
From Humble Origins to Common Man

For Shi Lu, a dual-system powerhouse born in the end times, nothing is more important than simply surviving. So, when she was struck by lightning and became Li Wu Ya, a daughter of a humble military household in ancient borderlands, she adapted well and quickly assimilated into the ways of the ancient people. To live, one must have some pursuits. Clothing: Fine silk and satin, and jewellery too, but not excessive. Food: A daily indulgence in bird's nest, shark fin, and sea cucumber, but not excessive. Shelter: Pavilions, towers, and elegant corridors, surrounded by serene bamboo forests and the melodies of birds, where one's home becomes a scenic spot, but not excessive. Transportation: Lavish carriages and luxury horses are a must, but not excessive. With an endless supply of money, no need to work, a loving husband, and children to warm her bed, life... perfect! Life is not easy, so one must love oneself dearly. Shi Lu is determined to experience everything she hasn't encountered or enjoyed in the end times. Unfortunately, reality dealt her a harsh blow. The borderlands are bitterly cold, plagued by years of war, and even getting enough food to eat is difficult, with constant threats to her life. Fine, let's roll up our sleeves and strive! Shi Lu abides by one motto: As long as you don't stand in my way, you're good, I'm good, and everyone's good. Otherwise!!! To secure her position, one must be assertive. In life's triumphs, one should indulge. Be a shallow yet happy commoner.

anupro · History
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102 Chs

Moving Out of the Shi Residence

The Shi family soon received two letters from Jiang Antai.

"Big brother's letters have arrived, two of them!" exclaimed the old lady Shi, handing one letter to the old master Shi and starting to read the other one herself.

In Jiang Antai's two letters, one detailed the conversation he had with Li Changsen and Li Sanlang, where they expressed their unwillingness to live under the same roof as Shi Zhengkun's family.

The other letter recounted how Li Sanlang and Li Qilang had saved Cai Xiaohouye (the young master Cai) and were invited to dine at the Governor's residence.

After reading their respective letters, the old lady Shi looked surprised, while the old master Shi appeared visibly irritated.

"Take a look at mine," she said, exchanging letters with her husband. After both had finished reading, they fell into silence.

After a moment, the old lady Shi sighed, "Oh, my elder brother!"

The situation that could have been explained in just one letter was now complicated by his two letters.

One letter could present the facts, but two letters revealed their intentions.

The old master Shi also expressed his astonishment, admiring his elder brother's skill. If not for their misfortune, his brother's ability to gauge people's hearts could have led him to high positions.

"Now, what should we do?" asked the old master Shi with a hint of a headache. While Shi Zhengkun wasn't his biological son, raising him for over thirty years had created a bond, and asking him to leave the Shi residence was a difficult proposition.

The old lady Shi fell silent for a moment and then said, "Changsen's family must come back. We can't make things too difficult for Zhengkun's family either. Even if there's no blood relation, we still need to maintain our reputation. Let me handle it."

With that, she sent a servant to summon Shi Zhengmao and the elder Mrs. Shi.

"When Zhengmao and Lady Gu arrive, you shouldn't be present," she advised her husband.

Aware of his wife's abilities, the old master Shi nodded and left the room as the servants announced the arrival of the elder Mr. Shi and the elder Mrs. Shi.

"Mother, did Uncle Jiang send letters?" asked Shi Zhengmao eagerly, greeting his mother with a bow.

The old lady Shi nodded and motioned for them to sit. "You should read these as well," she said, handing over a letter.

As Shi Zhengmao read the letter hurriedly, his face grew angry. "This Changsen is really too much! First, he wants to come back honorably, and now he even wants us to expel Zhengkun's family from the Shi residence. He's really pushing it!"

The elder Mrs. Shi also read the letter and frowned, sharing her son's sentiment that Li Changsen's family was taking undue advantage.

As a daughter-in-law, she couldn't voice her thoughts too strongly, especially since the matter involved another of her mother-in-law's sons.

Seeing the empty seat across from her mother-in-law and the absence of the old master, she wondered if they had already reached a decision.

Did they plan to side with Li Changsen over Shi Zhengkun?

