
From Humble Origins to Common Man

For Shi Lu, a dual-system powerhouse born in the end times, nothing is more important than simply surviving. So, when she was struck by lightning and became Li Wu Ya, a daughter of a humble military household in ancient borderlands, she adapted well and quickly assimilated into the ways of the ancient people. To live, one must have some pursuits. Clothing: Fine silk and satin, and jewellery too, but not excessive. Food: A daily indulgence in bird's nest, shark fin, and sea cucumber, but not excessive. Shelter: Pavilions, towers, and elegant corridors, surrounded by serene bamboo forests and the melodies of birds, where one's home becomes a scenic spot, but not excessive. Transportation: Lavish carriages and luxury horses are a must, but not excessive. With an endless supply of money, no need to work, a loving husband, and children to warm her bed, life... perfect! Life is not easy, so one must love oneself dearly. Shi Lu is determined to experience everything she hasn't encountered or enjoyed in the end times. Unfortunately, reality dealt her a harsh blow. The borderlands are bitterly cold, plagued by years of war, and even getting enough food to eat is difficult, with constant threats to her life. Fine, let's roll up our sleeves and strive! Shi Lu abides by one motto: As long as you don't stand in my way, you're good, I'm good, and everyone's good. Otherwise!!! To secure her position, one must be assertive. In life's triumphs, one should indulge. Be a shallow yet happy commoner.

anupro · History
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102 Chs

After Dealing with the Small Ones, Here Come the Big Ones

Shi Fuxin approached Lady Shi to request the service of Xiaofang. Lady Shi was initially surprised but readily agreed.

Lady Shi, accompanied by Senior Madam Shi and Second Madam Shi, happened to be together when Shi Fuxin left. Second Madam Shi chuckled and remarked to Lady Shi, "Among Fourth Uncle's family, Sixth Sister is the one adapting most easily to the life of a young miss, surrounded by maids."

Indeed, less than three months since their return to the mansion, they were already asking for more servants.

Lady Shi remained quiet, recalling the previous incident of the kitchen adding extra dishes, which caused a commotion. She turned to the housekeeper, Gu Mama, and instructed, "Supervise this personally. Xiaofang is just a rough maid. If Fuxin wants her, give her to her. I don't want any more troubles like the kitchen incident."

Though Lady Shi hadn't explicitly expressed dissatisfaction over the kitchen incident, it lingered as an undercurrent of disapproval.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have made twenty medicine sachets and given none to the main branch.

Thinking about it, Lady Shi glanced at her two daughters-in-law. "After you return, discipline the maids in your own courtyards. Make them be more respectful towards Yigui Courtyard. I don't want to see incidents like the kitchen dispute happening again."

Senior Madam Shi immediately displayed a tinge of shame. "Mother, the previous incident was my fault. I didn't manage the maids around me properly."

Lady Shi didn't mince words this time. "Indeed, it was your fault. Your words and actions have influenced those around you. That's why they dared to treat Yigui Courtyard with such neglect."

"Fortunately, it was just a matter of a few dishes last time, not something major. Yigui Courtyard didn't make a fuss. Otherwise, the whole mansion would know how overbearing and domineering Senior Madam Shi is, even daring to snatch dishes ordered by her own sister-in-law."

Senior Madam Shi's face turned red, and she truly hadn't known about the incident. It had been the maid's decision, and she couldn't imagine herself offending the Fourth Branch over a dish.

Seeing Senior Madam Shi reprimanded, Second Madam Shi hid her amusement. However, when she noticed Lady Shi looking at her, she quickly composed herself. "Mother, rest assured. I will properly educate the people in my courtyard."

Lady Shi fell silent for a moment before asking, "Is Ding Hong still frequently going to Baishun Street?"

Second Madam Shi nodded. "Mother, you're aware that my husband and Second Uncle have been close since childhood. Moreover, my husband has a deep appreciation for poetry. Only Second Uncle can provide guidance, so Ding Hong goes there frequently."

