
From Humble Origins to Common Man

For Shi Lu, a dual-system powerhouse born in the end times, nothing is more important than simply surviving. So, when she was struck by lightning and became Li Wu Ya, a daughter of a humble military household in ancient borderlands, she adapted well and quickly assimilated into the ways of the ancient people. To live, one must have some pursuits. Clothing: Fine silk and satin, and jewellery too, but not excessive. Food: A daily indulgence in bird's nest, shark fin, and sea cucumber, but not excessive. Shelter: Pavilions, towers, and elegant corridors, surrounded by serene bamboo forests and the melodies of birds, where one's home becomes a scenic spot, but not excessive. Transportation: Lavish carriages and luxury horses are a must, but not excessive. With an endless supply of money, no need to work, a loving husband, and children to warm her bed, life... perfect! Life is not easy, so one must love oneself dearly. Shi Lu is determined to experience everything she hasn't encountered or enjoyed in the end times. Unfortunately, reality dealt her a harsh blow. The borderlands are bitterly cold, plagued by years of war, and even getting enough food to eat is difficult, with constant threats to her life. Fine, let's roll up our sleeves and strive! Shi Lu abides by one motto: As long as you don't stand in my way, you're good, I'm good, and everyone's good. Otherwise!!! To secure her position, one must be assertive. In life's triumphs, one should indulge. Be a shallow yet happy commoner.

anupro · History
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102 Chs

No Going Back

Wuchang Marquis Residence.

As a noble family, even though the house had fallen from its former glory, the members of the Shi family remained busy every day.

Although Elder Master Shi didn't hold an official position, as the patriarch of the Shi clan, people often sought him out for matters, and he had to maintain the remaining connections of the Shi family. Consequently, he had a fair share of social engagements.

Since the decline of the Shi family, Elder Madam Shi's outings had lessened. Nevertheless, she had to manage the private affairs of both Elder Master Shi and herself. She also had to gather information about events in the capital, which required her to meet with various people daily.

Elder Master Shi's son, Shi Zheng Mao, held the position of an assistant minister at the Ministry of War with the rank of Fifth-rank. He had to attend his duties at the ministry every day.

Lady Shi, the wife of Shi Zheng Mao, was the current household manager. She was responsible for handling various matters, big and small, within the estate.

Shi Wu, also known as Fifth Master Shi, managed the family's fields and shops. He was often out dealing with those matters.

Shi Wu's wife came from a merchant family and brought along several shops as her dowry. She had to manage the financial accounts and affairs of those shops.

Shi Qi, known as Seventh Master Shi, worked as a teacher at the Qianji Academy in the southern part of the city. He had to go to the academy every day to teach and lecture.

Shi Qi's wife had fewer responsibilities than the other sisters-in-law, but she had to manage her own courtyard and raise their children.

Among the grandchildren, aside from the eldest grandson and granddaughter who were already married, the others attended the family school for their studies.

Each family member had their own tasks to attend to, so it was difficult for the Shi family to gather together on a regular basis. But today, from Elder Master Shi to the youngest grandson, everyone had gathered in the Yixiang Hall.


Because yesterday, the house received a letter from the estate manager, saying that the Li Changsen family, who had been mistakenly taken away when they were infants, was returning today.

Regarding the Li Changsen family, each branch of the Shi family had their own considerations and concerns. Raised in the impoverished borderlands without much education, their understanding of the world was limited. Moreover, Shi Zheng Kun's decision to voluntarily move out of the Shi residence had caused some discomfort among the family members.

As a result, even though they were related by blood to these newcomers, the Shi family members couldn't be said to be particularly welcoming.

However, seeing the importance Elder Master Shi and Elder Madam Shi attached to this matter, they were willing to cooperate.

As for the three daughters-in-law who had married out, Elder Master Shi and Elder Madam Shi planned to wait until the Li Changsen family arrived. After giving them a couple of days to rest, they would arrange for the three daughters-in-law to visit and verify their identities.

It was a rare occasion for the family to be together, and there was laughter and chatter in the Yixiang Hall. The joyful atmosphere continued until almost noon when Shi Zheng Mao received news that the Governor of Huaiyuan was returning to the capital for a job review. This news made him feel uneasy.

"Father, Mother, the Governor of Huaiyuan is returning today and will surely visit the Ministry of War. I want to go to the ministry," Shi Zheng Mao spoke with a hint of restlessness.

Elder Master Shi fell silent for a moment before saying, "The Governor of Huaiyuan is returning to present himself before the Emperor. Even if he goes to the Ministry of War, he probably won't stay long. Your presence or absence won't have much impact."

