
From Humble Origins to Common Man

For Shi Lu, a dual-system powerhouse born in the end times, nothing is more important than simply surviving. So, when she was struck by lightning and became Li Wu Ya, a daughter of a humble military household in ancient borderlands, she adapted well and quickly assimilated into the ways of the ancient people. To live, one must have some pursuits. Clothing: Fine silk and satin, and jewellery too, but not excessive. Food: A daily indulgence in bird's nest, shark fin, and sea cucumber, but not excessive. Shelter: Pavilions, towers, and elegant corridors, surrounded by serene bamboo forests and the melodies of birds, where one's home becomes a scenic spot, but not excessive. Transportation: Lavish carriages and luxury horses are a must, but not excessive. With an endless supply of money, no need to work, a loving husband, and children to warm her bed, life... perfect! Life is not easy, so one must love oneself dearly. Shi Lu is determined to experience everything she hasn't encountered or enjoyed in the end times. Unfortunately, reality dealt her a harsh blow. The borderlands are bitterly cold, plagued by years of war, and even getting enough food to eat is difficult, with constant threats to her life. Fine, let's roll up our sleeves and strive! Shi Lu abides by one motto: As long as you don't stand in my way, you're good, I'm good, and everyone's good. Otherwise!!! To secure her position, one must be assertive. In life's triumphs, one should indulge. Be a shallow yet happy commoner.

anupro · History
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102 Chs

Meeting Acquaintances

On the seventh day since the Shi family returned to the ancestral estate, an important event took place. The venerable patriarch, Old Master Shi, convened a ceremony in the ancestral hall. Accompanied by clan elders and members, they witnessed the inclusion of the Shi family into the ancestral lineage records.

Following the ritual, Old Master Shi introduced Shi Zhenghe, Shi Dingxuan, and Shi Dinghao to the clan elders and members. Meanwhile, Old Mistress Shi hosted a gathering for the female members of the clan, including Gold Moon, Shi Fuyin, and Shi Fuxin.

As the busy day transitioned into the afternoon and the clan members bid their farewells, Old Master Shi and Old Mistress Shi requested the presence of Shi Zhenghe, Shi Dingxuan, and Shi Dinghao.

Old Master Shi inquired, "What are your plans for the future?"

Shi Zhenghe pondered for a moment before responding, "I intend to find employment."

Old Master Shi nodded approvingly, "A true man should have his own pursuits." He then turned his attention to Shi Dingxuan and Shi Dinghao.

Shi Dingxuan shared his thoughts, "I possess some martial skills and I plan to take the military examination."

Both Old Master Shi and Old Mistress Shi exchanged glances, their expressions revealing surprise. "The capital is filled with talent, and the examinations, whether civil or military, are challenging," commented Old Master Shi.

Shi Dingxuan affirmed, "I understand the difficulties."

Observing his calm demeanor, Old Master Shi and Old Mistress Shi exchanged another meaningful look.

Old Master Shi shifted his focus, addressing Shi Dinghao, "And what about you?"

With the insight he gained from discussions with Shi Fuxin about the National Institute for Sons and Daughters, Shi Dinghao promptly replied, "I plan to take the examination for the National Institute."

Old Master Shi and Old Mistress Shi were once again taken aback by their grandsons' determination.

Old Mistress Shi gently advised, "The National Institute is the highest educational institution in Da Chu. Gaining admission is not an easy task."

Unfazed, Shi Dinghao confidently stated, "No worries, I have a special talent."

Old Master Shi and Old Mistress Shi exchanged another surprised look.

Looking at her self-assured grandson, Old Mistress Shi couldn't bear to deflate his confidence entirely. She continued, "The National Institute holds special examinations for those with unique talents at the beginning of each year. However, do you understand what 'special talent' entails?"

Shi Dinghao honestly shook his head, "I'm not entirely sure, but I believe I'll manage."

Old Mistress Shi refrained from further commentary; her grandson's confidence was a bit excessive.

Old Master Shi, however, was greatly amused by Shi Dinghao's self-assuredness. He gave a nod and said with a smile, "Very well then, we'll be waiting for you to excel and enter the National Institute."