Lady Shi understood her second son's personality and his affinity for Second Uncle. Given his modest requirements, she didn't discourage his visits to Baishun Street. Instead, she advised her daughters-in-law, "If you have the time, you can visit Yigui Courtyard. Relationships between people develop through interaction. You Fourth Uncle's family haven't grown up in this mansion. You're not close to the people here. If you visit them more often, you'll naturally build a connection over time."

Recognizing the need for maintaining family relations in the future, as their family would eventually be under Shi Dingrong's control, Lady Shi agreed, "I understand, Mother."

Second Madam Shi, however, had a different opinion. Both she and her husband preferred Baishun Street, and she frowned inwardly. The thought of her husband, Ding Hong, being relegated to an insignificant position in the Garrison Office made her feel embarrassed.

With Lady Shi's instructions given, the servants beneath them naturally didn't dare to be lax. The next day, Xiaofang reported to Yigui Courtyard.

In regard to the newly arrived Xiaofang, Jingui and Yuanbao felt a slight unease. Compared to the other young ladies in the mansion, Sixth Miss's conditions weren't the best, but Xiaofang was now a personal maid. That alone made her better off than serving elsewhere.

Seeing Shi Fuxin assign Xiaofang to sweep Yigui Courtyard daily, Jingui and Yuanbao began to feel relieved.

It was understandable. Xiaofang was merely a rough maid, unacquainted with personal services. There was no way Sixth Miss would have her serving so closely.

"Xiaofang, if one day you don't find a single leaf on the ground in Yigui Courtyard, you can become my senior maid," Shi Fuxin told her.

In Yigui Courtyard, Xiaofang swiftly swept the accumulated snow on the ground, her mind filled with the words of Sixth Miss.

"Xiaofang, I've taught you the heart method and demonstrated the body refinement technique. Practice them diligently when you return home. Strive to serve in my room as soon as possible."

Xiaofang instinctively began practicing the heart method Sixth Miss had taught her. She felt a warm flow circulating within her body, and her initially wooden expression now glowed with a radiant light.

"Whatever the master commands, we must obey."

This was something Xiaofang's aunt had told her when she started working at the mansion. Her aunt said that was the only way they could have food on the table.

Xiaofang engraved this rule into her heart.

Now she was Sixth Miss's personal maid. If Sixth Miss told her to sweep, she would sweep; if she told her to practice heart methods and refine her body, she would do so.

And thus, Yigui Courtyard gained a tall maid who took her sweeping duties particularly seriously.

Shi Fuyin was the first to notice Xiaofang. During dinner that evening, she turned to Shi Fuxin and asked, "What prompted you to teach martial arts to a maid? It's quite unexpected."

Shi Fuxin raised her index finger and wagged it playfully. "It's not unexpected. This has been on my mind for a while. We need capable people around us. Now that we've found someone suitable, it's only natural to nurture her."

She looked around at her family members.

"Brother, Sister, Ninth Brother, if you find capable servants, you can also groom them. Whether in the outside world or within our mansion, it's not easy to get by. We need a few loyal and capable helpers."

Both Shi Zhenghe and Shi Dinghao agreed with her perspective, as they had learned from their experiences outside the mansion. "You're right, Fuxin. In the past, we could handle things ourselves, but now that we're making a living in the capital, we need messengers and liaisons."

"We've just returned to the mansion, and the servants sent by the mansion don't show much loyalty. So, either take them for ourselves or groom them, like you're doing, Fuxin."

Jin Yue'e and Shi Dingxuan exchanged thoughtful nods.

After dinner, Shi Fuxin presented the detailed map of the northern city that she had drawn to Shi Zhenghe and Shi Dinghao.

The map was large, measuring two meters in length and one and a half meters in width, encompassing all the streets of the northern city.

Laying the map on the desk, Shi Zhenghe glanced at it and was immediately astonished. His expression then transformed into one of elation.

One of his main shortcomings in the Beicheng Garrison was his lack of familiarity with the capital.

This map, painstakingly drawn by his younger daughter, was far more detailed than any he had bought. It even marked the various powers along the streets, the connections behind every tavern, theater, and teahouse in the northern city.

"Fuxin, where did you get this map?" Shi Zhenghe asked.

With a smile, Shi Fuxin replied, "Ninth Brother and I have been going out often lately. We explored the northern city and drew this map."

