
From Humble Origins to Common Man

For Shi Lu, a dual-system powerhouse born in the end times, nothing is more important than simply surviving. So, when she was struck by lightning and became Li Wu Ya, a daughter of a humble military household in ancient borderlands, she adapted well and quickly assimilated into the ways of the ancient people. To live, one must have some pursuits. Clothing: Fine silk and satin, and jewellery too, but not excessive. Food: A daily indulgence in bird's nest, shark fin, and sea cucumber, but not excessive. Shelter: Pavilions, towers, and elegant corridors, surrounded by serene bamboo forests and the melodies of birds, where one's home becomes a scenic spot, but not excessive. Transportation: Lavish carriages and luxury horses are a must, but not excessive. With an endless supply of money, no need to work, a loving husband, and children to warm her bed, life... perfect! Life is not easy, so one must love oneself dearly. Shi Lu is determined to experience everything she hasn't encountered or enjoyed in the end times. Unfortunately, reality dealt her a harsh blow. The borderlands are bitterly cold, plagued by years of war, and even getting enough food to eat is difficult, with constant threats to her life. Fine, let's roll up our sleeves and strive! Shi Lu abides by one motto: As long as you don't stand in my way, you're good, I'm good, and everyone's good. Otherwise!!! To secure her position, one must be assertive. In life's triumphs, one should indulge. Be a shallow yet happy commoner.

anupro · History
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102 Chs

Fire Shines in the Night Sky

When Li Wuya returned to the Li household, Jin Yue'e was still unconscious.

Li Qilang had disappeared somewhere, while Li Erya was sitting by the king, taking care of Jin Yue'e and wiping her tears from time to time.

Upon seeing Li Wuya, Li Erya, whose eyes were swollen like walnuts, immediately stood up and asked, "Wuya, where's Third Brother?"

As Li Wuya searched for medicinal herbs around the house, she replied, "Brother has gone to Dieling Pass."

As her words fell, Li Wuya heard suppressed crying. She turned and saw Li Erya covering her mouth, squatting on the ground, crying silently.

"Sister, what's wrong?"

Li Wuya hurried over to help her up.

Li Erya sobbed, "It's all my fault. If I hadn't left yesterday, if I had stayed at home, I wouldn't have let them report Third Brother. It's me, I've harmed Third Brother."

Li Wuya hugged the guilt-ridden Li Erya, trying to console her, "Sister, it's not your fault. Who could have anticipated they would be so shameless? You left to get a doctor for Mother."


Li Erya's tears flowed like a river, "How could they be so wicked? Second Uncle, Third Uncle, and even Eldest Brother and Second Brother are older than Third Brother. Why didn't they report to the garrison instead?"

"Wuya, I despise them." She wiped her tears and continued, "That old hypocrite even accused us first, saying we were violent and unruly. She wants to drive us out. How could she be so malicious?"

Li Wuya chuckled as if she heard a joke, "She wants to drive us out? She doesn't even consider who built this courtyard!"

Talking about serious matters, Li Erya stopped crying and worriedly looked at Li Wuya, "Wuya, is it true that you broke Second Uncle's leg? And Eldest Brother, did you make him cough up blood?"

Li Wuya nonchalantly replied, "I didn't hit them too hard. If I had known that old hypocrite would cause trouble, I would have been even tougher."

Li Erya's brow furrowed as she noticed she admitted it. She impatiently tapped Li Wuya's forehead, "Why are you so foolish?"

"Even if you had to hit someone, couldn't you do it quietly? Cover your face, or put a bag over your head. Why did you have to openly fight with them?"

"Now it's bad. That old hypocrite is spreading rumours everywhere, tarnishing your reputation. You've really done too much."

"Fortunately, the village chief supports us and spoke up for us, saying that they can drive us out, but we need a share of the property. When she heard this, the old hypocrite finally quieted down."

Li Wuya chuckled, "If we really get to split the property, that would be our good fortune."

Li Erya felt disheartened, "We won't be able to split the property. They'd rather lose face than let Second Uncle and Third Uncle avoid conscription. How could they agree to a property division?"

Li Wuya was getting frustrated and scratched her head. How could she get rid of these bloodsuckers?

Well, if she got angry, she could just kill them all!

Li Erya sensed Li Wuya's mood and quickly changed the subject, "Wuya, why are you taking out these herbs?"

Li Wuya snapped back, "Brother is going to Dieling Pass soon. We need to prepare more medicine for him."

Li Erya nodded eagerly, "Look at me, I didn't even think of that." She started rummaging through boxes and cabinets.

In the past two years, Li Wuya had brought back many medicinal herbs from the Tianshan Mountains, and the family had accumulated quite a collection.

