
From Humble Origins to Common Man

For Shi Lu, a dual-system powerhouse born in the end times, nothing is more important than simply surviving. So, when she was struck by lightning and became Li Wu Ya, a daughter of a humble military household in ancient borderlands, she adapted well and quickly assimilated into the ways of the ancient people. To live, one must have some pursuits. Clothing: Fine silk and satin, and jewellery too, but not excessive. Food: A daily indulgence in bird's nest, shark fin, and sea cucumber, but not excessive. Shelter: Pavilions, towers, and elegant corridors, surrounded by serene bamboo forests and the melodies of birds, where one's home becomes a scenic spot, but not excessive. Transportation: Lavish carriages and luxury horses are a must, but not excessive. With an endless supply of money, no need to work, a loving husband, and children to warm her bed, life... perfect! Life is not easy, so one must love oneself dearly. Shi Lu is determined to experience everything she hasn't encountered or enjoyed in the end times. Unfortunately, reality dealt her a harsh blow. The borderlands are bitterly cold, plagued by years of war, and even getting enough food to eat is difficult, with constant threats to her life. Fine, let's roll up our sleeves and strive! Shi Lu abides by one motto: As long as you don't stand in my way, you're good, I'm good, and everyone's good. Otherwise!!! To secure her position, one must be assertive. In life's triumphs, one should indulge. Be a shallow yet happy commoner.

anupro · History
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102 Chs

Shen Nong Hall

Li Wu Ya was a decisive person, and as soon as Mr Shang expressed his interest in the shop, she and Li Er Ya went to visit the location the next day.

Inspecting the size and position of the shop, Li Wu Ya appeared satisfied. "This shop is quite good, and it comes with a backyard. The backyard can be used for lodging and processing herbs."

Observing Li Wu Ya's enthusiastic approval, Li Er Ya hesitated for a moment before speaking up. "Wu Ya, have you thought through opening the herbal shop?"

Li Wu Ya nodded affirmatively. "Of course."

Li Er Ya continued, "But what about... I mean, aside from the finances, won't you need a qualified physician to run a medical shop? Are you planning to handle medical consultations yourself?"

Li Wu Ya quickly shook her head. "No, definitely not. I'm too young to be taken seriously as a physician even if I set up a clinic. However, I can hire a qualified physician. I've already asked Mr Shang to help me keep an eye out. It shouldn't be a major problem."

Li Er Ya raised another concern. "Running a medical shop means selling medicines. Where do you plan to get your medicinal herbs?"

Li Wu Ya responded, "For now, I've sent a message to Master about it. In the beginning, we'll use herbs from Tianchi Valley. Once the shop is established, we can start procuring herbs."

"Fortunately, Mr Shang is involved with a trading caravan. Sourcing medicinal herbs shouldn't be too difficult."

Li Er Ya furrowed her brows. "Aren't you relying too much on Mr Shang?"

Li Wu Ya shrugged. "It's unavoidable. Our family doesn't have anyone else to rely on. Back when I saved Mr Shang's life, it was because I saw the potential of his trading caravan."

Li Er Ya looked surprised. "You've been thinking about opening a herbal shop for a while now?"

Li Wu Ya nodded. "Yes, one reason is that our family needs a livelihood. Secondly, since we're in this world, it's important to do something valuable."

With a smile, she added, "Sis, don't worry. Since our family has no foundations right now, we have to depend on Mr Shang to some extent. But once we're established and have our people, we won't need to rely on him for everything."

Li Er Ya chuckled as she looked at Li Wu Ya. "You've always had clear ideas. Your planning is more meticulous than mine and our brother's combined. If you've thought it through, then go for it. By the way, have you thought of a name for the herbal shop?"

After a brief pause, Li Wu Ya answered, "Let's call it 'Shen Nong Hall.'"

With the shop's details confirmed, Li Wu Ya went to the Nine-Border Teeth Trading Company to see Mr. Shang. She asked for paper and ink, and after some sketching and explaining, she handed him a rough design of the shop's interior.

