
From Common Weeb to Abyss Lord

A common shut-in and somewhat perverted weeb woke up as Kousuke Endou on the summoning of the 'heroes' from Earth in the world of Tortus. What would he do next? Read and find out! --- -- - Writer's Greetings: Welcome to my first voyage into the abyssal sea of fan fiction! This fan fiction is a commonplace 'power-fantasy,' 'wish-fulfillment,' 'another-world (isekai)' fanfiction. So, expect the tropes and clichés frequently used in this kind of work. They'll probably appear here. This fanfic will contain a harem. However, the harem's dynamic will be somewhat complex. You may or may not like it. I'm not sure. On top of that, MC won't be a perfect guy with a perfect personality. He will have a severe character flaw (Luxuria). You may or may not like the MC due to it. If you don't like him, I won't begrudge you. Just don't start flaming pointlessly! By the way, be ready for some silly, cringe, chuuni stuff here! Moving to the next topic, I'm writing this fanfic on my Android. I apologize in advance if you find any mistakes. English isn't my native language, so I'm not an expert. Still, I'll try to present something adequate. By the way, each chapter contains a minimum of about 1.5k words. The narrative will be in the third-person's point of view. About the posting schedule, I can't promise anything because I don't know what will happen on IRL. However, I will try to post a new chapter every day, or once every two days at the latest. With that all written above, Writer's Greetings is over, so happy reading! Sincerely, Common Weeb

Common_Weeb · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

It Has Finally Come!

Time continued to fly, and days kept changing. On the twelfth day after the summoning, Rob leveled up to Level 10.

Previously, Rob unlocked 'Item Box' when he leveled up to Level 5. For the explanation of that skill, it's as follows;

[ Item Box: A skill derived from the Gifts of the Abyss, granted to the user at level 5. This skill creates a personal sub-dimension for the user that can keep anything but living beings. The size of that dimension is the value of Magic * 100 cubic centimeters. O Champion, the Abyssal Domain has been opened for ye! Ste- ahem, confiscate dangerous Artifacts from those who will abuse them! Tis' all is for the Greater Good! ]

Apart from the exasperating flavor text, Rob had to admit that the second derivative skill of the 'Gifts of the Abyss' was very useful. Therefore, Rob anticipated another derivative skill, and he got the third derivative skill at Level 10.

After Meld ended the morning practice session, the summoned heroes immediately left the training ground. They appeared to be eager to wash away the sweat clinging to their bodies after a tiring workout that made them sweat profusely. The sticky feeling they felt was very uncomfortable, and they wanted to freshen themselves as soon as possible.

Fortunately, they were able to bathe even though Tortus was in the Medieval Age. As important guests of the Heiligh Kingdom, their host didn't spare any resources to accommodate their stay, so they could enjoy such accommodation.

Bathing was a luxury that only royalties, nobles, and wealthy merchants could afford to enjoy. Meanwhile, commoners could only clean their bodies by rubbing their bodies with a wet cloth or going to a stream.

Even though Tortus had such fantastical powers as Magic and Skills, they are rather essential resources. Because of that, most people don't waste their Magic and Skills on commonplace things.

Back on topic, Rob stayed behind while the other heroes left the training ground. If they could see him at that moment, they would feel unnerved at the diabolical grin on his face and wonder what was he thinking that he had an expression like that.

However, if you see what Rob's Status Plate displayed, you would understand why he showed an expression like that. The description of his new derivative skill, which his status plate displayed, was as follows,

[ Assimilation: A skilled derived from the Gifts of the Abyss, unlocked at level 10. By consuming any body part of other living beings as long as it contains their DNA information, the user can assimilate the innate talent and special affinity of the living being whose DNA he consumes for himself. Now, Champion of the Abyss! The secret of the darkest of the dark arts has been laid bare for ye! Use it, master it, and unleash the terror of the absolute depth of the abyssal depths to the bright overworld! ]

Disregarding the edgy and chuuni flavor text, it's understandable that Rob had an expression like that. After all, that kind of ability is a game-changer.

Still, Rob noticed what it could and could not do. 'Looks like this ability can only duplicate the innate talent and special affinity of other living beings, and this means that my stats won't go up even if I consume their DNA. Still, this will help me a lot. With this, I can make significant progress in getting better in Transmute. I just need to consume Hajime's body parts that contain DNA. This means I have to go full Izuku Midoriya to get his talent as a Synergist!'

When Rob thought about what he should do to get better at Transmute, his face contorted in disgust. No matter the benefits he would get, consuming other people's hair was still gross.

'Apart from Hajime, I also have to get the other students' DNA. Waste not, want not.'

After he finished thinking about his next move, Rob didn't continue to practice. He immediately left the training ground and headed towards the castle wing where the summoned heroes resided.

Rob knew that the other male students were still washing the sweat off their bodies at that time. Thus, there is no better time to get a strand of their hair than that time.




Still the same day, it was around 9 pm when Rob felt something difficult to explain clearly. He felt something 'clicked' inside of him. Many things, to be precise.

Rob immediately stopped running in the yard outside the castle wing where the summoned heroes resided. He had a guess about the strange feeling he had just felt.