Seeing his father's excitement, Shi Dingxuan also walked over to take a look. After examining it, his face filled with surprise. "This map is even more detailed than the one held by the official. How did you manage to obtain this information?"

Proudly, Shi Fuxin chuckled. "Of course, I took the time to draw it, street by street. Remember that ruffian we met the day we entered the city? He provided us with insights into the situation in the northern city."

Glancing at Shi Zhenghe, she continued, "Father, not all the information might be accurate. We only recently met this person, so we can't be sure everything he told us is true. Furthermore, he's just a ruffian, and his information might be limited."

Shi Zhenghe nodded. "Rest assured, I understand."

Shi Fuxin then added with a smile, "This is just the map of the northern city. When I have the time, I'll draw a complete map of the entire capital."

Shi Zhenghe fell silent for a moment, quickly collecting the map and giving a serious look to his wife and four children. "Such detailed maps are not allowed to be privately drawn by the court. You mustn't speak of this outside."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

With the map in hand, Shi Zhenghe's understanding of the northern city became vivid and multidimensional. As he deepened his knowledge of the area, the number of cases he solved gradually increased.

Within a month of taking office, Shi Zhenghe had already received multiple public commendations from his superiors.

On the last day of November, after their morning lessons, Shi Dinghao and Shi Dingxu slipped out of a side gate, intending to cross through an alley and buy some candy and pastries from the street next door.

As they left the alley, they noticed a group of people gathering outside the mansion gate.

"Brother, he's the one who impersonated me, tarnishing my reputation and stealing my jade bok choy."

Shi Dinghao was about to watch the spectacle when he saw Zhao Xiaogongzi, whom he had fought with a few days ago, pulling along a robust young man a few years older than him. Zhao was pointing at him, chin held high, his expression full of self-importance.

His expression of needing to tell on someone was as if he had achieved something to be proud of.

Even Shi Dinghao's older brother couldn't help but roll his eyes at this sight, covering his forehead with his hand.

Zhao Dagongzi was genuinely exasperated at this point. As soon as his brother spoke, he felt a headache coming on.

What did he mean by tarnishing his reputation? Did he think his little brother was a delicate girl who had been betrayed by a heartless man?

Was it prestigious to have something taken from him? Did he need to announce it so loudly?

Zhao Xiaogongzi didn't think there was anything shameful about reporting the matter. He had his brother's protection, which made him proud and confident.

"Brother, you need to avenge me, beat him up, and get back my jade bok choy."

"Phony, I've brought my brother. Prepare to look foolish today!"

Shi Dinghao wasn't frightened by this; instead, he walked over, his face beaming.

In his eyes, Zhao Xiaogongzi was basically a walking treasure trove.

Last time they fought, he got a pair of high-quality jade bok choy as a reward. He even went to the pawnshop to inquire, and one jade bok choy was worth a hundred taels of silver.

If he fought again today, could he get another valuable item?

"You're the phony here. I've never claimed to be the son of a governor-general. If anything, you're the one trying to be me."

Zhao Dagongzi raised an eyebrow as he watched Shi Dinghao approach, feeling somewhat astonished.

He had heard about the Wuchang Marquis's Mansion. Because the title could only be inherited by the last generation, it had been implicated in the Regent Prince's case. The late emperor didn't want to be seen suppressing the founding nobility, so the title wasn't revoked.

Although the title wasn't taken away, the Wuchang Marquis's Mansion had been discreetly dealt with by the late emperor. Rumor had it that it had fallen from grace over these years.

This declining aristocratic family's existence in the capital was rather awkward. Wasn't it supposed to keep a low profile? Why was he acting so arrogantly? And he was confronting the Zhao family, who currently held favor with the emperor!

As Zhao Dagongzi pondered this, he heard his idiotic younger brother continue to shout.

"I am the son of the Governor-General of Huaiyuan. Only a fool would impersonate you. You scoundrel, not only did you refuse to apologize, but you also took my jade bok choy."

"Hmph, I've brought my brother today. Get ready to be turned into a pig's head."

