
From Humble Origins to Common Man

For Shi Lu, a dual-system powerhouse born in the end times, nothing is more important than simply surviving. So, when she was struck by lightning and became Li Wu Ya, a daughter of a humble military household in ancient borderlands, she adapted well and quickly assimilated into the ways of the ancient people. To live, one must have some pursuits. Clothing: Fine silk and satin, and jewellery too, but not excessive. Food: A daily indulgence in bird's nest, shark fin, and sea cucumber, but not excessive. Shelter: Pavilions, towers, and elegant corridors, surrounded by serene bamboo forests and the melodies of birds, where one's home becomes a scenic spot, but not excessive. Transportation: Lavish carriages and luxury horses are a must, but not excessive. With an endless supply of money, no need to work, a loving husband, and children to warm her bed, life... perfect! Life is not easy, so one must love oneself dearly. Shi Lu is determined to experience everything she hasn't encountered or enjoyed in the end times. Unfortunately, reality dealt her a harsh blow. The borderlands are bitterly cold, plagued by years of war, and even getting enough food to eat is difficult, with constant threats to her life. Fine, let's roll up our sleeves and strive! Shi Lu abides by one motto: As long as you don't stand in my way, you're good, I'm good, and everyone's good. Otherwise!!! To secure her position, one must be assertive. In life's triumphs, one should indulge. Be a shallow yet happy commoner.

anupro · History
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102 Chs

When Happy, Flaunt It

Due to the sudden return of Shi Fuyin, Shi Zhenghe hadn't found the opportunity to inform Old Lady Shi and Master Shi about his new job as a constable. The next day, he planned to let them know after returning from work in the afternoon.

On his first day at the new post, his main task was to familiarize himself with the Bureau of Military Affairs. He hadn't been assigned significant duties yet. By mid-afternoon, Shi Zhenghe had already returned to the estate.

Upon his return, he changed his clothes and accompanied Gold Yue'e to Yixiang Hall.

As they entered the courtyard, they heard lively laughter coming from the living room.

"Are there guests here, Mother?" Shi Zhenghe looked surprised.

Gold Yue'e wasn't well-versed in estate matters and had no idea about the visitors to Old Lady Shi's place.

As they hesitated whether to enter or not, a maid from Old Lady Shi's room spotted them and hurriedly relayed the message.

Soon, Shi Zhengmao, the eldest son, came out of the living room, "It's Zhenghe and the younger sister. Why are you standing there? Come inside."

Seeing him, Shi Zhenghe was taken aback, "Big brother, didn't you go to work today?"

Shi Zhengmao smiled, "I did, but there wasn't much to do at the Bureau of Military Affairs, so I came back early." He then led Shi Zhenghe and Gold Yue'e into the living room.

As they entered, Shi Zhenghe immediately noticed a couple of similar age to them sitting next to Old Lady Shi.

Their eyes briefly met in the air before quickly looking away.

Then, Shi Zhenghe realized that his father, mother, elder brother, sister-in-law, younger brother, and younger sister were all present. Even his second sister, Shi Yuhua, had returned.

"Fourth brother, come, let me introduce you."

Shi Zhengmao walked over to the couple, who promptly stood up.

"Fourth brother, this is Zhengkun."

"Zhengkun, this is Zhenghe. Zhenghe has been back for a while, but you two haven't met yet. Consider this your formal introduction."

Zhengkun offered a greeting with a bow to Shi Zhenghe.

Seeing the person in front of him, who shared some resemblance with the Li family, Shi Zhenghe immediately recalled memories of his time in the Li household. He remained silent and didn't immediately return the gesture.

Observing this, both Master Shi and Old Lady Shi appeared somewhat tense.

They had been seeking an opportunity for their second son's family and Zhengkun's family to meet, but none seemed fitting. Therefore, they had delayed this encounter until now.

Today, the Zhengkun family's visit to the estate was impromptu. They hadn't decided whether to invite the second son's family, yet here they were.

It seemed fate had brought them together.

Well, it was inevitable that they would eventually meet. The sooner, the better.

Seeing Shi Zhenghe's silence and lack of response, the atmosphere in the room grew awkward. Gold Yue'e surveyed the people in the room and tugged at Shi Zhenghe's clothes.

Shi Zhenghe snapped out of his thoughts, looked at Zhengkun, and gave a courteous nod.

Shi Zhengmao sighed with relief and smiled, "Good, now that everyone is acquainted, let's sit down and chat." With that, he pulled Shi Zhenghe to a seat, and Lady Shi invited Gold Yue'e to sit beside her.

