
From Humble Origins to Common Man

For Shi Lu, a dual-system powerhouse born in the end times, nothing is more important than simply surviving. So, when she was struck by lightning and became Li Wu Ya, a daughter of a humble military household in ancient borderlands, she adapted well and quickly assimilated into the ways of the ancient people. To live, one must have some pursuits. Clothing: Fine silk and satin, and jewellery too, but not excessive. Food: A daily indulgence in bird's nest, shark fin, and sea cucumber, but not excessive. Shelter: Pavilions, towers, and elegant corridors, surrounded by serene bamboo forests and the melodies of birds, where one's home becomes a scenic spot, but not excessive. Transportation: Lavish carriages and luxury horses are a must, but not excessive. With an endless supply of money, no need to work, a loving husband, and children to warm her bed, life... perfect! Life is not easy, so one must love oneself dearly. Shi Lu is determined to experience everything she hasn't encountered or enjoyed in the end times. Unfortunately, reality dealt her a harsh blow. The borderlands are bitterly cold, plagued by years of war, and even getting enough food to eat is difficult, with constant threats to her life. Fine, let's roll up our sleeves and strive! Shi Lu abides by one motto: As long as you don't stand in my way, you're good, I'm good, and everyone's good. Otherwise!!! To secure her position, one must be assertive. In life's triumphs, one should indulge. Be a shallow yet happy commoner.

anupro · History
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102 Chs

Twists and Turns of Lineage

"Big brother, who is Li Changsen?"

"What did you mean when you said he's actually younger sister's son?"

Jiang Anbang looked at Jiang Antai with confusion and suspicion, "Big brother, what have you been hiding from me?"

Seeing his younger brother's persistent gaze, Jiang Antai knew that he wouldn't give up until he got a clear explanation today. He sighed and waved his hand, signaling for him to sit down.

"Do you remember when Father passed away, and younger sister came back for the funeral while pregnant?"

Jiang Anbang nodded, "Of course I remember. I recall the day when Brother-in-law took younger sister away, they coincidentally encountered the surprise attack by Northern Yan on Rongcheng. That incident caused younger sister to go into premature labor, and she gave birth to Zhengkun in a dilapidated temple outside the city."

As he spoke, Jiang Anbang's expression changed, as if he had remembered something.

Jiang Antai sighed again, "It wasn't only younger sister who gave birth to a child in that dilapidated temple that day. Another military household's wife also gave birth there. The babies of the two families were switched by mistake."

With that, he signaled for Jiang Sheng to inform Jiang Anbang about what he had learned about the Li family.

Jiang Anbang was taken aback, "How could such a mix-up happen? With so many maids and servants around younger sister, how could such a ridiculous thing occur?"

Jiang Antai shook his head, remained silent for a moment, then continued, "During that chaotic day when Rongcheng was attacked, everyone was in a panic. Coupled with younger sister's premature birth, it's possible that the maids and servants made a mistake."

Jiang Anbang still found it hard to believe, "Big brother, have you thoroughly investigated this? Are you sure that Li Changsen is younger sister's son?"

Jiang Sheng spoke up, "Second Master, Li Changsen bears a strong resemblance to you. You've also seen his youngest daughter – the one who looks a lot like Third Miss."

"I've seen Mr. Li and Madam Li of the Li family. Young Master Zhengkun's features are quite similar to theirs."

"Moreover, in order to establish a separate lineage from the Li family, Li Changsen and Zhengkun conducted a blood test on the spot. Now, everyone in Tianling Tun knows that Li Changsen is not related to the Li family."

After listening to this, Jiang Anbang fell into silence. After a while, he suddenly looked at Jiang Antai with a sharp gaze, "Big brother, if I hadn't accidentally overheard your conversation today, were you planning to keep this matter hidden?"

Jiang Antai still didn't speak.

Jiang Anbang asked again, "Big brother, have you informed younger sister about this?"

Seeing Jiang Antai's continued silence, Jiang Anbang stood up abruptly, "Big brother, if it weren't for me hearing your conversation today, were you planning to keep this hidden?"

Jiang Antai looked at Jiang Anbang and replied, "It's not difficult to inform younger sister, but have you considered what happens after we tell her? She has raised her son with great effort for over thirty years, only to find out that he's not her biological child. Can she handle that emotional blow?"

Jiang Anbang said, "Even so, you should still tell her. You can't keep her in the dark forever, letting her treat someone else's child as her own."

Jiang Antai remained silent, and after a pause, he said, "And what about Zhengkun? If he finds out he's not part of the Shi family, how do you expect him to cope?"

Jiang Anbang frowned, "He was never part of the Shi family to begin with. To be frank, he has enjoyed everything that belonged to Li Changsen for more than thirty years. Now that the rightful heir has returned, if he's reasonable and understanding, he should gracefully step aside."