Mr Shang raised an eyebrow at the sketches. "Why so many medicine cabinets?"

Li Wu Ya explained, "In most herbal shops, at least half the space is dedicated to a physician's consultation area. We'll only have two consultation tables. Isn't that a bit too plain?"

Glancing at Mr Shang, she countered with a question, "Have you found the physicians for the consultation area?"

Mr Shang nodded, "I've already spoken to a few reliable physicians. Once you've seen the design, we can finalize the arrangements."

Li Wu Ya inquired further, "How skilled are they in medicine?"

Mr. Shang hesitated briefly. "Their medical skills are adequate; they can handle common ailments and provide basic treatment."

Li Wu Ya pressed on, "So, they can only manage common illnesses, right?"

Mr Shang forced a smile, tacitly admitting her assumption.

It wasn't that he didn't want to find highly skilled physicians. The truth was that any doctor with remarkable skills and reputation would either have already been hired by other medical institutions or would be running their clinics. It was challenging to find such a physician willing to work in their shop.

Li Wu Ya commented, "If our clinic can only handle common illnesses, then even if we allocate the entire shop for consultations, we won't attract many patients."

Mr Shang recognized the reality. "That's true. We might not be as competitive as other medical shops. Our business might not be very successful."

He paused for a moment before continuing, "Actually, I do know a physician with decent skills, but he asks for a higher salary. If we..."

Before Mr Shang could finish his sentence, Li Wu Ya raised her hand to interrupt him. "No need. Our herbal shop doesn't require highly skilled physicians."

Mr Shang looked puzzled. A herbal shop without skilled physicians? How would it make money?

Li Wu Ya realized that many tasks in the future would require Mr Shang's assistance. She patiently explained, "In business, you need to have a unique selling proposition to be successful."

"Since we can't compete with other herbal shops in terms of medical consultations, we need to compensate in other areas."

Mr Shang asked, "What areas?"

Li Wu Ya replied, "In a herbal shop, there are two main sources of income: medical consultations and medicine sales. If we can't excel in consultations, then we'll focus on selling medicines."

From the beginning, she hadn't counted on having a physician handle consultations. Her main goal was to sell ready-made medicines, with medical consultations being a secondary aspect.

Li Wu Ya didn't elaborate further, simply pointing at the sketch and instructing Mr Shang to decorate the shop according to her plan.

Observing Li Wu Ya's assured demeanour, Mr Shang reminded himself not to underestimate her due to her age.

He had been worried that the Li family might not understand the business well enough and that the shop might not succeed. But now, seeing Li Wu Ya's preparedness, he realized she had thoroughly thought through their plans.

"Don't worry, Miss. I'll find the most reliable people to decorate our herbal shop."

Li Wu Ya then asked, "Do you have any available resources in your trading caravan?"

Mr Shang nodded eagerly. "One of the caravans is still in town. Do you need it?"

Li Wu Ya handed him a note. "Use this location to transport a batch of herbs."

As Mr Shang read the note, his eyelid involuntarily twitched.


It was Tianshan!

Although using Tianshan as a source of herbs didn't necessarily imply anything, the memory of Li Wu Ya's remarkable medical skills when she had treated him kept resurfacing, leading him to speculate further.

Tianshan was known to house legendary miracle healers!

Mr Shang's gaze towards Li Wu Ya changed. With her connection to White Moonlight and Black Lotus, and now a potential link to the legendary physician of Tianshan, he began to wonder about the background of the Li family.

No, he needed to confirm this personally.

If the Li family did indeed have ties to the legendary physician of Tianshan, he promised to be a devoted ally, no longer entertaining any doubts or suspicions.

"Miss, the successful opening of the shop depends on the herb transportation. I'd like to make a trip there myself."

Li Wu Ya glanced at him with a faint smile. "Feel free."

She understood that someone like Mr Shang, who had worked his way up from nothing, would be pragmatic and focused on his interests. She wasn't concerned about his pragmatism or his focus on profits.

Focusing on profits was a good thing. As long as she could continue to bring him benefits, he would remain her valuable ally.

