
To a New Start


I have read many times the same start, some are sent without them really knowing why, others are sent because of their good actions, there are others that are sent because of some supposed silly luck, or the classic case of dead by the hands, or tiers in this case, of dear old Truck-kun, my case I precisely the last one.

Just doing some late-night groceries, was running out of milk and cheese, important ingredients for breakfast, was thinking of making myself some grilled cheese and a hot cup of milk coffee after all… or that was the plan until I got distracted and didn't notice that the light was still red and started walking, right to my dead.

At that moment I wasn't expecting much, how could I, I mean, supposedly, I was dead, until I realize that I was still conscient enough to start rambling, the idea of being alive started to fill my head, but then I saw what it.

My corpse, yep, that was the most terrifying sight I could ever have, there was my body, my arms bent in a strange direction as well as an abundant amount of blood coming out of my head, that man was dead… I was dead

The more the realization hit me, the more I noticed how my "body" was going upwards, seems like at the endo of the day, I will be able to join my parents after all, there nothing else to say than good bye cruel world, didn't had nether friends or any other family that I care to be honest, my parents had me at a pretty advanced age, there was supposedly another child before me, but he died in an accident as well, o the irony, but when I was 28, both of my parents pass away due to old age.

The next thing that I knew was that my parents left me with a huge inheritance, something that the other members of my family seems to wants, some even went as far as blame me for their deaths, really, humanity will attempt to do the most foolish thing just to gain fame or money, it didn't work of course, and I was able to use all those fake charges that they tried to put on my to forsake there access to any part of the inheritance, I even went as far as to sell the house that I and my parents used to live and move to another country… really, why am I rambling so much about this, it doesn't matter anymore.



A plain is the first thing, or better said, only thing that I can see so far, and to say that on my current location there aren't things like forests or mountains, not even a single tree on sight… but for me, that is not even close to strange

"So… I reincarnated again…"

Once again, here I am, I wonder, how many times this goes, as far as my memory, or what is left of it, goes, this might be the 135th time.

'… I hope trusting them is not a mistake… and that bastard…'

Thinking about the one responsible for my first reincarnation, I couldn't stop my hands, now fists, from shaking, not from fear mind you, but from anger, rage.

That bastard tricked me into going to that god damn world, I had died hundreds of thousands of times in that place, only to be revive by the law of that world, and the worst of all things was that the motherfucker put in my soul the brand of the chosen, a brand that, for example, all chosen ones or protagonist of stories have, the brand that marks you as the only real savior of the world, were thousands of millions of others might try, all of them will fail, and where if I was to not do anything, the world would die completely, forcing me to reincarnate in the past to save it.

It took my too much, sweat, blood, tears, suffering, I had enough, but I had to go through it all, being born, rise by my parents of that time and, at the age of 18, suffer the tragedy of my parents dead by the hands of the divine and by then faced with the damnation known as the end of the world one, and again, and again, so that at the end I could face the bastard that started it in battle and kill him one and again and again.

That guy and that bastard deserve to die, I was able to finish one, unfortunately, the second one will not be dealt by me…



The moment that I woke up, I met the same guy that reincarnated me, but this time, bound to a chair with shackles on both arms and legs as well as some sort of cover over his mouth, but that didn't matter, the moment that I saw him, I evoked the most powerful weapon that I had at hand and started to stab him countless times



Blood started to spray every time, a pool of blood started to form as well, and I could see it, an expression of pain, suffering, disappear, but no, it was not enough, he needed to suffer more but

"I understand your anger sir but please stay in place, right now you are in a court"

When I heard that voice, I swiftly look towards its origin, a man that was dressed in white, whit long hair and eyes of the same color, clear blue, but even if he told me that, it didn't matter, I continue to stab and slash the Bastard.


Quite resilient the motherfucker, but it was good this way, no matter how much I attacked him, the wounds will close and heal quickly after, but that is better for me, that just mean that I could tried and kill him again.

"That is enough sir"

With those words and a movement of his hand, I was sent floating to a chair at the other side of the hall, now that I pay more attention, I wasn't the only one present, hundreds of others were there.

"Now that we have the main victim of this case and, as all of you, divine entities of the multiverse could see, the charges pressed to the defendants cannot be doubted"

Seems like I was in some sort of court, while I decided to observe the situation before throwing some other god slaying weapons to the bastard, I decided to drink some water that was presented to me… oh! Quite refreshing!

"…hmm, my apologies for interrupting young man, as well as dragging you into this mess, to be perfectly honest with you, you should had been sent to the next life, but instead, you were forcefully reincarnated into another world"

The one who spoke was an old man that sat on what I can recognize as a throne, maybe some sort of king or the bastard's father perhaps, but the only way to describe him is white, healthy white skin and long white beard and hair.

"… so, this guy was supposed to send me to heaven instead?"

Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME!!? So, if this son of a bitch hadn't kidnaped me, I could have been on heaven with my family!?

