
From Humble Origins to Common Man

For Shi Lu, a dual-system powerhouse born in the end times, nothing is more important than simply surviving. So, when she was struck by lightning and became Li Wu Ya, a daughter of a humble military household in ancient borderlands, she adapted well and quickly assimilated into the ways of the ancient people. To live, one must have some pursuits. Clothing: Fine silk and satin, and jewellery too, but not excessive. Food: A daily indulgence in bird's nest, shark fin, and sea cucumber, but not excessive. Shelter: Pavilions, towers, and elegant corridors, surrounded by serene bamboo forests and the melodies of birds, where one's home becomes a scenic spot, but not excessive. Transportation: Lavish carriages and luxury horses are a must, but not excessive. With an endless supply of money, no need to work, a loving husband, and children to warm her bed, life... perfect! Life is not easy, so one must love oneself dearly. Shi Lu is determined to experience everything she hasn't encountered or enjoyed in the end times. Unfortunately, reality dealt her a harsh blow. The borderlands are bitterly cold, plagued by years of war, and even getting enough food to eat is difficult, with constant threats to her life. Fine, let's roll up our sleeves and strive! Shi Lu abides by one motto: As long as you don't stand in my way, you're good, I'm good, and everyone's good. Otherwise!!! To secure her position, one must be assertive. In life's triumphs, one should indulge. Be a shallow yet happy commoner.

anupro · History
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102 Chs

Relying on Luck to Gather Subordinates

The Red Flame Ferret was less than a foot long, its entire body a fiery red. Its soft fur made it appear harmless and fragile.

However, Li Wu Ya knew better. A single bite from this seemingly innocent creature could inject fiery poison into the victim's body. The toxin would spread from the wound, causing intense redness, swelling, and unbearable heat. Without timely antidote, one's body would erupt in feverish sores, internal organs soaking in heat like they were submerged in boiling water, gradually cooking the victim in agony until death.

Li Wu Ya made sure her family understood the danger the ferret posed. Even though both Gold Moon E and Li Er Ya loved cute and furry animals, they steered clear of this one after learning about its deadly bite.

Subsequently, Li Wu Ya abandoned riding horses and focused on taming the still-wild Red Flame Ferret inside a separate carriage.

After days of swift riding through Chishi Mountain, the group managed to exit the terrain just before nightfall.

Soon after leaving the mountain, they spotted the Red Mountain Inn not too far away.

Having stayed at the inn during their previous trip to Rongcheng, when they informed the innkeeper of their arrival, rooms were promptly arranged for them.

"Sir, the rooms are ready. You, your wife, and your two young masters and young ladies can rest and freshen up."

Li Chang Sen wasn't entirely accustomed to this treatment, but considering the way well-off families were treated, he simply nodded, albeit a bit uncomfortably.

Exhausted and sweaty after the journey through Chishi Mountain, the Li family found relief as they entered their rooms. Li Wu Ya tethered the Red Flame Ferret to the table and then eagerly headed for a bath.

For the comfort of the Li family, Xu Mo Mo arranged for the inn's staff to deliver food to their rooms.

Li Wu Ya finished her bath, changed into clean clothes, and emerged from behind a screen, spotting Li Er Ya lost in thought at a table.

"Sister, what's on your mind? You seem deep in thought," Li Wu Ya asked as she settled down.

Li Er Ya snapped out of her reverie, and after Li Wu Ya had taken a seat, she scooped a bowl of soup for her. "I was thinking, no wonder so many people crave high positions and power."

"Ever since we left Rongcheng, our daily life has been managed by Manager Shi and Xu Mo Mo. We don't need to worry about anything. This feeling of being carefree shopkeepers is really enjoyable."

Li Wu Ya took a sip of the soup and chuckled. "Sister, that's just the tip of the iceberg. True power lies in not being controlled by others and having the ability to control them."

"Just think about it, if you could control other people's lives, make them do everything according to your will, be happy when you're happy and angry when you're angry, how would that feel?"

"Influencing others' destinies, perhaps even altering the course of history, is the ultimate experience most people seek power for."

Li Er Ya frowned in thought.