As Li Wuya organized the herbs, she asked, "Sister, where's Qilang?"

Li Erya's body tensed, and she lowered her voice, "Qilang went to find his group of friends. He's probably spreading the word that Father isn't really from the Li family."

Li Wuya finally smiled when she heard this, "Our Qilang is smart."

While she could harm her own family members, others might not accept it. But what if these so-called family members had no blood relation? Let's see what those busybodies would say then.

The Li family's troubles were minor issues. Whether they spread rumours in the village or tried to drive them out, Li Wuya and the others paid no attention. Instead, they worked hard to prepare the medical supplies Li Sanlang might need.

Jin Yue'e woke up in the evening. As she was comforted in turn by Li Erya, Li Wuya, and Li Qilang, her complexion improved slightly.

However, when she learned that Li Sanlang had gone to the garrison, her anger surged again.

Li Wuya had to quickly use her powers to alleviate her anger.

Li Erya was also by her side, saying rapidly, "Mother, Third Brother has gone to Dieling Pass. We need to help him prepare things. We don't know how, so we need you to help. Mother, you can't collapse again."

Jin Yue'e's chest heaved rapidly, her eyes filled with intense hatred.

Li Wuya understood her feelings and said, "Mother, don't worry. We'll settle this debt sooner or later. The Li family is nothing more than a bunch of locusts. Crushing them is quite easy."

"For now, let's put them aside and focus on Brother's situation. He went to the garrison in a hurry and didn't bring anything."

With the mention of Li Sanlang, Jin Yue'e found some support within herself, suppressing the pain and resentment in her heart, and forced herself to sit up.

Now that the head of the family was absent, nothing more could happen to Sanlang!

Having something to do gave Jin Yue'e temporary relief from her grief, and Li Erya, Li Qilang, and Li Erya let out sighs of relief.

After preparing the medicinal supplies and packing their belongings, Li Qilang borrowed a cart, and the family set off for Dieling Pass.

Once they left, the other members of the Li family immediately began discussing.

"Old man, why aren't you saying anything? Changlin had his leg broken, and Dalang was beaten until he coughed up blood. We can't live with them anymore. Otherwise, we might all end up dead at their hands one day."

Old Madam Li was furious; in her eyes, Li Wuya was an unforgivable villain.

Others chimed in their agreement.

Old Master Li glanced at his family, then hung his head.

Honestly, he didn't want to live under the same roof with the eldest branch anymore.

Whenever he saw Wuya, he felt uneasy.

The girl openly showed her hatred towards them now, and he feared she might lose control and attack them again.

"Living separately is easier said than done. How do we do that?"

Old Madam Li immediately replied, "Of course, they should move out. I've thought about it. That house in the village where Lame Ye used to live is empty. Let them move there."

Old Master Li felt tempted, "I'm worried they won't agree to move. And... Changsen has just left. It wouldn't look good if we made the eldest branch move out so soon."

Old Madam Li was instantly furious, "Are you still concerned about your pride? Is your pride more important than our lives?"

Old Master Li fell silent. After a while, he spoke again, "The village chief might not agree."

Old Madam Li sneered, "Our family's affairs, and you want an outsider's agreement?"

Old Master Li thought for a moment and looked at Old Madam Li, "How do you plan to make the eldest branch move out?"

Old Madam Li's murky eyes flickered, "They're at Dieling Pass now, and won't be back for a day at least. During this time, we can move their things to Lame Ye's place. By then, they won't have a choice but to move."

Hearing this, Old Master Li didn't say anything, but Li Dalang spoke up.

"Mother, that won't work. Wuya is back, and she'll definitely make a scene."

Old Madam Li smiled sinisterly, "Let her. When the time comes, gather all the villagers, and I bet she won't dare lay a hand on her own grandmother in front of them."

"If she really does, none of their family can stay in the village anymore."

Old Master Li remained silent, tacitly agreeing with Old Madam Li's plan.

They had already severed ties with the eldest branch, so it was best not to live together anymore.

"After all, they are Changsen's wife and children. Even if we can't get along with them, we shouldn't go too far. Pack their things and take them to Lame Ye's place."

Seeing Old Master Li take action, Old Madam Li hurriedly led her sons and grandsons to start moving things from their room.

By the time the village chief arrived after hearing the news, most of the things from Li Wuya's room were already strewn across the courtyard.

"Li Dashan!"

The village chief was furious, his face red with anger. "Changsen has just left, and you sent Sanlang to the garrison. Now you want to drive Changsen's wife and children out too? Do you even look like a responsible father and head of the family?"

