
Reveling a little bit of the her past

"Well that probably because there were two man in your house…"

'So… I hugged them a lot… and Loki has the same chances as Mouse to pick my impressed…'

Warry started to laugh at her remarks.

'What, I'm a girl I'm not immune to handsomeness.'

Mouse started to laugh.

'And besides it's Blake's own fault for being a smooth talker and flirting like that, how am I supposed to know if he has an interest in me, he was the one who didn't acknowledge me entirely from the beginning so…'

"Ouch Black Rose your brutal when you speak your mind." Mouse said.

'Too bad, you either like it or hate it… I don't care for either of it.'

'But I will make it up to you Blake, that is if you want that.'

"And how are you going to make it up to me?"

'It's a secret…'

'By the way Blake how did those pests react to my little stunt?'

"Blake laughed, you almost killed half of this counties economic, and they are stressing out right now because you stopped investing in them, they can't put a foot in the foreign market now."

'That's good then…'

'How about the preparation on my business over there?'

"Ready whenever you are."

'Good…this is going to be fun.'

'Well I hang up now, because I want to spend some quality time with Mouse and as much as possible.'

"Alright Black Rose but don't get…"

Jemisha hang up and tossed Mouse phone away.

As the weeks went by and Jemisha had a lot of fun and liked Mouse presence a lot, she talked a lot with him and they went to the tracks and raced a few times.

He also joined her in her daily activities like morning runs and she even helped him with his business.

He was setting up a shop that would sell race gear.

It was a lot of fun for her and she got to know a lot more about cars and racing.

But Mouse was not only there for his business, he was also asked by Jack and Blake to see what she was up to, because there was unusual movements in the underworld.

After dinner Jemisha was sitting on her veranda while Mouse was taking a shower

Jemisha was looking in to the distance and was think of the past 4 months when she suddenly saw a reflection of light, like the sun hit the scoop of a sniper rifle.

She calmly stood up like nothing was wrong and she hadn't noticed anything.

'Come on spike it's time for your dinner' and she casually opened the door and let Spike enter first.

Just as she wanted to enter the sniper fired his shot but the bullet only scraped her and she closed the door tightly

Mouse who had heard the shot ran out of his room and saw Jemisha sitting on the ground holding down the doorknob and was bleeding.

'Blake! Code Blood!'

As soon as she had yelled that all the shutters to the doors and window came down and her Villa was now in lock down.

Blake called Mouse and asked how she was.

"She seems in a state of shock and the bulled only scraped her shoulder."

"There should be a first aid kid in the living room and one in every bed room, I call you back later."


Mouse put his phone away and looked at Jemisha who still looked like she was in shock

"Do you want me to call Jack?"

Jemisha didn't respond and he picked her up and set her on the couch.

Mouse called Jack and told him what had happened and that at the moment she still didn't know his real name.

Gunner asked if Spike was near and put him on speaker.

Mouse did and started to tend to her wound.

"Spike snap her out of it."

Spike did as he was told and started to bark and tuck on her.

After a few attempts he got her out of her shock and Gunner was timing the time it took for Spike to get her back to her senses.

Jemisha started to get back to reality and petted Spike who started to whimper and Gunner knew she was back.

"Black Rose what happened?"

Jemisha was replaying the moments but was pulled out of her thoughts because Mouse was using alcohol to clean and disinfect her wounds.

'Au that hurts…'

"Sorry Black Rose, but you got scraped by a bulled."

Jemisha then remembered Jacks question again.

'Ah that's right, I was sitting on my veranda drinking some coffee and was looking in to the distance, when I saw sunlight reflecting of what seemed a sniper scoop.'

'So I pretended I hadn't seen it and slow got up and acted al natural like nothing was wrong and I let Spike enter the house first and when I was about to head in I heard a shot and I got hit.'

'If you want to know the distance of the sniper, he would have been roughly a meter away from the forest edge near my Villa and it sounded close to a hunting rifle.'

Gunner was looking grim on the other end of the phone, he knew there were only two man in the underworld who would use that type of rifle.

"Black Rose your able to distinguish gun sounds?"

'Hmm Gunner taught me that, since you all don't want me be trained by blood I learned all kinds of gun sounds and if I could tell what the shot sounded like Gunner could narrow down the possible shooter.'

'But seriously I didn't piss of anybody directly from the underworld, I only pulled out of a few companies back home that's all.'

'And I promised Gunner I would never set foot in the Black World.'

