
From Humble Origins to Common Man

For Shi Lu, a dual-system powerhouse born in the end times, nothing is more important than simply surviving. So, when she was struck by lightning and became Li Wu Ya, a daughter of a humble military household in ancient borderlands, she adapted well and quickly assimilated into the ways of the ancient people. To live, one must have some pursuits. Clothing: Fine silk and satin, and jewellery too, but not excessive. Food: A daily indulgence in bird's nest, shark fin, and sea cucumber, but not excessive. Shelter: Pavilions, towers, and elegant corridors, surrounded by serene bamboo forests and the melodies of birds, where one's home becomes a scenic spot, but not excessive. Transportation: Lavish carriages and luxury horses are a must, but not excessive. With an endless supply of money, no need to work, a loving husband, and children to warm her bed, life... perfect! Life is not easy, so one must love oneself dearly. Shi Lu is determined to experience everything she hasn't encountered or enjoyed in the end times. Unfortunately, reality dealt her a harsh blow. The borderlands are bitterly cold, plagued by years of war, and even getting enough food to eat is difficult, with constant threats to her life. Fine, let's roll up our sleeves and strive! Shi Lu abides by one motto: As long as you don't stand in my way, you're good, I'm good, and everyone's good. Otherwise!!! To secure her position, one must be assertive. In life's triumphs, one should indulge. Be a shallow yet happy commoner.

anupro · History
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102 Chs

A New Beginning

On the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month, amidst the eager anticipation of Li Wuya and Li Qilang, Li Sanlang finally arrived in Rongcheng with Li Changsen, Jin Yue'e, and Li Er'ya.

Rongcheng was currently bustling with excitement. Streets were adorned with lanterns and decorations, radiating the festive atmosphere of the upcoming New Year.

Observing the lively and prosperous Rongcheng, Jin Yue'e, Li Sanlang, and Li Er'ya all held beautiful expectations for their future life. Only Li Changsen seemed somewhat preoccupied, likely thinking about the Jiang family.

"Sanlang, where exactly did we buy our house?"

Although it was their first time in Rongcheng and they had never bought a house before, Jin Yue'e was aware that as one moved closer to the city centre, the property prices increased.

Li Sanlang chuckled, "Mother, our house is next to the Prefectural School, just a couple of streets away."

Jin Yue'e looked concerned, "Houses in this location must be expensive, right? Even though we received a hundred taels of silver from the governor, we still need to be frugal. Living in the city incurs many expenses, and we can't be extravagant."

At her words, a forced smile appeared on Li Sanlang's face.

The initial hundred taels from the governor had long been spent, and they had used over three hundred taels to buy the house. Li Wuya and Li Qilang contributed another two hundred taels.

Li Sanlang was also worried. While he knew his younger siblings had money, he was still their older brother and didn't want to constantly ask them for funds. He decided that after the New Year, he needed to find a job as soon as possible.

Before long, they reached their new home.

Even before getting close, Li Sanlang's group saw Li Wuya and Li Qilang standing in front of the house, sticking up couplets.

"Wuya, Qilang!"

Li Sanlang called out, and Li Wuya and Li Qilang turned to see them. Spotting their family, they rushed over, leaving the unfinished couplets behind.

"Father, Mother, Second Sister, you've finally come!"

Li Changsen was injured and was lying in the cart covered with a blanket. After Li Sanlang rented an ox cart and arrived in the city, Jin Yue'e and Li Er'ya got off the cart, leaving only Li Changsen still lying inside.

Li Wuya approached and helped Jin Yue'e and Li Er'ya assist Li Changsen out of the cart. Meanwhile, Li Sanlang and Li Qilang went to retrieve the luggage from the cart.

As they gazed at the imposing high walls and grand courtyard, Jin Yue'e's face displayed delight and disbelief, "Is this our home?"

Li Wuya grinned and nodded, "Yes, Mother. Let's enter and see how well I and Qilang have arranged our new home."

