
From Goliath's Shoe

"Lord, save the scavenger, for he is fragile of body and mind..." May the call of the game, the unending test of humanity by our god, ring echoes through your hearts, for the truth of your mind and body will eventually be consumed by that same façade. The eternal underdog, slothfully disposed for millennia, shall never know the glory given to mankind. "It's about time your heart was clued in... on the contract attached to the fate you face." /// Amson Grinner will never escape from himself-- at least, not before breaking both body and mind. Every day is the same cycle, listening to his thoughts and restraining his true self behind the faces imposed upon him, the faces brought about by other's expectations of him. Hardened, selfish and guiltless... that is the truth he understands lies behind that mirror, but when presented with it, he cowers-- such a strong body yet fragile will. The nickname "Goliath", pushed deep into his past by his protective mind, will soon catch up to him, but will he face himself or be crushed by the weight of his sins? His one, true fear is losing the company of his only two friends, for if he was without them, he'd likely lose grasp of himself, reverting to these demons of his past. /// "May this game, this gift from god, bring stability to the strife of each player's existence and grant them the freedom to kill or cull to their heart's content, lest they become consumed by that same, blinding freedom."

goodeygoody · Urban
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60 Chs

Amson, 17, "Anticipation"

I sat at my desk, the light from my lamp providing the only illumination in my room. So much going inside my head-- so much to check over before I was satisfied... First, getting my sister out of the way, and second, the multitude of people we'd have to invite to even call this get-together a party. From what I know, Baun hasn't invited anyone, and with good reason; we don't even know whether we can throw the thing.

Yet, we've got three days-- two days before the party is set to happen, and I couldn't be more frantic within what was supposed to be the comfort of my mind. It was impossible focusing on my homework with so much on my mind, and with so many corners backing us in, I was considering calling Baun and calling this whole idea off. It was a nice idea, but we've got to be realistic with ourselves.

Nobody's gonna wanna party with a nobody.

My cheek rubbing along the keys of the keyboard, I sighed, nearly falling asleep with each moment. Not a sound was to be made in the room, much less the house itself. Lore was always serious about her "beauty sleep," though I knew that was an excuse to suck her own dick, same as she always had.

Still, I couldn't complain. It was quiet for a change, and although having hope that she'd help us is respectable, it's as realistic as her boobs.

I tossed my head to the other side, facing the window instead of my bed. There sat my phone, upside down yet tempting me all the same. I reached for it, but I backed away, unsure of what I intended to do once I'd picked it up. I needed to finish my homework; it was due tomorrow, but the phone was there, looking at me the same way I did it.

I grabbed it, and once I flipped it over, seeing the light of the screen, I felt nothing, the same as I had before I picked it up. I could do nothing but open it up and scroll since I'd gotten that far, but as I surveyed the screen, I gravitated towards the call button, showing Baun's phone number, just about the only person, except for my parents, that I had regular contact with.

'Maybe I should tell him...' I thought, gradually giving in.

Yet, something stopped me. I looked along the screen to see another number, a number other than Baun or my parents'. It didn't even have a name associated with it, but it was there, sitting in the list of my contacts. As I sat there, I finally recognized the number.

It was Tora Fletchlin's.

I'd totally forgotten it was in my phone, especially after receiving it only earlier today. My hand gravitated towards the call button, but my thinking brain pulled back, showing me logic.

'Why the hell would you call Tora Fletchlin at 9 o'clock at night?' He said, his reasoning resonating with me. 'Since when did you think that was a bright idea? If she's not at school again, just call back earlier next time.'

Yet, my impulsive brain disagreed, his voice more tempting and cunning.

'She might answer, Am.' He whispered into my ear, speaking all familiar. 'You never know what could be happening. You wouldn't want to take chances again.'

I pressed the button without a second's hesitation, but once I heard the dialing sound, I realized my mistake. I couldn't just hang up now; it was already too late. The worst thing I could've done was force Tora to call me back, especially if something really was wrong.

I wiped my hand along my face, my heart racing for reasons I knew not. I knew Tora; she was a friend, yet this anticipation... I couldn't shake that restless feeling that seeped through my gut, slowly eating away at all the thought and bravado I'd thought I had, and I sat there bleeding of all self until the dialing sound stopped, stopping the air completely.

On the other end, there was endless static, nothing besides some brushes and bumps for a good few moments. I thought I might choke, suffocate from the palpable air that the unknowable brought me.

How would she react? Would she be creeped out? Is it even her at the other end of this line?

I thought I'd go mad before I ever knew.

"Hello?" A familiar voice called from the other end of the line. "My daddy doesn't need none of ya'll's shady ass services."

All that anticipation for what, calm and nothing to show for it. I felt completely fine as soon as I heard Tora's voice. Suddenly, the unknown was gone, and I'd completely forgotten it'd ever been.

"H-Hey." I mumbled. "Is everything alright over there?"

No introduction. Straight to the point. Skipped a step but still on the right track.

"A-Amson!" Tora yelled. "U-Um... How'd you get our number?"

"Baun gave it to me." I said, feeling some nerves. "I hope that wasn't too intrusive of me."

"N-no, no. That's completely fine." She assured me. "Just unexpected is all. How've you been?"

"Well, actually, I called to ask how you've been. You haven't been to school for a while. I just thought that was a bit... out of character for you."

I could feel Tora's smile through the phone.

"Really?!" She yelled, respectfully acknowledging the gesture. "That's real cute, Amson."

I couldn't help but deflect the compliment.

"It's just... It didn't seem right, since you're my friend and all, to not check on you."

"Well, I appreciate you worrying about me, Amson. It makes me happy hearing you say that."

A smile grew on my face as we spoke.

"It's no problem at all." I changed the subject. "Well, you don't sound at all bad-- Why haven't you been to school? If it's too personal, there's no need stressing; I get it--"

"Well, it's not real personal at all." Tora interrupted. "In fact, I've been wanting to tell you all for a while but didn't have the time till now, when you called."

"Really?" I asked, surprised yet curious all the same.

"Uh huh." Tora said. "You see, over the weekend, my momma'd been in the hospital. Me and daddy stayed with her for a long while, and you guess what?"

I raised my eyebrows, not caring that I can't be seen.

"I've got myself a baby sister."

For those of you who are wondering why I have this pegged as a Urban Fantasy, don't worry. I'd like to build the characters a lot more before we jump into that element. What's a story without some mystery?

Thank you all for continuing to support this VERY experimental work, and I hope you'll stick around when this story takes it's turns, some wild and others maybe not so wild. You'll see. Happy reading to you all, and don't feel afraid to show your thoughts, even on the most seemingly insignificant of things. I appreciate hearing from you. Peace.

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