One was a court scholar, the other a border soldier. While she didn't share her in-laws' parental feelings, as the matriarch of the family, she leaned towards Shi Zhengkun, as he would be more beneficial to the Shi family's future.

She spoke up, voicing her opinion cautiously, "Mother, ever since the incident about the children being switched came to light, Zhengkun's reputation has suffered quite a blow. He's facing public scrutiny now that he's working at the Hanlin Academy."

"From what my sister-in-law said, Zhengkun has avoided all social gatherings and confined himself to his room. It's clear that he's deeply affected by the situation."

"Now, if we make him move out of the Shi residence, I'm concerned he might take it hard. It could also worsen the public perception of him. This would hinder his effectiveness in his duties."

Shi Zhengmao chimed in, "Exactly. Even though Zhengkun isn't a blood relative of the Shi family, he's been raised by us. The public revelation about the child-switching incident has hurt him emotionally. Making him leave the residence now might push him further away from us."

The old lady Shi looked at her son and daughter-in-law. "So, what do you suggest?"

Shi Zhengmao responded promptly, "Mother, my suggestion is not to indulge Li Changsen's family too much. Look at how they're behaving, bargaining as if we were common merchants in the marketplace."

"Refusing to live under the same roof as Zhengkun's family or threatening not to return to the Shi family—these tactics show a lack of filial piety."

"I think we've been too proactive. Mother, let's give them the cold shoulder for a while. I don't believe they really have no intention of returning."

The old lady Shi took a sip of tea, then gently placed the cup down. "Alright, I understand your point. You can go about your tasks now. I want to have a word with Zhihan."

Shi Zhengmao hesitated for a moment, realizing his mother wanted to speak privately with his wife. He didn't say anything and excused himself.

Once he left, the old lady Shi didn't waste any time and handed the second letter to the elder Mrs. Shi. "Your elder uncle sent two letters. Take a look at this one."

The elder Mrs. Shi's expression changed subtly as she swiftly read the letter. After finishing it, surprise and astonishment spread across her face. "Changsen's two sons saved the sole son of Marquis Cai?!"

The Cai family was related to the current emperor through the emperor's late mother. As the emperor's only uncle, Marquis Cai held a special place in the emperor's heart. The debt of gratitude incurred from saving his life was substantial.

The relationship between Li Changsen's family and the Cai family far outweighed the benefits of Shi Zhengkun's connection to the Hanlin Academy.

Emotions surged within the elder Mrs. Shi. Her feelings had changed from annoyance towards Li Changsen's family's audacity, to a more conflicted standpoint. She sighed inwardly. After all, she was a common person, and her scales of judgment leaned more towards Li Changsen's family now.

At this moment, she also began to understand her mother-in-law's intention in showing her this letter.

Both her father-in-law and mother-in-law, as the authority figures in the Shi family, wanted the family to prosper again. Setting aside personal emotions, they would choose whatever benefited the Shi family the most.

The old lady Shi continued without noticing the change in her daughter-in-law's expression. "Zhengkun was raised by the Shi family. Even if we decide to bring back Changsen's family, we can't disregard Zhengkun's feelings. We value him greatly."

With that, she looked at the elder Mrs. Shi.

"This letter is known only to me and the old master. I don't intend to share it with anyone else, and you shouldn't tell Zhengmao either."

The elder Mrs. Shi nodded, understanding that her husband had a tendency to be frank and open. If he knew about this, he would likely reveal it inadvertently.

If this matter got out, it would imply that the Shi family's decision to give up on Shi Zhengkun was solely due to the favorable relationship between Li Changsen's family and the Cai family.

The old lady Shi continued, "With the Jiang family's letter, our family will undoubtedly be watching. Tomorrow, I will let Zhengye and the others read the first letter. When the time comes, you should go and console Zengxi."

The elder Mrs. Shi nodded again. "Mother, rest assured. I know what to say."

Bringing back Li Changsen's family was certain. Consequently, Shi Zhengkun's family would have to move out of the Shi residence.

Directly forcing them out would be unseemly and embarrassing. It wouldn't only harm the reputation of the Shi family, but could also breed resentment in Shi Zhengkun's family. So, that approach was definitely not an option.

