
From Humble Origins to Common Man

For Shi Lu, a dual-system powerhouse born in the end times, nothing is more important than simply surviving. So, when she was struck by lightning and became Li Wu Ya, a daughter of a humble military household in ancient borderlands, she adapted well and quickly assimilated into the ways of the ancient people. To live, one must have some pursuits. Clothing: Fine silk and satin, and jewellery too, but not excessive. Food: A daily indulgence in bird's nest, shark fin, and sea cucumber, but not excessive. Shelter: Pavilions, towers, and elegant corridors, surrounded by serene bamboo forests and the melodies of birds, where one's home becomes a scenic spot, but not excessive. Transportation: Lavish carriages and luxury horses are a must, but not excessive. With an endless supply of money, no need to work, a loving husband, and children to warm her bed, life... perfect! Life is not easy, so one must love oneself dearly. Shi Lu is determined to experience everything she hasn't encountered or enjoyed in the end times. Unfortunately, reality dealt her a harsh blow. The borderlands are bitterly cold, plagued by years of war, and even getting enough food to eat is difficult, with constant threats to her life. Fine, let's roll up our sleeves and strive! Shi Lu abides by one motto: As long as you don't stand in my way, you're good, I'm good, and everyone's good. Otherwise!!! To secure her position, one must be assertive. In life's triumphs, one should indulge. Be a shallow yet happy commoner.

anupro · History
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102 Chs

Let's See Who Can Outlast Whom

"What?! The Li Changsen family doesn't want to go to the capital with Shi Nian and Xu Mama?"

Jiang Antai looked at Jiang Dafuren, who still had traces of anger on her face, with astonishment.

Jiang Dafuren sneered, "Not only do they not want to go to the capital, but it seems like they also don't want to recognize the Shi family."

Jiang Antai was puzzled, "What's going on? The Shi family is the Marquis's mansion. For the Li Changsen family, that's a high-ranking noble family they wouldn't normally have the chance to be associated with. Why would they be unwilling?"

Jiang Dafuren let out a scoff, "Normal people might think that way, but that family's heads are messed up. None of them are normal."

"Big Sister, what kind of angry talk is that? After all, Changsen is Little Sister's son. Do you have to speak ill of your own nephew?"

Jiang Anbang entered with displeasure, followed by Shi Nian and Xu Mama.

Upon seeing them, Jiang Dafuren got even angrier, "Second Brother, we were kicked out of their house. Judging by how that family behaved, it's as if they don't want to recognize us as elders."

Hearing this, Jiang Antai grew more confused, "Alright, let's not discuss that for now. Tell me everything that happened after you arrived at the Li family."

Soon, Jiang Dafuren recounted the conversation with the Li family, with Jiang Anbang occasionally adding a comment or two.

After hearing the story, Jiang Antai furrowed his brow, "Ungrateful."

Jiang Antai immediately retorted, "I think Changsen's family isn't wrong. It's unfair to say that Changsen was raised outside. It's not just."

Jiang Antai coldly snorted, "Fair? Is there anything absolutely fair in this world? This Li Changsen is over thirty years old, yet he doesn't understand even this bit of common sense?"

"Doesn't he know what kind of situation his family is in?"

Saying that, he handed over the investigation report on the Li family to Jiang Dafuren and Jiang Anbang.

"Li Sanlang is sixteen years old. He's grown big and tall, and I've heard that he's been learning martial arts with Li Changsen since he was young. But when he went to the martial arts school associated with the government, he was immediately rejected."

"In the past couple of years, due to the lack of soldiers on the frontlines, the admission standards for the martial arts school have been lowered significantly. Despite that, he couldn't pass the test. What kind of future can he expect?"

"As for Li Qilang, after entering the government school, he doesn't pay attention in class and instead wants to learn how to play the flute. He's caught slacking off in class every few days."

"You tell me, can he achieve anything by acting this way?"

"And those two girls, the older one is passable. She knows her own lack of knowledge and tries to work hard. But the younger one..."

"I don't even want to talk about her. She and Li Qilang are truly twins. One plays the flute, the other learns the zither. What do they want to do, join the Pear Garden in the capital?"

"Four children, not one of them is impressive."

"And then there's Jin Shi, just a village woman. All she knows is how to clean and tidy up."

"With the state of this entire family, Li Changsen is still here, quibbling with us. If he had a bit of intelligence, he would realize the tremendous benefits of recognizing the Shi family."

"If the Shi family is willing to recognize them, they should be thankful."

"Hmph, and they're not willing? The whole family is shortsighted. Have they ever considered that their lives would be much more comfortable in the Shi family?"

"They're here, bickering about these trivial matters, even daring to compare themselves to Zhengkun. Have they ever thought if they have the ability for that?"

