
From Gangster To Fantasy Villain

Having been stabbed to death, by his own sweet and caring wife, Zeldris is transmigrated into another world. After a few... complications, he gets acclimated to the world. Where cultivation, mysterious old men and fantasy are all intertwined. But why is he becoming more and more evil? .... .... ## Additional Notes ## Warning! Mc is an evil pshycopath, who for some reason, tends to attract pshyco, yandere women. #Note: Scheming will start later on. #Note: The world is a mix of cultivation type and fantasy type. #Note: The start is fast paced. Additional tags: #Fast progress; #Monster waifus; #Scheming MC; #Cunning MC; #Politicallyincorrect humour; #Tons of murder.

GlassFrame · Fantasy
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28 Chs

New type of training

"Get moving!" Zhong bellows.

For some reason, he holds a stick on his shoulder. Standing topless in the sun.

Zeldris had exactly one day to acclimate to his new living conditions, the title of a core disciple and rest to heal his injuries.

After that, Zhong drove him out of the house, saying: "Do you think I have time to wait for you to heal?"

Now he's running along the side of the mountain. Similarly topless, only wearing pants and shoes. His side is still bandaged from the deep cut he suffered.

"You must train even when you're injured. In times like that, the pain is your teacher. The pain will let you know who you are." Zhong comments from beside him.

Zeldris is about to punch the floating man, but decides not to. This giant man is just too ridiculous.

Zhong is literally floating beside him, like a family friendly ghost, as he runs. While shouting motivational quotes from time to time.

The two soon reach the mountain top, covered by thick snow.

Zeldris pants as he rests. Even though his body is ridiculously strong, the weights Zhong put on him, his injuries and the distance depleted his stamina.

*Thunk* Zhong throws a stick in front of Zeldris.

"Pick it up and come at me." He speaks.

Zeldris looks up at his new master. The big man looks like a god of war, with his huge, ripped muscles bared to the elements. Waiting for Zeldris with a serious expression.

Zhong has a penetrating, ferocious aura around him, that makes his last master's aura feel like a kitten compared to a god.

He picks up the stick, immediately attacking within the same movement. Zhong blocks him with one hand.

"Hmm... Your use of aura is a disaster." Zhong casually comments.

The next thing Zeldris knows, his vision turns white. Feeling a pain in the back of his head, he realizes only a second later that his face is stuck in the ground.

'What just happened?'

"Puah!" He pulls his head out. An expression of shock on his face.

Zhong is standing above him, looking down at Zeldris judgingly. The stick back on his shoulder.

"Observe." Zhong speaks, then his massive aura flares. Next his aura calms down rapidly, becoming almost indistinguishable. Then he executes a casual slash.

*Tremble* *Tremble* 

A mountain in the distance is split apart. His slash was soundless.

"That's how you use aura." Zhong looks at the boy, who's looking at this scene with wide eyes.

Seeing a mountain casually being sliced apart is rather shocking to see in real life.

"Master what tier are you?" Zeldris asks with the same shocked expression.

"I'll tell you when you can do the same. Now you try." Zhong speaks.

Zeldris doesn't say anything. He stands up and recalls the way his master controlled his aura.

Picturing the path in his mind, envisioning it in deep focus. He executes a slash. *Voom* *Crack*

His stick slices the air with a loud sound. At the same time it breaks apart. However the power of the slash cannot be taken lightly.

A deep and long gash appears on the ground. Going down as far as Zeldris can see.

He remarks the improvements to his destructive potential, just by imitating something his master showed him once. This is completely different from his previous master. His last master might as well have been teaching him to cut vegetables.

Zeldris looks at his new master, waiting to hear feedback.

But something unexpected happenes.

*Smack* "Who the hell cuts the mountain they're standing on! Are you stupid?!" Zhong slaps him, sending Zeldris's head back into the snow.

The big man's slap hurts more than the stick. Zhong's hand is even bigger than his head.

*Sigh* "It looks like all of your intelligence points went into your martial talent." Zhong condemns him, an annoyed expression on his face.

Once Zeldris gets up again, Zhong throws him another stick. "Try again. And this time, aim somewhere else."

Zeldris tries again, slicing into a nearby mountain.

"Hmm. You're just throwing aura. Instead you have to sort of let it flow out. Try again." Zhong tell him.

Followed by Zeldris taking his advice and trying again.

He continues slicing at the mountain multiple times. Improving with each time he executes it, as Zhong guides him.

He soon has to switch his target, since the mountain gets completely destroyed.