Li Wu Ya continued, "What Manager Shi and Xu Mo Mo are doing for us is merely to spare us from physical labor. It's just their self-restraint as members of the Shi family's staff. But if we wanted them to do something beyond that, do you think they would listen?"

Li Er Ya fell silent, understanding her sister's point.

At this moment, they still didn't possess the power to control Manager Shi and Xu Mo Mo.

After finishing the soup, Li Wu Ya tossed a chicken leg to the Red Flame Ferret. "In this world, we are either controlled by others or we control them. Unless we isolate ourselves deep in the mountains and forests, there's no escaping this."

"Given the choice, controlling others is definitely more gratifying. That's why everyone, consciously or unconsciously, strives to climb higher."

Li Er Ya wrinkled her brow. "Can't we choose neither?"

Li Wu Ya paused for a moment. "That's quite difficult. Human beings have their desires and emotions. These are often intertwined with external factors, making it challenging to break free from control, be it exerted or received."

"However, if one becomes strong enough, the control imposed upon them will be relatively reduced. When in a high position, you can choose not to control others either."

Li Er Ya remained silent for a moment after hearing this, then said, "Tomorrow, I plan to review my studies in the carriage." She didn't want to control others, but she also didn't want to be controlled by them.

Therefore, she must have enough self-defense abilities to prevent others from easily manipulating and influencing her life.

Li Wu Ya smiled and didn't say much, continuing to focus on her meal.

After dinner, the sisters chatted for a while before heading to their beds to meditate.

Although their physical potentials had been developed to the fullest, they still needed to continually accumulate internal energy. So, whenever they had time, they practiced meditation to cultivate their internal power.

Meditating before sleep was a ritual for the four siblings.

An hour later, Li Wu Ya yawned and, seeing that Li Er Ya was still meditating with closed eyes, she quietly slipped into bed and fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, a peculiar fragrance entered Li Wu Ya's nostrils. In an instant, she opened her eyes, her gaze sharp.


Li Wu Ya quickly shook Li Er Ya awake.

Li Er Ya, who had inhaled the strange fragrance, woke up with a dazed look in her eyes.

Seeing this, Li Wu Ya's expression changed. She swiftly climbed out of bed, took out an antidote pill from her bag, and fed it to Li Er Ya. At the same time, she used a silver needle to puncture a few acupoints on her.

Soon, Li Er Ya's eyes cleared. "What's happening?"

Li Wu Ya handed an antidote pill to Li Er Ya. "Someone is poisoning us. You go help our parents detoxify, and I'll take care of the person behind the poisoning."

With that, she opened the door and rushed out.

Li Er Ya didn't waste time. She quickly followed, making her way to Li Chang Sen and the others' rooms.

In the center of the inn's lobby was a charcoal brazier, emitting sparkling sparks and billowing green smoke.


Li Wu Ya poured a basin of cold water onto the brazier, extinguishing the flames. Then, she headed straight for the inn's backyard.

In the backyard, a figure draped in a black cloak stood over the coughing innkeeper, his face obscured. "Tell me, where is he hiding?"

The innkeeper weakly shook his head. "I don't know what you're talking about!"

The cloaked man sneered, his foot pressing harder on the innkeeper's chest. "I've lit the Soul-Departing Incense. In fifteen minutes, everyone in the inn will die, including your family. Whether you save them or not depends on you."

Hearing this, the innkeeper's eyes reddened. "They are all innocent! You can't do this."

The cloaked man chuckled coldly. "There's nothing a half-ghost cultivator like me can't do in this world." With that, he increased the pressure on his foot.

"You don't have much time to think. Once the Soul-Departing Incense takes effect, you'll have no chance of turning back within fifteen minutes."

"Tell me, where did you hide Ximen Fengxiao? Tell me, and I might spare your family's lives."

The innkeeper glared at the cloaked man with defiance, then closed his eyes in silence.

Seeing this, the cloaked man's tone turned icy. "You're being insolent. Since you want to die, I'll grant your wish." As he spoke, he exerted more force with his foot.

Just as it seemed the innkeeper's chest was about to collapse, a red-clothed disheveled man pushed open a wooden door from a woodshed and staggered out.

"Ximen Fengxiao!"

