
From Humble Origins to Common Man

For Shi Lu, a dual-system powerhouse born in the end times, nothing is more important than simply surviving. So, when she was struck by lightning and became Li Wu Ya, a daughter of a humble military household in ancient borderlands, she adapted well and quickly assimilated into the ways of the ancient people. To live, one must have some pursuits. Clothing: Fine silk and satin, and jewellery too, but not excessive. Food: A daily indulgence in bird's nest, shark fin, and sea cucumber, but not excessive. Shelter: Pavilions, towers, and elegant corridors, surrounded by serene bamboo forests and the melodies of birds, where one's home becomes a scenic spot, but not excessive. Transportation: Lavish carriages and luxury horses are a must, but not excessive. With an endless supply of money, no need to work, a loving husband, and children to warm her bed, life... perfect! Life is not easy, so one must love oneself dearly. Shi Lu is determined to experience everything she hasn't encountered or enjoyed in the end times. Unfortunately, reality dealt her a harsh blow. The borderlands are bitterly cold, plagued by years of war, and even getting enough food to eat is difficult, with constant threats to her life. Fine, let's roll up our sleeves and strive! Shi Lu abides by one motto: As long as you don't stand in my way, you're good, I'm good, and everyone's good. Otherwise!!! To secure her position, one must be assertive. In life's triumphs, one should indulge. Be a shallow yet happy commoner.

anupro · History
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102 Chs

The Members of the Shi Family

Despite being an elder, Elder Mr Shi, as much as he adored his primary wife, had concubines as well. Apart from Elder Mrs Shi, two concubines had borne him children.

Elder Mrs Shi had given birth to three sons and a daughter: the eldest son, Shi Zhengmao, the eldest daughter, Shi Yuhua, the second son, Shi Zhengkun, and the youngest son, Shi Zhengye.

The two concubines had also contributed to the family. One, Concubine He, had a son and a daughter: Shi Yuwen and Shi Zhengde. The other, Concubine Kong, had a daughter: Shi Yuru.

With four sons and three daughters, Elder Mr Shi's offspring were quite numerous.

In order of birth, the children were as follows: Shi Zhengmao was the first, Shi Yuhua the second, Shi Yuwen the third, Shi Zhengkun the fourth, Shi Zhengde the fifth, Shi Yuru the sixth, and Shi Zhengye the seventh.

As the children grew up, got married, and started having their children, the Shi family tree flourished even more. This brought great contentment to Elder Mr Shi.

Due to Shi Yuhua's return, Elder Mrs Shi summoned all four of her sons and their wives to the main hall of the estate.

As they gathered, Elder Mrs Shi began, "There has been an issue in the family. I had intended to inform you all when you were rested, but since Yuhua has returned today, I thought it best to address it now."

"Zhengmao, Zhengkun, you both hold positions of responsibility. It wouldn't be appropriate to keep others waiting. Send someone to request leave for you," she added.

Upon hearing that they needed to take leave, Shi Zhengkun's heart tightened. Shi Zhengye and Shi Zhengde, who were still in the dark, exchanged puzzled glances.

Seeing that Elder Mrs Shi appeared composed, several of the wives of Shi's sons relaxed slightly, suppressing their curiosity and quietly accompanying their husbands.

The atmosphere in the room grew heavy as Elder Mrs Shi addressed the matter at hand. Shi Yuhua, noticing the sombre expressions on her parents' faces, attempted to lighten the mood. "Mother, why do both of you look so serious? What has happened?"

Elder Mr Shi and Elder Mrs Shi exchanged a glance before Elder Mrs Shi continued, "Zhengkun, Zhengmao, since you both are involved in important matters, it's best to inform you both right away."

After a pause, she handed the letter from Jiang Anbang to Shi Yuhua. "You're the eldest sister. Please read it first."

Shi Zhengkun, who was being scrutinized by Elder Mrs Shi, became increasingly anxious. As Shi Yuhua read the letter, her astonishment grew, and her expression became more incredulous.

"No, this can't be true."

Reading the letter herself, Shi Yuhua shook her head, seemingly unable to believe what she was seeing.

"It's impossible!"

Before she even finished the letter, Shi Yuhua vehemently denied its contents. "Mother, Uncle must have made a mistake. How can Zhengkun not be a member of the Shi family?!"

Her words shocked everyone in the room except Elder Mrs Shi, Elder Mr Shi, Shi Zhengmao and his wife, who was already informed.

Shi Zhengkun's body trembled, and he took the letter from Shi Yuhua's hands. As he read, his face turned pale.

"This can't be true."