Shi Zheng Mao's expression remained dissatisfied. "I understand that, Father, but opportunities to meet the Governor are rare. Even if I just show up, it would be beneficial."

Elder Master Shi didn't say anything.

Elder Madam Shi glanced at her eldest son and suggested, "He should be arriving soon. You're the eldest brother. Why don't you greet him at the entrance? He will surely be pleased."

Shi Zheng Mao hesitated for a moment and replied, "Mother, I understand. But chances to meet the Governor are rare. We'll have plenty of time to meet Changsen in the future. It doesn't matter if I'm not there. I can have Fifth and Seventh Brother greet him instead. It will be the same."

Lady Shi cast a meaningful look at her in-laws and then at her husband. She was contemplating whether she should dissuade her husband.

According to the rumors, this time the Governor of Huaiyuan was returning to present himself before the Emperor with the intention of being appointed as the next Minister of War.

Considering this, it was indeed necessary for her husband, who worked at the Ministry of War, to make an appearance now.

Elder Madam Shi sighed inwardly as she watched her eldest son, who was anxious to rise in ranks. Every opportunity he got, he wanted to climb higher. However, he failed to realize that if he couldn't bring equivalent value to the table, others would overlook him.

Before she could voice her thoughts, her eldest son said, "I want to go to the Ministry of War. But don't worry, Father, Mother. I'm sure we'll have plenty of opportunities to meet Changsen in the future."

With that, Shi Zheng Mao stood up happily and left the Yixiang Hall.

Elder Madam Shi exchanged a glance with Elder Master Shi, and both of them fell silent.

The atmosphere in the hall had slightly dimmed.

Elder Madam Shi smiled and said, "Don't feel constrained here. When they arrive, you can come over."

Upon hearing this, everyone stood up and left the Yixiang Hall.

As they left, Shi Wu's wife and Shi Qi's wife followed Lady Shi and headed towards the Yiming Hall.

"Eldest sister-in-law, they say the new fourth sister-in-law who's coming back is just a peasant who farms. Do you think she'll be able to get along with us? Can she understand what we're saying? We wouldn't want to end up talking at cross purposes and make a fool of ourselves."

Lady Shi glanced at Lady Shi Wu, who was giggling with her hand over her mouth, and saw the laughter lines at the corners of her eyes. She was well aware of her subtle intentions.

Of the four sons of the Shi family, all but her had come from official households.

While the current dynasty did not disregard merchants, their status had improved compared to previous dynasties. However, in the hierarchy of scholar-farmer-craftsman-merchant, merchants were still near the bottom.

This fifth sister-in-law had always felt inferior due to her lower family background compared to her sisters-in-law. She didn't speak forcefully when interacting with them.

But now, things had changed. Someone with an even less privileged background than hers had arrived, allowing her to hold her head up high.

"Are you speaking in chicken language or duck language? Why can't Fourth Sister-in-law understand?" Lady Shi Wu's smile faded a bit.

Lady Shi Wu's face shifted, "Sister-in-law, you know that's not what I meant."

Lady Shi, with a calm expression, stated, "I don't care what you mean. How you interact with Fourth Sister-in-law is your business, but please don't involve me."

Lady Shi Qi also chimed in, "And me."

Seeing Lady Shi and Lady Shi Qi walking together, Lady Shi Wu clenched her handkerchief in frustration.

Not again!

Was it because she was a concubine-born daughter-in-law, coming from a merchant family, that she would forever be an outsider among her sisters-in-law?

In the past, when Zeng Yuwei was around and she had a better family background, they had excluded her, which was understandable. But now, facing a newcomer from the border who was clearly beneath her in many aspects, they still looked down on her.

On the other side, Fifth Master Shi and Seventh Master Shi were walking together.

"For Fourth Brother, what do you plan to do, Seventh Brother?" Fifth Master Shi was the first to ask.

Seventh Master Shi seemed puzzled, "What do you mean, what do I plan to do?"

Fifth Master Shi was a bit speechless but considering Seventh Brother's often book-dazed mind, he had to clarify, "When New Fourth Brother returns, how do you plan to interact with him?"

Seventh Master Shi corrected, "Fifth Brother, you phrased it wrong. What 'New Fourth Brother'? He was always our Fourth Brother."

Fifth Master Shi sighed quietly, then took a deep breath and said, "Alright, I misspoke. So, how do you plan to interact with Fourth Brother?"

Seventh Master Shi furrowed his brow, "What do you mean, I misspoke? You were the one who misspoke." Seeing Fifth Master Shi glaring, he spoke again, "He's our elder brother, and I'm the younger one. I will naturally treat him with the respect due to an elder brother."