Pounding his chest confidently, Shi Dinghao proclaimed, "Grandfather, rest assured, I won't disappoint you."

Um, Old Master Shi wasn't quite sure how to respond to that.

After Shi Zhenghe and his sons left, Old Master Shi and Old Mistress Shi deliberated for a while before summoning the other three sons.

Old Master Shi inquired, "Zhenghe wants to find employment. What are your thoughts?"

Shi Zhengmao hesitated, "He's only been back for a few days. Is there a need for him to rush into finding a job?"

Shi Zhengde, as a non-legitimate child, was worried that Shi Zhenghe might take over the management of the estate's common affairs, which he supervised. He quickly added, "Yes, he's just returned. He should take time to familiarize himself with the estate and the capital before rushing into work."

Old Mistress Shi shot Shi Zhengde a look but remained silent.

Shi Zhengye didn't particularly care either way, so he didn't contribute to the discussion.

After a moment of silence, Old Master Shi turned to Shi Zhengmao, "Eldest, your fourth brother has experience on the battlefield and has served in the border region for over twenty years. Could you try to secure him a position in the Ministry of War?"

Shi Zhengmao hadn't anticipated that this task would fall to him. He hurriedly responded, "Father, you know my situation in the Ministry of War. I don't have the authority to arrange a position for him."

He continued, "Moreover, the Ministry of War is complicated, and your fourth brother knows very little. He probably can't even recognize many characters. If he were to go there, what could he possibly do?"

Old Master Shi and Old Mistress Shi could discern that the eldest son held a certain disregard for the second son, and he was unwilling to waste his influence on the latter.

The elderly couple fell into a contemplative silence.

Seeing this, Shi Zhengmao thought for a moment and suggested, "Father, Mother, how about this? Fourth Brother has just returned and is unfamiliar with everything in the capital."

He continued, "Why not have Fourth Brother accompany Fifth Brother for a while? Once he becomes accustomed to the city and gains more knowledge, I can then help him find a suitable job."

Shi Zhengde didn't expect that Shi Zhengmao would push the matter onto him. Regardless of whether he might offend others, he quickly added, "Eldest Brother, I manage the estate's lands and shops, dealing mostly with farmers and tenants. What can Fourth Brother learn by following me?"

He then turned to Shi Zhengye for input.

Shi Zhengye straightforwardly stated, "The National Institute doesn't require martial skills."

Observing his sons passing the responsibility back and forth, Old Master Shi's expression grew solemn.

Old Mistress Shi intervened, attempting to ease the atmosphere, "Let's put aside the matter of Zhenghe's employment for now." She turned to Shi Zhengye, "Elder Seven, Fifth Son wishes to take the military examination, but his knowledge is lacking."

"Next year will be the triennial military examination. He needs to catch up quickly. Since his knowledge is insufficient, could you try to find a tutor well-versed in military strategies to help him?"

Shi Zhengye seemed hesitant, "Mother, I'm not unwilling to help, but you know that renowned tutors have high expectations of their students."

She added, "Concerning my Fifth Son... I won't even discuss his academic abilities. Are you confident he can stand out in the competitive military examination of the capital, amidst renowned martial families and sects?"

Shi Zhengmao nodded in agreement, "Fourth Brother and his family haven't encountered many formidable opponents at the border. He might believe that having some martial skills from his time on the battlefield would be enough to excel in the military examination. However, the examination in the capital involves not only martial aristocrats but also martial arts practitioners from various sects. The number of spots is limited."

His unspoken implication was clear.

After consecutive refusals, Old Mistress Shi's expression soured.

Seeing her troubled, Shi Zhengye hesitated before saying, "Mother, I'll inquire at the academy. However, I can't guarantee whether the tutor would be willing to accept Fifth Son."

Old Mistress Shi's expression brightened a bit, and she dismissed the three of them.

Once they left, Old Master Shi let out a heavy sigh.

Old Mistress Shi followed suit, "Zhengmao's points are valid. If that's not feasible, let Fifth Son attend the estate's academy for now. You can personally approach a tutor to provide extra lessons to him."

Old Master Shi nodded, "I'll go later. Since Fifth Son wants to take the military examination, we should support his aspirations."