To achieve their goal, they needed Shi Zhengkun to take the initiative to leave the Shi residence.

Seeing the understanding in the elder Mrs. Shi's eyes, the old lady Shi smiled with satisfaction. "I always trust your judgment in handling matters. Zhengmao is fortunate to have you as his wife."

Being praised by her mother-in-law made the elder Mrs. Shi naturally happy. She replied humbly, "Mother, you overestimate me. Compared to you, I'm just a novice."

The old lady Shi shook her head and sighed, "Well, I'm old. The future of the Shi family relies on you all."

The next day, Jiang Antai's letter was circulated among the other members of the Shi family.

After reading it, everyone expressed their displeasure, feeling that Li Changsen's family was pushing their luck. They rushed to console Shi Zhengkun.

Watching the pale-faced Shi Zhengkun, Shi Zhengmao couldn't bear it and patted his shoulder. "Zhengkun, rest assured, Father and Mother will definitely not agree."

Shi Zhengkun managed a bitter smile. Would they really disagree? If they truly disagreed, why did they show him the letter? Shouldn't he silently respond to his uncle Jiang's letter?

"Big brother, I'm going to the Hanlin Academy."

Yiwen Academy.

"They are really taking advantage!"

Zeng Yuwei was infuriated, her face turning pale. The elder Mrs. Shi sat beside her, offering occasional words of comfort.

"Don't be too upset, younger sister. Changsen's family grew up on the border, never really received proper education. They don't understand many things."

After venting her frustration, Zeng Yuwei's emotions calmed down a bit. She anxiously grabbed the elder Mrs. Shi's arm. "Sister-in-law, they won't agree, will they?"

"If my husband is really kicked out of the Shi family, how will he establish himself in the capital? You must help us talk to them."

The elder Mrs. Shi spoke firmly, "That's a given. Even if you didn't mention it, I would have done it anyway." She paused for a moment and sighed, "Li Changsen has endured a lot of hardships on the border. He almost died several times. When my husband and I found out, we felt guilty and that's why we entertained his numerous requests."

"We're all parents; you should understand this sentiment. Give them some time. When the guilt fades, everything will return to how it was before."

As the side facing the loss of benefits, Zeng Yuwei couldn't comprehend it. Thinking about the criticism they endured during this time, she was thoroughly disgusted by Li Changsen's family. She wished they could disappear from this world immediately.

The elder Mrs. Shi looked at Zeng Yuwei's expression and continued, "You, don't worry too much. Think about it—Zhengkun is now a Hanlin Academician."

"The Shi family has a military background and has always wanted to pass on culture and knowledge. After so many generations, there's only Zhengkun who achieved the status of a scholar. My husband and I value him greatly."

"You should also consider Li Changsen's family—military background, growing up in perpetual border wars, struggling on the edge of subsistence. Compared to you, do you think they even stand a chance?"

"Now, they're just taking advantage of my husband's and my guilt to return to the Shi residence. The days ahead are long. With time, it will become clear who excels and who falls behind."

"Let me tell you the truth. Yesterday, when your uncle sent the letter, my husband was furious. Wanting to bring back Li Changsen's family is a natural instinct as parents, but Zhengkun was raised by us. Who would dare to say there's no emotional attachment?"

"Now, my husband and I are in a difficult position as well, all because of Li Changsen's family's behavior. They are causing my husband and me to lose sleep."

"My mother said this is probably a case of someone coming to demand a debt. They are causing trouble for themselves."

Hearing this, Zeng Yuwei's complexion improved somewhat, and she coldly hummed, "People say those from the border are barbaric and ignorant. It seems to be true. Otherwise, where would they find the audacity to try to force our family out of the Shi residence? They should consider whether they have any qualifications!"

At these words, the elder Mrs. Shi lowered her gaze, concealing the peculiar expression on her face by lifting the tea cup.


Based on the fact that Li Changsen was the true heir of the Shi family and the connection with the Cai family, they indeed had those qualifications!

Afterward, she continued, "You, really don't worry. Just think, Zhengkun is now a Hanlin Academician."