This statement didn't sit well with Jiang Antai, "Step aside? It's easier said than done. True, Zhengkun isn't biologically related to the Shi family, but for over thirty years, the Shi family has treated him as their own. After so many years together, he's already become a part of the Shi family. How can you expect him to just leave?"

Jiang Anbang was unhappy with Jiang Antai's obvious bias towards Zhengkun and retorted, "I'm not asking him to leave the Shi family. I just want him to return everything that rightfully belongs to Li Changsen."

Jiang Antai pressed his lips together, "During the incident back then, the fault doesn't lie with Zhengkun."

Jiang Anbang was puzzled as to why his elder brother always seemed to favor Zhengkun. He became frustrated and said, "Big brother, I'm not saying it's Zhengkun's fault. The fact remains that he isn't the Shi family's biological son. It's only fair for him to step aside for Li Changsen, right?"

Jiang Antai replied, "Younger brother, your perspective is purely based on blood relations. But human relationships involve emotions. You can't ignore the emotional bond between Zhengkun and the Shi family."

"Revealing Li Changsen's existence to younger sister may hurt not only Zhengkun, but also other members of the Shi family."

Jiang Anbang was getting frustrated, "Big brother, what's gotten into you? Why do you always favor Zhengkun? The one who has suffered is Li Changsen, while Zhengkun is the one who gained the most."

Jiang Antai glanced at Jiang Anbang and saw that he was only looking at the surface of things. He decided to be straightforward, "The Shi family has invested a lot of resources into Zhengkun. He's now working in the Hanlin Academy, and younger sister has gone to great lengths to arrange a good marriage for him."

"Second brother, both the Shi family and our family have suffered oppression for many years. With the new emperor ascending the throne, it's our chance to turn the tables. But for that to happen, someone needs to play a role."

"The Shi family, as well as our family, are now looking up to Zhengkun as the most promising one."

At this point, Jiang Antai paused.

Jiang Anbang understood his implication and remained silent for a moment before shaking his head, "Big brother, I disagree. No matter how many considerations you have, the child belongs to younger sister."

"Regardless of whether she accepts it or not, it's her decision to make. Even though we are her elder brothers, we can't make decisions for her. If you won't write to her, I will!"

Seeing that he couldn't convince Jiang Anbang, Jiang Antai became somewhat irritated, "Do you really think you're doing this for younger sister's sake? Do you not know how much she cares for Zhengkun?"

"Now, if you tell her that Zhengkun is not her biological son, and a complete stranger like Li Changsen is, how do you expect her to choose?"

Jiang Anbang remained silent for a moment and then stuck to his previous stance, "He is younger sister's son, and she should be the one to decide." With that, he left without looking back.

Seeing this, Jiang Antai sighed helplessly, "I knew I shouldn't have let him know about this."

Jiang Daifuren, who had been silent all along, finally spoke, "Second brother isn't wrong. You really shouldn't keep this from younger sister."

Jiang Antai responded, ".I'm not saying I won't tell her, I just want to wait a little longer."

At the Li family residence:

Jin Yue'e was in the kitchen preparing a meal when she heard a knock at the door. Thinking that it might be the children returning, she hurriedly went to answer the door.

Upon opening the door and seeing Jiang Anbang standing outside, she was taken aback. He looked so much like her husband! Was this really her husband's biological father? Why did he suddenly come to visit? Did he know about her husband's existence? Was he here to recognize her husband?

Seeing Jin Yue'e lost in thought, Jiang Anbang cleared his throat, "May I come in?"

Jin Yue'e snapped back to reality and quickly nodded, stepping aside to let Jiang Anbang enter. She then followed him inside, feeling rather uneasy.

Jiang Anbang looked around the Li family's courtyard and noticed Jin Yue'e's discomfort. He smiled and said, "The courtyard is well-maintained. Are you the only one at home?"

Jin Yue'e nodded, "The head of the household and the third son are still out on a delivery, and the seventh son is studying at the government school. The second and fifth daughters are attending lessons at Madam Qiao's house on the next street."

As they entered the main hall, Jiang Anbang continued to examine the Li family's residence. Observing Jin Yue'e's unease, he said, "You've kept the house quite neat. Is it just you living here?"

Jin Yue'e nodded, "The head of the household came to Rongcheng and met you."

Jiang Anbang had a sudden realization, "So he knows about his true identity?"

Jin Yue'e nodded again.

Jiang Anbang said, "Then why did you come to Rongcheng? Why didn't you come to the Jiang family's residence?"

Jin Yue'e didn't answer that question, she just shook her head.

