
From Humble Origins to Common Man

For Shi Lu, a dual-system powerhouse born in the end times, nothing is more important than simply surviving. So, when she was struck by lightning and became Li Wu Ya, a daughter of a humble military household in ancient borderlands, she adapted well and quickly assimilated into the ways of the ancient people. To live, one must have some pursuits. Clothing: Fine silk and satin, and jewellery too, but not excessive. Food: A daily indulgence in bird's nest, shark fin, and sea cucumber, but not excessive. Shelter: Pavilions, towers, and elegant corridors, surrounded by serene bamboo forests and the melodies of birds, where one's home becomes a scenic spot, but not excessive. Transportation: Lavish carriages and luxury horses are a must, but not excessive. With an endless supply of money, no need to work, a loving husband, and children to warm her bed, life... perfect! Life is not easy, so one must love oneself dearly. Shi Lu is determined to experience everything she hasn't encountered or enjoyed in the end times. Unfortunately, reality dealt her a harsh blow. The borderlands are bitterly cold, plagued by years of war, and even getting enough food to eat is difficult, with constant threats to her life. Fine, let's roll up our sleeves and strive! Shi Lu abides by one motto: As long as you don't stand in my way, you're good, I'm good, and everyone's good. Otherwise!!! To secure her position, one must be assertive. In life's triumphs, one should indulge. Be a shallow yet happy commoner.

anupro · History
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102 Chs

Arriving in the Capital

"Xu Mama, what is the capital like?"

Sitting inside the moving carriage headed towards the capital, Li Wu Ya stroked the red flame ferret in her lap, tilting her head to look at Xu Mama.

"The capital, my dear, is the most prosperous place in the world. It's the centre of power, where the most influential and talented people gather," Xu Mama began, her eyes shining with pride and excitement as she spoke about the city.

"As the residence of the Emperor, the capital is heavily guarded and has the highest population in the Great Xia. The city is divided into the Outer City, Inner City, Imperial City, and Palace City."

"The Palace City is where the Emperor and the imperial concubines reside. Only those summoned can enter."

"The Imperial City houses imperial relatives and high-ranking officials. If you have connections with the nobility, showing your identity token might allow you to enter."

"The Inner City is home to noble families and prominent court officials, as well as a few wealthy merchants with influential backgrounds. However, their number is quite limited."

"The Outer City is where ordinary officials and common people live."

Inside the carriage, Jin Yue'e and Li Er Ya listened attentively, absorbing Xu Mama's description of the city.

Li Wu Ya asked, "Did we live in the Inner City?"

Xu Mama's smile grew wider with pride. "Of course, my dear. The Marquis of Wuchang's mansion is of great historical significance, bestowed upon us by the founding emperor himself. It's just a few streets away from the Imperial City."

Li Wu Ya continued, "Is the mansion large enough for us when we return? Will we be cramped or bother others?" She seemed somewhat concerned.

Xu Mama chuckled. "My dear girl, rest assured. The Marquis's mansion is quite spacious. It occupies the entire Chang Le East Street, and adding a few more people like you won't make it crowded."

Although Li Wu Ya had known that the mansion wouldn't be too small, hearing that it occupied an entire street left her impressed.

This was the lifestyle of the nobility!

Jin Yue'e and Li Er Ya's expressions revealed their awe as well.

Li Er Ya stammered, "Occupies an entire street? With such a large mansion, can we live there comfortably?"

Xu Mama chuckled again. "Although the mansion is indeed generous, there are many members of the family. Each of us has our courtyard, and with the servants around, it's just enough space."

Seeing Xu Mama's playful expression, both Li Er Ya and Li Wu Ya fell silent.

Riding on the enthusiasm, Xu Mama continued educating "country folk" Jin Yue'e and her daughter, "Actually, our mansion isn't considered large. Prince's mansions and Princess's residences aside, even the Duke's mansions are usually larger than the Marquis's."

"Take the Duke of Qingguo's mansion, for example. It occupies the entire Chang Ping Street, while our residence, Chang Le Street, is divided into East and West."

As the three of them marvelled at the descriptions, Xu Mama suddenly let out a sigh.

"Ah, it's a pity. The Marquis's title is only hereditary for five generations. After reaching the current generation, it will come to an end, and the title will be revoked."


The abrupt change left the mother and daughter bewildered.

Li Wu Ya asked, "What do you mean? Are you saying that after Grandfather's generation, the Marquis title will be gone?"

Xu Mama sighed and nodded.

Li Wu Ya and Li Er Ya exchanged puzzled looks.

Their grandfather, the head of the Shi family, was in his fifties or sixties now. That meant they wouldn't be able to enjoy their noble status for much longer.

Li Wu Ya suddenly asked, "Can't it continue?"

Xu Mama glanced at her. "It's possible, but very difficult. Only two families have succeeded in maintaining their titles as hereditary for generations since the founding of the dynasty."

After that, Li Wu Ya remained silent. Her curiosity had been satisfied; after all, even if the title continued, it didn't concern her since her father wasn't in line to inherit it.

"Hey, why did we stop?"

