
From Gangster To Fantasy Villain

Having been stabbed to death, by his own sweet and caring wife, Zeldris is transmigrated into another world. After a few... complications, he gets acclimated to the world. Where cultivation, mysterious old men and fantasy are all intertwined. But why is he becoming more and more evil? .... .... ## Additional Notes ## Warning! Mc is an evil pshycopath, who for some reason, tends to attract pshyco, yandere women. #Note: Scheming will start later on. #Note: The world is a mix of cultivation type and fantasy type. #Note: The start is fast paced. Additional tags: #Fast progress; #Monster waifus; #Scheming MC; #Cunning MC; #Politicallyincorrect humour; #Tons of murder.

GlassFrame · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

A day in the life...

"Aueuaueaouaeo." A boy is dangling upside down from a tree branch. Making random noises with his mouth.

The boy is topless, wearing only pants and shoes. A necklace dangling on his neck. His body is muscular and ripped, something you don't see in boys his age.

Zeldris has no idea how long it's been. The days just kind of pass. It feels like it's been forever since he saw another face.

Based on the training schedule, it's already been a year. As he finished it a while ago.

His hair has grown to his shoulders, making it a hassle to have. And most importantly he himself has grown a bit taller...

Currently he's taking a break from his consistent and rigorous training.

He has already played with the chickens, who are all named by now. So he has no idea what to do right next.

Zeldris dangles off the tree with a vacant expression. Making random noises.

"Wheoeoaoere issssszzzzz thaoeoeot oeoeoeold beaastarddssss." At the moment he is in a braindead state to amuse himself. It's just that boring.

*Cluck* *Cluck* *Cluck*

A sound takes his attention. He gazes at the branch, seeing Rick, who he took with him.(By the way, he knows all chicken are female. But considering there is only one rooster, he considered having more variety by using male names on some of them.)

To be honest, Zeldris doesn't like Rick that much. She's a cunt. Always trying to steal other's food.

Zeldris thought about making grilled chicken out of her, but didn't. Deciding he needs to have a girl like him, to add some drama into his boring life.

"Hey Rick, have you ever tried eating grilled chicken?" Zeldris asks his companion.




"Heop!" Zeldris jumps off the branch. Backflipping to his feet. He even grabbed Rick in the middle of the flip.

Leisurely walking back to the chickens, Zeldris throws Rick away and grabs another one.

This chicken is considerably bigger. Being the size of a large dog. It's a bit freaky...

"Time to pump you full of aura, Artemis." He says and walks a bit away from the den. Then starts to inject Artemis full of his aura.

The first time he tried this, the chicken exploded. But he managed to control his aura and started inserting only small doses. Eventually moving to bigger ones.

After a few more explosions, he got the rate of addition about right.

To be honest, Zeldris has no idea what he's doing. This all started as an experiment, born out of intense boredom.

So far the subjects have gotten larger, stronger and they lay bigger and tougher eggs. Those eggs also contain some sort of aura, that's not his.

After Artemis, he does the same to his other subjects and then heads inside the house.

Zeldris has reached tier 6 by now. Becoming infinitely more powerful...

While that may be an exaggeration, the difference between tiers is truly substantial.

It's difficult to describe how powerful it is exactly, but a general rule of thumb goes like this;

A tierless person is just a normal person without any aura, mana, or other energy. But as Zeldris is an aura master, we'll stick to talking about aura masters.

A tier 1 can kill a tierless person instantly, or for example destroy a tree with a punch. Essentially a superhuman.

A tier 2 can destroy a house with a single punch. A tier 3 can destroy a large mansion. A tier 4 can level an entire village with a punch. A tier 5 a small town. A tier 6 a small city. A tier 7 a mountain. A tier 8 a small country and a tier 9 a big country.

Tier nines are essentially considered gods. Having the power to singlehandedly destroy the world if they are determined to do so and no one stops them.

But as nature dictates, such powerful beings are incredibly few in number. Zhong has told him that to his knowledge there is only 4.

2 of them being Zhong himself and the sect master.

However it's not like someone will declare they've reached tier 9, when they do. So Zhong speculates the real number is close to ten.

Anyway tier 9 doesn't matter currently, since Zeldris is still far away from reaching that.

Rather, the fact that should be reiterated and dramatised much more, is the fact that currently. Zeldris. A 10 something year old boy, has the power to level a small city with a punch.

A fucking punch...

If you're someone who reads fantasy novels as furiously as he masturbates, this might not arise suprise from you...

But Zeldris, being an ex-gangster, who is used to the real world without powers. Whenever he thinks of this fact, he can't even comprehend it. The thought is just so ridiculous to him that he has to do it before believing it.

Anyway, back to the present.