"Before we start the shop, you need to bring the head physician and the apprentice physicians to meet me. Also, we'll need pharmacy assistants. They all need to be trained before we open."

Mr. Shang was efficient. The next day, he brought the head physician and pharmacy assistants to the Nine-Border Teeth Trading Company for Li Wu Ya's assessment.

Li Wu Ya didn't directly meet them; instead, she had Mr. Shang handle the evaluation. She observed from the background. After evaluating the candidates, she finalized two head physicians and six pharmacy assistants. She handed Mr Shang a pre-prepared training manual.

"Our herbal shop is different from others. We focus on selling medicines, and consultations are secondary. The most important thing is to help customers understand the efficacy of the medicines we sell."

"The medicines listed in the training manual will be our main products for a while. Make copies of the manual and give them to the head physicians and pharmacy assistants. They must memorize the effects of the medicines."

With the head physicians and pharmacy assistants settled, Mr Shang handed over the responsibility of decorating the shop to his trusted associates. Then, in a hurry, he led a trading caravan towards Tianshan.

Upon reaching the foothills of Tianshan, Mr Shang released the golden eagle that Li Wu Ya had entrusted to him and watched it soar into the depths of Tianshan.

After waiting for about half an hour, he saw a burly man descending from a tree, carrying two large wicker chests in his hands.

Silent landing!

Mr Shang's eyelid twitched again. "Senior, Third Miss asked me to collect the herbs."

Zhan Peng frowned. "Third Miss? Who is Third Miss?"

Mr Shang hesitated for a moment before clarifying, "It's Miss Wu Ya, Third Miss."

Zhan Peng gave him a disdainful look. "You can't even remember Miss Wu Ya's name?" Shaking his head, he sighed, "Truly foolish!"

Mr Shang was left speechless.

Zhan Peng placed four wicker chests on the ground. "Wait here. There are six more to come."

With helpful intention, Mr Shang suggested, "Since there are more boxes, should I send someone to help you carry them? It'll be faster that way."

Zhan Peng's expression turned disdainful once more. Pointing at Mr Shang and his caravan, he retorted, "You guys? Help me? Humph, you're weaker than Miss Wu Ya and her brother. You've wasted enough of my time. Just wait patiently!"

With a swift movement, the man disappeared from Mr. Shang's and his group's sight.

After a while, Mr. Shang and his men finally snapped back to reality.

"So fast!"

"Boss, that guy's pressure was intense. How powerful must his martial arts be?"

Mr. Shang swallowed, certain that the burly man was at least a ninth-level expert and an exceptionally formidable one at that.

"Boss, if the Li family knows such a powerful expert, what's their background?"

Hearing this, Mr. Shang immediately slapped the speaker's head. "What Li family? Can't you speak properly? Remember this: if you meet someone from the Li family, address them as 'sir,' 'miss,' 'master,' 'madam.' Got it?"

His subordinates nodded in agreement. "Got it!"

Relieved, Mr. Shang gestured for them to load the wicker chests onto the carriage.

As they carried the chests, they jostled them slightly to gauge the weight. One of them stuttered in amazement, "Boss, each of these chests weighs at least a hundred jin. Yet that man carried two of them effortlessly while flying in the trees."

Incredibly powerful!

Not long after Mr. Shang and his team marveled at this, Zhan Peng reappeared.

This time, he held three wicker chests in one hand.

Seeing this, Mr. Shang's team admired him.

Zhan Peng placed the chests down and looked at Mr. Shang. "How's Third Miss doing in the city?"

Mr. Shang respectfully replied, "She's doing well."

Zhan Peng smirked. "Living among so many people in the city, amidst the chaos and filth. It's better in the mountains." With a shake of his head, he showed his contempt for Mr. Shang.

"Third Miss has been in Rong City for just a short while, and she's already adopting such low standards. You're so weak and fragile, yet she's taken you as her underling. She's not afraid of losing face!"

Mr. Shang's heart was pierced with an arrow. "..."

Was he really that weak?

He was also an eighth-level martial artist, after all! Did being an eighth-level martial artist not qualify him to be an underling?

