
From Gangster To Fantasy Villain

Having been stabbed to death, by his own sweet and caring wife, Zeldris is transmigrated into another world. After a few... complications, he gets acclimated to the world. Where cultivation, mysterious old men and fantasy are all intertwined. But why is he becoming more and more evil? .... .... ## Additional Notes ## Warning! Mc is an evil pshycopath, who for some reason, tends to attract pshyco, yandere women. #Note: Scheming will start later on. #Note: The world is a mix of cultivation type and fantasy type. #Note: The start is fast paced. Additional tags: #Fast progress; #Monster waifus; #Scheming MC; #Cunning MC; #Politicallyincorrect humour; #Tons of murder.

GlassFrame · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Abroada village

Zeldris wakes up.

He groans feeling like his head has just exploded. Though the pain fades as quickly as it came.

In complete confusion, he looks and moves around. Discovering himself in a bed, in some sort of small room.

The the inside of this room looks like he is in a standard medival log house. Even the bed is made up of handmade components.

"What... where..." In complete confusion, all he manages to do is squirm around and mumble. Zeldris's brain is starting to make sense of things slowly, but he understands nothing.

His memories are completely gone...

With only one exception. His name.

Suddenly the only door in the room opens. Revealing a gray haired old man, with a thick mustache. "You're awake."

Zeldris looks at the old man, no different than seeing an alien. He's a bit afraid of this old man, much like a nervous animal. Due to losing all his memories.

"Who are you?" He asks the old man.

Thankfully the old man is understanding and can see Zeldris is very nervous. So he stops just behind the door. Speaking in a very calm tone. "My name is Stefan. I am a fisherman and I found you while fishing in the river. Seeing your state, I brought you into my home in order to help you recover."

A very concise review.

Zeldris hears his words, but all he understands is the old man's name.

Because of having no memories, him being found in a river doesn't tell him much.

Seeing the young man fall into thought. Stefan decides to leave the room. Leaving behind words and a cup. "I brought you some water. I will be in the other room, so feel free to come out once you've made sense of things. I also left you some clothes on the cupboard."

*Click* The door shuts.

Zeldris sits on the bed. No matter how much he thinks, he can't remember anything. His name is Zeldris, but aside from that... nothing.

"What the hell is going in..." He mumbles. Deciding sitting here is a waste of time.

Zeldris quickly downs the cup of water and wears the clothes. A worn set of clothes, a bit too small, but atleast it covers his majestic cock.

When Zeldris exits the room, he sees the old man eating a kind of porridge.

"Hmm..." He quickly chews and swallows. "Have you regained your senses?"

*Sigh* "I can't remember anything..." Zeldris speaks. His nervousness has disappeared by now. His attitude entirely casual.

"I see. That's a shame." Stefan replies.

"But I can tell you my name. The only thing I remember. It's Zeldris." He speaks. Causing the old man to extend a hand to him.

"Good to meet you, young man." Zeldris looks at the outstretched hand in curiosity. Eventually grabbing it.

They shake hands, intriguing Zeldris a bit. As he doesn't even remember what a handshake is.

The old man spots this and smiles. "Well, it can't be that bad. Tell you what, as long as you're willing to work, I'm willing to let you live here until your memories come back."

"Is this true old man? I would be grateful." Zeldris responds, feeling thankful.

"A young, strong man such as you will be more than useful. It is me who is grateful." Stefan smiles.

Truth be told, Stefan is naturally suspicious of Zeldris. He did bring a stranger into his house. However Zeldris's sheer handsomeness and the youth still not outgrown from his face, have lessened the guard of the old man. In his eyes, the boy is no older than 15.

How evil could someone so young be...

Suddenly the front door of the house opens, interrupting whatever the two men were doing. A young woman, with blonde hair appeares.

"Grandfather, I've returned." She calls out when entering. Coming to an immediate stop, once she sees the stranger in front of her.

Both of the youngsters stop and stare at each other. Zeldris admires the beauty of this simply dressed girl and she admires the handsomeness of this shabbily dressed boy.

The starstruck teenagers are interrupted by grandpa Stefan, who quickly steps in between them.

*Ahem* "Amelia, this is the young man I found in the river, when I went fishing. His name is Zeldris." Stephan says.

The girl's gaze swims from her grandpa, back to Zeldris and she introduces herself in a daze. "My name is Amelia. Nice to meet you." Extending her hand.

Zeldris seeing the familiar hand gesture, extends his own and responds with an introduction as well. "My name is Zeldris. Nice to meet you."