Sighing, Jiang Anbang was about to say something when he heard voices outside the courtyard. Shortly after, a young girl who resembled his younger sister entered the hall, carrying an ancient qin instrument with a cheerful smile.

"Mother, we're back!"

As Li Wu'ya entered the courtyard, she spotted Jiang Anbang sitting in the main hall's prominent seat. She looked surprised for a moment, then approached with a smile, "Oh, we have a guest at home!"

Li Er'ya, who entered the courtyard shortly after, saw Jiang Anbang and displayed even more surprise on her face compared to Li Wu'ya. However, she quickly composed herself and stepped into the room.

"No rudeness allowed. Hurry up and greet... greet..."

Jin Yue'e was unsure how to address Jiang Anbang.

Li Wu'ya stepped in to help, "Mother, I know him. He's Lord Jiang, the commander of Rongcheng." With that, she and Li Er'ya both gave a slight bow, "Greetings, Lord Jiang."

Jiang Anbang smiled, allowing them to rise and turned his gaze toward Li Wu'ya. With a visible hint of delight in his eyes, he said, "How did you know about me?"

Li Wu'ya first directed Jin Yue'e, who was standing somewhat like a maid in the main hall, to take a seat on the upper right chair. Then, she herself took a seat on the upper left chair.

She realized that her mother didn't even know how to address him, which indicated that he hadn't openly acknowledged her father yet. Since that was the case, he was just a guest. Guests should be treated courteously, but there was no need for the formalities of not sitting until being told.

Seated now, Li Wu'ya smiled and said, "Because you look a lot like my father. Last time, when my sister and I were near the Commander's residence, we saw you. I asked the people nearby, and they told me."

"Lord Jiang, why did you come to our house? Is there something you need?"

Seeing how Li Wu'ya was asking him questions without reservation and without any hint of formality, Jiang Anbang's smile deepened.

This young lady was not only physically similar to his younger sister, but her personality was also quite alike!

"I'm here because someone mentioned that you and my father look very similar. I couldn't resist coming to see for myself."

Li Wu'ya laughed, "Oh, I see. The world is full of wonders, and people looking alike is quite normal. It's not that remarkable."

"My father isn't home, so you've made a trip in vain today."

Jiang Anbang was a bit surprised by this response. Though the Jiang family's influence had declined, they still held some sway in Rongcheng. The Li family, who were of military origin, shouldn't be this indifferent, even if they weren't trying to please him.

Jiang Anbang glanced at the three people in the main hall. Yes, Li Changsen's wife's reaction was the most normal – she seemed reserved and unsure in his presence. But these two little girls were strangely composed.

The younger one behaved like they were old friends, starting a conversation without hesitation. The elder one, while more serious, was still attentively listening to the conversation.

Something wasn't quite right! Even though he wasn't a big shot, he should still carry some weight in front of the Li family.

As Jiang Anbang pondered these thoughts, he chuckled, "Seeing you isn't a wasted trip. Do you know that you not only resemble my sister in appearance but also in temperament? If anyone who knows the Jiang family sees you, they would surely say you're the granddaughter of my sister, the Countess."

Hearing this, Li Wu'ya was visibly moved.

She wasn't naive enough to think that Jiang Anbang had come to have a casual chat with them. Since it wasn't casual conversation, each word he spoke surely had a purpose. Thus, his statement that she resembled his sister's granddaughter must mean something.

"During the seventh year of Jianxing, my father passed away, and my sister returned while pregnant for the funeral. Unfortunately, she encountered the surprise attack by Beiyuan on Rongcheng. This forced her to give birth in a dilapidated temple, and that childbirth was very difficult for her."

Li Wu'ya froze. If she still didn't understand Jiang Anbang's implication, she would be pretty dense.

What? Her father's background was this complicated?

He wasn't a Jiang family son but rather the son of a Countess from the capital?

"Alright, I should be going now. I'll come back when your father returns."

Jiang Anbang stood up, and Jin Yue'e quickly had Li Er'ya and Li Wu'ya escort him.

The three of them watched Jiang Anbang ride out of the alley before returning to the house.

"Wu'ya, what did Lord Jiang mean?"

"Why does he keep mentioning that Countess?"

Both Jin Yue'e and Li Er'ya noticed the peculiarity and looked at Li Wu'ya for confirmation.

Li Wu'ya rubbed her chin, "It seems like he's implying... that my father isn't his son, but rather his sister's child."

Jin Yue'e and Li Er'ya were stunned.

"Why is he bringing up the relationship with the Countess from the capital?" Jin Yue'e couldn't quite accept it.

Li Er'ya was puzzled, "Why doesn't Lord Jiang just say it outright?"

Li Wu'ya rubbed her chin again, "I guess he hasn't smoothed things over with the people from the capital yet." She sighed, "Our father's background is really something out of a drama."