Too hurtful!

Devastated, Mr. Shang returned to Rong City with the herbs. Once back, he was consumed with the task of preparing the shop for its grand opening. He focused exclusively on that, setting aside all other thoughts.

If he still believed the Li family was ordinary people, then he must have a problem with his brain.

Superb medical skills, Tianshan... Although unconfirmed, he had already made up his mind. The Li family had definite connections to the legendary physician of Tianshan.

Encountering an opportunity that most people could only dream of, he would be struck by lightning if he didn't cherish it.

After completing the decoration of the herbal shop, Li Wu Ya and Li Er Ya met with Mr. Shang again.

At first glance, they noticed that Mr. Shang seemed different.

Their respect for them seemed more genuine, coming from the heart.

Li Wu Ya smiled and went to inspect the progress of the shop's decoration. Li Er Ya, though slightly puzzled, kept her thoughts to herself, simply nodding and following Li Wu Ya.

After the herbs were transported, Li Wu Ya took two boxes home. The remaining herbs were stored in the medicine cabinets after the shop's renovation was completed.

After a month of busy work, the herbal shop was finally ready.

On the day before the Dragon Boat Festival, Rong City gained a new shop named "Shennong Tang."

"Why didn't the new shop invite a lion dance troupe? The owner is so stingy. No wonder nobody is visiting."

"Look, what's hanging on the shop's entrance?"

"Our Main Products: Fengre Pill, Fenghan Pill, Chuhui Pill, Tiaoshao Pill, Zhentong Pill, Shanghan Pill. Take with water for significant effects."

Most of the medicines sold by the herbal shop required preparation at home, so selling ready-made pills was a rarity. Shennong Tang's introduction of these pill formulations managed to attract a group of customers.

However, most people were still hesitant to spend their silver.

Li Wu Ya was confident in the medicines she had prepared. Even if the shop didn't do well initially, she wasn't worried. After entrusting the shop's management to Mr. Shang, she brought Li Er Ya back home.

Later, the sisters focused on learning from Madam Qiao.

But within days, the herbal shop encountered trouble.

"What's going on?"

When Li Wu Ya and Li Er Ya rushed to Shennong Tang, the entrance had already been sealed with official seals!

Seeing the two, Mr. Shang immediately intercepted them, taking them to a corner. "The head physician and pharmacy assistants have been arrested."

Li Wu Ya and Li Er Ya's expressions changed simultaneously. "Why?"

Mr. Shang's face darkened slightly. "Someone reported to the authorities, claiming that after taking Shennong Tang's pills, they fell gravely ill and eventually died."

Li Wu Ya's eyes narrowed. "Someone doesn't want Shennong Tang to continue. Isn't that right?"

Mr. Shang's expression turned graver. "Seems like it. We've sold quite a few pills recently. Someone might have noticed their benefits and decided to eliminate competition."

Having run a trading company for so long, Mr. Shang had seen similar situations before.

Ordinary people without connections or background created something impressive, only to have it taken away by scheming individuals.

Li Er Ya's anger flared. "Is there no justice left? Are people allowed to just steal from others?"

Mr. Shang sighed; he hadn't expected the small pills to attract the attention of influential figures.

Suppressing her anger, Li Wu Ya looked at Mr. Shang. "Given your experience, how can we rescue the head physician and the pharmacy assistants?"

Mr. Shang pondered for a moment. "In the past, similar situations were resolved through sacrifices. We might have to give up one or two formulations."

Li Wu Ya's face turned cold. "And if I refuse to give up any?"

Mr. Shang replied, "Then we might have to involve even more powerful figures to put pressure on them."

Li Wu Ya narrowed her eyes. "Can you find out who's behind this?"

Mr. Shang, intimidated by the fierceness in Li Wu Ya's eyes, shuddered. "I-I'll investigate immediately."

"Good, please do it as quickly as possible."

Li Wu Ya looked at the sealed Shennong Tang indifferently. "Since someone dares to act so brazenly and disregard rules and regulations, we might as well follow suit."