The carriage suddenly came to a halt, prompting Li Wu Ya to open the curtain and stick her head out to see.

Noticing her behaviour, Xu Mama became a little exasperated internally.

How could a young lady of her status behave so rudely?

But then again, looking back at their journey, Li Wu Ya had been acting like this all along. Sometimes she even leaned out of the carriage, and her parents didn't seem to mind, so Xu Mama held back her words.

Li Wu Ya was completely oblivious to Xu Mama's feelings. Her attention was completely captivated by the scenery outside the carriage.

"Mother, sister, come and look! We've arrived in the capital!"

Upon hearing her words, Jin Yue'e and Li Er Ya leaned over to see. The sight of the vast, towering city walls left them in awe.

Though they had seen city walls before at the border, the walls of the capital seemed even more solemn, grand, and divine.

"Why did we stop?"

Because right in front of their carriage, a long line of people had formed.

There were camel caravans loaded with goods, manpower carts carrying firewood, vegetables, and grain, opulent carriages, crowded ox carts, elderly people riding on donkeys, and vendors carrying goods. The diversity of people and vehicles was astounding.

"Do so many people enter the capital every day?" Li Er Ya was astonished.

Observing the situation outside, Xu Mama's surprise was evident. "Although there's a constant flow of people coming and going to the capital, it's quite rare to see such a long line like this."

She paused for a moment.

"It's possible that something has happened ahead."

Li Wu Ya asked, "When will we be able to enter the city?"

Xu Mama couldn't give a definitive answer. "If the situation is resolved quickly, we won't have to wait too long."

Li Wu Ya spotted Li Qi Lang riding on a horse alongside Li Chang Sen. After a brief thought, she turned to Jin Yue'e. "Mother, it's so boring sitting in the carriage. Can I go out and take a look?"

Jin Yue'e hesitated. "There are so many people outside."

Li Wu Ya took Jin Yue'e's arm and playfully shook it. "Mother, I've grown up now. Are you afraid I'll get lost?"

Seeing her daughter's impatience, Jin Yue'e reluctantly nodded.

Seeing Jin Yue'e's agreement, Xu Mama opened her mouth to say something but hesitated. Before she could say anything, Li Wu Ya had already opened the carriage door and hopped out. Afterwards, she turned to Li Er Ya. "Sister, do you want to come down and take a look too?"

Li Er Ya shook her head. "I'll stay in the carriage and chat with Mother."

Seeing that Jin Yue'e was growing more nervous as they neared the capital, Li Er Ya was trying to distract her, preventing her from becoming too anxious.

Li Wu Ya didn't insist and said, "Alright, then I'll go see if anything is interesting and come back to tell you and Mother." With that, she headed off to find Li Qi Lang.

Li Qi Lang was immediately interested when he heard that Li Wu Ya wanted to go ahead and see. He quickly dismounted from his horse.

As for Li San Lang, he refused, just like Li Er Ya. There was no other choice—Li Chang Sen was also quite anxious, so he had been trying to engage both Li San Lang and Li Qi Lang in conversation throughout the journey.

If Li Qi Lang was going, Li San Lang had to stay.

And so, Li Wu Ya and Li Qi Lang walked ahead to see what was going on, their faces filled with curiosity as they headed toward the city gates.

"Why is there such a massive commotion today? We've been waiting for so long. When are they going to let us enter the city?"

"I heard a high-ranking official is returning to the capital to report on his duties. He's passing through the Desheng Gate and taking the Clean Road."

"Ah, I hate encountering this kind of situation. Who knows how long we'll have to wait?"

"Yeah, let's hope that officially arrives soon."

Walking along the line of people, Li Wu Ya and Li Qi Lang overheard many conversations like these.

"Who's this official? Such a grand procession?"

Li Qi Lang curiously spoke up.

Someone nearby actually answered.

"It's said to be Governor Huaiyuan."

"The governor? That's a first-rank high official."

"Governor Huaiyuan is a hero who guards the northern border of Great Chu. It's only right that we wait a bit longer."

The common people of the capital were certainly familiar with officials and their ranks.

"Sis, the people in the capital are so knowledgeable!"

Li Qi Lang whispered to Li Wu Ya.

Seeing her younger brother showing a bit of hesitation, Li Wu Ya immediately replied, "That's because they've grown up in this kind of environment. If you ask them about matters at the border, they probably wouldn't know."

Li Qi Lang seemed comforted and his face brightened as he earnestly nodded. "Sis, you're right."

Li Wu Ya added, "Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Don't keep comparing your shortcomings to other people's strengths. Remember, as long as you believe you're the best, you will be the best."

Li Wu Ya's words always held weight with Li Qi Lang. He nodded in agreement. "Sis, I understand. No matter who I compare myself to, I'll always be the best."

Li Wu Ya smiled. "Exactly." Confidence was something boys should exude, unwavering and radiant.

Before long, Li Wu Ya and Li Qi Lang arrived at the city gate.

Outside the gate, dozens of soldiers armed with guns and knives stood in two rows, emitting an imposing aura that kept the entering citizens at bay.