Thankfully they went far away from the sect. So no matter how many mountains they take down, the sect will recieve no damage.



For about 2 months Zhong trained Zeldris in just his aura use. 

The training regime itself was incredibly easy for Zeldris. He woke up, did some physical training, then his master guided him on how to use aura. It was like a vacation for him.

Yet even without cultivating his aura once, Zeldris's destructive potential tripled. That's just how steep the difference is when guided by a competent master, versus when he figured it out himself.

During these 2 months, Zeldris has tried to kill Zhong 3 times. The giant man is very proficient at getting on his nerves. Even more annoying is the fact that each time Zeldris tries to kill him, Zhong just laughs it off. He treats Zeldris like a kid, who got angry at his father for popping his favourite balloon.

The ways Zhong has to piss him off are as many as the stars in the sky. A great example of this is what's happening currently.

Currently Zhong and Zeldris are flying. Though only Zhong is technically flying.

He has Zeldris hoisted up under his arm, like a sack of potatoes.

"How about you let me down..." Zeldris repeats something he has said for many times before.

"Not yet. We're almost there." Zhong repeats another one of his thousands of excuses.

"Where are we going?" Zeldris repeats the question he has asked many times before.

"You'll find out." Zhong repeats the same answer once again.

Suddenly they come to a stop. "We're here..." Zhong declares.

"Wha..." Zeldris opens his mouth to speak, but is instead using it to suck in air. Zhong just let go of him. Dropping him into a free fall of about 300 meters.

"OI I DON'T KNOW HOW TO FLY!!" Zeldris screams, falling down.

"Right now is the time to learn!" Zhong yells back.

Spiraling and twisting around many times in the air, Zeldris is almost about to hit the ground. Just before he does, he kicks out with his legs, hard. This creates a strong air pressure under his feet, slowing him down immensely. 

*Boom* Then he lands, while his feet sink into the soft forest floor. Up to his waist.

*Sigh* Zeldris isn't even going to waste words.

He just crawls out of the pit. Though his feet still end up sinking slightly, due to the sheer amount of weight on him.

Zhong placed a bunch of bands on Zeldris. One's very similar to what he was training with on his own. The ones which weight can be adjusted.

So currently Zeldris has 300 kg on each of his limbs, on his waist and on his neck. Adding them all together, he weighs a little over 1.8 tons.

What is he here to do? Well considering Zhong gave him a stick and threw him in a forest, Zeldris has a pretty good idea what's coming.

*Roaaar* Just as expected. Some kind of monster is roaring ferociously in the distance.

Zeldris gives his proud stick a few swings. The weight slows him down, but it also gives him a lot of destructive power on his swings. Taking account of it, the best strategy is to make calculated, powerful strikes. Aiming to kill with one hit.

Aside from that, if you divide martial skill levels into: Beginner, intermediate, advanced, expert, master and grandmaster.

His swordsmanship is at advanced level, where as his unarmed combat skill is at master level. 

Thankfully modern martial arts are very effective in this world as well. There are silly things like the ten thousand heavenly buddha palm, and other cultivation novel type techniques. However the principles of mixed martial arts completely eclipse them.

Then to finalize his arsenal, he's a low tier 5 aura master, with a body stronger than other aura masters of the same level. And thanks to all that aura control training he has done in the past two months, his flimsy sword techniques work pretty well...

"Alright, I'm ready." Zeldris mumbles to himself. Shaking off the eerie feeling he has. Being all alone in a forest, when you know hordes of monsters will be coming at you shortly.

*Crack* *Crack* He hears sounds of branches breaking. Either something big is coming, or a big group.

Multitudes of quadrapedal monsters reveal themselves. Grunting and roaring.

Zeldris takes a stance, positioning his branch behind him. Then he executes a horizontal slash with aura, bisecting everything in front of him.

Blood sprays in a wave. As if a tsunami of blood was coming at him.

"Not bad." He mumbles seeing his own progress.

After the first wave, the monsters don't stop coming.

Zeldris keeps mowing down everything around him. Making smooth, long slashes for crowd control and precise, powerful ones for elite monsters.

The area is soon absolutely destroyed. Instead of greenery and trees, monster corpses, blood and dirt cover everything.

Zeldris himself is completely soaked with monster blood. But he doesn't seem to mind. Rather he seems to relish it, going into a sort of frenzy. Where he's grinning like a lunatic and slicing everything apart.

"Hmm..." Above him, in the sky, master Zhong is spectating all of this.

'This boy's temper will become a problem.' He thinks to himself at the sight in front of him.

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