching her work "All right, I'm in."

"Are you kidding?" Caitlin asked as she, Wells, and Cisco looked at Felicity in awe

"All right, I'm sending the updates. We're connected." Cisco said

"Network is triangulating the location."

"We got him. He's heading west on Nelson toward the train station." Caitlin said

"If he's leaving, it appears Mr. Snart may have gotten what he came for." Wells said, as Naruto put on his suit and sped off

"Nate, you have to get to him before he fires the you." Cisco said


"Nate, do you copy?" Cisco asked before he sighed "He turned his coms off."

Central City Train Station

"All available units, suspect spotted at Central City train station."

Eddie and Joe pulled up to the train station and got out "We got Snart." Eddie said excitedly before he and Joe ran toward the entrance when Joe turned to him

"Wait here for back up." Joe ordered before running off

"Wait for back up? No way." Eddie said

"That's an order." Joe shouted running

S.T.A.R. Labs

Felicity sighed before she looked to Caitlin and Cisco who were monitoring Naruto's vitals "You should go after Nate."

"He wants to do this alone." Caitlin said

"Of course, he wants to. I've known Nate a long time, he's stubborn and doesn't like to show people his vulnerable side, he thinks he's suppose to be this strong person all the time when he isn't. He may not show it but he is hurt. You're his team and his friends." Felicity said walking over to them "If I had a nickel for every time The Arrow told me to back off, I would be as rich as Oliver Queen, who I mention because he's the richest person I know, or used to be. The point is, you have your partner's back no matter what."

Caitlin and Cisco looked at each other "I have something that might help." Cisco said with a smirk

Central City Train Station

Joe was on the platform running with his gun drawn, looking for Snart as he was running he turned and jumped seeing Snart aiming his cold gun at him before he could fire a bullet whizzed passed his head causing Snart to duck and run before Joe saw Eddie run up "I'm your partner, not your assistant."

An impressed Joe joined Eddie as they chased Snart who jumped on the train, before they could do the same it was already gone, causing them to sigh, before a red blur sped pass them


Naruto sped onto the train beside Snart, and stopped in front of him "There's nowhere to run." Naruto said

"I didn't see you before." Snart said looking at Naruto who stood up "Your mom know you're out past your bedtime?"

"Does your grandfather know, how much of a disappointment you are? Like father, like son huh."

Snart glared at Naruto but stayed his hand and took a deep breath "I've seen your weakness at the armored car, then at the theater. See, while you're busy saving everybody, I'll be saving myself."

Naruto made to rush forward, but Smart had used his cold gun on the floor, causing Naruto to step back as Snart caused the wheels to freeze over

"Good luck with that." Snart yelled jumping out if the train just before it derailed

Naruto took a deep breath before he shot off, grabbing everyone he could and getting them off the train, to safety, getting the last person off the train he rushed back toward where Snart had jumped off but he was shot in the back causing him to gasp and take a knee, before he turned to see Snart walking over

"Pretty fast kid, but not fast enough." Smart said as he shot Naruto again causing him to groan, as he fell back "Thank you."

"For what?" Naruto asked with a grunt as he sat up

"You forced me to up my game, not only with this gun, but with how I think about the job. It's been educational." Snart said about to shoot Naruto again

"Drop it." Cisco said holding a large weapon as Felicity, and Caitlin carried a piece behind him "This is a prototype cold gun, four times the size, four times the power, so unless you want a taste of your own medicine, I'd back the hell up."

"Your hands are shaking." Snart said looking at Cisco over his shoulder "You've never killed anyone."

"There's a first time for everything, Captain Cold." Cisco said as Snart smiled at the name "I will shoot you."

Snart nodded before he backed up "You win, kid. I'll see you around."

"Count on it." Naruto said with a glare as Snart turned and began to walk away

"Hey, leave the diamond." Cisco said

"Don't push your luck." Snart said leaving

After a minute, Cisco dropped the gun, and turned to Naruto who was looking at him "Couldn't shoot him if I wanted to. This is actually the S.T.A.R. Labs vacuum cleaner with a lot of L.E.D's."

Naruto smirked as Caitlin, and Felicity helped him sit up "Let's get you warm." Felicity said as Naruto looked to Cisco

"Thank you." Naruto said getting a nod as Cisco smiled before Naruto reached in a pocket on his suit and pulled out the diamond "We should get this back to the museum."

Caitlin, Felicity, and Cisco smiled as they helped Naruto up


S.T.A.R. Labs

Everyone was in the cortex, trying and failing to track Snart "We've been trying to track Snart, but he must have disconnected the signal somehow." Cisco said with a sigh

"We'll find him, Cisco, together." Naruto said placing a hand on his shoulder

"You have a great team here, Nate." Felicity said causing Naruto to turn to her "Speaking of teams, I should probably get back to mine."

Naruto made to speak, but Wells beat him to it "It was nice meeting you, Ms. Smoak. Please extend a hello to The Arrow for us."

"I will." Felicity said with a smile as Naruto walked up to her

"Good-bye, Felicity." Naruto grinned

"Bye, Nathan." Felicity smiled before she and Naruto kissed and hugged each other goodbye

Watching her leave, Naruto sighed before Wells said "Remarkable young woman. She's special."

"Yeah, she is." Naruto said with a nod before he walked off



A train heading for Starling City carried only Felicity who was looking at a picture of her and Naruto from college, hearing a bump, Felicity looked back and seeing nothing turned back to see Naruto smiling as he sat across from her causing her to yelp, which caused Naruto to laugh

"Did I just yelp?" Felicity asked

Naruto still laughing nodded "Yeah. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

"Don't tell me you're here to save me."

"Naw, just to talk." Naruto said leaning forward "I wanted to say, that I haven't changed my mind about us, I still love you."

Felicity with a smile leaned forward also "I love you too." she said kissing him passionately, before she pulled away leaning her forehead against his "But I can't."

Naruto opened his eyes to see Felicity crying "No, hey." Naruto said taking her face in his hands and wiping her teats "I thought I told you, only tears of happiness belong on this beautiful face."

Felicity smiled, as she leaned into Naruto's palm "I know you have feelingso for Oliver and I'm not mad. I told you to live your life, and not to put it on pause for me. I should probably go back and kick my own ass, but your happiness means the world to me." Naruto said with a soft smile

Felicity cupped Naruto's cheeks in her hands with a smile as she said "I do still love you Naruto, it's why 'this' is so hard."

Naruto smiled a little brighter and kissed her again before he pulled away "It's ok. I will always be here for you no matter what your heart decides. Your worth it."

Felicity smiled before Naruto moved to the seat next to her and wrapped wrapped his arms around her as she laid her head on his shoulder

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" Felicity asked

"I have super speed, I'm always 10 minutes away." Naruto said kissing her

Felicity smiled and cuddled up to Naruto, as a comfortable silence settled between them, before after after moment Naruto asked "You know, I've never done it on a train?"

Felicity slapped Naruto's chest "Your a big horndog." she said with a smile "...I've never done it either."

Naruto looked down at Felicity who took off her glasses, his surprised expression turned to one of glee, before she brought him into a kiss