Having finished their tour of the estate and without anyone informing them about classes, Shi Fuxin grew bored, "Sister, I feel like going out for a walk. Shall we go find Elder Brother and Ninth Brother?"

Shi Fuyin didn't immediately agree. Instead, she looked at the maidservant Fulman, "Does it require permission for the young ladies to go out?"

Fulman responded, "As long as the Madam gives her consent."

Shi Fuxin asked, "So, if my mother agrees, we can go out?"

Fulman nodded, "However, if the young ladies wish to use a carriage, it's best to inform the Grand Madam."

Shi Fuxin smiled, "We won't need a carriage. We'll just go for a walk." With that, she grabbed Shi Fuyin and headed towards the secondary courtyard.

Upon hearing the young ladies' intentions to go out, Shi Zhenghe had an idea. "Elder Sister, I think we should go out for a walk too. Shall we go with Elder Brother and Ninth Brother?"

Shi Fuyin inquired, "Shouldn't we inform Mother?"

Shi Zhenghe responded, "We won't need to, since it's just a walk. We're not going far."

Shi Fuyin hesitated before nodding, "Alright, let's go."

Meanwhile, having encountered Shi Fuxin's group, Shi Zhengde returned to the estate. He greeted them with a smile, "Fourth Brother, what brings you out?"

Shi Zhenghe chuckled, "We're just going for a walk."

Shi Zhengde's eyes twinkled as he glanced at the steward accompanying them. He explained, "It's a good idea to explore. Normally, I should accompany you, but I have some matters to attend to."

Shi Zhenghe waved it off, "No worries, we have the steward with us. You can go about your tasks."

Shi Zhengde nodded, "Alright then, I won't keep you." With that, he watched as Shi Zhenghe's group left the compound before returning to his own quarters.

Lady Liu Xinyu, the fifth wife, noticed her husband's early return and inquired, "Why are you back so early today?"

Shi Zhengde replied, "There's not much to tend to at the estates and shops, so I decided to return. While I was coming back, I bumped into Fourth Brother's family. They mentioned they were going out for a walk."

Lady Liu Xinyu glanced over and chuckled, "At least it's your own brother. It's their first time out since returning, and you couldn't accompany them?"

Shi Zhengde snorted, "The eldest brother and the seventh brother, who share the same mother as him, didn't accompany him either. Why should I? Do you want me to accompany them and embarrass myself?"

On the other side, guided by the steward, Shi Zhenghe's family had already reached the bustling main street.

Within the inner city, businesses thrived, and shops were closely packed, presenting a scene of prosperity.

"Steward Shi, is the West Market close from here?"

"It's very close, just a few streets away."

"Rumor has it that the West Market is quite lively. We'd like to go see it. Guide us there, please."

The steward, with a smile, led Shi Fuxin and the others toward the West Market.

As the group was nearing the West Market, a galloping black-clad cavalry suddenly appeared on the main road.

"Oh no, it's the Special Inspection Bureau's people."

Seeing them, the steward's face turned pale, and he quickly signaled for Shi Zhenghe and the others to step back.

The people around them also quickly moved aside, showing signs of fear.

The black-clad cavalry was moving swiftly. As they passed by Shi Fuxin's group, the leader glanced in their direction.

The steward's heart trembled at the sight, oblivious to the amazed and excited expressions on the faces of Shi Fuxin's group.

"That scared me."

Seeing the steward clutch his chest and the relieved expressions of the people around them, Shi Zhenghe's family exchanged puzzled glances.

Shi Fuxin asked, "Steward, who were those people just now? Why did they frighten you so much?"

The steward composed himself and explained, "Those were the people from the Special Inspection Bureau. The bureau was established after the current emperor ascended the throne."

"Since its establishment, they've executed numerous royal family members, aristocrats, and court officials. The past couple of years, the streets of the capital have been stained with the blood shed by the Special Inspection Bureau. Wherever they go, the scent of blood lingers."

"The Director of the Special Inspection Bureau is Ye Yucheng, known as the 'Nightmare.' Anyone caught by him has never survived. When he comes knocking, it's as good as a death sentence for that family."

"Nowadays, when people in the capital see them, they all avoid them."

Shi Zhenghe's family listened in astonishment.