Near the gate, the murmurs of conversation subsided.

Li Wu Ya glanced at the soldiers and raised an eyebrow. They were all seventh-ranked martial practitioners, with two eighth-ranked ones among them.

This was the capital under the Emperor's rule. Seventh and eighth-ranked martial practitioners were as common as cabbage.

Listening to the bustling voices coming from within the city walls, both siblings' eyes lit up.

"The city walls are so high, and there are so many soldiers stationed on top. If there were no one around, we could just fly in," Li Qi Lang whispered.

Li Wu Ya was inspecting the base of the city wall. "I heard there are secret passages beneath the foundation of the city walls. I wonder if that's true?"

Li Qi Lang became enthusiastic. "Well, we can't get in anyway. How about we look for them?"

Before he could finish his sentence, the sound of rapidly approaching hoofbeats echoed.

Both siblings turned their heads and saw several horses leading a luxurious carriage speeding toward the city gate.

"Is that Governor Huaiyuan arriving?"

"No, the governor is returning to the capital to report on his duties. There wouldn't be so few people accompanying him."

"Those people are heading straight for the gate. Will they be allowed in?"

Soon enough, the crowd's doubts were resolved.

The rider at the forefront took out a token from his pocket, and then the city gate guards allowed them passage.

Li Qi Lang stared, wide-eyed. "Why are they allowed in?"

The loud voices drew the attention of one of the gatekeepers.

Li Qi Lang, not one to back down, met the soldier's gaze head-on.

The soldier arched an eyebrow in response. Without being overbearing or aggressive, he calmly said, "If you can produce an identity token, you can also enter."

Li Wu Ya quickly chimed in, "Does a jade pendant count?"

At this unexpected question, the soldier's eyelids twitched twice. He had just spoken casually, not expecting these two children with their noticeable accents to dare to respond.

As the soldier turned away, Li Wu Ya retrieved the jade pendant that Supervisor Cai had given her from her pocket. She took Li Qi Lang's hand and walked up to the soldier.

"Take a look at this jade pendant."

The pendant was made from translucent white jade, intricately carved with a dragon treading on auspicious clouds.

The soldier's pupils contracted, and he stared at the two children in disbelief. After a moment of silence, he deadpanned, "You may enter."

Li Wu Ya and Li Qi Lang both showed expressions of pleasant surprise.

"We can go in!"

"If we had known this pendant could be used as a pass, we would've taken it out earlier."

Though excited, the siblings remained still and observed their surroundings.

"Mom and Dad seemed a bit nervous about encountering people from the Shi family. It seems fine if they wait a bit longer."

"What if we go in first?"

The siblings shared a knowing glance. They understood that once they returned to their family, they would likely be directed straight to the Shi estate. That would leave them with little time to explore the city.

"Let's go, we should enter the city first!"

Watching the siblings holding hands and running through the city gate, the soldier felt a bit stunned.

"What's the background of those two brats? Why did you let them in?" A soldier from the opposite side approached.

The soldier responded, "The jade pendant in their hands is no ordinary item; it's a royal token."

The other soldier was taken aback for a moment. After a while, he sighed, "Indeed, appearances can be deceiving. We gatekeepers should never judge people by their looks; one day, we might inadvertently offend someone of great importance."

Hearing this, the other soldiers nodded in agreement, recognizing the wisdom in those words.

Soon, the city gate returned to its quiet state.


As soon as they entered the city gate, Li Wu Ya and Li Qi Lang were astonished.

Starting from the grand city gate tower, a broad and straight road unfolded before their eyes.

"Sis, this road must be about fifty meters wide!"

Li Wu Ya was so amazed that she couldn't find words to express herself. The towering city walls didn't surprise her; in her past life, humanity had built walls much taller. However, she had never seen such a wide road within a city before.

What was even more astonishing was that the road seemed to be made of cement!

Cement, a material she didn't think was available in ancient times.

The siblings' awe-struck expressions drew chuckles from those around them.

Passerby A: "Delightful Road is only about fifty meters wide, yet you're so amazed. When you see Imperial Way, which spans a hundred meters, or Vermilion Bird Way, will your eyes pop out? Hahaha!"

"A hundred meters?!"

Both Li Wu Ya and Li Qi Lang widened their eyes in disbelief. "Are there roads really that wide?"

Passerby B: "Imperial Ways are there for all to see. Don't you know to go take a look?"

Li Wu Ya: "Are all roads in the capital this wide?"

Passerby C: "What are you thinking? The reason Delightful Road is so wide is to honour the triumphant returning warriors from the northern border. As for Vermilion Bird Way and Imperial Way, they're meant to facilitate the Emperor's travels and to demonstrate the might of Great Chu when foreign envoys come for audiences."

Passerby D: "You're lucky to witness Delightful Road today, after the return of Governor Huaiyuan. If it were any other day, the road would be filled with carriages and pedestrians, and you wouldn't be able to see the full extent of it."

Li Wu Ya and Li Qi Lang both sighed in relief, seeing everyone around them amusedly looking at them. They awkwardly smiled, then hurriedly walked away.