Zhengkun, having grown up in the capital, was skilled in managing emotions and controlling expressions. He maintained a faint smile on his face, not revealing any emotions.

Once seated, he took the initiative to ease the recent tension, "It's been a while since I visited Father and Mother. Today, I coincidentally ran into Second Sister, so I thought of dropping by."

This statement served as an explanation for their sudden visit to the Shi family.

Shi Yuhua chimed in, "Father, Mother, His Majesty personally assigned Zhengkun to draft an imperial decree yesterday. He even praised Zhengkun's calligraphy skills."

Old Lady Shi glanced at her daughter with a faint smile before addressing Zhengkun, "His Majesty values you. You should cherish this opportunity and not waste the imperial favor."

Zhengkun promptly stood up and replied, "Thank you for your guidance, Mother. I will remember it."

The Shi family members were all interested in court affairs, and the conversation naturally turned in that direction.

Seeing Zhengkun engaging with the Shi family in friendly banter, Shi Zhenghe's emotions were complex. He didn't hold any grudge against the man before him for the mistaken identity incident. His resentment was directed at the Li family.

Yet, watching the Li family members being held in high regard and treated well by the Shi family, his heart couldn't help but ache. Was he truly inadequate, to the point where the Li family treated him so poorly?

Two children, both wrongly placed, but living conditions worlds apart!

As Shi Yirong, Shi Qilin, and Shi Wenyu continued to chat and laugh, describing how lively the recent polo match at Dongsheng Marquis Estate was, Shi Wuyan couldn't help feeling a sense of reproach in their tone when they spoke about her.

Although the Shi family was also part of the noble class, years of suppression had marginalized them. They didn't have many chances to attend high-profile


Shi Wuyan's second daughter was already fifteen, the age suitable for marriage discussions. If she couldn't socialize more, how would outsiders recognize her daughter's talents?

Noticing this, and hearing the subtle exclusion from the Li family's wife, Shi Wuyan didn't say anything. She simply maintained her posture and silently listened to the conversation.

Old Lady Shi could perceive the unease of her second son's family, but she refrained from intervening too much. They needed to experience a bit of coldness and neglect; interfering too much wouldn't be helpful.

On the other side, after school, Shi Fuxin and Shi Fuxin stood outside the gates of Qihua Pavilion, waiting for Shi Dingxuan and Shi Dinghao to return to Yigui Courtyard.

While waiting, they noticed Shi Furui and Shi Fulin going towards the backyard, which struck the sisters as somewhat unusual.

"Stop staring, it seems like that family is having a meal at the estate today."

Shi Dinghao explained to Shi Fuxin and Shi Fuxin what was going on, speaking quietly to them.

Shi Fuxin asked, "How did you find out?"

Shi Dinghao replied, "Tenth brother told me."

Shi Qilaoye had arranged for Shi Dingxuan to have a tutor, which made Shi Dinghao view the seventh branch more favorably. He often went to play with Shi Dingxuan, who was a year younger than him, after classes.

Shi Dingxuan, being the youngest son of the seventh wife, enjoyed eating and playing. This suited Shi Dinghao's preferences, and their shared interests quickly made them close.

The four siblings followed behind the rest of the family as they all headed to Yixiang Hall.

As they entered the courtyard, they saw Shi Zhengmao leading Zhengkun out of the main hall, followed closely by Lady Shi and Zeng Yuwei.

Then came the rest of the Shi family members.

Shi Dingxuan's group blinked their eyes. Even without introduction, they knew that the unfamiliar couple was from the Li family.

Seeing the children return from school, Shi Zhengmao immediately said with a smile, "Today, your Uncle Zhengkun brought half a deer. Let's go to your eldest brother's Yunshui Pavilion and have some roast deer."

Upon hearing this, Shi Fulin and the others clapped their hands in excitement.

While Lady Shi had kept Shi Yuhua in the room for a while, when she came out, Shi Zhengmao was already leading the way towards the courtyard gate with the others.

"Fourth brother, wait for me."

Upon hearing this, both Shi Zhenghe and Zhengkun turned to look at Shi Yuhua.

Shi Zhenghe, thinking that Shi Yuhua had something to discuss with him, stood still and waited.

However, Shi Yuhua walked past Shi Zhenghe and approached Zhengkun, saying, "Fourth brother, let's go together."

Evidently, in Shi Yuhua's addressing, the fourth brother was Zhengkun, not Shi Zhenghe.

This created an awkward atmosphere throughout the courtyard.

Shi Zhenghe's face felt hot. It wasn't until his wife, Jin Yue'e, squatted down as if to help him tie his shoelaces that he was spared from further embarrassment.