Onlookers pointed fingers and gossiped.

Old Master Li kept his head down, his face full of anguish. "I didn't want this either, but Wuya hates us. She broke Changlin's leg and made Dalang cough up blood. She even said she wanted to kill Changsen and the others. I'm out of options."

"I can't just watch our children being beaten to death."

As he spoke, he dropped to his knees with a 'thump' in front of the village chief.

"Elder Brother, please have some pity on me. I really have no other choice. If only we could get along with Wuya and the others, things wouldn't have come to this."

"I know doing this will make people criticize us. I know, but I have to think about the safety of our grandchildren."

Old Master Li's tearful plea garnered sympathy from onlookers, though a few remained unconvinced.

"Old man Li, your words are inappropriate!"

"If you hadn't sent Sanlang to the garrison, would Wuya hate you? Would she have hurt Changlin and Dalang? Everything today is a result of your own actions."

"You keep talking about considering your grandchildren, but have you thought about Sanlang and the others? Aren't they also your grandchildren? Have you considered them?"

"With Changsen gone and Sanlang at the garrison, now you're driving Changsen's wife and children away. How are they supposed to live?"

"Or is it that Changsen and his brothers aren't really your biological sons? Is that why you're treating his wife and children so poorly?"

"You're driving them away while not dividing the family. You want Sanlang to work for you while not helping his mother and siblings. Your calculations are truly despicable."

"The way you handle things is chilling. In my view, Wuya's actions are still mild!"

Hearing this, the crowd expressed agreement.

The village chief looked at Old Master Li with disdain, annoyed. "I'm not dead yet; you don't need to kneel!"

"Li Dashan, I see you're becoming quite adept. You've learned the tricks women use: when your reasoning fails, you feign weakness. Are you even still a man?"

"Do you think everyone here is a fool? We all know how you've treated Changsen. We see right through your tricks."

Being exposed in front of everyone made Old Master Li blush and lower his head, feeling ashamed.

Old Madam Li, who had remained silent until now, seeing the situation worsening, disregarded the others and shouted, "Village Chief, this is our family matter. You have no business interfering."

The village chief sneered, "People reap what they sow. Be prepared for karma!"

Ignoring the pointing and whispers of the crowd, Old Madam Li instructed Li Changmu to take her grandsons and move the belongings of the eldest branch to Ye Mo's residence.

In the process, they even managed to hide away some valuable items.

Meanwhile, due to the pressing war situation, Li Sanlang was immediately sent to the battlefield upon arriving at Dieling Pass.

Jin Yue'e and Li Wuya only reunited with Li Sanlang when it was dark.

Seeing Li Sanlang covered in blood, Jin Yue'e's face turned pale again. Li Wuya, Li Erya, and Li Qilang fell into silence.

As movement during the night was restricted, Li Sanlang couldn't stay long. After a brief exchange with Jin Yue'e, he took his bundle and left for the city.

By the time Li Wuya and the others returned to Tianling Village, it was already deep into the night.

The gate to the Li family's courtyard was locked tightly. They didn't expect anyone to open it for them. Li Qilang leapt over the gate and unlocked it from inside.

Upon opening the door to the main room, they saw the empty space and struggled to grasp the situation.

At that moment, Old Madam Li's voice came from the front room.

"Your belongings have been moved to Ye Lame's place. From now on, you'll live there. We don't need any further interaction."

Hearing this, Li Wuya couldn't help but laugh.

The shamelessness of the Li family continued to astonish her, pushing the boundaries of her patience time and again.

Li Erya and Li Qilang were furious, but Jin Yue'e remained indifferent, stating, "Let's go. Living under the same roof with them is sickening."

Li Wuya nodded in agreement, "Mother is right. Living with such foolish and malicious people would only taint us."

"Erya, Qilang, Mother is tired. Take her away first. I've hidden something in the house; I need to retrieve it. I can't let them profit from it."

Li Erya glanced worriedly at Li Wuya, but seeing her exhausted appearance, she simply whispered, "Don't do anything reckless."

Li Wuya nodded confidently, "Don't worry. I never act recklessly."

Although Li Erya was uneasy, she thought that at most, Li Wuya would confront the Li family physically, and it wouldn't lead to anything serious. She didn't insist further, and together with Li Qilang, she helped Jin Yue'e leave for Ye Mo's residence.

Once they were gone, Li Wuya entered the kitchen.

Fifteen minutes later, a blazing inferno that illuminated the entire village jolted everyone awake.

"Fire! Put out the fire!"

Villagers rushed with buckets and basins, hurrying to the Li family's house.

Unfortunately, the flames were too fierce to be extinguished.