
Just a few things I wanna say

Hey everyone! Before we start here are some few things I wanna say before we start!

1. Yes, this is My Little Pony Equestria Girls, but it's not what you think. This is MY WAY. So there's cursing.

2. There will some characters that aren't in the real movie because these characters I made up,so there's no Sunset Shimmer.

3. Twilight,Our main character, will have a few changes to her family(she's gonna have a twin sister(With will be me) another sister,and different parents.)

4.I have a account with this same story on it, a app named Wattpad, so check that out as well. There is made on the story there. So I won't be publishing chapters on here but on my Wattpad account ItsMidnightplays so look at that for updates on this story.

That's all I wanna say for now, more can be said on my other account. Anyways, have a magical day!