Observing this scene, the Shi family members appeared uncomfortable. It seemed that only now did Shi Yuhua realize her mistake in addressing, but she didn't say anything and simply smiled, walking beside Zhengkun as they left the courtyard together.

Lady Shi, witnessing her younger sister-in-law's behavior, wasn't entirely pleased with it, but she refrained from commenting. Just as she was about to catch up with her husband, the corner of her eye caught a glimpse of a certain gaze. When she turned her head, she saw Shi Fuxin looking at Shi Yuhua's retreating figure with a faint smile.

Shi Fuxin noticed she was being watched and turned her head to see Lady Shi. She immediately tilted her head and gave her a sweet smile.

Lady Shi was unsettled by that smile and involuntarily responded with a stiff smile. It wasn't until Shi Fuxin's smile faded as she moved towards her younger brothers that Lady Shi regained her focus.

During that sugary smile, did she sense a hint of danger?!

Surely, she must be imagining things, right?

After a moment of hesitation, Lady Shi wanted to call Shi Zhenghe and his wife to join them, but An Mama walked out from the main hall.

"The Old Lady said that she and Old Master are getting older, and it's not easy for them to digest deer meat. She wants Fourth Master's family to join them for dinner at Yixiang Courtyard."

Before Lady Shi could say anything, Shi Fuxin spoke up, "I love having meals here at Grandmother's place. What's the point of eating deer meat so late at night? It's not easy to digest at all."

"If Grandfather and Grandmother want to eat deer meat, why don't we ask my elder brother and Ninth Brother to hunt a deer when they're resting? We can have it for lunch, and there won't be any digestion problems."

Shi Dingxuan smiled and took over the conversation, "That's a great idea. I've been wanting to stretch my legs a bit. I heard there are even bears in the mountains around Beijing. I wonder if that's true?"

Upon hearing this, Shi Dinghao immediately became interested, "Really? I heard from Tenth brother that bear paws are really delicious. If they're indeed there, we should hunt a bear and taste it."

Even the usually gentle Shi Fuyin joined in, "Bear paws are considered a rare delicacy. Brothers, you better keep your promise. I'm looking forward to those bear paws."

The Shi family members: ...

Weren't they supposed to be talking about eating venison? How did they end up discussing bear paws?

Look at the Fifth brother and his group. They made it sound so simple, as if hunting a bear was an easy task.

They were really boasting too much!

Lady Shi found this slightly amusing. After exchanging greetings with Lady Shi, the rest of the family left.

As the others departed, the family members tactfully avoided bringing up the earlier incident.

"Sister, I dislike that second sister-in-law."

Shi Dinghao frowned as he complained to Shi Fuxin.

Shi Fuxin chuckled, "Getting along with people depends on compatibility. Not everyone will like us."

Shi Dinghao looked bewildered, clearly not expecting such a response from Shi Fuxin.

Shi Fuxin's lips curled, and her dimples deepened, her eyes sparkling, "But if the day comes when Second sister-in-law needs something from us, we can return the embarrassment caused to Father tenfold."

Shi Dinghao exclaimed, "But what if Second sister-in-law never needs anything from us?"

Shi Fuxin shrugged, "Then there's nothing we can do. We can't just rush up and beat her up because she favors the Li family's children more than us, and disrespect Father, right?"

Shi Dinghao fell silent.

After this incident, the four siblings' opinions of Shi Yuhua diminished significantly, bordering on disdain.

Three days later, when classes were on break, Shi Fuxin planned to take Shi Dinghao to explore the place where Shi Zhenghe was working. Just as they were about to leave, a maid informed them that Shi Yuhua had returned and summoned their mother to Yixiang Hall.

Concerned that Jin Yue'e might be mistreated, Shi Fuxin and Shi Dinghao hurriedly made their way to Yixiang Hall.

Meanwhile, inside Yixiang Hall, Shi Yuhua had initially intended to dismiss Lady Shi, Fifth Lady, and Seventh Lady, and then approach Jin Yue'e to request the pouch. However, the three women perceived her hurried return as an indication of some urgent matter and chose to remain seated.

Even Shi Lady Senior, who wasn't exactly fond of her youngest sister-in-law's demeanor, was puzzled by her actions and chose not to accept the gift. Seeing the prepared present, she turned her stern gaze toward Shi Yuhua, asking, "What's going on? Explain."

Shi Yuhua felt a bit uneasy. Back when she first met Shi Zhenghe's family, she had not been kind to them, refusing the gift pouch in public. Now, asking for it back felt awkward. But thinking about the remarkable improvement in Shi Dingbin's health within just two months of wearing the pouch, she felt determined to retrieve it.