Shi Dinghao looked down upon Zhao Xiaogongzi's arrogant manner of calling for his elder: "You're really cowardly. If you have the guts, let's fight one on one. Why bring your brother into this?"

"If I were your brother, I definitely wouldn't want a little brother like you who only knows how to deceive his own family. Think about it, he's so much older than me. If he wins, it's expected. But if he loses to me, haha, he might never be able to show his face again."

Upon hearing these words, Zhao Xiaogongzi's expression froze.

Zhao Dagongzi, witnessing his idiotic little brother looking at him with genuine concern, suddenly felt a lump in his chest. He was stuck in a dilemma, unable to move up or down.

This foolish brother of his, with just a few words, had shattered his confidence in himself.

It's truly frustrating!

Amid Zhao Dagongzi's weariness, a flicker of interest appeared on his face.

The boy across from him seemed quite confident!

If he couldn't even beat a little brat who was nearly ten years younger than him, he wouldn't deserve to be the Emperor's personally appointed Brave General.

"Kid, so you're willing to fight me?" Zhao Dagongzi smiled at Shi Dinghao.

Shi Dinghao returned the gaze with a grin. "Sure, but there needs to be something worth fighting for."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Dagongzi's smile deepened as he pointed to the jade pendant at his waist. "If you win, the pendant is yours. If you lose, my brother's jade bok choy is mine."

The jade bok choy was something his foolish little brother received as a gift during his first birthday celebration. He had worn it since childhood. If it weren't for that, Zhao Dagongzi wouldn't have stepped forward this time.

Now that their Zhao family was favored by the Emperor, and they were confronting a fallen marquis's mansion, there was a sense of arrogance in their approach.

However, Zhao Dagongzi hadn't expected the boy who had taken his brother's jade bok choy to present him with such a delightful surprise. The boy dared to challenge him head-on.

Hopefully, he wasn't all talk and no action.

"Let's get started! Just so it's not said that I bullied the younger, I'll give you ten moves."

Upon hearing this, Shi Dinghao was somewhat dismissive. Nevertheless, he wasn't going to be polite with Zhao Dagongzi either. He pointed his toe and swiftly lunged forward.

"Such speed!"

Zhao Dagongzi's eyes brightened. He placed one hand behind his back, opting to spar with Shi Dinghao using only one hand.

The mansion's gatekeepers, witnessing the intense fight between Zhao Dagongzi and Shi Dinghao, turned pale and frequently glanced back toward the mansion.

Why hadn't their masters arrived yet?!

Back in the mansion, Shi Dingxu, who had gone to buy snacks with Shi Dinghao, noticed the situation wasn't right and quickly ran back to the mansion to find help.

"Brother, hurry! Someone's trying to beat up your little brother. If you don't come soon, I might not have a little brother anymore!"

"Brother, come quickly~!"

Shi Dinghao, having trained in sound wave techniques, let out a shout that reverberated throughout the mansion. Not only that, but the neighboring houses also heard it.

At the Imperial Examination Institute.

Breathless, Shi Dingxu ran back and explained the situation of the Zhao brothers coming to the mansion. Just as he finished, he heard Shi Dinghao's roar.

The sound was loud and desperate, as if he was facing a life-or-death situation.

Upon hearing the shout, Shi Dingxuan's face changed. Ignoring the astonishment of everyone around, he lightly stepped on a patch of grass and leaped onto the rooftop, dexterously moving along the eaves, and swiftly left the mansion.

On the other hand, at the Residence of Culture and Talent, Shi Fuxin and Shi Fuyin, upon hearing their younger brother's cry for help, immediately rushed out of the classroom.

Shi Fuxin extended her spiritual senses, "seeing" that her foolish little brother was still panting while confronting Zhao Dagongzi. She adjusted her attire with grace, then jogged calmly outside.

Once the three of them left, the others regained their senses and followed suit.

Outside the mansion, the person most affected by Shi Dinghao's shout was Zhao Dagongzi, who was currently clashing with him.

Zhao Dagongzi discovered that, for a brief moment, he had been shaken by the force of the voice.

Before he could fully recover from Shi Dinghao's shout, a figure suddenly shot out of the mansion.

"Brother, he's attacking me. Avenge me quickly!"