Since his right hand was still holding a book that he borrowed from the library, Rob used his left hand to take his Status Plate out of the shirt pocket under his blazer. After activating his Status Plate, he looked at what it displayed, which was as follows;

[ Rob Freeman - Age: 29 - Male - Level: 10

Job: Abyss Lord

Strength: 70

Defense: 70

Vitality: 70

Agility: 160

Magic: 80

Magic Defense: 80

Skills: Gifts of the Abyss [+Camouflage] [+Item Box] [+Assimilation] [+Abyss Break] - Improved Memorization [+Improved Recollection] - Presence Isolation [+Minimum Mind] [+Phantom Step] - Assassination Techniques [+Short Sword Proficiency] [+Dagger Proficiency] [+Projectiles Proficiency] [+Hidden Weapons Proficiency] [+Escape Proficiency] [+Transmission Wave] - Shadow Dance [+Water Dance] - ...]

Rob noticed a new derivative skill of the 'Gifts of the Abyss.' It gave him a sinking feeling. However, he soon forgot about it when he checked the long list of skills he now possessed.

[... - All Elemental Affinity - Improved Spellcasting [+Improved Proficiency] [+Improved Efficiency] [+Improved Speed] [+Improved Duration] [+Reduced Consumption] [+Delayed Casting] [+Multicasting] [+Image Supplementation] - All Elemental Resistance - Improved Magic Recovery [+Meditation] - Barrier Creation - Farming [+Soil Management] [+Soil Restoration] [+Soil Auto-Restoration] [+Large-scale Cultivation] [+Improved Scale Cultivation] [+Contamination Conversion] [+Enhanced Fertilization] [+Selective Breeding] [+Plant Appraisal] [+Fertilizer Production] [+Mixed Breeding] [+Auto Harvesting] [+Fermentation Proficiency] [+Fermentation Acceleration] [+Large-scale Fermentation] [+Remote Fermentation] [+Wide-area Temperature Control] [+Temperature Optimization] [+Weather Barrier] [+Farming Barrier] [+Fertile Rain] - Superhuman Strength [+Improved Effect] - Enhanced Defense [+Improved Effect] - Enhanced Speed [+Improved Movement] [+Improved Attack Speed] - Physical Resistance [+Improved Effect] - Foresight - Detect Presence [+Improved Effect] - Detect Magic [+Improved Effect] - Unarmed Combat Proficiency [+Improved Damage] - Armor Proficiency [+Improved Defense] [+Reduced Weight] - Spear Proficiency [+Improved Piercing] [+Improved Mobility] - Transmute - Language Comprehension ]

"Holy fucking shit..." Rob widened his eyes when he saw many skills and derivative skills there.

Rob gaped at his Status Plate for a while. After regaining his composure, he examined each skill's information.

After standing for a long time, and only finished reading a quarter of the skills he got, Rob was getting tired of standing. Therefore, he decided to sit down in the nearby chair before going back to reading each skill's information.

It took a long time, slightly over one hour, but Rob was satisfied by everything. As an aside, the derivative skill called Abyss Break was something he had expected but not desired.

Indeed, it was a derivative skill similar to Limit Break but exclusive to him. It was just like Kousuke's unique Abyss Lord derivative skill, just with a different name. Its explanation is as follows;

[ Abyss Break: A skill derived from the Gifts of the Abyss. Normally, the user can unlock this skill at level 20, but the user unlocks this skill early after assimilating 'Limit Break.' The user's stats will increase by 10% every minute after activating this skill. Also, the user can create countless solid clones of himself, one at first but the number of clones will steadily increase as his stats grow higher. In addition, this skill passively activates when the user is going to die. By submerging yourself in the darkest of the dark and the absolute depth of the abyss, unleash your hypercompetent, abyssal side! Crush everything under your hell, and show the absolute supremacy of the Abyss Lord! ]

Rob wilfully ignored the skill as if it didn't exist after that. Nevertheless, he wanted to test his new skills but decided against doing it there.

Rob decided to move to the training ground, which was empty around that time. After getting there, he immediately did some tests and experiments.

Time lost its meaning as Rob got immersed in his test and experiments. He spent the whole night in the training ground.

Rob finally stopped when the sunlight entered the training ground, signifying that morning has come. 'Huh? It's morning already! Man, I lost track of time because I had so much fun trying my new skills!'

Fortunately, Rob's Vitality was seven times that of an ordinary person. Otherwise, he wouldn't have the energy for another harsh training with the knights in a couple of hours.




Time passed, and days changed. Finally, two weeks have passed since Rob transmigrated as Kousuke Endou. That day, the afternoon training session was over early.

The summoned heroes were confused and curious when Meld stopped their training earlier than usual. Rob alone was aware of the reason, or so he guessed.

However, Meld proved Rob's guess was right when he informed the 'summoned heroes' about their expedition to the Great Orcus Labyrinth the next day.

Meld loudly announced, "Tomorrow, as part of your practical training, we will be going on an expedition to the Great Orcus Labyrinth. I'll prepare all the necessary equipment you guys will need, but don't think this is going to be anything like the monster hunts you've been going on outside the capital! You guys better prepare yourselves! Get as much rest as possible tonight so you're ready! That's all, dismissed!"

Meld kept his announcement brief and then left right after he had delivered it.

As Rob stood at the back of chattering students, he looked at the sky while thinking, 'So, it has finally come, eh?'