Her husband had long wished for a transfer to the Ministry of Revenue, but lacked connections. However, the hope emerged when Shi Dinghe's family gave her the pouch.

It was no secret that the head of the Ministry of Revenue suffered from severe headaches. Medical practitioners had made countless attempts to treat him, but the condition persisted. Even Shi Dingbin frequently suffered from headaches. However, since wearing the pouch, he had been headache-free.

This inspired Shi Yuhua's husband to consider gifting a pouch to the head of the Ministry of Revenue. If it could genuinely alleviate his condition, then her husband's transfer would likely be facilitated.

"Fourth Sister-in-law, the thing is, I never gave a proper gift to Dingxuan and his siblings when they first met me. After much thought, I felt guilty and decided to make amends today."

As she spoke, Shi Yuhua signaled for a maid to bring out the prepared gifts.

Seeing the valuable gifts on the tray, even Lady Shi was surprised, let alone the rest. It was a pair of jade pendants and a pair of white jade hairpins.

Not only was the notion of her giving gifts already unexpected, but the actual gifts themselves were far more lavish than anyone anticipated.

Jin Yue'e was also taken aback. She couldn't discern Shi Yuhua's intentions, but she remembered a saying: "He who brings a good turn may expect one."

As the aunt, she couldn't outright refuse the gifts. She sought assistance from Lady Shi with a glance, her expression seeking guidance.

Lady Shi, fully aware of her daughter's character, was equally puzzled by her actions. She didn't allow Jin Yue'e to accept the gifts. She turned to Shi Yuhua with a stern expression and asked, "What's really going on? Speak clearly."

Shi Yuhua began to feel a bit resentful. "Mother, I just wanted to make amends for not giving Dingxuan and his siblings proper gifts when we first met. Look at you, it's as if I'm trying to harm them."

Lady Shi gazed at Shi Yuhua for a while before nodding at Jin Yue'e's acceptance of the gifts.

Jin Yue'e promptly accepted the gifts, saying, "Please accept our gratitude on behalf of Dingxuan and his siblings, Second Sister."

"This is something a sister-in-law should do," Shi Yuhua responded with a firm gaze fixed on Jin Yue'e.

Confused by the scrutiny, Jin Yue'e averted her gaze, unable to meet Shi Yuhua's eyes.

Seeing Jin Yue'e accept the gifts and leave, Shi Yuhua's mood soured. Suppressing her displeasure and focusing on her original goal, she forced a smile and asked, "Fourth Sister-in-law, what about your return gift?"

Jin Yue'e let out an "Ah," sounding surprised, "Return gift? What return gift?"

Shi Yuhua's composure wavered, and her annoyance showed, "I gave you a gift, didn't I? You and Fourth brother aren't planning to give a return gift? Don't you understand the concept of reciprocity?"

Jin Yue'e was bewildered. She had given a gift and now was directly asking for a return gift? Who didn't understand the concept of reciprocity here?

Lady Shi's expression darkened, displeased by the way Shi Yuhua was handling the situation. She looked at Shi Yuhua with a stern gaze, saying, "Yuhua, Fourth sister-in-law is an honest person. It's best to be straightforward with her."

Shi Yuhua considered the point and agreed. "You're right. It's better to be direct with someone like you, a farmer's wife."

"Last time, I refused to accept the pouch you gave. Now, give it to me. I'll make sure my brothers-in-law wear them when they go

home. Oh, and give me a few more, so everyone will know these came from my Fourth brother."

As this dialogue unfolds, the expressions of Old Madam Shi and First Madam Shi fluctuated slightly.

They all knew Shi Yuhua too well. The pouch that the second son's (Fourth Brother's) family sent was crudely made, not even comparable to what maids would wear. Shi Yuhua would definitely not appreciate such a thing, let alone wear it.

Could there be something special about that pouch?

At this moment, Old Madam Shi and the others simultaneously thought this.

First Madam Shi suddenly looked at Old Madam Shi. Seeing her flushed complexion and sparkling eyes, she exclaimed, "Mother, you're really full of vitality."

"And Father, in previous years, he rarely ventured outside after it snowed. But this year, I've seen him go out several times," First Madam Shi continued.

With this comment from First Madam Shi, everyone also noticed this fact.

Old Madam Shi, being directly involved, felt it most keenly. As they aged, both she and Old Master Shi were extremely sensitive to the cold. Every winter, they would have to put on thick fur coats. However, today, despite the heavy snowfall, they hadn't worn their fur coats.