"That is correct, unfortunately, right now that can't be done"


I was tired of my second, or 134th life that I had, nothing but suffering is what I had

"Then… then I really cannot go to rest?... even after all I went through…"

".. I'm so sorry young man, the world that he sent you was a world where you had your soul unnaturally strengthen causing a possible calamity if sent to heaven"

… in that case, all that I did to survive in that world, all the strength that I had to accumulate was the caused for this… what a sick joke, I don't even have the strength to even do anything… just… why?

"Why me?"

"There is one option available, unfortunately this is not the first time that we have seen a soul in your case, what is going on within you is that due to that unnatural process, your soul is equivalent to a ticking bomb, for you to pass to the next live, your soul must be stabilized first, which is possible by simply living in a specific world… Adam, son, can you please assist him"

"of course, father, please come with me, I will explain it all" like waiting to be called out, a young man appears at my side, blond hair and clear blue eyes, didn't even had the strength to reject him and just followed him to another room, where another person, a woman this time with the same characteristics as the man

"Adam, is it him?" her voice was clear and motherly, for some reason it reminds me of my mom

"Yes Eve, he is the one that was trapped by Yaldabaoth" now the young mas spoke again, weird, his voice reminded me to my dad, why is that?

"You are- "" Oh, You poor thing~"

Before I could say anything, woman caught me in her embrace, my face in her ample bosom, but somehow, I felt like I was in my mother's arms, then I checked to see what was going on with her, but I saw her body trembling and sadness clear on her eyes "Its ok, all is over now, we will help you, ok?"

"Don't worry boy, just as my wife said, we will assist you as much as we can, well the only way to truly help you is with the stabilization of that soul"


"…Haa~ well, no matter, I should just go ahead and do this"

Without any route or path, I started walking towards… somewhere I think is on my general direction, I still had to make sure that everything else withing me is working fine.


It took me approximately 30 minutes to find a forest, an about 5 to cross it over, another thing that I noticed the moment I entered the forest was that when I tried to check back to the plains, the only thing that I saw where trees.

"The fuck? There was no forest behind me"

That freaked me out for a sec, but it was not the most abnormal thing that I have seen, so I just deduced that it was done by that old man, I just focused to move forward until I exited the forest, just to successfully arrive to my destination.

A city surrounded by walls with a gigantic tower that rises to the sky

"So that is one of the 5 Dungeon cities, central city Orario"

I supposed I should at least trust them on this… I hope this is not a mistake


"Deus Terra?" the name of the so-called world where I will be able to be cure, a new world completely different to the one where I was before

"Correct, this is a world where humans and other species coexist, and where monsters considered the enemies of the races also live" the young man, Adam started to explain.

This world seems to be a place created for people like me, of course it has its own residence, as well as its fair share of problems, but they reassure me that it is nothing to worry about, no end of the world scenario at the very least.

Something that this world also has is Gods, yes in plural, seems like the gods of that world descend into the mortal world and create groups called "Familias" with mortals, who in exchange receive powerful blessings and skills based on their progress with said blessing.

"in your case my child, you will require first to come into a contract with a god or goddess of some sort, of course witch god you will connect to is up to you, and not to worry, I will speak to father so that your abilities and items in your possession can be transfer with you so that you can defend yourself" Said the Young Woman, Eve, who is still hugging me, not that I hate it mind you, in all of my different lives, even in my first one, the only woman who has hugged me this way was my mother, and Eve really feels like her… like a lot like her.

But Adam interjected on what her wife said "honestly it will be tough to approve transferring you with all of your powers, but we can work around it so that you can have most of it, and for this process we need to change your race as well"

"My Race?" Heh, Race, I have been called many things in my past, undead, accursed, monster… the term race or human long lost any meaning for me, in my eyes, all are just the same, creatures that can betray you at any moment, or that can suffer tragedies at any moment… no, there was one, one person that I could feel at peace at the very least, but she died by the actions of her so called family


"Ok, now that I know where it is, I think I need to crush this right?" As they told me, right now I am nothing more than a specter, not the first time I am one mind you, but before I could REALLY be born again, I needed to supposedly find this town… can´t say why, but now that he did, now he can use the item

"Of all things it had to be this huh, what a joke…" in my hands it's an item that I had use in one of my reincarnations, and I use it multiple times from that point on in multiple lives after it… an object that looks like a straw doll with a human form, or at least the head and body "… a human effigy"

This effigy is something that wanted to return the moment I saw it, but Adam told me that this was the only way for me to start… can´t say why though, and it seems that they knew but they couldn´t tell me, now I wasn't in my right mind at that moment so I didn´t questioned, can't say anything right now though.