Fifth Master Shi looked at Seventh Master Shi, appearing unconvinced. "Are you truly capable of treating an uncultured border soldier as your elder brother?"

Seventh Master Shi corrected himself once more, "Fifth Brother, it's not about whether we recognize it or not. He's our elder brother by blood, and we have no say in the matter."


Fifth Master Shi felt a knot of frustration and decided not to talk to Seventh Master Shi anymore. He shook his sleeve and left, muttering to himself as he walked away.

"I must be out of my mind to have asked the Seventh Blockhead!"

Meanwhile, on Baishun Street, the Shi residence.

Sitting in his study, Shi Zheng Kun stared out of the window, lost in thought.

Even though he had moved out of the Shi estate, he still knew about their affairs. When the estate manager sent a letter yesterday, he knew that the real members of the Shi family were arriving today. Therefore, he had taken a leave from the Imperial Academy for the day.

He wondered if the Shi family still considered him a part of them. They might have asked him to come today if they did.

But as the sun rose higher, the Shi estate remained quiet. Did they fear that his presence would upset the newly arrived genuine family members?

A bitter smile formed on Shi Zheng Kun's face. Leaving the Shi estate voluntarily had brought him some sympathy, but it had also established a clear distinction between him and the Shi family.

Since then, he was no longer Fourth Master of the Shi family; he was just a mistaken adopted child of the Shi family.

Tears welled up in his eyes. He had no family anymore!

As footsteps approached the door, Shi Zheng Kun quickly blinked his eyes to clear them. Just as his expression returned to normal, his wife walked in, carrying a bowl of soup.

"Master, are you alright?"

Zeng Yuwei asked with concern.

Shi Zheng Kun forced a smile. "What's wrong with me?" After a pause, he continued, "I'm prepared for that person's arrival."

Zeng Yuwei hurriedly reassured him, "Master, don't worry. You're an Imperial Scholar. That person can never compare to you. He has only a faint blood connection to the Shi family."

"Just wait and see. This is the capital; it can't accommodate useless people. When that person exhausts the familial bonds of the Shi family, they'll realize your worth. Then it will be up to you to decide whether you want to return."

Shi Zheng Kun chuckled self-deprecatingly and sighed deeply. "I can't go back. There's no going back now." He and the Shi family could never return to how things were.

De Sheng Gate.

After losing their pursuers, Li Wu Ya and Li Qi Lang swiftly returned to De Sheng Gate. They arrived just in time to see the Governor of Huaiyuan's procession entering the city.

With cavalry leading the way and soldiers guarding the rear, the luxurious carriages marched through the empty De Sheng Road in a grand and imposing manner.

"What a spectacle!" Li Wu Ya exclaimed.

After the Governor of Huaiyuan entered the city, De Sheng Gate was reopened, and the people flooded in. Li Wu Ya and Li Qi Lang waited at the gate until their family's carriages arrived, and then they boarded.

North Market was adjacent to the inner city. While the route they had taken earlier seemed long, De Sheng Road turned out to be a more direct path to the inner city, saving them time.

Once they passed through North Market, Li Wu Ya caught sight of the second city wall.

"We're almost at Shang De Gate. Once we pass through it, we'll enter the inner city," Old Madam Xu explained excitedly. "Wuchang Marquis Residence is southwest of the inner city. After Shang De Gate, just proceed down De Wu Road, and you'll reach the residence."

The inner city gates had stricter checks. Those who didn't have property transactions inside the inner city needed a pass issued by the authorities to enter.

Estate Manager Shi presented the Shi family token to the gatekeepers, and they were allowed to enter.

Once they passed through Shang De Gate, Li Wu Ya could feel the difference between the outer and inner city.

The buildings within the inner city were noticeably superior to those outside. The houses were grander, with expansive facades and lavish decorations. The streets were bustling as usual, although not as

crowded as in the outer city.

"We're almost there."

"Our estate is in a prime location. It's close to Xishi Market, making it convenient for lantern festivals, floating river lanterns, and lake excursions during festivals," Old Madam Xu explained enthusiastically. "Wuchang Marquis Residence is southwest from here. After Shang De Gate, just continue down De Wu Road, and you'll arrive directly at the estate."

The carriage turned west once they reached the intersection of De Sheng Road and De Wu Road, leading them into Chang Le East Street.

The street, eight meters wide, was flanked by continuous high walls. Clearly, this was the neighborhood of prosperous and influential families.

After about fifteen minutes of travel, the coachman announced, "We've arrived at the marquis residence."