As she read the letter, the shock overwhelmed Shi Zhengkun.

He couldn't accept this reality.

How could he not be a member of the Shi family? He vividly remembered his childhood; the Shi estate had always been his home.

"I don't believe it, Father, Mother, I don't believe it!"

Finishing the letter, Shi Zhengkun slammed it onto the table and rushed out of the room.

Stunned, Shi Zhengye stood there, wearing a similarly disbelieving expression.

Seeing this, Elder Mrs Shi let out a sigh and rose from her seat. She helped Shi Zhengye sit down before leaving the room herself.

Without a word to Elder Mr Shi, she walked out.

Shi Zhengye clung to her wrist, urgently seeking confirmation. "Sister-in-law, this can't be true, right? It must be a mistake on Uncle's part, isn't it?"

Looking at Elder Mrs Shi, he hoped against hope that this was just a joke they were playing on him.

However, his hope was shattered when he met Elder Mrs Shi's sympathetic gaze.

"Jiang Anbang and Xu Mami went to Rongcheng and confirmed it with their own eyes. Li Changsen and his family resemble his Second Uncle greatly. His daughter even resembles his Mother. There's no room for doubt," Elder Mrs Shi explained.

Shi Zhengye still shook his head vigorously. "There are many people who resemble each other in the world. This alone isn't enough evidence."

Elder Mrs Shi's expression was compassionate. "But Jiang Anbang also visited Tianling Village and saw the Li family. Fourth Uncle and Li's father share a striking resemblance as well."

If it was just Li Changsen's family who resembled members of the Shi family, it might have been a stretch. However, both Shi Zhengkun and Li Changsen shared similarities with each other's families, leaving little room for argument.

Struggling to accept the truth, Shi Zhengye suddenly stood up and left the room without a word to Elder Mr Shi and Elder Mrs Shi.

"Mother, what about Zhengkun?" Shi Yuhua couldn't bear to see Shi Zhengkun in such agony.

Elder Mrs Shi's tone was gentle. "If he still wishes to stay in the Shi family, he will be treated as our foster child. If he chooses otherwise, we won't stop him."

Upon hearing this, both Shi Yuhua and Shi Zhengye were taken aback.

Shi Yuhua hurriedly stood up and approached Elder Mrs Shi. "Mother, is this necessary? I don't oppose bringing that Li Changsen back, but do we have to be so ruthless towards Zhengkun?"

Elder Mrs Shi's eyebrows furrowed in displeasure as she looked at Shi Yuhua. "I understand that you have a good relationship with Zhengkun, but Changsen is your true brother. You should understand this very well."

"What do you mean by being ruthless? I'm merely giving Zhengkun the choice. Whether he wants to stay or leave, it's up to him. Your father and I respect his decision."

Shi Yuhua grew anxious. "Mother, that's not what I meant. Bringing Li Changsen back can be done in many ways. We don't necessarily have to declare that Zhengkun is not a member of the Shi family."

Elder Mrs Shi understood her daughter's intention and shook her head. "But he truly isn't." She pointed to the letter on the table. "Besides, he already knows."

"Are you afraid that he might hold a grudge against the family? Even if we don't make it public, things will never be the same between us."

"Yuhua, some matters are beyond our control, and trying to deceive ourselves and others will only lead to more mistakes."

"Bringing your younger brother back to the Shi family is our responsibility as parents. As for how Zhengkun will handle it, we'll leave it to fate."

Hearing Elder Mrs Shi's words, Shi Yuhua knew that her parents had already made up their minds. She became somewhat frustrated. "Li Changsen grew up on the border and in a military family. He probably knows nothing about the noble society. If he returns to our family, we might become a laughingstock in the capital."


Elder Mrs Shi slammed the teacup onto the table forcefully, glaring coldly at Shi Yuhua, who instinctively lowered her head.

"I acknowledge that you've faced difficulties in your husband's family. Over the years, I've defended you. Yet, you've become more and more unreasonable. Is this how an elder sister should speak?"

Shi Yuhua retorted unhappily, "Just because I don't say it, does that mean it won't happen? Mother, you know better than anyone what kind of people reside in the capital."

"To have one's biological son switched and raised wrongly for over thirty years, only to find out now that he grew up in a military family on the border—I can already imagine how we'll become a topic of ridicule in the capital."

Elder Mrs Shi sighed quietly. "The capital is always full of gossip. Our family isn't under much scrutiny. Even if they talk about us for a while, it won't have a significant impact."

Shi Yuhua snorted. "But my mother-in-law and sisters-in-law will mock me openly."

For once, Elder Mrs Shi didn't respond to such a statement.