"Alright I believe you Black Rose, but it's getting dangerous this is the third attempt on your life."

'I know but what am I supposed to do now?'

"Well the problem is the shooter we don't know if he is still out there."

Jemisha smiled and called Blake, 'Blake do you have eyes on the shooter?'

"Black Rose as a matter of fact he is trying to find a way in."

'Blake be a sweetheart and unlock my basement.'

"Are you going to use that way?"

'You want me dead or something?'

"Of course not but what if you get trapped down their…"


"I'm joking get your stuff and once you get out go to your apartment in the city."

'Alright I call you when we arrived there.'

Jemisha told Mouse to get his stuff and meet her down stairs.

As she was packing up some cloths she also took down her bachelor degrees and her phones and laptops.

She then went to the save and took out two knives and a gun and her passport, she stuffed everything in her bag and went down stairs.

Mouse also arrived down stairs and Jemisha lead Mouse to the basement and Spike fallowed them.

When they got down the lights turned on and saw her car parked and an exit tunnel together with a shelf that contained bottles of water blankets and food.

Jemisha opened her trunk and threw the bags and some necessities in side and closed it.

Jemisha threw her keys to Mouse 'You drive.'

Mouse smiled, Spike got in to the back and Jemisha sat down next to Mouse.

'What's your real name Mouse?'

"It's Chris."

'Well Chris the tunnel is save and well light so drive your heart out.'

Chris started the car and took off.

While driving he ask her "Did you designed your Villa?"

'I did, and even if the shooter finds his way inside he could never get into the basement, because Blake or Warry have to activate the doors.'

'But the basement and tunnel is not on the blueprint of the house.'

"Black Rose?"

'What is it?'

"How many properties do you own in America?"

'I own 2 apartments and that villa, I also have a large villa in Mexico, I own a condo in Italy, a nice chalet in Switzerland and back home I own two villa's and an apartment.'

"Damn girl how rich are you?"

'Very…well aside from my own company, I make a few millions a year with my shares in Blake's companies, and a few hundreds of thousands a year by shares of other companies around the world.'

"So what is your current savings?"

'150 million dollars.'

"What!!! You saved up that much in just two years?"


"Chris how much money do you have in your savings?"

"500.000 dollars"

'Want me to make you as rich as me?'

"And how are you going to do that?"

'Easy… I still have 16 % shares left to sell, you can buy them for 100.000 dollars and at the end of the month you have earned that amount back 4 times over.'

'If you invest monthly 100.000 you earn 300.000 a month.'


'Yeh…how the hell do you think Warry is able to buy high end stuff and build such expensive toy's for you all.'


Chris finally reached the end of the tunnel and Jemisha enter the address of the apartment in the navigation.

They were quiet for a while.

"Black Rose…What is your real name?"

'It's Jemisha.'

"Isn't that the name of your new identity?"

'No… Jenifer was not my real name to begin with.'

'After you guys left me in America I opened the locked that Boss gave me. A picture of my mother and her name was written in it and on the other side there was picture of me with the name Jemisha written.'

"But why does our boss have something like that?"

'Who knows, the day I met with your boss he told me I was so amusing, I was so like my mother.'

'I guess they were friends at some point in time.'

'Well my mom died in a car accident when I was 12 years old and my father remarried when I was 13 years old, although he knew I didn't like it and he didn't want too, he had to fallow my grandparents orders. Life was hell for me for 3 years… I refused to call that thing, mom and her son brother.'

'My grandparents also said because I was a girl I could never take over my father's business.'

'Well of course my father rebuked them but he lost in the end.'

'So my dad told me to study hard and become something great and show those senile seniors they were death wrong and that even a woman could be as successful as a man.'

'Well that thing didn't like the way how my father treated me during their marriage and whenever my father was abroad for business the abuse started.'

'I avoided that thing and her discussing son as much as possible and I started to learn the ropes of the stock market at the age of 14 and earn as much money as I could so I could escape that hell hole on my 16th birthday.'

'My dad found out about the abuse and he helped me with the stock market and I saved up 200.000 dollars. He told me he promised my mother he would do everything to keep me safe.'

'I don't know how that thing found out what we were doing but she was probably the one who wanted me to be kidnapped and make me disappear.'

"And now you want revenge?"

'What is revenge anyway, if it is by showing off how great I became than yeh that is my revenge.'

'But they say the path of revenge is a lonely path and at the end of it there is nothing.'

Next chapter