While shaking her hand, Zeldris is shocked in his mind. 'So soft!'

Stefan, seeing the weird mood between the youngsters, seperates their hands. "Amelia, go do your tasks. Zeldris, you come with me." He quickly issues orders and pulls Zeldris outside the house.

His granddaughter is certainly intrigued by the boy, but Stefan can't let anything bloom between them before he is sure of Zeldris's character.

To be honest, after discovering Zeldris and seeing how perfect he looked, Stefan had a small thought about taking him as Amelia's husband. The boys in the village are all unworthy of his granddaughter in Stefan's eyes.

Of course this is after Stefan is entirely sure of the boy's character.

He isn't stupid. Beauty is something valuable, but in men, it's by far not the most important thing.

So as he exits the house, with Zeldris following behind him. He leads the young man to the sea.

Zeldris keeps gazing back towards the house from time to time. Looks like the boy is smitten.

"Boy, get those naughty thoughts out of your mind. I'll be showing where you'll work." Stefan reprimands. Causing Zeldris to blush slightly.

This in turn causes Stefan to smirk. Turns out this perfect looking young man has this cute side to him.

Zeldris and Stefan reach the sea. A pier is built there, accommodating many boats. Even some big ships are floating further along the coast line.

Zeldris looks at everything in wonder, as if seeing it the first time.

"Welcome to Abroada fishing village." Stefan smiles.



A few days pass by.

During this time, Zeldris has been learning the ropes from Stefan. Going on a boat and helping the old man catch fish in the sea.

"That's not how you do it. Use your head!" Stefan reprimands him.

Though in actuality Stefan is more than satisfied with Zeldris's performance. The boy picks up everything at lightning speed. You explain something once and he already knows how to do it.

Also the boy is ridiculously strong. He can do something Stefan has to exert his entire body to do, by just moving one of his hands.

To be honest, Stefan is a bit scared. At this rate, he'll have nothing to teach the boy by the end of the month!

"I got it pops." Zeldris responds confidently. Causing the old man to let out a smile unknowingly. The young man is very dependable.

"Good! Then let's get the biggest catch in the village's history!" He exclaims and turns the sail to head deeper into the sea.


The two men head back home during the evening. They dock the boat in the pier and carry their catch ashore. Most of the manpower is provided by Zeldris.

"My lord! Boy your strength never ceases to amaze me." Stefan exclaims, looking at him.

"This much is nothing. You provide the knowledge and I provide the muscle." Zeldris grins. Causing the old man to smirk himself.

"Boy, your future is generous. Today we caught so many fish, we won't have to work for a week!" He states.

"Hmm." But Zeldris only mumbles in response.

Stefan looks at the boy. Why did he suddenly lose his enthusiasm.

When he sees Zeldris, the boy is in a daze, gazing in a certain direction. Turning his head towards it, Stefan spots his own granddaughter.

A smirk stretches itself on his face.

"Boy give me the fish. I'll take care of it." He remarks and takes the barrel. Being able to barely lift it.

"You sure pops?" Zeldris is confused. What's gotten into this old man? Is he tired of having a functioning back?

"Don't worry about me brat. I can handle it." Stefan smiles at him reassuringly.

Zeldris is doubtful, but decides to listen to him. "Alright then."

Without hesitation, Zeldris walks directly over to Amelia, who's hanging up fish to be dried.

"Hey." He calls out. Getting her to turn to him.

"Hey." She responds and stands up.

"How are the fish doing?" Zeldris says

"Just hanging here. Why do you ask?" Amelia says and smiles.

"My work is finished, so I came to take you away." Zeldris says.

"Hmm? I still have work to do." Amelia responds, glancing at the hanging fish.

"Pops said it's fine. I want to get to know someone I'm living with. Especially a beautiful girl." Zeldris says with a smirk.

"Is that so... I'll come if you help me finish hanging the fish." She counters with a smile. Her attention entirely on the boy in front of him.

"Do you have some sort of special relationship with the fish? Leave them alone and come with me." Zeldris says and grabs her hand.

"Wait! Wait! Let me wash up first! I stink of fish." She says.

"Alright." Zeldris nods and lets go of her hand. Prompting the girl to head back to the house.

Zeldris stares as her fine, shapely body walks away from him. Visible even through her shabby clothes.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

"Fuck! I smell even worse than her." He curses. Deciding to take a quick bath in the river as well...

Give this story a rating. Helps me know what you think of it and what the fuck I'm even writing.

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