"The Shi family has a military background and has always wanted to pass on culture and knowledge. After so many generations, there's only Zhengkun who achieved the status of a scholar. My husband and I value him greatly."

"You should also consider Li Changsen's family—military background, growing up in perpetual border wars, struggling on the edge of subsistence. Compared to you, do you think they even stand a chance?"

"Now, they're just taking advantage of my husband's and my guilt to return to the Shi residence. The days ahead are long. With time, it will become clear who excels and who falls behind."

"Let me tell you the truth. Yesterday, when your uncle sent the letter, my husband was furious. Wanting to bring back Li Changsen's family is a natural instinct as parents, but Zhengkun was raised by us. Who would dare to say there's no emotional attachment?"

"Now, my husband and I are in a difficult position as well, all because of Li Changsen's family's behavior. They are causing my husband and me to lose sleep."

"My mother said this is probably a case of someone coming to demand a debt. They are causing trouble for themselves."

Hearing this, Zeng Yuwei's complexion improved somewhat, and she coldly hummed, "People say those from the border are barbaric and ignorant. It seems to be true. Otherwise, where would they find the audacity to try to force our family out of the Shi residence? They should consider whether they have any qualifications!"

At these words, the elder Mrs. Shi lowered her gaze, concealing the peculiar expression on her face by lifting the tea cup.


Based on the fact that Li Changsen was the true heir of the Shi family and the connection with the Cai family, they indeed had those qualifications!

Later, she tried to console for a while longer before leaving.

That evening, after Shi Zhengkun returned home, Zeng Yuwei comforted him with the elder Mrs. Shi's words. After hearing her, Shi Zhengkun's furrowed brows relaxed considerably.

"Are Father and Mother really so angry about Li Changsen's demands?"

Zeng Yuwei nodded confidently, "How can there be any doubt? Although you're an adopted son, you were raised by Mother. How could she possibly let you leave the Shi residence?"

Shi Zhengkun was willing to believe this. From childhood to now, his mother had treated him well.

Zeng Yuwei continued, "I think sister-in-law is right. Father and Mother only feel guilty towards Li Changsen. Everything else can't compare to you."

Shi Zhengkun looked noticeably better. After some thought, he said, "Tomorrow, go to your parents' home and tell them about this matter. Also, apologize on my behalf. It's my fault that they lost face."

Zeng Yuwei playfully punched Shi Zhengkun, "What nonsense are you talking? How is this your fault?" Then she nodded, "That's good. I'll go and ask my parents for their opinions. They always have a more comprehensive view on such matters."

Early the next morning, Zeng Yuwei went back to her family's home.

Shi Zhengkun wasn't a biological son of the Shi family, which frustrated the Zeng family as well. Yet, they couldn't prevent the Shi family from bringing back their biological son. Since their daughter had already married and had children, they could only try their best to secure more benefits for her family.

Knowing that Li Changsen's family had once again made demands and that Shi Zhengkun's family was asked to move out of the Shi residence, the Zeng family was also very displeased. However, regardless of their dissatisfaction, the issue still needed to be resolved.

"Let Zhengkun

take the initiative to propose moving out of the Shi residence!"

Madam Zeng turned to Zeng Yuwei and said, "Yuwei, I want Zhengkun to propose moving out."

Zeng Yuwei became anxious instantly, "Mother, my in-laws haven't even mentioned making Zhengkun move out yet. Why are you suggesting that we bring it up?"

Madam Zeng glanced at her daughter, "I'm suggesting that Zhengkun takes the initiative. It's about saving face for you. Do you really want to wait until the Shi family kicks you out?"

Zeng Yuwei huffed, "The Shi family won't do that. Zhengkun is a Hanlin Academician now, and the Shi family wouldn't want to let him go."

Madam Zeng shook her head, "But what if Li Changsen's family insists that you move out of the Shi residence before they come to the capital?"

Zeng Yuwei paused, "I'm not a fool. I don't believe for a second that they won't recognize the Shi family. They're just putting on a show."