"Well, one step at a time… this might be the last after all" I took the effigy firmly in my right hand and look up to the sky "please, I hope you are not playing tricks with me, I trust you on this one" with that said, I crushed the effigy, and at that moment, my vison blurred, and I lost consciousness... this is the start of my last life… I hope



One of the 5 Dungeon cities of Deus Terra, as well as the most blessed of all, Orario, from Hundreds to thousands of this world's inhabitants, be it from the human race, beast man or fairy kind come to this city with the desire to reach greater heights, be it for fame, money or power, whatever their wish is, they are full bent on going for it, and the best way to go is as an adventurer, with the blessing of the gods, the can reach strength that no ordinary mortal could reach… of course that is if they can survive, the path of an adventurer is not an easy one, its filled with thorns and is traversed with tears sweat and blood... to the point that you may lose your live before achieving anything, but even such possible outcomes doesn't discourage them, some even have the delusion that they will have an easy road because of some talents that they may have… nothing to say to the poor fools that truly believe themselves to be something beyond special when they haven't even gone to the dungeon at least once.

Well, for the residence of Orario, that is a sight all too common for them, so they are already numb to this, it is something that mainly happens at the start of the year.

In such group, one could see multiple age ranges, some old, some young, and withing the relatively young group, there was one young man with a hood on that was carrying a bag on his back, along a sword almost his size and a simple metal shied, as well as a simple looking book at his side, nothing out of the ordinary… beside the strange item or artefact on a holster in his waist, most people that saw it thought that was something like a family item, to remind him of his home so not many people pay attention to it.

This young man of clear blue eyes and dark blond hair was looking up to the tower all the time while walking, what he was thinking? who knows other than him.

<Young man> …17 years huh, time really goes flying without you knowing huh…


<Young Man>?

The young man turned towards the source of the voice to see two women looking at him, one was of blond hair tied in twin tails while carrying a crystal blue spear at her back, while the other has brown hair tied in a ponytail while carrying a crystal blue sword instead, both wearing the same type of weirdly exposing armor, the blond one in red while the brown one in blue

<Young Man> …yes?

<Blond Woman> don't just get absent minded in the middle of the road, there are others walking behind you, you know!

The young man started to check out his surroundings, it seems he was already at the front of the row and the others were impatiently waiting for their turn.

<Young Man> ah, sorry, My bad

<Blond Woman> Just make sure it doesn't happen again

The young man went to the gate keepers to get access to Orario while leaving the two there.

<Ponytail Woman> you could have just nudged him you know, there was no need to yell like that

<Blond Woman> His fault for not paying attention, but that doesn't matter anymore, we need to report back to Artemis-sama, c'mon Beatrix

While the two girls showed their identifications to the gatekeeper and entered the city, the young man was sent to the main office to receive his identification as new resident of Orario

<Guard> welcome, please fill this form

The guard gave him a paper with some blank spaces, name, race, age, place of origin and reason for coming to Orario, basic information, the Young Man proceed to Fill everything up, once finished he gave the document to the guard that started to check it up

<Guard> Thank you, Mr. Link Orsteed Correct?

<Link> That's correct

The young man took off his hood, and while he wasn't bad looking there was one characteristic that caught everyone's attention, his pointed ears.

<Guard> …*cough* my apologies, you don't really see many elves so often here in Orario

<Link> no need for apologies, it's something that happens very often

<Guard> Thank you for that, now, please put your hand on this.

Besides the guard was a crystal ball, a simple looking crystal ball, but of course it shouldn't be something so simple, non the less Link put his hand on it.

<Guard> Very well then, please answer the following questions with simply yes, no or I don't know, is this the first time that you visit Orario?

<Link> 'I See' Yes

<Guard> Where you part of any other Familia before coming here

<Link> No

<Guard> Are you affiliated with Rakia in any way or form?

<Link> No

The questioning continued for a few more minutes, this where most likely to determine if he was some sort of danger to Orario.

<Guard> Very well, that will be all Mr. Link, here

The guard proceed to give him some sort of card with his basic information, quite big as well, about 3"x 5", but only the top part of the card had his name, gender and age, most of the card was empty.

<Guard> the rest of the card is set to be updated at the guild, that is for those that wish to become adventurers

<Link> I see, how should I reach the guild from here

<Guard> It's not that far and it's impossible to get lost as it is a straight path toward the tower

Link looked through the window towards the tower, that is where all the gods of Orario reside as well as the place where the dungeon is located

<Link> thank you, then I'll be leaving

<Guard> Very well, thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Link, and welcome to the Dungeon City of Orario

Link waved his hands towards the bard and started moving, the city is huge, and he needs some funds as quickly as possible, to that end he needed to visit the dungeon, he was already informed that it is possible to enter the dungeon if one is an adventurer 'Need to get some funds, quickly'

With an objective in mind, Link goes his way, Towards the dungeon, and towards the start of, hopefully, his last adventure.


HELLO PEOPLE, Welcome to my first Fanfic, please tell me if it got your attention

I'll try to upload at least 2 chapters a week, each about 3500 words

Just a story that just came to my mind while playing Elden Ring, so I hope you enjoy it






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