Due to the family's decline, life had been difficult for the three daughters in their in-laws' families.

Unhappy about the situation but unwilling to argue with her parents, Shi Yuhua shifted her attention to her quiet brothers, Shi Zhengde and Shi Zhengye. "Fifth and seventh brothers, this is a big matter for the family. Aren't you going to say anything?"

Shi Zhengde, as a non-primary son, was well aware of his position in the family. Given the topic concerned his half-brother, it wasn't his place to voice his opinion. "I'll follow Father and Mother's decision."

Shi Yuhua didn't expect much from him. She turned to Shi Zhengye. "Seventh brother, what do you think?"

After a moment of contemplation, Shi Zhengye said, "Since the child was switched, I think each should return to their own family."

Upon hearing this, Shi Yuhua immediately grew irritated. "Each to their own? Do you mean that Zhengkun should return to the border as a military family's son?"

Shi Zhengye replied calmly, "That's what should have happened. Reclaiming one's ancestral heritage is the proper course of action."

Shi Yuhua scoffed, "It seems like you've read too many books and become foolish. Zhengkun returning to the Li family would render all the years he spent growing up in the Shi family in vain."

Shi Zhengye disliked being told he had read too many books and become foolish. His tone turned sour. "I might not be as clever as you, but if you're so concerned about Zhengkun and find it so hard to let him go, why don't you handle this matter yourself?"

"You want to bring your little brother back and also avoid offending Zhengkun. Show me how you can manage that. Hmph, trying to please both sides—do you have the ability for that?"


Elder Mr Shi's slap on the table interrupted the siblings' argument. "Enough, your mother and I have already made a decision. Today was just to inform you, not to ask for your opinions."

He then looked at Shi Yuhua. "

You came back to inquire about this matter, right? Now that you know what happened, hurry back to the Wei family. Don't let your mother-in-law and sisters-in-law find fault with you again."

Elder Mr Shi's words silenced Shi Yuhua, who, even if unwilling, dared not say more.

Since they intended to openly bring Li Changsen back, Elder Mr Shi and Elder Mrs Shi didn't intend to hide the fact that their child had been switched. Thus, the conversation of today swiftly spread through the entire Shi residence, eventually reaching the outside world.

Within a couple of days, members of the Shi clan, close associates, in-laws, and acquaintances were all aware of the situation.

This sparked fervent discussions and debates.

Meanwhile, in Rongcheng, at the Li residence.

After school, Li Qilang once again came to find his elder sister, Li Wuya. "Sister, it's been almost half a month, and we haven't heard anything from the Jiang family. Could it be that they've given up on recognizing us?"

Li Wuya was wiping the strings of her zither. Today, she had learned a new tune, putting her in high spirits. "It's just a matter of bloodline, and there's no emotional connection. If they don't recognize us, then so be it. It's not a big deal."

She paused for a moment.

"By the way, how do you think Father's been these days?"

Li Qilang replied, "I've seen him in good spirits. He's just a bit absent-minded sometimes. Sister, do you think Father truly wants to be recognized by the Shi family?"

Li Wuya fell silent. Her father probably did want to be recognized.

Her mother had once mentioned that her father had worked tirelessly for the Li family, hoping to gain approval and care from the Li patriarch and matriarch.

Her father must long for parental affection.

Li Qilang sighed. "I'm quite eager to go to the capital too." He spoke with longing, "The capital is where the Emperor resides, and there must be many delicious foods and interesting things there."

Li Wuya responded, "But there will also be more people causing trouble. In places like the capital, where nobles are abundant, there's a lot of intrigue. Do you think you can handle it?"

Li Qilang muttered and then clenched his fist. "Aren't I afraid of them?"

Li Wuya smiled faintly, admitting openly, "When striving for higher status, if there's a shortcut available, I won't want to climb step by step."

Li Qilang frowned. "So, what do we do now? The Jiang family isn't responding to us. Are we going to beg them?"

Li Wuya patted his shoulder. "Don't be impatient. We're just at the beginning of this matter. We haven't shown our hand yet. Currently, we're just passively waiting for them to make a choice."

She plucked the zither strings a couple of times. "Since Father wants recognition and returning to the Shi family could benefit us, we need to take some initiative."

Li Qilang asked, "How do we take initiative?"

Li Wuya thought for a moment. "Our parents are not easy to manipulate, so it falls on the four of us. General Cai and General Zhuang are still in Rongcheng. Qilang, you should go find Lao Jiuhuang (Old Ninth), and ask him to find out about their recent activities."

"Alright, I'll go right away."