Zeldris walks in the house and stands in the middle of his room.

Looking around this place, he realizes that he hasn't really explored it. Since all that's been in Zeldris's mind is training, he hasn't cared about looking through every corner of the house.

But as he is now taking a break and very bored, it's time to explore!

Zeldris walks around the housing complex like tourist.


"Aaaaah!" He makes sounds of discovery everytime he enters a new room.

Again. There is absolutely no point behind it...

The tour around the house is an undertaking. The sheer size of it means walking through every corner will take a lot of time. Especially if you play around in between.

Zeldris discovers a sauna, a pool, a smoking room, some sort of theater room and even a throne. He had no idea these rooms existed in the house.

During the end of his exploration, he discoveres a secret room by chance. The hatch to it hidden under a rug, in the alchemy room.

Entering the secret room, Zeldris comes upon tons of treasure. This seems like a secret storage room.

Filtering through the stuff, there's many useful things here. Which Zeldris pockets without mercy.

There are so many cultivation pills, that he eats them like candy, while walking around.

"Hmm?" Zeldris discoveres something more special.

Inside a wooden box, that looks like it could contain a bowling ball, is a ball. That looks to be around the size of a small bowling ball.

"Isn't this an ability crystal?" Zeldris muses. Throwing another pill into his mouth.

Ability crystals are used to store an ability inside them. To aquire the ability you need to break the crystal.

Zeldris is seeing one for the first time. It looks like a glass ball, with some sort of dark blue liquid slowly flowing inside it.

"Well, it's mine now..." *Crack* Zeldris causally breaks the crystal.

He has heard that these things are incredibly rare. Since what kind of person would store an ability, instead of aquiring it.

However rare or not, he is on an exploration quest!

And everyone knows, looting is the best part.

*Voosh* The blue liquid inside is released as mist. That shoots straight towards Zeldris and seeps into him seamlessly.

Zeldris feels some discomfort, like something is altered inside him.

As soon as the ability is finished assimilating itself with him, he instantly tries using it.

He conjures a black smoke cloud on his hand. But that's just a feature of the ability.

The actual ability is...


Zeldris disappears in a cloud of black smoke. Appearing a couple of meters away.

...Short range teleportation.


A couple of hours later.

Master Zhong has returned!

Zhong arrives above his residence, looking the same as ever. On his right hand, there is some sort of large, white bag.

He decends in the middle of the courtyard. Looking around the place, seemingly trying to locate someone.

His powerful eyes, befit of a tier 9 existance, see through every inch of this place. But those very same eyes widen when they find his target.

"Hyaa!" *Smack*

*Oink* *Oink*

The boy he was looking for is currently riding on a pig and smacking it's ass with a paddle. In order to gain speed.



"Heavens... Have I been away too long?" Zhong mumbles to himself. He doesn't quite understand what he's witnessing right now

The boy riding a pig enters the courtyard and flashes past Zhong.

Seeing a familiar face, Zeldris immediately jumps off the pig, landing next to his mater.

"Master! You've returned." He exclaims.

"Yes..." Zhong doesn't quite know how to greet him. He feels a bit guilty for being away for so long that his disciple apparently went insane.

"What's you got in the bag? Did you rob Santa?" Zeldris inspects the bag. It does look like a bag santa would have.

"What santa? These are treasures I brought for you. Including a new weapon." Zhong throws the bag in front of the boy. Making his young disciples eyes shine.

'Time to loot'

Zeldris openes the bag and discovers many scrolls, pills, herbs and other objects inside it.

But the thing that instantly catches his eyes, is the shining, sleek sword. He grabs it, takes it out and looks at it.

The sword shines silver, with the middle of it's blade being dark steel gray, with Runes drawn on it. The handle is a decorated with golden lining, brown in colour.

*Whistle* "it's beautiful..." Zeldris mumbles.

"It is, isn't it. It's made from mythril. Try channeling your aura through it." Zhong interjects, sitting on the fountain edge.

Zeldris does just as his master said. Channeling his red aura through the sword.

The Runes along the middle of the blade light up with a red light. Zeldris feels like the sword became far lighter, but also far heavier at the same time.

"What..." He's confused by the sensation.

"Essentially, if you slash with the sword, it's power is many times higher than a normal sword." Zhong comments, answering the boy's unasked question.

"...But don't try it here!!" Zhong quickly adds. Even panicking slightly.

Considering the sight he saw, when he arrived here. Zhong is currently very doubtful of his young disciples sanity.

"Heh." A grin stretches it's way on Zeldris's mouth.

He turns to his master and raises his sword. It's obvious what he's about to do.

"You bastard!!" Zhong screams.





After the return of his master. 4 years go by.