"I used to feel sorry for Li Changsen, considering how he suffered for so many years. I thought we might need to help him a bit more in the future. But now..."

"Let it be. The whole family only cares about themselves, without any consideration for others."

Jiang Anbang immediately defended, "Big Brother, I think you're being too harsh. The four children of the Li family are quite good. Sanlang is steady, Erya is gentle, and although Wuya and Qilang are a bit different, they're still young. There's nothing serious."

"As for Jin Shi, I think she's alright. She's always focused on Changsen and keeps the entire household neat and tidy. She's a capable person."

Jiang Antai glanced at Jiang Anbang, snorted, and didn't say anything.

Jiang Dafuren's anger had subsided a bit by now. She thought for a moment and said, "Changsen grew up in the Li family. He went to the barracks at thirteen and never received proper education. It's understandable that he doesn't understand these principles."

Jiang Anbang quickly nodded, "Yes, that's right. If he doesn't understand, we can explain it to him."

Jiang Antai coldly snorted, "You were all kicked out by him. How can you explain it to him properly? He doesn't want to recognize the Shi family, right?"

"Fine, let him have his way. I want to see if he truly doesn't want to recognize them or if he's just pretending."

Saying this, Jiang Antai looked at Jiang Anbang.

"In the future, you're not allowed to go to the Li family anymore."

Jiang Anbang objected, "How can we do that? Little Sister is still waiting for Changsen to come home. Big Brother, we can't stoop to the level of the younger generation. If he says he doesn't recognize us, can we really take it seriously?"

Jiang Dafuren looked at her husband and smiled as she said to Jiang Anbang, "Second Brother, don't be in a hurry. Your Big Brother didn't say he won't recognize Changsen. His intention is to take it slow."

"We were in a rush this time. Changsen's family probably isn't mentally prepared yet. As for us, we shouldn't disturb them for now."

"Let their family think about it properly. Maybe they'll realize how much benefit there is in returning to the Shi family. By then, we won't need to go persuade them. They'll be willing to go to the capital themselves."

Jiang Anbang wasn't optimistic, "Do you think they'll be able to figure it out?"

Jiang Antai said, "If they can't figure it out on their own, do you think you going to persuade them will make them understand? Hmph, that family is clearly holding back. If we rush them too much, do you believe their arrogance won't become even more rampant?"

Jiang Anbang thought for a moment, "Alright, I won't go for now, but how long do we have to wait? The Shi family is probably quite anxious."

Jiang Antai looked at Shi Nian and Xu Mama, "Regarding today's matter, the two of you go write a letter to the Shi mansion." Then he looked at Jiang Dafuren.

"You should also write a letter to Little Sister. Clearly explain the situation of the Li Changsen family to her, let her be prepared, and know that her son's family isn't easy to deal with."

After Shi Nian and Xu Mama left to carry out their orders, they sighed as they walked back to the guest courtyard.

Shi Nian smiled wryly, "I thought this task would be easy, but it seems... we might have to stay here for a while."

He looked at Xu Mama and continued, "Do you think it's necessary for Li Chang... Changsen's family to make such a fuss? Do they really not want to recognize the Shi family? I don't think so. Since they will eventually return, why provoke the wrath of Uncle Jiang and the others?"

"Now it's like this. Uncle Jiang is clearly trying to make Changsen's family willingly yield. The way they drove us away today showed how dominant they are. When they come knocking at our door later, it will be even more humiliating for them."

Xu Mama glanced at him and lowered her voice, "I believe Chang... Changsen's family are the clever ones."

Shi Nian was puzzled, "What do you mean?"

Xu Mama explained, "The child was switched, and ultimately, it's Changsen who suffered the grievance, while Si Lao suffered the gain. Returning unclearly like this, unless they cut off all contact with relatives and friends, they'll definitely be subject to scrutiny."

"They were already wronged, and when they return, they'll face criticism. If it were me, I wouldn't want that either."

"Though life on the border is tough, there's a sense of contentment. But if they return to the Shi mansion, perhaps they won't worry about food and clothing, but their pride won't be well. Can you really call that a good life?"

"Uncle Jiang wants to keep Changsen's family on their toes, to make them not hold themselves so high. The intention is good, but I'm afraid the outcome might not match his intentions."

Shi Nian was a bit skeptical, "Really? Could it be that they actually want the Shi family to abandon Si Lao?"

Xu Mama shook her head, "I don't know. Now, it's about who can outlast whom. If Chang... Changsen's family really refuses to return to the Shi family, we'll definitely visit them again."

"Well, this isn't something we can discuss. Let's go. I'll write a letter to the Old Madam, and you can write a letter to the Old Master."