Seeing the man, the cloaked figure burst into laughter, then clicked his tongue twice. "You've been poisoned by my toxic needle, yet you can still stand up. Truly deserving of your reputation as a top-tier ninth-grade swordmaster."

Ximen Fengxiao gazed coldly at the cloaked man. "I'm here. Release them!"

The cloaked man burst into laughter again. "I was originally planning to release them, but the moment you spoke, I changed my mind. Watching you suffer brings me more joy than even discovering new poisons."

With that, he increased the pressure on his foot.

The innkeeper continued to cough up blood under his pressure.

Seeing this, Ximen Fengxiao's face turned angry. He intended to rush over to save the innkeeper, but as he took a step, blood dripped from his lips.

The toxic needle of the half-ghost cultivator had infiltrated his meridians, and the poison had spread throughout his body. At this point, he could no longer suppress the extent of his injuries.

Observing Ximen Fengxiao's condition, the cloaked man burst into delighted laughter. About to say something, his expression suddenly tensed. With a swift motion, he turned around, and simultaneously, the poison needle in his hand shot directly toward the inn's back door.

Both the half-ghost cultivator and Ximen Fengxiao were top-tier ninth-grade experts, and even in the darkness, they could track the trajectory of the poison needle.

Then, the expressions on both their faces turned grave.

The poison needle landed silently about three to four meters from the back door.

The half-ghost cultivator became instantly alert, his eyes locked onto the firmly shut door.

The person who could silently shoot down his poison needle possessed extremely profound inner power.

A tense atmosphere enveloped the backyard.

With a creak, the back door swung open, revealing a young girl who wore a displeased expression on her face.

Upon seeing the newcomer, both the half-ghost cultivator and Ximen Fengxiao widened their eyes in astonishment.

The young girl, however, wore an annoyed expression as she spoke, "Can't you two have a little martial virtue? If you have conflicts, deal with them yourselves. Why involve innocent people?"

"And another thing, I've been traveling all day. Disturbing my sleep in the middle of the night is very irritating, you know?"

Her tone of dissatisfaction and the dismissive look in her eyes added to the half-ghost cultivator's wariness.

He had lit the Soul-Departing Incense in the inn's lobby, and its scent was supposed to spread to all the guest rooms. Yet, this person showed no signs of being poisoned!

Why was this happening?!

The half-ghost cultivator tentatively spoke, "Young one, bring out your elders. Sneaking around and avoiding facing people, what kind of heroes are you?"

Li Wu Ya paid no attention and surveyed the cloaked man and the red-clothed man. Then she looked at the innkeeper who lay on the ground, barely clinging to life. Finally, her gaze settled on the cloaked man.

"You're truly wicked. There are at least several dozen people staying in this inn, and we haven't caused you any trouble. Yet, you want to take our lives!"

The half-ghost cultivator's expression changed. "Blame yourselves for coming to a place you shouldn't have."

Li Wu Ya chuckled. "Oh, if that's how you want to put it, then your encounter with me today is just a result of your bad luck."

As she spoke, her right hand suddenly rose, and several poison needles that had fallen to the ground swiftly floated into the air.

Immediately after, the poison needles 'whooshed' as they shot through the air, heading straight for the half-ghost cultivator.

In an instant, the half-ghost cultivator felt an intense sense of danger rushing toward him. Without hesitation, he turned to flee.

However, to his astonishment, he found himself immobilized. An invisible force held him in place.

By the time he struggled to break free, the poison needles were upon him.

"Swish, swish, swish"

Several poisoned needles all penetrated into the body of the half-ghost cultivator.

Feeling the poison needles enter his acupoints, a look of panic and despair crossed the face of the half-ghost cultivator.

Death points!

The young girl had actually aimed the poison needles directly at his death points with unerring accuracy, every single one of them.

Too swift, too precise!


After a moment, amidst his overwhelming unwillingness, the half-ghost cultivator collapsed onto the ground. His eyes were wide open, staring unblinkingly, refusing to close even in death.

The sudden and drastic change left Ximen Fengxiao, who had thought his fate was sealed, utterly shocked and astonished.

The half-ghost cultivator who had slaughtered the entire Ximen family was dead!

He was actually dead!