With that, she and Li Er'ya helped Li Changsen into the house.

"Such a house…"

Upon entering, Jin Yue'e examined everything around her, expressing an overwhelmed expression, "This house is something. Did the governor's hundred taels of silver already disappear?"

Li Changsen glanced at Li Wuya, "A hundred taels of silver can't even buy the inner courtyard. Where did you get the money?"

While Li Wuya was honest with Li Sanlang, she didn't want to reveal the truth to Li Changsen and Jin Yue'e. She didn't want to worry them unnecessarily.

Firstly, she wasn't sure how they'd react. Their parents always tended to worry about various things, and she didn't want to burden them. Secondly, to her, dealing with the Huyan stronghold and Tianluo Sect's base was like child's play, nothing that required making a big fuss about or letting her family know.

So, Li Wuya promptly shifted the blame to Li Sanlang, who had just entered with their luggage, "It's Big Brother. He saved a merchant caravan before, and in gratitude, they gave him a thousand taels of silver."

Li Sanlang received the blame out of thin air, "..."

Jin Yue'e widened her eyes, "A thousand taels of silver! How could they give so much?"

Li Sanlang coughed lightly, "Well, the caravan was attacked by a pack of wolves. They were almost wiped out, but I helped them, so they gave me that much."

Li Wuya gave him a meaningful glare, which he noticed.

Knowing he was being blamed unjustly, Li Sanlang decided to clarify, "They were attacked by wolves, and I saved them. They showed their gratitude in this way."

After their discussion, they toured the house. Jin Yue'e was already fond of their new home. Except for the somewhat aged appearance of the west wing, everything else was to her satisfaction.

"Sister, this is our room. How is it? I've decorated it nicely, haven't I?"

Li Er'ya examined the east wing carefully and nodded in approval. Everything inside was brand new, unlike the west wing which contained older items.

"We'll be living in style."

"It's not about being luxurious, but where will the money come from?" Li Er'ya hummed as Li Wuya opened her mouth to reply. "Don't use those comforting words to deceive me. If your brother truly saved a merchant caravan, wouldn't he tell us when he got back?"

Seeing Li Er'ya about to answer, Li Wuya hummed back, "We're settled, you don't need to worry. I've thought about it. In the future, we'll focus on reading, learning, and being proper young ladies, just like the city dwellers."

Li Er'ya gave her a sceptical look, "Is that what you want?"

Li Wuya vigorously nodded and even raised her hand to take an oath, "Absolutely, truly, without a doubt. I couldn't be more sincere."

Li Er'ya reluctantly believed her.

With their family's arrival, the Li family courtyard became lively.

Jin Yue'e, Li Er'ya, and Li Wuya were busy in the kitchen. Li Changsen sat on a stool, observing Li Sanlang and Li Qilang set the table. Their faces were filled with genuine smiles, radiating happiness from within.

During the New Year period, while everyone was out visiting, Li Wuya and Li Qilang brought Li Sanlang and Li Er'ya to the Jiubian Yahaing.

"Brother, Sister, the owner of the dental clinic is our ally."

"Why did you bring us here?"

"To familiarize ourselves with the route. We'll be making a living in Rongcheng, so we might need his help. Besides, he's a smooth talker, and I wanted to explore his background."

"How will we do that?"

"By tracking him. During the New Year, families visit each other, and we can't remain ignorant. We need to see his connections in Rongcheng."


Li Wuya sighed, "If only we had trustworthy people, we wouldn't have to track him ourselves."

Li Sanlang, who had experienced months in the army and knew about guards surrounding important figures, suggested, "Trustworthy and capable people, aside from being trained from childhood by wealthy households, can also

come from the families of guards."

Mention of wealthy households made Li Er'ya can't help but ask, "Brother, do you know about Father's background?"

Li Sanlang shook his head.

Li Er'ya looked disappointed, "I thought you knew. Even if it was just the surname, we could secretly investigate. It would help us gather information."