First Madam Shi's thoughts raced as she considered her daughter's recent good news. Could it be related to the pouch?

She turned to Jin Yue'e with a quick glance, "Fourth Sister-in-law, what did you put inside the pouch?"

Jin Yue'e responded, "It's an herbal mixture for enhancing physical well-being."

First Madam Shi then asked, "Can these herbs also aid in conception?"

Jin Yue'e shook her head, "I don't know about that, but wearing the pouch definitely has great benefits for the body. It can help regulate the body, improve sleep quality, and enhance focus and energy. In short, it has various advantages."

Hearing this, Old Madam Shi and the others exchanged glances.

They had initially thought that the pouch sent by the second son's (Fourth Brother's) family was of little value, but it turned out to have so many benefits.

Seeing Shi Yuhua's persistent gaze, Jin Yue'e spoke again, "Second Sister, we don't have any more pouches left."

"How is that possible?!" Shi Yuhua's voice immediately rose.

Seeing her mother's lack of intervention, Shi Fuxin couldn't help herself and let out a snicker. She managed to cover her mouth in time with a handkerchief.

Seeing this, Shi Fuyin quickly said, "Why are you so impatient? I've told you so many times, don't eat recklessly and don't talk nonsense. Don't rob yourself and become the subject of others' ridicule."

Hearing this, Old Madam Shi and the others' expressions became quite colorful.

Shi Fuxin composed herself and then reluctantly said, "It's not my fault, I just discovered it now. Aunt's face is like the moon hanging high in the night sky."


This time it was Fifth Madam Shi who couldn't hold back, even though she covered her mouth, her shoulders were shaking.

She found that this niece was truly audacious. Comparing her aunt's face to the moon was almost like saying her aunt had a big face.

Seeing Shi Fuxin and Shi Fuyin ganging up on her, Shi Yuhua's face turned darker, "Fourth Sister-in-law, is this the upbringing in your family?"

Jin Yue'e warned her with a look and then turned to Shi Yuhua, "Second Sister, that's not fair. Second Sister, you've really gone too far. You're treating us unfairly."

Old Madam Shi sighed and looked at Old Master Shi. Seeing that he remained silent, she hesitated for a moment before smiling at Jin Yue'e, "Fourth Sister-in-law, can the pouches really not be remade?"

If the pouches were really so beneficial, her husband could surely make use of them. After all, there were many officials with hidden health issues in the Ministry of War.

But it was Shi Fuxin who spoke first, "Great-Aunt, the pouches can't be remade. This is mainly because we're out of the herbs."

Shi Yuhua immediately responded, "If the pouches are gone, then just give us the recipe. We'll prepare it ourselves."

Upon hearing this, Shi Fuxin rolled her eyes dramatically.

Could it be possible that the Second Aunt really didn't understand? Or was she pretending?

Old Madam Shi couldn't help but cover her head with her hand. She also began to doubt whether Shi Yuhua was truly her own flesh and blood. How could she casually ask someone for their recipe in such a presumptuous manner?

Shi Dinghao clicked his tongue in disapproval, but Shi Fuyin didn't stop him. She sipped her tea, pretending not to see her younger brother's impoliteness.

Finally, First Madam Shi stepped in to mediate, "If you need any specific herbs, let us know, and we'll gather them for you."

Shi Fuxin looked at Old Madam Shi and explained, "Grandmother, to prepare these gifts for you, our whole family put in a lot of effort. The herbs in the pouches were all collected from the Tianshan Mountains."

"In order to collect these herbs, my brothers climbed more than ten mountains. These herbs are unique to that region. Even if they're available elsewhere, their effectiveness might not be the same."

Shi Yuhua sneered, "So you're saying that the herbs you used are rare and unique? There are plenty of reputable doctors and good medicinal ingredients in the capital. I just can't be bothered, or else I could have just consulted an outside doctor for a prescription."

Hearing this, Shi Fuxin couldn't help but smile, "Second Aunt, I wish you good luck then. I'm looking forward to your success in recreating the formula."

Saying that, she picked up a piece of pastry and took a bite, "Mmm, it's delicious."

Seeing her triumphant look, Shi Fuyin resisted the urge to correct her. She whispered, "Can't you at least tone it down a little? Don't show off so blatantly."

Shi Fuxin pouted, "Come on, let me enjoy this! I've been waiting to vent in front of our family for so long. How can I miss this opportunity?"

After bottling up her frustration for so long, she finally had a chance to let it out in front of the Shi family. How could she not seize the opportunity to gloat?