Ximen Fengxiao stared in disbelief. Over the years, he had teetered on the brink of life and death multiple times, suffering from poisoning and grievous injuries, putting himself through the wringer, yet he had never managed to take the life of the half-ghost cultivator.

The half-ghost cultivator was not only a ninth-grade expert but also skilled in poison. Such a hard-to-kill individual had been instantly killed by a young girl!

Ximen Fengxiao was dumbfounded as he looked at the girl who was approaching him with a slow pace. He felt a sense of unease.

Was she really just a young girl?

Not some ancient monster?

Li Wu Ya halted about three meters away from Ximen Fengxiao and curiously appraised him. "Are you an assassin?"

Ximen Fengxiao shook his head, drawing his attention away from his profound shock. "I am a swordsman."

Li Wu Ya continued her questioning, "A swordsman who kills people?"

Ximen Fengxiao replied, "I only kill those who deserve to die."

Li Wu Ya inquired, "What defines someone deserving to die?"

Ximen Fengxiao explained, "Those who pose a threat to my safety."

Li Wu Ya nodded in understanding, then scrutinized Ximen Fengxiao up and down. Suddenly, she stated, "You're about to die soon."

Ximen Fengxiao's expression dimmed, and the girl was right. The half-ghost cultivator's poison needles had infiltrated his meridians, and the poison had now spread throughout his entire body, permeating his organs.

However, the fact that he had witnessed the half-ghost cultivator's death before his own gave him some solace.

Li Wu Ya continued, "But I can save you."

Ximen Fengxiao's eyes lifted, and he fixed his gaze on her, silent.

Li Wu Ya smiled and seductively teased, "Do you want to live?"

Ximen Fengxiao's expression remained unchanged. "What are the conditions?"

Li Wu Ya smiled again, enjoying her conversation with an astute person. "Help me with something. In twenty years, you can leave freely."

Ximen Fengxiao's eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't respond immediately.

Li Wu Ya didn't rush him. "Take your time to consider."

With that, she turned her attention to the innkeeper lying on the ground.

"Multiple broken ribs, severe internal injuries. You're about to die soon too."

The innkeeper weakly looked at Li Wu Ya, unable even to muster the strength to speak.

Li Wu Ya provocatively asked again, "Do you want to live?"

Cultivating someone was a time-consuming task. The red-clothed man was a ninth-grade expert, and the innkeeper, capable of running an inn in the borderlands, surely possessed some real skills. People like them were worth employing.

"Can you save him?"

Ximen Fengxiao asked urgently. As he spoke, blood trickled from his mouth.

Li Wu Ya smiled and said, "Of course, but I only save those who serve me."

The innkeeper couldn't speak, and his body couldn't move. He could only frantically blink his eyes at Ximen Fengxiao.

With a sigh, Ximen Fengxiao looked at the girl before him. Working for her meant dedicating two or three decades of their lives to her. Thinking about it, he felt a sense of reluctance!

Li Wu Ya seemed to understand his thoughts. "For people like you now, you can only choose between freedom and life. If you want freedom, you'll have to wait here to die."

At that moment, voices were heard from the inn's main hall.

Li Wu Ya heard them and urged, "Hurry, my family is waking up. I need to go back to be with them."

Ximen Fengxiao looked at his desperate friend and reluctantly nodded. "Alright, we agree."

Li Wu Ya looked satisfied. "I trust that you are people of your word." She squatted down, retrieved a silver needle, and swiftly inserted it into the innkeeper's body a few times.

"First, let's save your life. I'll go detoxify the people in the inn."

After a few needles, the innkeeper's breathing indeed improved somewhat.

Li Wu Ya put away the silver needle, and Li San Lang and Li Qi Lang quickly walked over.

"Wu Ya, are you alright?"

Li Wu Ya smiled and shook her head. "Brother, you came at the right time. Help me carry the innkeeper into the room, but be careful, his internal injuries are severe. Don't bump him."

As she spoke, she glanced at Ximen Fengxiao.

"I'll go detoxify the others first and come find you later."

With that, Li Wu Ya swiftly left. She had acquired two high-quality subordinates and was in an excellent mood. Even using the antidote to save lives didn't faze her.