Madam Zeng said, "Whether you believe it or not is up to you. But I'll ask you this: what if Li Changsen's family is determined to the end? What will you do?"

Zeng Yuwei remained silent.

Madam Zeng sighed, "Your father will definitely allow Li Changsen to come back and acknowledge his roots. Listen to your mother; after you return home, have Zhengkun propose moving out on his own."

"I also believe that your in-laws won't want Zhengkun to leave. So, they must be struggling right now."

"Who's making them struggle? Li Changsen."

"But if Zhengkun steps up and eases the burden for your in-laws, tell me, who will they lean towards emotionally?"

"Furthermore, if you take the initiative, you can maintain control over the situation and maintain a good reputation among outsiders."

"And, you'll also benefit from the guilt the Shi family feels towards you."

"In reality, you don't need to worry too much about bringing Li Changsen's family back to the Shi residence. A military family like theirs, to put it harshly, is even inferior to our servants. What can they possibly compare to you?"

"Don't pay too much attention to Li Changsen's family. What you need to do now is firmly grasp the hearts of the Shi family members and keep them on your side."

"While blood ties and family relationships are important, in the face of absolute interests, they aren't worth much."

"In my opinion, you should quickly bring Li Changsen's family back to the capital. After they're overshadowed by your family in every aspect, the Shi family's attitude will naturally become clear."

Zeng Yuwei nodded, feeling that her mother's words made sense. After having lunch, she returned to the Shi residence. When Zhengkun returned from his errand, she immediately conveyed her mother's advice to him.

After hearing her, Zhengkun remained silent for a while. Although he agreed with his mother-in-law, he didn't act on it right away. Instead, he waited a few days.

He wanted to see if his parents would reject Li Changsen's demands for his sake.

Unfortunately, he was disappointed.

The family hadn't sent a letter to the Jiang family, indicating that his parents were still undecided and hadn't taken his side.

Feeling disappointed, on his day off, Zhengkun composed himself, adjusted his expression, and went to the Yixiang Hall. He kneeled in front of Elder Mrs. Shi and Elder Mr. Shi, taking the initiative to propose moving out of the Shi residence.

After making his stance clear, he did indeed see guilt in his parents' eyes.

Elder Mrs. Shi stepped forward and personally helped Zhengkun up, her expression complex. "Zhengkun, you're a good child. As long as you're willing, the Shi family will always be your home."

Tears welled up in Zhengkun's eyes, and his voice trembled, "In my heart, the Shi family will always be my home."

Elder Mr. Shi also approached and patted his shoulder. Though he didn't say anything, he turned to Elder Mrs. Shi and said, "Give the four-section courtyard on Baishun Street to Zhengkun."

Afterward, seeming unable to face Zhengkun, he quickly left.

Elder Mrs. Shi continued, "Although you're moving out, remember to visit us often."

Zhengkun's heart ached, and he clenched his lips, nodding silently.

The news that Zhengkun had taken the initiative to propose moving out spread quickly within the Shi residence.

Upon hearing the news, Elder Mrs. Shi expressed her amazement, "I didn't expect it to actually happen."

Housekeeper Gu chuckled, "It's all thanks to Madam's mediation."

Elder Mrs. Shi shook her head, "What I did isn't much. I'm more amazed by Li Changsen's family. At first, who took them seriously? They thought they could make up any excuse to have someone return."

"But look at the outcome now. They've actually forced Zhengkun's family out of the Shi residence."

"Zhengkun's departure demonstrates the Shi family's value of Li Changsen's family. And when Li Changsen comes back, he'll be the legitimate Fourth Master of the Shi family."

"Even if they don't understand much, with this incident as a foundation, the servants at home and the people outside won't dare to underestimate them."

"Their methods have made even me somewhat apprehensive."

Housekeeper Gu smiled, "Madam is overthinking it. No matter how formidable they are, they surely won't be able to overcome the authority of the

Elder Master and you."

Elder Mrs. Shi chuckled, "That bunch is not to be underestimated." Thinking of their relationship with the Cai family, she instructed Housekeeper Gu, "By the way, Mother wants me to arrange their residence. You should oversee that personally and ensure there are no mistakes."