
From Darkness to Admiral

Percy Arius never thought that he would be reincarnated. Truck-sama hit him one day and then BAM, he was vaulted into another world. This is a story about a marine who stumbled upon the most evil devil fruit and his path to getting to the top of the World Government. First fanfic, let me know what you think!!! *Disclaimer: I don't own any of the IP for One Piece. All credit goes to Oda-sama. Neither do I own the front cover design.

pieinskie · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Another Assignment

"BWAHAHAHAHA, that Roger did a number on us, huh?" Garp laughed as he ate his senbei in the fleet admiral's office. Seated there were the three admirals, Garp, and Tsuru.

"Shut up!" Kong shouted at the boisterous vice captain while rubbing his eyebrows together. "This will surely lead to a rise to new pirate groups forming. It will delay us on achieving our goal of ensuring peace and justice throughout the world."

"BWAHAHAHA they're just upstarts. Why should I care about no-names" Garp continued to laugh.

"You might not, but not Sengoku" Kong looked at his admiral while saying that. "I just got word from Mary Geoise, I'm being promoted to commander-in-chief of the World Government, while Sengoku here is going to be promoted to fleet admiral."

"KAKAKAKAKAKA, very good. I would hate to be in charge of all of this" Rosati laughed as he stared at his new boss.

"Me too" Percy nodded his head in agreement. "Being in charge of all these marines will be quite the handful, I don't wish the job on anyone."

Sengoku laughed as the two other admirals did not try to stake their claim on the new position available to them. He knew that Percy was too young to be promoted anytime soon, but he was still cautious of Rosati. No one knows what he was thinking seeing as he hardly spends anytime at Marineford and prefers to travel around the New world.

"Anything you would like to say to your new admirals, fleet admiral?" Kong said with a smile on his face. When he was notified of his promotion after the capture of Gol D. Roger, he immediately chose Sengoku as his heir. He knew that the 'Buddha' would be the best option out of the three admirals.

"I hope to maintain the same personal relationship with all of you in the future" Sengoku said with a wide grin on his face. "We will only continue to flourish now that the reins have been past on."

"I'm not dead, Sengoku" Kong laughed as the other people in the room did as well, "I'm only relocating to Pangea castle."

"So far away, KAKAKAKAKA" Rosati mused as he started to drink hot chocolate.

"So who's going to replace you?" Percy asked casually which made the room fall into silence. Everyone knew that a new admiral can very well change the culture and history of the marines. This decision can never be taken likely.

"I haven't decided yet" Kong answered for Sengoku. "As of right now, it's between Sakazuki, Borsalino, or the newly promoted vice admiral Kuzan."

[Still those three huh?] Percy thought as history started to follow the plot of the manga.

"How are you going to decide then?" Tsuru asked as she was curious. Each of the three vice admirals had strong enough devil fruit to make them stand above the rest. The only real difference was that Kuzan was younger than the other two so he had less combat experience. That added on with Sakazuki and Borsalino's defined justice made the gorosei hesitant to choose between the three at the moment.

"I talked with the gorosei, we agreed that we would give each of them 4 more years to distinguish for one another before deciding who will be the next admiral. In the meantime, Rosati and Kurosai will be busy handling the emperors."

"BWAHAHAHAHA, I can use this time to take a vacation then" Garp said as he imagined what to do for the foreseeable future.

"Not until we decide the next admiral!" Sengoku shouted, startling the people in the room. *sigh* Sengoku also started to mimic his superior with rubbing his eyebrows.

[Perhaps Kong was right. It might be best to kidnap Orange for Kurosai] he thought as he realized that his task was a lot more work than he initially thought.

"Just wait for a little while longer, than you can take as much vacation as you want" Sengoku said as he sighed again.

Garp heard this and had a wide grin on his face,

"I'll take your word on that Sengoku" he said as he glint entered his eye.

[I have a bad feeling] the new fleet admiral thought as he recognized that glint.

"In the meantime, I have two things to talk to Rosati and Kurosai about" Sengoku stated which made the two admirals sit taller in their seats. "One, I am going to assign Kurosai to now be in charge of paradise while Rosati will now monitor the New world. Any questions?"

"You want me to do your old job? I'm already suffering with dealing with just Linlin, now you want me to watch Kaidou and Whitebeard as well? Your joking." Rosati said in a tired voice.

"I know it's a lot of work, but you will have many assistants to help you and many more agents from the world government to help you monitor the situation there" Sengoku tried to appease Rosati.

"And you want me to work with cipher pol now?" Percy asked in indignation. He never forgot his one encounter with cipher pol agents that were not cp-0.

"I'm now giving you authority over all cipher pols, except cp-0 of course. Use them when you too need assistance. I promise you that it will be different this time."

"I hope so" Percy said as he controlled his anger, "otherwise, I may have to kill some of them if they don't listen to my orders."

"BWAHAHAHAHA, it's cipher pol, who cares?" Garp laughed thinking about the future misery of the government agents.

"Just don't go too far" Kong said giving Percy silent acknowledgement that he is allowed to do as he wished to a certain extent.

[And...I just got myself a spy network] Percy thought as he realized that this will be a huge boon for the revolutionary army.

"What's the second task then?" Rosati asked as he broke through Percy's train of thoughts.

"Cp-0 is being sent out as we speak to find a person of great danger. You might not have known this, but Gol D. Roger had a lover, and we discovered recently that she is pregnant. We need to eliminate his bloodline from existence" Sengoku said in a stern voice.

Garp got quiet all of the sudden as he turned serious. He made a promise with Roger before his death that he would be taken care of, so he needed to find the woman before cp-0 does.

"Any leads?" Rosati asked

"A small one. Rumor says that Roger's lover, Portgas D. Rouge had fallen under the protection of someone. But we are unclear of who. We are tasked with finding out and aiding cp-0 with the best of our abilities."

"So...no leads then" Percy said as he inwardly sighed in relief.

"Not that cp-0 is willing to tell us. They are a secret lot after all. We are just to inform them of any information that we come across, that's it" Sengoku said in a matter of fact tone.

"That's right" Kong nodded his head, "the elders have assigned the task to them because they have members that specialize in information retrieval and assassination while the navy is well... the navy."

"BWAHAHAHAHAHA, you mean the greatest fighting force in the world" Garp laughed as everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

"But you aren't subtle" Kong argued. "This is a delicate procedure, we need to do this right, or else Roger's crew will resurface and cause havoc across the seas."

"I'm not afraid of them" Percy said truthfully. He knew where Rouge was, so he had no doubt that cp-0 would never catch her. Even if they did, they would not be able to beat Dragon, let alone Kuma.

"Maybe not. But, we are in a rebuilding phase right now. We are down one admiral and news of this will spread in the next coming days. If we botch the assassination operation, then Roger's ex-crew may team up with one of the emperors to clash with us while we are not prepared. This is not a smart move for now."

Percy nodded his head in understanding. "Then only look for information, don't act. Is that what you're trying to say?"

"For now, yes. It may change in the future, but do it like this for now" Kong replied.

"Yes sir!" Everyone in the room said to the former admiral as they saluted the man one final time before they all left the room, all except Sengoku.

starting to feel a little better. should be recovered by the weekend. have fun wit it

pieinskiecreators' thoughts